Top 10 worst things that can happen to bodybuilders when they overuse steroids.
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Let’s face it, humans are generally vain and often place a lot of importance on how they look.
Sometimes we go to such extremes to try to look good that we actually end up doing damage to our bodies and our long term health. We smear chemicals on our faces, expose ourselves to UV rays to get a tan, go on crazy diets that can be really hard on our bodies and get all sorts of surgeries to tighten up various places and look younger – all for the sake of looking good.
Despite how much we see this side of our culture on TV and the internet, this is not a new phenomenon as people have been doing it as long as recorded history.
One of the popular ways to get in shape and make ourselves look good is to exercise. People buy memberships to the gym, wake up early for that morning jog or try out various exercise programs all in an effort to trim the fat and put on some muscle. Of course, for some people, ‘regular’ exercise is not enough. These people need to push their bodies and build up their muscles so that every inch is bulging.
Whether the scrawny kid trying to bulk up to impress others or the guy at the gym who is trying to rival
Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, building muscle can become more than a hobby or past time, it can become an addiction.
When it comes to building muscles and getting into peak physical shape, a good diet and exercise play a vital part. However, for many people, their genetics play a massive role and can often limit how big or athletic they can become. For instance, the tall lanky kid with the thin build is never going to become a
Mr. Universe no matter how much he works out or eats right. For reasons like this, many people turn to steroids to help in the muscle building process and produce a body which would be impossible to build otherwise. From
Olympians to world cyclists to baseball players, steroid use has popped up all over the place.
Banned in most sports, steroid use continues, nonetheless, and many people are willing to face the consequences to get the edge over the competition.
The following video looks at some of the worst side effects of steroid abuse. As you’ll see, the negative side of steroid use targets both men and women and affects you on the inside just as much as it can on the outside. One look at the following video and most of you will agree that the cost and downside of steroid abuse seem to far out-weigh the potential benefits. In this sense, what appears to be a beautiful and strong exterior hides a sickly interior which can be a time bomb waiting to go off. Ultimately, the irony with steroid abuse is that while people push their bodies to look strong and healthy they can end up doing incredible amounts of damage to their health.
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Severe Acne
Man Boobs
Liver Damage
Heart Problems
Growth and
Shrunken Testicles
Aggressiveness and
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- published: 25 Jul 2015
- views: 1100589