Old South's End (Georgia) - Dr. Lodge McCammon's #50StatesAlbum
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50 States Album: A 50-song
album covering the basic history, geography, and economic structure of each state in the
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Lyrics/Explanation -
Spanish came up from
La Florida
Had limited settlements along the coast
British took over in 1704
Naming this land after the second
King George
Last colony, we signed the
Independence and we won the most
4th state in this new
American nation
But seceded from the union
To continue our growth
Explanation of the 1st Verse:
Spanish explorers (part of
Ponce de Leon's expedition) came into Georgia (GA) from
Florida in the late 1600s.
Spanish missions were established along the coast.
By 1704 the
Yamasee Indians (allies of the British) has destroyed the Spanish missions leaving GA open for colonization.
The colony was officially established in 1732 and was named Georgia after
King George II.
GA was the last of the 13
Original Colonies.
Continental Congress delegates signed the
Declaration of Independence in
1776. When the
American colonies won the
Revolutionary War, GA won the most land - they were the largest of the 13 Original Colonies.
GA was the 4th to
sign and ratify the
Constitution and therefore was admitted as the 4th state in the U.S.
GA was one of the original seven states to secede from the union, joining the
Confederacy in 1861. At this time, GA was experiencing economic growth due to the slave labor used to harvest crops. The anti-slavery mindset of the northern states threatened their continued growth.
Empire of the
Started with Oglethorpe's big plan
To give the
English worthy poor
Each 50 acres of Georgia land
Come to
Sherman marched during the
Civil War
'Til we couldn't make a stand
Scorched earth marked the old south's end
When they burned
Explanation of the Chorus:
The nickname of GA is "
The Empire State of the South."
The Province of GA & Savannah were established in 1732 by
James Oglethorpe.
Oglethorpe created a plan to section GA off into 50 acre plots of land that would be given to
Great Britain's worthy poor. The goal was to create an agrarian society/economy without slaves. Those from
England who were interested in land would come to Savannah (the major GA port and capital).
NOTE: This plan did not work because wealthy landowners from
South Carolina and other areas purchased large parcels of GA land and demonstrated how slavery could be extremely profitable.
1864, toward the end of the Civil War, Sherman Marched from Atlanta (which he completely burned) to Savannah.
Along the way, his troops destroyed railroad tracks and buildings. This type of warfare was called scorched earth - meant to cause both physical and psychological damage to the enemy. This march crippled the Confederacy.
The loss of the Civil War along with the damage to GA's infrastructure, starting with the destruction of Atlanta, marked the end of the "Old South" defined by the use of slaves to boost agricultural profits.
2nd Verse:
Our western border used to be the
But we ceded some land after the
Yazoo fraud
Alabama and Georgia is the
Northeast in the mountains is
Brasstown Bald
Head south - to the black soil piedmont
Southeast along the coastal plain
To the
Atlantic Ocean and the islands we've got
Up the coast - Savannah's first capital place
Explanation: http://tinyurl.com/OldSouthsEnd
We grow the
Cherokee rose in
Locust Grove
A trail of tears we won't forget
A strong live oak along the coast
Yeah hurricane resistant
Brown thrasher over a peach tree grove
Stone Mountain's many tourists
Justice and
Moderation fit
Explanation: http://tinyurl.com/OldSouthsEnd
3rd Verse:
Yeah the old south builds up after the revolution
With the - slave labor and the cotton gin
Then a gold rush crowds our northern mountains
Fought the Civil War but we couldn't win
The "New South" rises up from Atlanta's ashes
On these railroad tracks we begin again
Building up our industry and urban classes
Drinking Coca-Cola by
Healing prohibition
Explanation: http://tinyurl.com/OldSouthsEnd
Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out to extend
This vision of a free and equal Georgia women & men
In Atlanta
Explanation: http://tinyurl.com/OldSouthsEnd
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