- published: 06 Aug 2017
- views: 2678
The new creation (Gk καινὴ κτίσις) is a concept found in the New Testament, related to the new life (ἐν καινότητι ζωῆς) and new man (referring to the spiritual rebirth through Christ Jesus) (καινός ἄνθρωπος) but with reference also to the Genesis "old creation".
The language of a new creation is not limited to the two verses in the KJV that include that actual phrase (Gal. 6:15, 2 Cor 5:17). Other passages, such as Galatians 6:12-16, 2 Corinthians 5:14-19, Ephesians 2:11-22, Ephesians 4:17-24, and Colossians 3:1-11 present new creation teaching also, without that exact phrase.
Other references to the concept include the language Ephesians 2:10, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." The old, Adamic creation could not be said to be in any sense "in Christ", so this must therefore be speaking of new creation.
Often the themes of the Genesis creation and new creation are contrasted, as, per N. T. Wright, in Colossians chapter 1, where the old creation and new creation in Christ (1:15-20) are compared with the new creation (vv. 21-23)
New Creation may refer to:
The English subjunctive is used to form sentences that do not describe known objective facts. These include statements about one's state of mind, such as opinion, belief, purpose, intention, or desire. The subjunctive mood is also used for statements that are contrary to fact, such as If I were a giraffe, … (subjunctive), as distinguished from I was a giraffe. Subjunctive statements often occur in dependent clauses, such as the subjunctive example in the preceding sentence. It contrasts with the indicative mood, which is used for statements of fact, such as He speaks English.
In Modern English, the subjunctive form of a verb often looks identical to the indicative form, and thus subjunctives are not a very visible grammatical feature of English. For most verbs, the only distinct subjunctive form is found in the third person singular of the present tense, where the subjunctive lacks the -s ending: It is necessary that he see a doctor (contrasted with the indicative he sees). However, the verb be has not only a distinct present subjunctive (be, as in I suggest that he be removed) but also a past subjunctive were (as in If he were rich, …).
I Am may refer to:
New Creation Church is a megachurch in Singapore founded in 1984. The church currently has a congregation of more than 31,000. It held its inaugural service at The Star Performing Arts Centre on 23 December 2012 to celebrate Christmas as well as its move to the new performing arts venue at one-north.Joseph Prince is the senior pastor of the church. While it is charismatic in practice and evangelical in belief, it is non-denominational and is not affiliated to any church overseas. It is a member of the National Council of Churches of Singapore.
The church was founded by a small group of young pioneer leaders including Joseph Prince, Henry Yeo, David Yeow and Jack Ho in 1983. It was later officially registered with the Registrar of Societies in October 1984. It began its Sunday service with an average attendance of 25 people. Gradually, it grew to about 150 members in 1990 when Prince was appointed as the senior pastor of the church.
During the period between 1984 and 1999, the church used different worship venues such as a hall within the premises of the Young Women's Christian Association of Singapore and the ballrooms in local hotels to accommodate its growing congregation.
Blessed 52nd Birthday Singapore! | New Creation Church
Jermaine Leong, New Creation Worship: Finished
Stronger | New Creation Worship (Jermaine Leong, Joseph Yong, Angela Hoten)
Refuge | New Creation Worship
New Creation International Church -Lemelem Albachew's Testimony
Worship Highlights — Resurrection Sunday 2017 | New Creation Church
You Waited | New Creation Church
2 Corinthians 5:17 (A New Creation)
This Is Grace (I Am Forgiven) | New Creation Worship
Sweeter Than Wine | New Creation Worship
Song Title: The Best Is Yet To Be “Though different, we’re united We just must believe: the best is yet to be” Enjoy this original song that was first presented during our services on Sunday, 6 August 2017 in celebration of Singapore’s 52nd birthday. #nccsg #singaporenationalday #newcreationworship LYRICS Some places boast they have mountains tall Some claim of having the greatest malls But I like it here, like it here For this is home Where people can live in peace and amity Where people can be who they wanna be And I know, I know, I know I’m not alone If we hold on together Tomorrow we’ll see A future that shines brighter than our history Though different, we’re united We just must believe The best is yet to be Come with a song and with thankful hearts We reach for the moonlight A...
Original song by New Creation Worship WORSHIP LEADER Jermaine Leong LYRICS Surely as the dawn awakes Your love for me will never fade Relentless love pursued my soul Till condemnation lost its hold No other works can qualify You paid in full salvation’s price I’m given life by nail-scarred hands To worship You with all I am You took my sin The just for the unjust You made me Yours Through Your redeeming blood Conquered death Reversing every curse You broke the chains You tore the veil Glorious King The name above all names You paid in full You rose to reign Everything gained I count loss In the light of the cross Every demand made You paid With the stripes that You bore You are all I need You are all I need CCLI: 7036232 #AnthemOfGrace #NewCreationWorship #nccsg
This music video contains a special message to youths who are struggling with suicidal thoughts. If you are feeling down and despair is all you know, we pray that this song will lead you to experience afresh our Lord Jesus’ amazing love and His grace which is stronger than any darkness you face. #hopeinchrist #thereisalwayshope #Jesuslovesyou #stronger #newcreationworship #nccsg LYRICS The eyes that light a thousand skies With love that shines through my disguise My heart has nowhere else to hide You draw me closer You draw me closer The hands that battled for my peace The voice that calms the violent seas My fears dissolve in perfect love Washing me over Washing me over and over In the darkest hour Let Your light shine brighter My God is greater My God is greater When the world is bre...
Original song by New Creation Worship LYRICS I call upon Your name You delivered me from harm In the shadow of Your wings No fear comes I turn to You alone Jesus, You’re my guiding light In the presence of Your love I will abide No matter what the storm You command the surging seas At Your word there is a calm and a peace Forever in Your heart I can never fall away For Your faithful love endures age to age For I say out loud You are my strong tower You will rescue me, Yahweh I will not grow faint but my heart grows stronger As I choose to seek Your face I run to You, my refuge For You are on my side Hosanna, hosanna! God arise! CCLI: 7036235 #AnthemOfGrace #NewCreationWorship #nccsg
Come along on a journey towards victory over sin and death with these highlights from the immersive multimedia praise and worship experience at our Resurrection Sunday services on 16 April 2017. #NCCResurrectionSunday #jubilee #nccsg #HeIsAlive #conquereddeath #finished #newcreationworship
Beloved, God will never leave you nor forsake you! This song was first presented at our English services on Sunday, 2 July 2017. #nccsg You Waited Words & Music by Travis Greene ℗ 2017 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment LYRICS You came out of Your way You sat down to speak to me What amazing grace That You’ve shown so patiently And You waited for me Just for me You called out my name Knew my past, covered my shame This amazing grace You’ve shown so patiently You’ve shown so patiently And You, You waited for me Just for me And You, You waited for me Just for me Where would I be if You left me, God Where would I be if You left me, God Where would I be if You left me, God Where would I be if You left But You waited, waited You waited, waited You waited, waited You...
The Rizers sing Scripture in the form of upbeat pop/rock songs to reinforce God's Word in the hearts of kids and families. You can buy The Rizers albums at iTunes, AmazonMp3 or http://www.therizers.com
Your love restored the worth I lost. All my fears fall crippled at the cross. The veil You tore, as freedom soared; Risen now, the holy Lamb of God. This original song by New Creation Worship was first presented at our Resurrection Sunday services on 16 April 2017. #nccsg #NCCResurrectionSunday #jubilee #newcreationworship #thisisgrace #Iamforgiven LYRICS Laid within the cold and borrowed grave Scarred beyond what man can never take Such is love You paid my debt of sin Before I believed This is grace, I am forgiven You who died now live to die no more Captain of my soul You’ve won the war Mercy walked through fire and the flood By Your precious blood This is grace, I am forgiven Oh Your love restored the worth I lost All my fears fall crippled at the cross The veil You tore, as freedo...
LYRICS Before the earth’s creation You knew me as I was And even then You chose me to be Yours I am captivated by Your unending love Lord, my heart’s surrendered to Your grace And I can’t help But to lift my voice and say Your love is better than life Sweeter than wine It’s more than I can ever imagine Your love is all that I need So Lord, I receive Your lovingkindness and grace for me Lord, I am Your treasure The apple of Your eye Forever I am precious in Your sight Never will You leave me I’m safe and secure Forever in Your arms I will abide CCLI: 7036237 #AnthemOfGrace #NewCreationWorship #nccsg
Song Title: The Best Is Yet To Be “Though different, we’re united We just must believe: the best is yet to be” Enjoy this original song that was first presented during our services on Sunday, 6 August 2017 in celebration of Singapore’s 52nd birthday. #nccsg #singaporenationalday #newcreationworship LYRICS Some places boast they have mountains tall Some claim of having the greatest malls But I like it here, like it here For this is home Where people can live in peace and amity Where people can be who they wanna be And I know, I know, I know I’m not alone If we hold on together Tomorrow we’ll see A future that shines brighter than our history Though different, we’re united We just must believe The best is yet to be Come with a song and with thankful hearts We reach for the moonlight A...
Original song by New Creation Worship WORSHIP LEADER Jermaine Leong LYRICS Surely as the dawn awakes Your love for me will never fade Relentless love pursued my soul Till condemnation lost its hold No other works can qualify You paid in full salvation’s price I’m given life by nail-scarred hands To worship You with all I am You took my sin The just for the unjust You made me Yours Through Your redeeming blood Conquered death Reversing every curse You broke the chains You tore the veil Glorious King The name above all names You paid in full You rose to reign Everything gained I count loss In the light of the cross Every demand made You paid With the stripes that You bore You are all I need You are all I need CCLI: 7036232 #AnthemOfGrace #NewCreationWorship #nccsg
This music video contains a special message to youths who are struggling with suicidal thoughts. If you are feeling down and despair is all you know, we pray that this song will lead you to experience afresh our Lord Jesus’ amazing love and His grace which is stronger than any darkness you face. #hopeinchrist #thereisalwayshope #Jesuslovesyou #stronger #newcreationworship #nccsg LYRICS The eyes that light a thousand skies With love that shines through my disguise My heart has nowhere else to hide You draw me closer You draw me closer The hands that battled for my peace The voice that calms the violent seas My fears dissolve in perfect love Washing me over Washing me over and over In the darkest hour Let Your light shine brighter My God is greater My God is greater When the world is bre...
Original song by New Creation Worship LYRICS I call upon Your name You delivered me from harm In the shadow of Your wings No fear comes I turn to You alone Jesus, You’re my guiding light In the presence of Your love I will abide No matter what the storm You command the surging seas At Your word there is a calm and a peace Forever in Your heart I can never fall away For Your faithful love endures age to age For I say out loud You are my strong tower You will rescue me, Yahweh I will not grow faint but my heart grows stronger As I choose to seek Your face I run to You, my refuge For You are on my side Hosanna, hosanna! God arise! CCLI: 7036235 #AnthemOfGrace #NewCreationWorship #nccsg
Come along on a journey towards victory over sin and death with these highlights from the immersive multimedia praise and worship experience at our Resurrection Sunday services on 16 April 2017. #NCCResurrectionSunday #jubilee #nccsg #HeIsAlive #conquereddeath #finished #newcreationworship
Beloved, God will never leave you nor forsake you! This song was first presented at our English services on Sunday, 2 July 2017. #nccsg You Waited Words & Music by Travis Greene ℗ 2017 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment LYRICS You came out of Your way You sat down to speak to me What amazing grace That You’ve shown so patiently And You waited for me Just for me You called out my name Knew my past, covered my shame This amazing grace You’ve shown so patiently You’ve shown so patiently And You, You waited for me Just for me And You, You waited for me Just for me Where would I be if You left me, God Where would I be if You left me, God Where would I be if You left me, God Where would I be if You left But You waited, waited You waited, waited You waited, waited You...
The Rizers sing Scripture in the form of upbeat pop/rock songs to reinforce God's Word in the hearts of kids and families. You can buy The Rizers albums at iTunes, AmazonMp3 or http://www.therizers.com
Your love restored the worth I lost. All my fears fall crippled at the cross. The veil You tore, as freedom soared; Risen now, the holy Lamb of God. This original song by New Creation Worship was first presented at our Resurrection Sunday services on 16 April 2017. #nccsg #NCCResurrectionSunday #jubilee #newcreationworship #thisisgrace #Iamforgiven LYRICS Laid within the cold and borrowed grave Scarred beyond what man can never take Such is love You paid my debt of sin Before I believed This is grace, I am forgiven You who died now live to die no more Captain of my soul You’ve won the war Mercy walked through fire and the flood By Your precious blood This is grace, I am forgiven Oh Your love restored the worth I lost All my fears fall crippled at the cross The veil You tore, as freedo...
LYRICS Before the earth’s creation You knew me as I was And even then You chose me to be Yours I am captivated by Your unending love Lord, my heart’s surrendered to Your grace And I can’t help But to lift my voice and say Your love is better than life Sweeter than wine It’s more than I can ever imagine Your love is all that I need So Lord, I receive Your lovingkindness and grace for me Lord, I am Your treasure The apple of Your eye Forever I am precious in Your sight Never will You leave me I’m safe and secure Forever in Your arms I will abide CCLI: 7036237 #AnthemOfGrace #NewCreationWorship #nccsg
Tim refutes the idea that some come away with from 1 John 5:18. The error that born again believers have two natures: the old, and the new nature, the old and the new man. So, they say when a Christian sins, it is the old man who is sinning, and not the new creation, because the new creation cannot sin. MP3: http://illbehonest.com/old-man-is-sinning-not-the-new-creation
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1 Please Contact us: +251 940 40 00 00 +251 940 50 00 00 By: - Apostle Bisrat Bezuayene (Japi) New Creation International Church, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Ras Hotel Hall
https://www.unlockingthebible.org/resources/sermon-archive/?series=regeneration-how-christ-changes-your-soul "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17 Sermon: Knowing Who You Are 05/03/2009 | 2 Corinthians 5.17 Series: Regeneration: How Christ Changes Your Soul Book: 2 Corinthians Question: How can I grow as a Christian? Topic: Growth Doctrine: Regeneration
An original musical drama, Hope Alight is a creative retelling of the Nativity story. The harlot Meira was an outcast under Pharisaical legalism during the ancient times of Roman oppression. Through a series of incidents, she discovered divine Love who accepted her unconditionally and restored her broken hopes and dreams. This musical was first presented on 25 December 2016. #NCCchristmas #nccsg #HopeAlight
N.T. Wright (Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, University of St. Andrews, Scotland) Lecture by N.T. Wright “Discerning the Dawn: Knowing God in the New Creation" Given 7pm - 9pm on Saturday March 25, 2017 at The Lanier Theological Library Chapel in Houston, Texas. It is part of the Lanier Library Lecture Series. A series devoted to bringing world class lectures to benefit the community of all those who might be interested. In this lecture, N.T. Wright discusses how the Christian gospel of new creation through the death and resurrection of Jesus answers the great questions asked by all human societies. Traditional “natural theology” tries to start from the observed world and reason its way to the Christian God, but centuries of natural and social disaster have undermine...
How does the new creation affect man's spirit? His soul? His body? What is the nature of the new man?
By: - Apostle Bisrat Bezuayene (Japi) Easter Celebration 2009 e.c Feel Free To Contact us: +251 940 40 00 00 +251 940 50 00 00 Website :- http://newcreationchurchethiopia.org Email : - info@newcreationchurchethiopia.org
New Creation International Church Ethiopia @ Ras Hotel Hall June 2016 Feel Free To Contact us: +251 940 40 00 00 +251 940 50 00 00 Website :- http://newcreationchurchethiopia.org Email : - info@newcreationchurchethiopia.org
There are no trees in the forest
There are no tears in the sadness
There are no words in the talking
Just a sound full of madness
There are no clouds in the rainfall
There are no footprints in the sand
There are no people in the temples
Just the echo of their demands
When I looked to the left I saw God in a haze
When I looked to the right I saw God in a daze
It's a new creation
The same as the one before
It's a new creation
Everything changes
It's a new creation
Everything changes, it's all such a bore
There are no walls in the buildings
There are no dreams in your sleep
There are no colors in the rainbow
There are no mysteries in the deep
When I looked to the left I saw God in a haze
When I looked to the right I saw God in a daze
It's a new creation
The same as the one before
It's a new creation
Everything changes, it's all such a bore
It's a new creation
It's a new creation
It's a new creation
It's a new creation
Everything changes, it's all such a bore
The same as the one before
It's a new creation
Everything changes
It's a new creation
The same as the one before