
If you enjoy what you read at the Rad Geek People’s Daily, one way for you to support this project and the work that goes into it is with a one-time or an automatic monthly donation. I have a small annual budget of costs for technical services and labor that are necessary to keep online and operating. Once the expenses are covered, any further proceeds go towards a seed money fund to provide for the cost of future upgrades, and for activist projects advancing to the ideas promoted in the pages of the Rad Geek People’s Daily (such as Southern Nevada Alliance of the Libertarian Left, the ALL Ad Hoc Global Organizing Committee, and Vegas Anarchist Cafe).

Consider it a much-needed foreign aid package for a secessionist republic of one.

So far your donations have covered $160.00 out of our annual budget of $7000.00.

Donations allow this site to remain reader-supported. Otherwise, I have to rely on the (very small) amount of revenue that I get through Google ads to help keep up with the site’s expenses. So, for what it’s worth, if you donate, then one side benefit is that it helps you and me free ourselves from ad clutter on the blog. Every month that I receive at least $10.00 in gifts, I can (and will happily) take down the Google ads for one month (from the date that the total for that month hits $10.00). If you’re interested in helping get the ads taken down permanently, check out the section below on setting up a monthly pledge.

Sustaining Pledges

The most effective way for you to support Rad Geek People’s Daily is to establish an automatic monthly donation. Monthly donations provide money that I can count on to meet regular operating expenses and to budget for future needs. You can set up an monthly donation pledge through PayPal which will be processed automatically unless and until you decide to cancel it.

$5.00 $10.00 $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 - end -
covers: ads removal electric bill office rent

My bills

This is my annual operating budget for and all of my other web projects as of Monday, August 25th, 2011. Donations to my tip jar go into a common pool, because most of the costs to cover are common costs, but if you’d like to earmark a donation so that it only goes to supporting one specific project, just let me know and I can set aside a separate accounting line.

The budget is subject to change as the site expands or as I incur unexpected expenses. My annual fundraising goals are calculated to include both these immediate bills and a cushion of seed money which can cover new expenses as they arise, or which can provide for activist projects that advance the ideas promoted in these pages.

Primary domain registration
$8.99 / year
Secondary domain registration,
$17.98 / year
Hosting space & bandwidth
Currently provided by Monthly rate depends on bandwidth and hardware usage, so this is an approximation. Server costs are for all my websites
$150 / month $1,800.00 / year
Rent and utilities
My quarters, my library and the home office I maintain for writing, printing & hosting testbed servers.
$400 / month $4,800.00 / year
Total fixed bills $6,626.97 / year
Seed money
for future upgrades and activist projects
Total fundraising goal $7,000.00

So far, I have received $160.00 in donations for 2011. I have $6,466.97 left in fixed bills to cover, and $6,840.00 to go to meet my total fundraising goal.