Traian Basescu, invitat la Ultimul Cuvant (B1TV) - 28 octombrie 2015 - emisiune completa
Traian Basescu, invitat la "Special B1" - 11.09.2015 - emisiune completă
Dosar de politician, invitat Traian Băsescu - 6 septembrie 2015, emisiune completă
Traian Basescu la RealitateaTV, cu Rares Bogdan (17 apr 2015)
Traian Basescu la emisiunea Realitatea Romaneasca, RealitateaTV, 17 aprilie 2015.
Rares Bogdan ajunge in platou la 31:52 si este intampinat "calduros" de Basescu. Pana la final, ei se cearta aproape in continuu. Apogeul ar fi la 1:21:08.
Traian Basescu, la Ultimul Cuvant (B1 TV) - Emisiune completa (21 iunie 2015)
Ultimul cuvânt (Traian Băsescu) - emisiune completă - 29.07.2015
Profesioniştii - Traian Basescu
Mai multe ediţii ale emisiunii Profesioniştii, realizată de Eugenia Vodă, difuzată pe TVR1, găsiţi pe TVR+ http://www.tvrplus.ro/emisiune-profesionistii-cu-e...
Interviu-Eveniment. Traian Băsescu, analiza celor 10 ani de mandat
Traian Băsescu a venit luni, 4 mai, la Adevărul Live, pentru o discuţie sinceră despre cei 10 ani în fruntea statului. Fostul preşedinte al României a explicat deciziile controversate pe care a trebuit să le ia de-a lungul celor două mandate la Cotroceni, cum şi-a ales oamenii cu care a condus ţara şi enumeră momentele critice în care a luat decizii capitale: http://adev.ro/no633m
Traian Băsescu a devenit presedintele PMP - Discurs
Traian Băsescu a devenit presedintele PMP - Discurs
Traian Basescu Romania ar trebui sa refuze imigrantii
Dosar de politician, invitat Traian Băsescu - 24 mai 2015, emisiune completă HD
Traian Basescu despre Schengen si UE
Traian Basescu in direct la B1 - Catalin Striblea - 29 iulie 2015 - emisiunea intreaga
Emisiunea Ultimul Cuvant din 29.07.2015 cu Traian Basescu si Ion Cristoiu
Traian Basescu lanseaza atacuri dure la adresa lui Ponta si Iohannis
Traian Basescu, despre retinerea lui Sorin Oprescu
“TRAIAN BĂSESCU-VOIAJUL”, un documentar-eveniment ( HD )
Traian Băsescu: România a greșit când a acceptat cotele de imigranți
Traian Basescu despre criza imigrantilor Romania are dreptul sa spuna nu anul acesta am problemele m
Basescu vs. Geoana ; Basescu castigator !
Traian Basescu vs. Mircea Geoana. Marea confruntare! Iata cateva din momentele in care Geoana a fost doborat de Basescu; Basescu a ramas la fel de 5 ani , di...
Traian Băsescu. Omul și președintele-jucător
Un videoreportaj Dela0.ro, care recuperează imagini din arhive uitate, punându-le în perspectiva deceniului 2004-2014, arată de ce omul Traian Băsescu a fost mai vechi decât președintele.
Într–o serie editorială care–i va însoți ultima lună în calitate de șef al statului român, Dela0.ro încearcă să spună povestea celor 3653 de zile așezate peste România cu Traian Băsescu președinte. E o poveste î
Traian Băsescu: Antena 3 luptă să nu revin în viața politică
Traian Basescu, despre Romania cu Laura Chiriac
Traian Basescu Nu putem accepta refugiati din lipsa de capacitate de a i integra
Traian Basescu la RealitateaTV, cu Rares Bogdan (17 apr 2015)
Traian Basescu la emisiunea Realitatea Romaneasca, RealitateaTV, 17 aprilie 2015.
Rares Bogdan ajunge in platou la 31:52 si este intampinat "calduros" de Basesc...
Traian Basescu la emisiunea Realitatea Romaneasca, RealitateaTV, 17 aprilie 2015.
Rares Bogdan ajunge in platou la 31:52 si este intampinat "calduros" de Basescu. Pana la final, ei se cearta aproape in continuu. Apogeul ar fi la 1:21:08.
wn.com/Traian Basescu La Realitateatv, Cu Rares Bogdan (17 Apr 2015)
Traian Basescu la emisiunea Realitatea Romaneasca, RealitateaTV, 17 aprilie 2015.
Rares Bogdan ajunge in platou la 31:52 si este intampinat "calduros" de Basescu. Pana la final, ei se cearta aproape in continuu. Apogeul ar fi la 1:21:08.
- published: 17 Apr 2015
- views: 387
Profesioniştii - Traian Basescu
Mai multe ediţii ale emisiunii Profesioniştii, realizată de Eugenia Vodă, difuzată pe TVR1, găsiţi pe TVR+ http://www.tvrplus.ro/emisiune-profesionistii-cu-e......
Mai multe ediţii ale emisiunii Profesioniştii, realizată de Eugenia Vodă, difuzată pe TVR1, găsiţi pe TVR+ http://www.tvrplus.ro/emisiune-profesionistii-cu-e...
wn.com/Profesioniştii Traian Basescu
Mai multe ediţii ale emisiunii Profesioniştii, realizată de Eugenia Vodă, difuzată pe TVR1, găsiţi pe TVR+ http://www.tvrplus.ro/emisiune-profesionistii-cu-e...
- published: 27 Jul 2014
- views: 688
author: TVR
Interviu-Eveniment. Traian Băsescu, analiza celor 10 ani de mandat
Traian Băsescu a venit luni, 4 mai, la Adevărul Live, pentru o discuţie sinceră despre cei 10 ani în fruntea statului. Fostul preşedinte al României a explicat ...
Traian Băsescu a venit luni, 4 mai, la Adevărul Live, pentru o discuţie sinceră despre cei 10 ani în fruntea statului. Fostul preşedinte al României a explicat deciziile controversate pe care a trebuit să le ia de-a lungul celor două mandate la Cotroceni, cum şi-a ales oamenii cu care a condus ţara şi enumeră momentele critice în care a luat decizii capitale: http://adev.ro/no633m
wn.com/Interviu Eveniment. Traian Băsescu, Analiza Celor 10 Ani De Mandat
Traian Băsescu a venit luni, 4 mai, la Adevărul Live, pentru o discuţie sinceră despre cei 10 ani în fruntea statului. Fostul preşedinte al României a explicat deciziile controversate pe care a trebuit să le ia de-a lungul celor două mandate la Cotroceni, cum şi-a ales oamenii cu care a condus ţara şi enumeră momentele critice în care a luat decizii capitale: http://adev.ro/no633m
- published: 11 May 2015
- views: 28
Traian Băsescu a devenit presedintele PMP - Discurs
Traian Băsescu a devenit presedintele PMP - Discurs...
Traian Băsescu a devenit presedintele PMP - Discurs
wn.com/Traian Băsescu A Devenit Presedintele Pmp Discurs
Traian Băsescu a devenit presedintele PMP - Discurs
- published: 24 Oct 2015
- views: 102
Basescu vs. Geoana ; Basescu castigator !
Traian Basescu vs. Mircea Geoana. Marea confruntare! Iata cateva din momentele in care Geoana a fost doborat de Basescu; Basescu a ramas la fel de 5 ani , di......
Traian Basescu vs. Mircea Geoana. Marea confruntare! Iata cateva din momentele in care Geoana a fost doborat de Basescu; Basescu a ramas la fel de 5 ani , di...
wn.com/Basescu Vs. Geoana Basescu Castigator
Traian Basescu vs. Mircea Geoana. Marea confruntare! Iata cateva din momentele in care Geoana a fost doborat de Basescu; Basescu a ramas la fel de 5 ani , di...
- published: 05 Dec 2009
- views: 66272
author: RoGolan89
Traian Băsescu. Omul și președintele-jucător
Un videoreportaj Dela0.ro, care recuperează imagini din arhive uitate, punându-le în perspectiva deceniului 2004-2014, arată de ce omul Traian Băsescu a fost ma...
Un videoreportaj Dela0.ro, care recuperează imagini din arhive uitate, punându-le în perspectiva deceniului 2004-2014, arată de ce omul Traian Băsescu a fost mai vechi decât președintele.
Într–o serie editorială care–i va însoți ultima lună în calitate de șef al statului român, Dela0.ro încearcă să spună povestea celor 3653 de zile așezate peste România cu Traian Băsescu președinte. E o poveste în zece capitole despre un om care a rescris toate canoanele funcției deținute, deși nu doar atât. E o poveste despre ieșirea României din tranziție, în condițiile rămânerii în propriile limite.
Mai multe detalii, pe www.zodiascorpionului.dela0.ro
wn.com/Traian Băsescu. Omul Și Președintele Jucător
Un videoreportaj Dela0.ro, care recuperează imagini din arhive uitate, punându-le în perspectiva deceniului 2004-2014, arată de ce omul Traian Băsescu a fost mai vechi decât președintele.
Într–o serie editorială care–i va însoți ultima lună în calitate de șef al statului român, Dela0.ro încearcă să spună povestea celor 3653 de zile așezate peste România cu Traian Băsescu președinte. E o poveste în zece capitole despre un om care a rescris toate canoanele funcției deținute, deși nu doar atât. E o poveste despre ieșirea României din tranziție, în condițiile rămânerii în propriile limite.
Mai multe detalii, pe www.zodiascorpionului.dela0.ro
- published: 21 Nov 2014
- views: 581
EuroNews - EN - Interview: Traian Basescu, Romanian...
Bulgaria and Romania are due to enter the European Union on the first of January.
EuroNews - FR - Interview: Traian Basescu
Le 1er janvier prochain, la Bulgarie et la Roumanie devraient entrer dans l'Union européenne.
Roumanie : interview exclusive du président Traian Basescu
http://fr.euronews.com/ Les Roumains doivent décider demain s'ils approuvent ou pas la destitution de leur président en place depuis huit ans, Traian Basescu...
EuroNews - GE - Interview: Traian Basescu
Der Westen hat vom EU-Beitritt Rumäniens nichts zu befürchten. Gespräch mit dem rumänischen Staatspräsidenten Traian Basescu.
EuroNews - PO - Interview: Traian Basescu, Presidente...
As Chancelarias ocidentais não têm nada a temer: os romenos não vão desenbarcar em massa na Europa ocidental depois de 1 de Janeiro de 2007, a data provável ...
EuroNews - IT - Interview: Traian Basescu
Basescu: con la Romania nell'Ue, la stabilità del Mar Nero diventa un problema comunitario.
EuroNews - SP - Interview: Traian Basescu
"Con la adhesión de Rumania y Bulgaria a la UE los problemas de la zona del Mar Negro no serán unicamente asuntos de la OTAN"
euronews interview - Interview: "Romania is a democracy"
http://www.euronews.com/ Euronews reporter Hans von der Brelie interviewed Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta during a political crisis: the centre-left go...
euronews interview - Ponta: "La Roumanie est une démocratie"
http://fr.euronews.com/ Entretien avec le Premier ministre roumain Victor Ponta La Roumanie est en pleine crise politique. La coalition de centre gauche, emm...
euronews interview - Víctor Ponta: "Rumanía es una democracia"
http://fr.euronews.com/ Rumanía está inmersa en una grave crisis política. El Primer Ministro rumano, Víctor Ponta, con su coalición de centro izquierda Unió...
Interview with new president
1. Various of exteriors of presidential palace
2. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian president
"I've noted the very severe criticism against me, that Basescu behaved in the same way as before being president. This is how I will be during my entire mandate. Because I will not accept the canons of a presidential institution as they were built by (former president) Ion Ilies
Traian Basescu despre vizita presedintelui ungar - Romanian President
President of Romania interview about a controversial international visit.
+4:3 US, Romania sign missile defence pact, interview with Romanian president
Washington DC, US - 13 September 2011
1. Wide of Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi and US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton sitting down at table to sign a missile defence agreement
2. Mid of Baconschi and Clinton beginning to sign agreement
3. Mid of Clinton signing, pan to Baconschi signing
4. Wide of both standing and shaking hands while holding
euronews interview - Ponta: Rumänien sollte nicht bestraft werden
http://de.euronews.com/ Euronews-Reporter Hans von der Brelie hat den rumänischen Ministerpräsidenten Victor Ponta interviewt, dessen Land in einer politisch...
Interview with opposition presidential candidate Mircea Geoana
North of Bucharest, exact location unknown
1. Wide of main road north of Bucharest
2. Mid of election poster being put up for presidential candidate Mircea Geoana of the opposition Social Democratic Party
3. Wide of Social Democratic Party (PSD) building
4. Close up of party logo
5. Mid of plant
6. SOUNDBITE: (English) Mircea Geoana, Romanian Opposition leader:
"I think that for
Romanian president accuses prime minister of having been a secret agent
The Romanian president has accused his prime minister of working as a spy ten years ago.
In a television interview Traian Basescu said PM Victor Ponta was an undercover intelligence officer between 1997 and 2001 and that this was why his career had advanced so quickly. Ponta has denied this.
The allegations come as Ponta is set to win next month’s presidential election.
Basescu, who has serve
Romanian President for all Romanians - Moldova Romania
Interview with Romanian President Traian Basescu about the Romanian People from Moldova and Romania in European Union - Romanians Television.
euronews interview - Victor Ponta:"La Romania vive un conflitto politico, ma è una democrazia europea"
http://it.euronews.com/ La Romania attraversa in questi mesi una profonda crisi politica. Il Premier Victor Ponta, alla guida di un esecutivo di centro sinis...
Elena Chobanyan - Interview with Minister of Economy of Romania
Online Broadcast of author. A fragment of the Interview with Minister of Economy of Romania, V. Vosganyan, about the Armenian and Romanian Bilateral Relati...
Romania's president accuses Putin of creating 'chain of conflicts' around Black Sea
Romania's president said on Monday that Russia has created a chain of conflicts around the Black Sea to further President Vladimir Putin's goal of rebuilding the former Soviet Union along its former border with the West.
"I don't exclude the possibility of the Republic of Moldova being next," Traian Basescu said in an interview with The Associated Press.
Russia has 1,500 troops stationed in the
Traian Băsescu, la „Sub semnul întrebării”, cu Robert Turcescu - 9 septembrie 2014
Traian Basescu ciuruieste si limba engleza!
Discurs la London School of Economics, 7 iunie 2011.
EuroNews - EN - Interview: Traian Basescu, Romanian...
Bulgaria and Romania are due to enter the European Union on the first of January....
Bulgaria and Romania are due to enter the European Union on the first of January.
wn.com/Euronews En Interview Traian Basescu, Romanian...
Bulgaria and Romania are due to enter the European Union on the first of January.
- published: 16 Jun 2007
- views: 25050
author: Euronews
EuroNews - FR - Interview: Traian Basescu
Le 1er janvier prochain, la Bulgarie et la Roumanie devraient entrer dans l'Union européenne....
Le 1er janvier prochain, la Bulgarie et la Roumanie devraient entrer dans l'Union européenne.
wn.com/Euronews Fr Interview Traian Basescu
Le 1er janvier prochain, la Bulgarie et la Roumanie devraient entrer dans l'Union européenne.
- published: 18 Jun 2007
- views: 1109
Roumanie : interview exclusive du président Traian Basescu
http://fr.euronews.com/ Les Roumains doivent décider demain s'ils approuvent ou pas la destitution de leur président en place depuis huit ans, Traian Basescu......
http://fr.euronews.com/ Les Roumains doivent décider demain s'ils approuvent ou pas la destitution de leur président en place depuis huit ans, Traian Basescu...
wn.com/Roumanie Interview Exclusive Du Président Traian Basescu
http://fr.euronews.com/ Les Roumains doivent décider demain s'ils approuvent ou pas la destitution de leur président en place depuis huit ans, Traian Basescu...
EuroNews - GE - Interview: Traian Basescu
Der Westen hat vom EU-Beitritt Rumäniens nichts zu befürchten. Gespräch mit dem rumänischen Staatspräsidenten Traian Basescu....
Der Westen hat vom EU-Beitritt Rumäniens nichts zu befürchten. Gespräch mit dem rumänischen Staatspräsidenten Traian Basescu.
wn.com/Euronews Ge Interview Traian Basescu
Der Westen hat vom EU-Beitritt Rumäniens nichts zu befürchten. Gespräch mit dem rumänischen Staatspräsidenten Traian Basescu.
- published: 18 Jun 2007
- views: 6170
author: euronewsde
EuroNews - PO - Interview: Traian Basescu, Presidente...
As Chancelarias ocidentais não têm nada a temer: os romenos não vão desenbarcar em massa na Europa ocidental depois de 1 de Janeiro de 2007, a data provável ......
As Chancelarias ocidentais não têm nada a temer: os romenos não vão desenbarcar em massa na Europa ocidental depois de 1 de Janeiro de 2007, a data provável ...
wn.com/Euronews Po Interview Traian Basescu, Presidente...
As Chancelarias ocidentais não têm nada a temer: os romenos não vão desenbarcar em massa na Europa ocidental depois de 1 de Janeiro de 2007, a data provável ...
- published: 18 Jun 2007
- views: 1263
author: euronewspt
EuroNews - IT - Interview: Traian Basescu
Basescu: con la Romania nell'Ue, la stabilità del Mar Nero diventa un problema comunitario....
Basescu: con la Romania nell'Ue, la stabilità del Mar Nero diventa un problema comunitario.
wn.com/Euronews It Interview Traian Basescu
Basescu: con la Romania nell'Ue, la stabilità del Mar Nero diventa un problema comunitario.
- published: 18 Jun 2007
- views: 1578
author: euronewsit
EuroNews - SP - Interview: Traian Basescu
"Con la adhesión de Rumania y Bulgaria a la UE los problemas de la zona del Mar Negro no serán unicamente asuntos de la OTAN"...
"Con la adhesión de Rumania y Bulgaria a la UE los problemas de la zona del Mar Negro no serán unicamente asuntos de la OTAN"
wn.com/Euronews Sp Interview Traian Basescu
"Con la adhesión de Rumania y Bulgaria a la UE los problemas de la zona del Mar Negro no serán unicamente asuntos de la OTAN"
euronews interview - Interview: "Romania is a democracy"
http://www.euronews.com/ Euronews reporter Hans von der Brelie interviewed Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta during a political crisis: the centre-left go......
http://www.euronews.com/ Euronews reporter Hans von der Brelie interviewed Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta during a political crisis: the centre-left go...
wn.com/Euronews Interview Interview Romania Is A Democracy
http://www.euronews.com/ Euronews reporter Hans von der Brelie interviewed Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta during a political crisis: the centre-left go...
euronews interview - Ponta: "La Roumanie est une démocratie"
http://fr.euronews.com/ Entretien avec le Premier ministre roumain Victor Ponta La Roumanie est en pleine crise politique. La coalition de centre gauche, emm......
http://fr.euronews.com/ Entretien avec le Premier ministre roumain Victor Ponta La Roumanie est en pleine crise politique. La coalition de centre gauche, emm...
wn.com/Euronews Interview Ponta La Roumanie Est Une Démocratie
http://fr.euronews.com/ Entretien avec le Premier ministre roumain Victor Ponta La Roumanie est en pleine crise politique. La coalition de centre gauche, emm...
euronews interview - Víctor Ponta: "Rumanía es una democracia"
http://fr.euronews.com/ Rumanía está inmersa en una grave crisis política. El Primer Ministro rumano, Víctor Ponta, con su coalición de centro izquierda Unió......
http://fr.euronews.com/ Rumanía está inmersa en una grave crisis política. El Primer Ministro rumano, Víctor Ponta, con su coalición de centro izquierda Unió...
wn.com/Euronews Interview Víctor Ponta Rumanía Es Una Democracia
http://fr.euronews.com/ Rumanía está inmersa en una grave crisis política. El Primer Ministro rumano, Víctor Ponta, con su coalición de centro izquierda Unió...
Interview with new president
1. Various of exteriors of presidential palace
2. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian president
"I've noted the very severe criticism a...
1. Various of exteriors of presidential palace
2. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian president
"I've noted the very severe criticism against me, that Basescu behaved in the same way as before being president. This is how I will be during my entire mandate. Because I will not accept the canons of a presidential institution as they were built by (former president) Ion Iliescu. I want a different presidential institution and I said that in the campaign. I want an participative institution, one that observes the problems of our society and exposes them loudly, an institution that involves itself in solving the society's problems."
3. Flags
4. SOUNDBITE (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian president
"The battle against corruption must be fought by the judiciary which has to be depoliticised immediately."
5. Basescu with reporters
6. SOUNDBITE (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian president
"The battle against corruption will also focus on another area, not only on the judiciary and on getting rid of any possibility of using the law for personal benefits. The other focus is the police. Reforming the police is a fundamental problem. The police must be depoliticised and its highest officials must become civilians. The demilitarisation of the police is fundamental because today's police, which is at the base of the judicial system, is not only corrupt, but profoundly politicised."
7. Closeup of hands
8. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian president
"We will not be able to reach our (EU) integration objectives on January 1st, 2007 unless we immediately begin a process of explaining what we have to do to the Romanian people. It is essential for the success of this process, that the Romanian people should accept and understand the costs of joining the European Union. Moreover, they should agree these are prices that must be paid."
8. Statue
9. Basescu leaving
Romania's reformist President Traian Basescu promised on Thursday to overhaul the country's entire hierarchy, from administration to the police and judicial system.
Basescu, 53, a former sea captain who was twice elected Bucharest Mayor, defeated former Prime Minister Adrian Nastase to win the presidential runoff on December 12.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Basescu said he planned wide-ranging reforms in public administration, police and the justice system which would ready Romania for joining the EU.
He added that a former mayor he wanted to move decision-making to town councils, rather than letting the central government make most decisions.
Basescu said that as the country moves towards membership of the European Union in 2007, the new political regime must explain the costs for joining the EU.
Basescu also said he was confident his centrist Justice and Truth Alliance would get enough support from several smaller parties to form a government.
He said the government would take office by the end of the year.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/19ff35bb102b1118853f097323590191
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Interview With New President
1. Various of exteriors of presidential palace
2. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian president
"I've noted the very severe criticism against me, that Basescu behaved in the same way as before being president. This is how I will be during my entire mandate. Because I will not accept the canons of a presidential institution as they were built by (former president) Ion Iliescu. I want a different presidential institution and I said that in the campaign. I want an participative institution, one that observes the problems of our society and exposes them loudly, an institution that involves itself in solving the society's problems."
3. Flags
4. SOUNDBITE (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian president
"The battle against corruption must be fought by the judiciary which has to be depoliticised immediately."
5. Basescu with reporters
6. SOUNDBITE (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian president
"The battle against corruption will also focus on another area, not only on the judiciary and on getting rid of any possibility of using the law for personal benefits. The other focus is the police. Reforming the police is a fundamental problem. The police must be depoliticised and its highest officials must become civilians. The demilitarisation of the police is fundamental because today's police, which is at the base of the judicial system, is not only corrupt, but profoundly politicised."
7. Closeup of hands
8. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian president
"We will not be able to reach our (EU) integration objectives on January 1st, 2007 unless we immediately begin a process of explaining what we have to do to the Romanian people. It is essential for the success of this process, that the Romanian people should accept and understand the costs of joining the European Union. Moreover, they should agree these are prices that must be paid."
8. Statue
9. Basescu leaving
Romania's reformist President Traian Basescu promised on Thursday to overhaul the country's entire hierarchy, from administration to the police and judicial system.
Basescu, 53, a former sea captain who was twice elected Bucharest Mayor, defeated former Prime Minister Adrian Nastase to win the presidential runoff on December 12.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Basescu said he planned wide-ranging reforms in public administration, police and the justice system which would ready Romania for joining the EU.
He added that a former mayor he wanted to move decision-making to town councils, rather than letting the central government make most decisions.
Basescu said that as the country moves towards membership of the European Union in 2007, the new political regime must explain the costs for joining the EU.
Basescu also said he was confident his centrist Justice and Truth Alliance would get enough support from several smaller parties to form a government.
He said the government would take office by the end of the year.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/19ff35bb102b1118853f097323590191
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 6
Traian Basescu despre vizita presedintelui ungar - Romanian President
President of Romania interview about a controversial international visit....
President of Romania interview about a controversial international visit.
wn.com/Traian Basescu Despre Vizita Presedintelui Ungar Romanian President
President of Romania interview about a controversial international visit.
- published: 30 Mar 2009
- views: 2184
author: Ziraxisix
+4:3 US, Romania sign missile defence pact, interview with Romanian president
Washington DC, US - 13 September 2011
1. Wide of Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi and US Secretary of State Hillary Rodha...
Washington DC, US - 13 September 2011
1. Wide of Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi and US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton sitting down at table to sign a missile defence agreement
2. Mid of Baconschi and Clinton beginning to sign agreement
3. Mid of Clinton signing, pan to Baconschi signing
4. Wide of both standing and shaking hands while holding signed copies of agreement
5. Baconschi and Clinton walk to podiums
6. SOUNDBITE:(English) Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State:
"The agreement we have just signed will position Romania as a central player in NATO''s evolving missile defence capability. Once the agreement is ratified, the United States will build, maintain and operate in Romania the land-based Aegis Ballistic Missile Defence System, a system we have assiduously tested and have proved effective over the last decade, and which will help protect the entire continent and augment the security of the United States."
7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Teodor Baconschi, Romanian Foreign Minister:
"So, dear Hillary, we are modestly making history today. I am very much impressed and honoured to be here at the State Department, and I congratulate all those who have hardly worked for this successful agreement between our two nations. Thank you so much."
8. Baconschi and Clinton shake hands
Washington DC, US - 13 September 2011
9. Wide of Romanian President Traian Basescu
10. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian President:
"First of all, we discussed the bilateral agreement that we are signing today. The purpose of which, the first goal of which, is to provide security and protection to both Romania and the United States, and not only to Romania and the United States, but also to a whole range of other countries. "
11. Wide of Basescu
12. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian President:
"I would like to underline one thing from the very beginning. This missile defence system is a defensive system."
13. Wide of Basescu
14. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian President:
"Through all these, Romania has succeeded in achieving, in attaining the highest level of security ever for the first time in its history."
15. Wide of Basescu rising and shaking hands at end of interview
Deveselu, Romania - 3 May 2011
16. Various of base
17. Close of road sign for the village of Deveselu
18. Horse carriage passing in front of the old military base
19. Railway in front of the base
20. Model of old Soviet jet at the entrance to the military base
21. Romanian officer opening base gate
The United States and Romania signed an agreement on Tuesday that will make Romania host to a key part of a US missile defence system.
Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attended a signing ceremony at the State Department in Washington.
"The agreement we have just signed will position Romania as a central player in NATO''s evolving missile defence capability," said Clinton.
"Once the agreement is ratified, the United States will build, maintain and operate in Romania the land-based Aegis Ballistic Missile defence System."
She says the system has been rigorously tested and proven effective over the last decade.
"It will help protect the entire continent and augment the security of the United States," said Clinton.
For his part, Baconschi said he was impressed and honoured to be "modestly making history today" at the State Department.
The ceremony followed a bilateral meeting in which the two discussed a wide range of topics.
Romania''s president Traian Basescu was also in Washington to hold meetings on the agreement.
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wn.com/4 3 Us, Romania Sign Missile Defence Pact, Interview With Romanian President
Washington DC, US - 13 September 2011
1. Wide of Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi and US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton sitting down at table to sign a missile defence agreement
2. Mid of Baconschi and Clinton beginning to sign agreement
3. Mid of Clinton signing, pan to Baconschi signing
4. Wide of both standing and shaking hands while holding signed copies of agreement
5. Baconschi and Clinton walk to podiums
6. SOUNDBITE:(English) Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State:
"The agreement we have just signed will position Romania as a central player in NATO''s evolving missile defence capability. Once the agreement is ratified, the United States will build, maintain and operate in Romania the land-based Aegis Ballistic Missile Defence System, a system we have assiduously tested and have proved effective over the last decade, and which will help protect the entire continent and augment the security of the United States."
7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Teodor Baconschi, Romanian Foreign Minister:
"So, dear Hillary, we are modestly making history today. I am very much impressed and honoured to be here at the State Department, and I congratulate all those who have hardly worked for this successful agreement between our two nations. Thank you so much."
8. Baconschi and Clinton shake hands
Washington DC, US - 13 September 2011
9. Wide of Romanian President Traian Basescu
10. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian President:
"First of all, we discussed the bilateral agreement that we are signing today. The purpose of which, the first goal of which, is to provide security and protection to both Romania and the United States, and not only to Romania and the United States, but also to a whole range of other countries. "
11. Wide of Basescu
12. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian President:
"I would like to underline one thing from the very beginning. This missile defence system is a defensive system."
13. Wide of Basescu
14. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Traian Basescu, Romanian President:
"Through all these, Romania has succeeded in achieving, in attaining the highest level of security ever for the first time in its history."
15. Wide of Basescu rising and shaking hands at end of interview
Deveselu, Romania - 3 May 2011
16. Various of base
17. Close of road sign for the village of Deveselu
18. Horse carriage passing in front of the old military base
19. Railway in front of the base
20. Model of old Soviet jet at the entrance to the military base
21. Romanian officer opening base gate
The United States and Romania signed an agreement on Tuesday that will make Romania host to a key part of a US missile defence system.
Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attended a signing ceremony at the State Department in Washington.
"The agreement we have just signed will position Romania as a central player in NATO''s evolving missile defence capability," said Clinton.
"Once the agreement is ratified, the United States will build, maintain and operate in Romania the land-based Aegis Ballistic Missile defence System."
She says the system has been rigorously tested and proven effective over the last decade.
"It will help protect the entire continent and augment the security of the United States," said Clinton.
For his part, Baconschi said he was impressed and honoured to be "modestly making history today" at the State Department.
The ceremony followed a bilateral meeting in which the two discussed a wide range of topics.
Romania''s president Traian Basescu was also in Washington to hold meetings on the agreement.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/b4f2f9ed9f31ecbf103e5ce022fd2ed7
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 30 Jul 2015
- views: 0
euronews interview - Ponta: Rumänien sollte nicht bestraft werden
http://de.euronews.com/ Euronews-Reporter Hans von der Brelie hat den rumänischen Ministerpräsidenten Victor Ponta interviewt, dessen Land in einer politisch......
http://de.euronews.com/ Euronews-Reporter Hans von der Brelie hat den rumänischen Ministerpräsidenten Victor Ponta interviewt, dessen Land in einer politisch...
wn.com/Euronews Interview Ponta Rumänien Sollte Nicht Bestraft Werden
http://de.euronews.com/ Euronews-Reporter Hans von der Brelie hat den rumänischen Ministerpräsidenten Victor Ponta interviewt, dessen Land in einer politisch...
Interview with opposition presidential candidate Mircea Geoana
North of Bucharest, exact location unknown
1. Wide of main road north of Bucharest
2. Mid of election poster being put up for presidential candidate Mircea Ge...
North of Bucharest, exact location unknown
1. Wide of main road north of Bucharest
2. Mid of election poster being put up for presidential candidate Mircea Geoana of the opposition Social Democratic Party
3. Wide of Social Democratic Party (PSD) building
4. Close up of party logo
5. Mid of plant
6. SOUNDBITE: (English) Mircea Geoana, Romanian Opposition leader:
"I think that for this time Romania's history, Romania needs a president that can reunify Romanians, give them a sense of purpose, catalyse a national project that we are still missing in this country after twenty years of reforms and various influences and various models of capitalism."
7. Cutaway of photographs
8. SOUNDBITE: (English) Mircea Geoana, Romanian Opposition leader:
"I think that there is a problem with the approach on the fight against corruption in this country, because if you look at the last five years and the current president has put this topic very high on his agenda, Romania is now dead last in Europe and is being pursued by Transparency International of being the most corrupt country in Europe which is something which is absolutely devastating for the reputation, and also for the attraction of Romania to foreign business, and of course not to speak of the disgust of our citizens towards such a situation."
9. Cutaway of desk ornament
10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Mircea Geoana, Romanian Opposition leader:
"Romania, it's in a dramatic political crisis, it's in a dramatic economic downturn, so we need stability, I need to form stable majorities, and if the price for stability in Romania is a tactical sacrifice from my side, the largest party in this coalition, that normally should have had the prime minister, I'm ready to make that sacrifice."
11. Various of campaign posters for Geoana and current Romanian president Traian Basescu
Romanians in and around the capital Bucharest were preparing to cast their vote in the presidential elections on Sunday, as the country grapples with a deep political and economic crisis.
Romania will elect a new president on Sunday in a runoff featuring President Traian Basescu, the centrist incumbent, and Mircea Geoana of the opposition Social Democratic Party, the successor to Romania's former ruling communist party.
Both men claim they have the solutions to lift Romania out of recession, form a government, eradicate corruption and restore public trust.
Geona said on Friday that Romania needed a president who could unify the country.
"Romania needs a president that can reunify Romanians, give them a sense of purpose, catalyse a national project that we are still missing in this country after twenty years of reforms."
Romania's economy, already in a deep recession, is expected to shrink some 8.5 percent this year, and has 7 percent unemployment, three percent higher than last year.
The country needs an IMF (International Monetary Fund) loan to pay state salaries and pensions, but is unlikely to get one this year.
That would force 1.3 (m) million state workers to take eight days of unpaid leave in 2009.
Basescu, a centrist who has been in bitter feuds with Parliament for the past two years, says he will make a government with the Democratic Liberal Party he used to lead.
He accuses Geoana, a former foreign minister and ambassador to the United States, of being a pawn of media
moguls and business players, a charge that has resonated with voters amid Romania's economic woes.
Geoana has countercharged that Basescu is running a "Big Brother" state reminiscent of the communist era.
On Friday, Geoana in an interview with the Associated Press, said his phone was tapped and his movements and conversations monitored by the state.
Basescu's office called the accusations "absurd."
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/4da8de3b017e515cf623a8ce60e0b90b
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Interview With Opposition Presidential Candidate Mircea Geoana
North of Bucharest, exact location unknown
1. Wide of main road north of Bucharest
2. Mid of election poster being put up for presidential candidate Mircea Geoana of the opposition Social Democratic Party
3. Wide of Social Democratic Party (PSD) building
4. Close up of party logo
5. Mid of plant
6. SOUNDBITE: (English) Mircea Geoana, Romanian Opposition leader:
"I think that for this time Romania's history, Romania needs a president that can reunify Romanians, give them a sense of purpose, catalyse a national project that we are still missing in this country after twenty years of reforms and various influences and various models of capitalism."
7. Cutaway of photographs
8. SOUNDBITE: (English) Mircea Geoana, Romanian Opposition leader:
"I think that there is a problem with the approach on the fight against corruption in this country, because if you look at the last five years and the current president has put this topic very high on his agenda, Romania is now dead last in Europe and is being pursued by Transparency International of being the most corrupt country in Europe which is something which is absolutely devastating for the reputation, and also for the attraction of Romania to foreign business, and of course not to speak of the disgust of our citizens towards such a situation."
9. Cutaway of desk ornament
10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Mircea Geoana, Romanian Opposition leader:
"Romania, it's in a dramatic political crisis, it's in a dramatic economic downturn, so we need stability, I need to form stable majorities, and if the price for stability in Romania is a tactical sacrifice from my side, the largest party in this coalition, that normally should have had the prime minister, I'm ready to make that sacrifice."
11. Various of campaign posters for Geoana and current Romanian president Traian Basescu
Romanians in and around the capital Bucharest were preparing to cast their vote in the presidential elections on Sunday, as the country grapples with a deep political and economic crisis.
Romania will elect a new president on Sunday in a runoff featuring President Traian Basescu, the centrist incumbent, and Mircea Geoana of the opposition Social Democratic Party, the successor to Romania's former ruling communist party.
Both men claim they have the solutions to lift Romania out of recession, form a government, eradicate corruption and restore public trust.
Geona said on Friday that Romania needed a president who could unify the country.
"Romania needs a president that can reunify Romanians, give them a sense of purpose, catalyse a national project that we are still missing in this country after twenty years of reforms."
Romania's economy, already in a deep recession, is expected to shrink some 8.5 percent this year, and has 7 percent unemployment, three percent higher than last year.
The country needs an IMF (International Monetary Fund) loan to pay state salaries and pensions, but is unlikely to get one this year.
That would force 1.3 (m) million state workers to take eight days of unpaid leave in 2009.
Basescu, a centrist who has been in bitter feuds with Parliament for the past two years, says he will make a government with the Democratic Liberal Party he used to lead.
He accuses Geoana, a former foreign minister and ambassador to the United States, of being a pawn of media
moguls and business players, a charge that has resonated with voters amid Romania's economic woes.
Geoana has countercharged that Basescu is running a "Big Brother" state reminiscent of the communist era.
On Friday, Geoana in an interview with the Associated Press, said his phone was tapped and his movements and conversations monitored by the state.
Basescu's office called the accusations "absurd."
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/4da8de3b017e515cf623a8ce60e0b90b
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 23 Jul 2015
- views: 1
Romanian president accuses prime minister of having been a secret agent
The Romanian president has accused his prime minister of working as a spy ten years ago.
In a television interview Traian Basescu said PM Victor Ponta was an...
The Romanian president has accused his prime minister of working as a spy ten years ago.
In a television interview Traian Basescu said PM Victor Ponta was an undercover intelligence officer between 1997 and 2001 and that this was why his career had advanced so quickly. Ponta has denied this.
The allegations come as Ponta is set to win next month’s presidential election.
Basescu, who has served two consecutive terms and cannot run again.
The two men have a long running feud with Ponta prev…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2014/10/15/romanian-president-accuses-prime-minister-of-having-been-a-secret-agent
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wn.com/Romanian President Accuses Prime Minister Of Having Been A Secret Agent
The Romanian president has accused his prime minister of working as a spy ten years ago.
In a television interview Traian Basescu said PM Victor Ponta was an undercover intelligence officer between 1997 and 2001 and that this was why his career had advanced so quickly. Ponta has denied this.
The allegations come as Ponta is set to win next month’s presidential election.
Basescu, who has served two consecutive terms and cannot run again.
The two men have a long running feud with Ponta prev…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2014/10/15/romanian-president-accuses-prime-minister-of-having-been-a-secret-agent
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd
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- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 81
Romanian President for all Romanians - Moldova Romania
Interview with Romanian President Traian Basescu about the Romanian People from Moldova and Romania in European Union - Romanians Television....
Interview with Romanian President Traian Basescu about the Romanian People from Moldova and Romania in European Union - Romanians Television.
wn.com/Romanian President For All Romanians Moldova Romania
Interview with Romanian President Traian Basescu about the Romanian People from Moldova and Romania in European Union - Romanians Television.
euronews interview - Victor Ponta:"La Romania vive un conflitto politico, ma è una democrazia europea"
http://it.euronews.com/ La Romania attraversa in questi mesi una profonda crisi politica. Il Premier Victor Ponta, alla guida di un esecutivo di centro sinis......
http://it.euronews.com/ La Romania attraversa in questi mesi una profonda crisi politica. Il Premier Victor Ponta, alla guida di un esecutivo di centro sinis...
wn.com/Euronews Interview Victor Ponta La Romania Vive Un Conflitto Politico, Ma È Una Democrazia Europea
http://it.euronews.com/ La Romania attraversa in questi mesi una profonda crisi politica. Il Premier Victor Ponta, alla guida di un esecutivo di centro sinis...
Elena Chobanyan - Interview with Minister of Economy of Romania
Online Broadcast of author. A fragment of the Interview with Minister of Economy of Romania, V. Vosganyan, about the Armenian and Romanian Bilateral Relati......
Online Broadcast of author. A fragment of the Interview with Minister of Economy of Romania, V. Vosganyan, about the Armenian and Romanian Bilateral Relati...
wn.com/Elena Chobanyan Interview With Minister Of Economy Of Romania
Online Broadcast of author. A fragment of the Interview with Minister of Economy of Romania, V. Vosganyan, about the Armenian and Romanian Bilateral Relati...
Romania's president accuses Putin of creating 'chain of conflicts' around Black Sea
Romania's president said on Monday that Russia has created a chain of conflicts around the Black Sea to further President Vladimir Putin's goal of rebuilding th...
Romania's president said on Monday that Russia has created a chain of conflicts around the Black Sea to further President Vladimir Putin's goal of rebuilding the former Soviet Union along its former border with the West.
"I don't exclude the possibility of the Republic of Moldova being next," Traian Basescu said in an interview with The Associated Press.
Russia has 1,500 troops stationed in the separatist republic of Trans-Dniester since 1990, when it broke away from Moldova, fearing that country would reunite with Romania.
Trans-Dniester is not internationally recognised but is supported by Russia.
The Romanian leader, who leaves office after 10 years this year, ruled out a wider war in Europe, saying that neither Russia nor NATO wanted a full-scale conflict.
He said there was still a risk of political instability in the region because of possible fallout from the sanctions.
Basescu said the European Union (EU) - of which Romania is a member - was planning further sanctions later this week that would freeze the assets of Russian business people in the EU, stop financial exchanges and energy trades and halt arms sales to Russia.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/2e515c34562134d5bbf70d7ed9ef15cc
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wn.com/Romania's President Accuses Putin Of Creating 'Chain Of Conflicts' Around Black Sea
Romania's president said on Monday that Russia has created a chain of conflicts around the Black Sea to further President Vladimir Putin's goal of rebuilding the former Soviet Union along its former border with the West.
"I don't exclude the possibility of the Republic of Moldova being next," Traian Basescu said in an interview with The Associated Press.
Russia has 1,500 troops stationed in the separatist republic of Trans-Dniester since 1990, when it broke away from Moldova, fearing that country would reunite with Romania.
Trans-Dniester is not internationally recognised but is supported by Russia.
The Romanian leader, who leaves office after 10 years this year, ruled out a wider war in Europe, saying that neither Russia nor NATO wanted a full-scale conflict.
He said there was still a risk of political instability in the region because of possible fallout from the sanctions.
Basescu said the European Union (EU) - of which Romania is a member - was planning further sanctions later this week that would freeze the assets of Russian business people in the EU, stop financial exchanges and energy trades and halt arms sales to Russia.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/2e515c34562134d5bbf70d7ed9ef15cc
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 5
Traian Basescu ciuruieste si limba engleza!
Discurs la London School of Economics, 7 iunie 2011....
Discurs la London School of Economics, 7 iunie 2011.
wn.com/Traian Basescu Ciuruieste Si Limba Engleza
Discurs la London School of Economics, 7 iunie 2011.
- published: 14 Jun 2011
- views: 34155
author: siroctet