Drake & Josh is an American television sitcom created by Dan Schneider for Nickelodeon. The series follows the lives of two teenage boys with opposite personalities, Drake Parker (Drake Bell) and Josh Nichols (Josh Peck), who become stepbrothers. Both actors had previously appeared in The Amanda Show along with Nancy Sullivan, who plays Audrey, Drake and Megan's mother in the series. Miranda Cosgrove plays Megan, Drake's mischievous younger sister, and Jonathan Goldstein plays Walter, Josh's father. The series' opening theme song, "Found a Way", is written by Drake Bell and Backhouse Mike and performed by Bell.
The series ran from January 11, 2004 to September 16, 2007, totaling 57 episodes in 4 seasons. It also had two TV films: Drake & Josh Go Hollywood and Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh. Reruns of the series currently air on Nickelodeon's sister channels, Nicktoons and TeenNick.
The series is focused on a pair of stepbrothers who have opposite personalities. Drake Parker is a popular but immature aspiring musician idolized by his schoolmates and able to court a countless array of girls with ease, whereas Josh Nichols has trouble with dating and popularity. Drake and Josh live in San Diego, California, with Josh's awkward, unfortunate, geeky father, a weatherman named Walter; Drake's loving mother Audrey; and manipulative and conniving younger sister Megan. The boys are often involved in comedic misadventures and obstacles while also handling teenage situations such as school, dating, and popularity. Over the course of the series, the character changes of both Josh and Drake, and their relationship, develop: Josh loses weight and becomes more popular, while Drake grows up and becomes more caring towards other people, especially his stepbrother.
"The Premiere" is the eighth TV movie on the part documentary and part rock-mockumentary musical comedy series The Naked Brothers Band, which was created by Polly Draper. The Premiere aired on Saturday, April 11, 2009. The premise of The Premiere is that The Naked Brothers Band "Musical Mystery Movie" premieres. It also features guest appearances by Victoria Justice from Zoey 101.
Everything is finally finished for the premiere of The Naked Brothers Band "Musical Mystery Movie". Now the band has to go through the press release and the red carpet! Nat, hearing about Rosalina wanting to be back in the band, has to decide, along with the rest of the band, whether to keep their new bass player, Kristina, or agree to let Rosalina back in the band. The director that Cooper replaced is still out to get revenge on the Naked Brothers band for firing him as a director.
Plus, the publicist for the movie tells the band that each of them need to bring a date to the premiere with them. Alex thinks his hair can tell the future if you ask it a question, but in reality, can it? Who will Nat choose? Rosalina the love of his life? Or Kristina the girl who was inspired by his music? Plus, what about his date? So he picks all of them. He ends up with all his girl fans as dates along with Rosalina, Victoria Justice, and Kristina. He arrives at the premiere in an ice cream truck.
Actors: Warren Bub (actor), Neyssan Falahi (actor), Roman Limonta (actor), Patrick Shane (actor), Joseph Villapaz (actor), Jess Adams (actress), Stephanie Alvarez (actress), Alexandra Hoffman Beechko (actress), Kristin Bellamarie (actress), Marisa Brau (actress), Marisa Brau (actress), Candace Bryant (actress), Jenna Conroy (actress), Kate Gunther (actress), Kate Gunther (actress),
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller,Actors: Beau Billingslea (actor), Steve Blum (actor), Steve Cassling (actor), Marc Cummingham (actor), Richard Epcar (actor), Crispin Freeman (actor), Neil Kaplan (actor), Steve Kramer (actor), Dave Mallow (actor), Dan Martin (actor), Michael McConnohie (actor), Tony Oliver (actor), Bob Papenbrook (actor), Jamieson Price (actor), Stephen Apostolina (actor),
Genres: Action, Animation, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi,Actors: Matt Ballard (actor), Robert Bogue (actor), Jim Brooks (actor), Jeffrey Buehl (actor), Frank D'Amico (actor), Alex English (actor), Jerry Della Femina (actor), Al Franken (actor), Dan Ingram (actor), Sig Libowitz (actor), Richard T. Lobl (actor), Josh Lucas (actor), Manny Marianakis (actor), Darren Mathias (actor), Bob Balaban (actor),
Plot: When 25-year-old New Yorker Eric Traber gets fired from his job and kicked out of his apartment, he fears the worst. But his best friend, Ziggy, shows up A.W.O.L. from the Peace Corps and leads him out to the swank Hamptons for Easter weekend in search of betterment and understanding. Once there, they confront the adult roles of life for the first time; fraud, attempted murder, two-faced disloyalty and well-catered cocktail parties!
Genres: Comedy,Prescribe me: Corrupt me
Put your guns in my hands
In the hands of the young
Let's kill
Let's die
We're all equal tonight
Prescribe me:
I don't want to feel what is happening
I don't want to know what I see
Please don't let me cope alone
Joystick revolution move me
It's all a dream
Redneck lord you still soothe me
Behind your black tie revolution
This is just a party
Prescribe me:
Become the whore
Please drug the young
Follow the gods
For sex and greed bring the smiles
The rich, sexy smiles
The smiles that blow the minds of every goddamn male pig out there
We all just want to fuck
What is love, the idea of love
Corpse play
Tradition marriage:
We don't have to take this serious
Have you seen the cities
Have you seen the images
We have to be you
2005 welcome to perfection
Prescribe me, indulge me
Drake & Josh is an American television sitcom created by Dan Schneider for Nickelodeon. The series follows the lives of two teenage boys with opposite personalities, Drake Parker (Drake Bell) and Josh Nichols (Josh Peck), who become stepbrothers. Both actors had previously appeared in The Amanda Show along with Nancy Sullivan, who plays Audrey, Drake and Megan's mother in the series. Miranda Cosgrove plays Megan, Drake's mischievous younger sister, and Jonathan Goldstein plays Walter, Josh's father. The series' opening theme song, "Found a Way", is written by Drake Bell and Backhouse Mike and performed by Bell.
The series ran from January 11, 2004 to September 16, 2007, totaling 57 episodes in 4 seasons. It also had two TV films: Drake & Josh Go Hollywood and Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh. Reruns of the series currently air on Nickelodeon's sister channels, Nicktoons and TeenNick.
The series is focused on a pair of stepbrothers who have opposite personalities. Drake Parker is a popular but immature aspiring musician idolized by his schoolmates and able to court a countless array of girls with ease, whereas Josh Nichols has trouble with dating and popularity. Drake and Josh live in San Diego, California, with Josh's awkward, unfortunate, geeky father, a weatherman named Walter; Drake's loving mother Audrey; and manipulative and conniving younger sister Megan. The boys are often involved in comedic misadventures and obstacles while also handling teenage situations such as school, dating, and popularity. Over the course of the series, the character changes of both Josh and Drake, and their relationship, develop: Josh loses weight and becomes more popular, while Drake grows up and becomes more caring towards other people, especially his stepbrother.
WorldNews.com | 04 Dec 2020
Yahoo Daily News | 04 Dec 2020
Irish Independent | 04 Dec 2020