- published: 31 Jan 2016
- views: 33
Paradiplomacy is international relations conducted by subnational or regional governments on their own, with a view to promoting their own interests. With globalisation, non-state regions play an increasingly influential international role. Regions, federal states, provinces and cities seek their way to promote trade, investments, cooperation and partnership in a long list of subjects and account for a significant part of today’s cross-borders contacts. This trend raises new interesting questions concerning Public International Law and opens a debate on the future of the state system that has provided the grounds for the international political order in the last centuries.
Although the term "paradiplomacy" would be casually employed in the 1980s, it was introduced into the academic debate by the Canadian scholar Panayotis Soldatos. The American author Ivo Duchacek further developed the concept and became one of its main theoreticians. Other current denominations for paradiplomacy and related concepts are: “multilayered diplomacy”, “substate diplomacy” and “intermestic affairs” . This latter concept expresses a growing trend to the internationalization of domestic issues, which takes local and regional concerns to the centre stage of international affairs.
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Learn how to say words in English correctly with Emma Saying free pronunciation tutorials. Over 140,000 words were already uploaded... Check them out! Visit my homepage: http://www.emmasaying.com Care to show your support? Give me some love on Patreon here: http://www.patreon.com/EmmaSaying ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Emma's English Pronunciation Course - Get a 50% Off Coupon for FREE! http://emmasaying.com/english-pronunc... * Limited Quantity - Better Hurry Up :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dr. Richard Vengroff, a political scientist specializing in comparative politics (North America and Africa), comparative electoral systems, development administration and management, did his graduate work at the Maxwell School of Syracuse University. He is a recipient of the "Ordre National du Lion" (Senegal's highest civilian honor) for his contributions to higher education and development in that country. Dr. Vengroff has lived and worked overseas for over eight of the last 35 years and has conducted field research and been involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of educational and development projects and numerous exchange and linkage programs around the world. He was the campus project Director for a FIPSE funded North American Mobility Grant (UConn, SUNY, U.Laval, Carle...
O prof. Rodrigo Tavares, do MBA em Relações Internacionais da FGV São Paulo, apresenta o curso “Questões Internacionais Contemporâneas”. Confira maiores informações em http://ri.fgv.br/ensino/mba/apresentacao. Rodrigo Tavares é Fundador e CEO da Granito & Partners, consultoria estratégica de negócios de impacto. Em sua trajetória acadêmica esteve vinculado às universidades de Harvard (Senior Research Fellow), Columbia (postdoc), California, Berkeley (Research Fellow) e Gotemburgo (Ph.D.). É autor de 4 livros sobre relações internacionais, sendo o mais recente Paradiplomacy: Cities and States as Global Players (Oxford University Press, 2016). Foi Assessor Especial para Assuntos Internacionais do Governo do Estado de São Paulo. Antes de assumir funções no Governo de São Paulo ocupou difere...
Learn how to say words in English correctly with Emma Saying free pronunciation tutorials. Over 140,000 words were already uploaded... Check them out! Visit my homepage: http://www.emmasaying.com Care to show your support? Give me some love on Patreon here: http://www.patreon.com/EmmaSaying ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Emma's English Pronunciation Course - Get a 50% Off Coupon for FREE! http://emmasaying.com/english-pronunc... * Limited Quantity - Better Hurry Up :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Learn how to say words in English correctly with Emma Saying free pronunciation tutorials. Over 140,000 words were already uploaded... Check them out! Visit my homepage: http://www.emmasaying.com Care to show your support? Give me some love on Patreon here: http://www.patreon.com/EmmaSaying ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Emma's English Pronunciation Course - Get a 50% Off Coupon for FREE! http://emmasaying.com/english-pronunc... * Limited Quantity - Better Hurry Up :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Learn how to say words in English correctly with Emma Saying free pronunciation tutorials. Over 140,000 words were already uploaded... Check them out! Visit my homepage: http://www.emmasaying.com Care to show your support? Give me some love on Patreon here: http://www.patreon.com/EmmaSaying ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Emma's English Pronunciation Course - Get a 50% Off Coupon for FREE! http://emmasaying.com/english-pronunc... * Limited Quantity - Better Hurry Up :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Learn how to say words in English correctly with Emma Saying free pronunciation tutorials. Over 140,000 words were already uploaded... Check them out! Visit my homepage: http://www.emmasaying.com Care to show your support? Give me some love on Patreon here: http://www.patreon.com/EmmaSaying ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Emma's English Pronunciation Course - Get a 50% Off Coupon for FREE! http://emmasaying.com/english-pronunc... * Limited Quantity - Better Hurry Up :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~