- published: 19 Jan 2015
- views: 26612
Shkodër (definite Albanian form: Shkodra, for other names see the etymology section), is a city and municipality in northwestern Albania and the seat of the county with the same name. It is one of the oldest and most historic places in Albania, as well as an important cultural and economic centre.
During many different epochs it has retained its status as a major city in the Western Balkans, due to its geostrategic positioning close to the Adriatic and the Italian ports, but also with land-routes to other important cities and towns in neighbouring regions.
The present municipality, which now extends from the Albanian Alps to the Adriatic Sea, was formed at the 2015 local government reform by the merger of the former municipalities Ana e Malit, Bërdicë, Dajç, Guri i Zi, Postribë, Pult, Rrethinat, Shalë, Shkodër, Shosh and Velipojë, that became municipal units. The seat of the municipality is the city Shkodër. The total population is 135,612 (2011 census), in a total area of 872.71 km2. The population of the former municipality at the 2011 census was 77,075.
Shkodra at the Lake of Shkodër is a city in northwestern Albania. It is one of the oldest and most historic places in Albania. We visited the city at the beginning of our overland trip from Europe to South Africa. The clip is a reworked version and replaces clip http://youtu.be/pOGgemjEejw.
Miasto w północno-zachodniej Albanii, położone nad Jeziorem Szkoderskim. Największy ośrodek gospodarczy i kulturalny w północnej części Albanii. City in northwestern Albania, located on Lake Skadar. The largest economic and cultural center in northern Albania. Qyteti në veri-perëndim të Shqipërisë, të vendosura në liqenin Shkodrës.Qendra më e madhe ekonomike dhe kulturore në veri të Shqipërisë.
zwykly ruch drogowy w Shkoder czyli kierowco miej oczy dookola glowy, spodziewaj sie wszystkiego, niczemu nie dziw a wszystko bedzie dobrze na poczatku wydaje się nudno, warto zobaczyc 2:21, 3:57 i dalej usual road traffic in Shkoder Albania. Tip for the driver:: relax, have your eyes around youd head, dont be surprised by anything you see and everything will be fine at the beginning there is nothing special but please notice 2:21, 3:57 and on
Shkodër, is a city in northwestern Albania in the District of Shkodër, of which it is the capital. It is one of the oldest and most historic places in Albania, as well as an important cultural and economic centre. This short documentary explores the key tourist attractions in depth, it was filmed in the summer of 2012: the narration has subtitles. For more info Contact us via Email: es89productions@live.co.uk
Subscribe në Ora News këtu http://bit.ly/1s5j7UT Prej sot Shqipëria ka edhe 38 të lumë në panteonin e kishës Katolike. Mesha solemne për martirët e fesë katolike u mbajt në katedralen e e “Shën Shtejfnit” në Shkodër, mes mijëra pelegrinëve të ardhur nga e Gjithë Shqipëria dhe vende të tjera të botës. Për më shumë lexoni në: http://www.oranews.tv/vendi/gati-per-lumturimin-e-38-martireve-te-fese-katolike/
Subscribe në Ora News këtu http://bit.ly/1s5j7UT Prej sot Shqipëria ka edhe 38 të lumë në panteonin e kishës Katolike. Mesha solemne për martirët e fesë katolike u mbajt në katedralen e e “Shën Shtejfnit” në Shkodër, mes mijëra pelegrinëve të ardhur nga e Gjithë Shqipëria dhe vende të tjera të botës. Mesha u kremtua nga i dërguari i Papa Françeskut, Prefekti i Kongregatës për Cështjet e Shenjtorëve, kardinali Angelo Amato. Në fjalën e tij Amato theksoi se kjo vjen vetëm dy muaj pas shenjtërimit të nënë Terezës të cilën e quajtir bijë të madhe të tokës tonë dhe “lumnimi i 38 Martirëve shqiptarë u kujton të gjithëve se në tokë e mira pengohet vazhdimisht prej së keqes” Megjithatë, nuk janë përndjekësit, por martirët protagonistët e vërtetë të historisë së njerëzimit” tha Amato. E dimë se f...
Dokumentare i ASHQF-se / Arkivit te filmit. ________________ Vizitat qe kryen ish udheheqesi shqiptar shoku Enver Hoxha ne rrethin e Shkodres ne vitin 1979 me rastin e termetit ne keto zona. Kronika, intervista, fjalime ne zonat e rindertuara pas demtimeve qe solli termeti.
Lake Skadar (Albanian: Liqeni i Shkodrës, pronounced [li'c?ni i '?k?dr?s]; Montenegrin and Serbian: ????????? ??????, Skadarsko jezero, pronounced [skâdarsk?? j?^z?r?]) — also called Lake Scutari, Lake Shkodër and Lake Shkodra — lies on the border of Albania and Montenegro, the largest lake in the Balkan Peninsula. For more info please go to visit :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Skadar Lake Skadar in albania Amazing places to travel in albania lake skadar accommodation lake skadar kayaking lake skadar camping lake skadar map lake skadar photos skadar lake national park lake skadar advice skadar lake fishing lake skadar montenegro lake skadar montenegro property lake skadar podgorica best lake skadar guides lake skadar tour reviews golden frog lake skadar
Ngjitur me posten qendore , perballe me telekomin Shkoder agjensi udhetimesh
Shkodër (Definite Albanian form: Shkodra; see the etymology section for other names), is a city located on Lake of Shkoder in northwestern Albania in the District of Shkodër, of which it is the capital. It is one of the oldest and most historic towns in Albania, as well as an important cultural and economic centre. Shkodër's estimated population as of 2004 is 90,000; if the surrounding region is included the population is 110,000. As of 2008 the current population is 228,000 including the surrounding region, villages and mountains Shkodra (albánul Shkodër / Shkodra, görögül: Σκόδρα, aromunul és olaszul Scutari, szerbül Скадар vagy Skadar, törökül İşkodra, régi magyar nevén Szkutari) város Albánia északnyugati részén, a montenegrói határ közelében, az azonos nevű Shkodra kerület székhe...
Travel to Albania - City of Shkoder Summer 2007. Shkodra Northen City of Albania. Beautiful Nature, People, Music, Tradition, History, Legends Rozafa, havana Club Paradise club Derdhja Bunes. Rini disco club klub house techno live music
http://eduportal.gr/index.php/articles/culture?layout=default Λίμνη Κομάν & Fierza, "Το Φράγμα που έγινε υγροβιότοπος", Εθνικοί Δρυμοί Valbona & Theth, Τα καθαρότερα βουνά και ποτάμια της Ευρώπης (6 ώρες ανάβαση-κατάβαση 20 χιλιομέτρων), Σκόδρα – Shkodra, Τίρανα, Από τον Ερβέν Χότζα... στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση http://www.youtube.com/user/Dimitriosaxos, Σεπτέμβριος 2014…
Un dia cualquiera no sabes que hora es,
te acuestas a mi lado sin saber por qué.
Las calles mojadas te han visto crecer
y tu en tu corazón estas llorando otra vez.
Me asomo a la ventana eres la chica de ayer,
jugando con las flores en mi jardin.
Demasiado tarde para comprender,
chica vete a tu casa no podemos jugar.
La luz de la mañana entra a la habitación,
tu cabellos dorados parecen sol.
Luego por la noche al Penta a escuchar
canciones que consiguen que te pueda amar.
Me asomo a la ventana eres la chica de ayer,
jugando con las flores en mi jardin,
demasiado tarde para comprender,
chica vete a tu casa no podemos jugar.
Um dia cualquiera no sabes que hora es
te encuestas a mi lado sin saber por qué
Me asomo a la ventana eres la chica de ayer
demasiado tarde para comprender.
Mi cabeza da vueltas persiguiéndote
Mi cabeza da vueltas persiguiéndote
Mi cabeza da vueltas persiguiéndote