Friday, 22 April 2016

Joe Giddings Better From Here

The brilliant multi-instrumenatlist and beloved songwriter  Joe Giddings is back with a brand new album of all original songs available to buy now on his Bandcamp page It's beautiful pop wonderment as you would expect from this hughly talented man. Check out the eclusive interview we did with Joe onetime for all the background and then go listen to his latest and greatest.

 A word from Joe
Howdy, friends! I have decided to go ahead and release an albums worth of music independently and without bells and whistles and/or a physical there will not be an actual CD to purchase. It's a download only album available from my Bandcamp page.
It's called "Better From Here" and was recorded nearly 5 years ago. I've added stuff to the songs during the interim, including Jonny Daly's excellent pedal steel and Cord Stone from Star Collector's keys and backing vocals.
It's a very personal record but it's got a power-pop vibe folks recognize me from with The JTG Implosion,"All the People Some of the Time" album on Notlame, and the sole indie release of Star Collector's, "Songs For The Whole Family".

Hey Joe while you're here hows about a nifty old track by track guide from yourself to Better From Here?

"Rock 'N Roll" was written as a call to arms for musicians and music lovers around the world to not let RnR be ruined or killed by corporations and technology. There's a lot of soul in music and it's being systematically removed by a soulless dead industry. Let's all stand tall for Rock 'N Roll.

"Irrelevant" is a vignette of my life circa five years ago. Likely my most cynical, tongue-in-cheek song. This is my life as a a musician and it's great playing music, but I realize with the Internet and technology and media giving everyone a myriad of entertainment options doing what I do barely blips the worlds radar...but I'm gonna have fun a bit snarky, but honest...

"Better From Here"
is my way of saying " Hi everyone! I've made another batch of songs that whether I like it or not are gonna have much the same vibe as those I've written in the past, and regardless of the rotting business of music or problems in my personal past I'm blessed to see that good things lay ahead."

"Tinfoil Crush" is about how fragile relationships can be if based on appearances though it may seem perfect.

"Torn Apart" was originally titled," Torn Apart(An Open Letter To Westboro"). As a Christian with zero tolerance for hate I felt compelled to write and help to clear up that the WBC is not in any way like Christ or an accurate example of His Church. Not preaching or preachy, but hoping those close minded, misguided people figure out how to Love.

"Gone So Far" is about the universal feeling of missing the one you love.

"Brand New Day"
has a bit more twang then my songs normally do. This song was written in response to being in a party atmosphere and loving "the night life" which is fine, but hopefully we can just revel in the fact that every day is a gift and no matter when you get going it's a brand new day to enjoy life.

"Amity Horror" is a play on the Steven King movie "Carrie". The song tells the story of the character who is Carrie's nemesis who wants to wreck Carries prom. I didn't know the actual name of the character but I had Amity Horror stuck in my head. I thought of all the other entitled mean girls in high schools around the world and made up the person Amity Horror as an example.

"Always Raining Somewhere"
was written to encourage people going through depression and sadness. We can choose to let the rain, darkness, sadness, anger get the best of us, but we can get help in a myriad of ways. Having a bad day is universal so you're not alone. Only you alone can choose to move forward to set goals and make good decisions...even if things look bad. It was also written as a challenge from my friend Robbie Rist to write a song in a minor key....I failed.  This song features some fine Pedal steel by my friend from Atlanta, Jonny Daly.

"If I Don't Have Love"
was written in a time of change and pain while I was going through a divorce. Learning about myself and forgiving myself and figuring out how to truly love and be loved again is hard, but necessary. I would imagine many people that have gone through it will understand. This songs special guest is Cord from Star Collector on backing vocals and some keys. It's the first time we've worked together since 2000. All of the Star Collector members keep in touch and remain friends to the day.

"The Final Track" was written when I was in a deep depression in 2002 and was originally a poem about an old, beat up, well played vinyl record as a metaphor for a life that's falling apart, but with the hope that at the end of the album something beautiful will make it all's super personal...
....and as I move on to a new batch of songs I trust this collection helps make someone's day brighter and their heart lighter....and their heads bop and toes tap.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Primetime by Jeff Litman

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

The Luck of Eden Hall UK tour 2015 Kickstarter

Our beloved The Luck Of Eden Hall have a Kickstarter thing going to raise funds for their UK tour in August.
Having seen the band live at the Borderline a couple of years back I can vouch wholeheartedly as to their mightiness as a live combo and suggest you might want to get on board and grab yourselves lots of exclusive goodies for your good selves and support these fine fellows and more importantly help fulfill their latest adventures in time and space.The Luck of Eden Hall, boy are they worth it!!

The Luck of Eden Hall 2015 UK Tour by Curvey

It's time for us to return to Europe!

We experienced something really wonderful on our 2013 tour of the United Kingdom. Not only were all of our shows well attended, with some folks traveling all of the way from Germany and Scandinavia to see us, but for the first time we experienced people in the audience singing along to our songs. Our music touches the folks in Europe, and when FdM Records invited us to perform at The 13th Dream of Dr. Sardonicus Festival in Wales this August, it was the perfect catalyst for another European tour. Renowned artist The Bevis Frond will headline, along with Sendelica and Astralasia, and more than half of the tickets for the event have already sold. Curvey has already started booking more shows for the tour, and so far we have Edinburg Scotland on Aug 6th, Glasgow Scotland on Aug 7th, Liverpool England on Aug 8th, Cardigan Wales on Aug 9th. The wonderfully big hearted mastermind of FdM Records, Keith Jones, contacted us with a proposal to record a live album while TLoEH is going to be in Europe with the LMS Mobile Studio, started by the late Ronnie Lane (Small Faces) and currently run by Mark St. John and Paul Madden. If it all comes together, the sessions are to take place over a three day period, at a chateau in the north of France. We are to record a full length live album, as well as a split single with the band Sendelica. The albums would then be released on the LMS Record label, in partnership with Fruits de Mer Records. Our payment will be 100 copies of the Live album (600 are to be pressed) and 50 copies of the split single. It's a wonderful opportunity for us to reach a wider audience and record with a famous studio! We will have to pay for the recording, and the studio is providing accomodations for 15 Euros per head per night. (Our fingers are crossed that this will all come together nicely....) We're not paid any cash by these record labels. Our payment is the limited amount of product they supply to us, and it's up to us to sell the albums to make money. We need to raise enough money to purchase air fare for the band, as well as rent a van, gas money, pay for our accommodations, recording time, rent a Mellotron for James, and have a little extra for emergencies and mishaps. (On our last tour, a rock hit our van's windshield and cracked it while we were on the highway.) We also need to pay for the manufacturing of The Acceleration of Time CDs and hand-made covers, posters, tour t-shirts and premiums included in this campaign. The Acceleration of Time is offered here for you to pre-purchase along with prints of original artwork, many other releases (see below) including our latest single The Happine$$ Vending Machine and a few unique opportunities. This time Curvey is only going to make 100 copies of our new limited edition CD The Acceleration of Time. In the past he has hand-made two or three hundred copies of our CDs and they have all sold out, so these won't last long. Some have recently resold on EBay for hundreds of dollars! Each of the 100 CDs will be contained in a signed and numbered labor intensive pop-up jacket, with a sticker, all housed in a resealable plastic bag. (Each one of the TLoEH monetary notes were hand cut and stamped too.) All for your enjoyment!

Friday, 20 June 2014

Matt Brown (Uncle Green) two lovely solo albums for pay what you wish on Bandcamp

A brand new album from the very talented Matt Brown 
 and a previously unreleased album from just after Uncle Green split up
both essentual for your listening pleasure

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Derrero Bandcamp now open..beautiful music at name your price...whats not to love?

get this treasure trove of greatness here Read the interview here

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Bucketfull Of Brains 82 is out now

The latest issue is upon us you lucky people and this time around I've put together a Fruits de Mer special article with interviews with head honcho and all round fine fellow Keith Jones along with two of the labels finest, the brilliant Soft Heated Scientists and Greg Curvey from our beloved Luck Of Eden Hall...oh yes indeed.