We will not abandon any segment of our nation (Government of the Republic of Hungary)

Edit noodls 05 Jun 2015
He said the Government seeks to help all segments of the nation preserve their Hungarian identity, whether in their native lands or in the Diaspora ... He specifically mentioned the program "Without Borders" adding that those who visit Székely Land will no longer call a Székely a Romanian, a Hungarian from Sub-Carpathia a Ukrainian, or a Hungarian from Vojvodina a Serb....

LOST LANDSCAPES AND ALLEY CATS VISUAL ARTS - Rita Datta Several enquiries overlap in Hungarian ...

Edit The Telegraph India 21 Dec 2013
In fact, the particular Transylvanian sub-group to which Csoma belonged — the Székely people —traces its origins to the Huns. This background is essential in understanding Kubinyi’s textile art because it’s partly inspired by the spectacular gates of houses in Székely land ... Islamic, Oriental, and even Indo-Tibetan, for they echo thangka stylization ... The Székely gates she recreates intimate the moving grandeur of the originals ... ....