Coalition to give extra $120m to corporate watchdog

James Massola 11:04 PM   ASIC to get a big boost in funding after Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison are confronted by backbenchers pushing for a crackdown on banks' bad behaviour.

Latest political news

This anti-pokies ad is not for normal people

Pulling no punches: A TV ad aimed at politicians claims pokies exploit the same part of the brain "that is targeted by ...

Michael Lallo 2:27 PM   This ad claims pokies are rigged and likens them to cocaine. But it's not for you. It's a warning to our politicians.

Comments 5

Coalition plans tougher crackdown on super

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull visited a building site in Belconnen Canberra on Monday 19 April 2016.

Peter Martin 5:04 AM   The Turnbull government is preparing to trump Labor in the budget, cracking down harder on high-income superannuation tax concessions to raise four times as much as the opposition.

'He just did it 'cause he likes you'

Screen grab from government's new domestic violence ad campaign.

Judith Ireland 3:20 PM   The Coalition government has launched a confronting new ad campaign, designed to get parents, teachers and coaches to clamp down on disrespectful and aggressive behaviour by boys and young men.

Comments 118

How 76 big companies saved $5.6b in tax

Treasurer Scott Morrison is under pressure to tax on multinational tax avoidance.

Heath Aston 5:27 AM   New report found the average rate of tax paid was 16.2 per cent - or less than the income tax rate paid by a working nurse in Australia.

Sinodinos to front inquiry over fundraising

Cabinet secretary Arthur Sinodinos is under pressure over the NSW Liberal party's political donations scandal.

10:44 PM   Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's recall of Parliament to secure a July 2 election has delivered unintended and potentially damaging consequences for the Liberals, with the Senate agreeing to hold a snap inquiry into political donations which will target the dealings of Cabinet Secretary Arthur Sinodinos.

Budget 'leak' shows big changes to tax, super

Treasurer Scott Morrison on Monday.

Michael Koziol 5:09 AM   The federal government will reportedly spruik $16 billion in savings in the May 3 budget, as it prepares for an all-but-certain double dissolution election on July 2.

What $1500 a night gets taxpayers

Circular Quay's Sir Stamford hotel. Image shows Presidential Suite at Sir Stamford Circular Quay. The suite sells for ...

Nicole Hasham 5:51 PM   New figures show the extraordinary nightly cost of detaining people on Christmas Island.

Barati's killers could be free in three years

PNG's National Court heard Mr Barati was repeatedly hit in the head with a piece of wood.

Michael Gordon 6:17 PM   Two Manus Island locals found guilty of killing Iranian asylum seeker Reza Barati in 2014 could be free in three years after being sentenced on Tuesday.

Poll plan puts public servants in tough position

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time in Canberra on Tuesday.

Henry Belot   APS must still assist with the budget, despite looming campaign.

Comments 14

Hinch tipped to take Muir's Senate seat

Derryn Hinch has been building recognition for his Justice Party.

Heath Aston 8:49 PM   Ricky Muir may have ''voted himself into unemployment'', and could be replaced by the Human Headline.

Comment & Analysis

Banks haven't shown contrition for bad apples

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins 10:58 PM   Corporate bad behaviour is not on. We must bring the banks to heel, and a royal commission is a fine way to do that.

Comments 131

Turnbull needs big win or it will be same again

Alan Stokes.

Alan Stokes 7:00 PM   Assuming Labor falls short, simply getting back into power won't be enough for the Prime Minister to consign the Abbott era to history.

Comments 205

PM will fight poll as just another politician

If Malcolm Turnbull wins it will not be because he is loved or admired.

Peter Hartcher   Malcolm Turnbull will now get the election he wanted, but without the sort of advantage he'd hoped for.

History keeps repeating in politics

Peter Reith dinkus

Peter Reith   Many MPs and media commentators have little grasp of Australia’s political past. That’s a pity because knowing the past can explain today.

Comments 22

Battlelines drawn for drawn out contest

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull addresses the truckies rally at Exhibition Park in Canberra on Sunday 17 April 2016. ...

Mark Kenny   If the election is reduced to a tale of two grievances, Bill Shorten will win it.

Death in black and white

Illustration Andrew Dyson

Michael Gordon   Imagine if a royal commission was held into a matter of national shame, and it spent tens of millions of dollars, produced a vast report, but the headline indicators of that shame went backwards.

Comments 59

PM's election pitch stamped 'Made in China'

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher   Our economic 'transition' is central to Malcolm Turnbull's election campaign. And China is the key to that transition, happy to play up to the 'all powerful' image.

Australia, why do you hate big ideas?

The signature side for the new $5 banknote.

Judith Ireland   It is a much-honoured national pastime to shoot down ideas and resist even the slightest hint of change. We might be surrounded by sea, but we are also girt by the status quo.

Comments 5

Against the odds the stars line up for Labor

Waleed Aly dinkus. Dinkus

Waleed Aly   Increasing inequality has allowed Labor to start doing something it hasn't done for decades - articulate a worldview.

Turnbull primed to shine in China

Malcolm Turnbull says the budget will include tax changesdesigned to generate jobs and growth; and promote investment, ...

Mark Kenny   The Prime Minister has assembled a crack group of advisers for his China visit but they're playing to a tough audience.

Comments 23

Very Fast Train - the mother of all projects

Air and road transport operators have opposed development of very fast trains in Australia.

Peter Knight   In less than a decade and at a price we can afford, a high-speed link could transform the nation, if only politicians weren't so lily-livered.

Silence will destroy our democratic values

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders talks about the growing divide between the rich and the poor in the US ...

Greg Barns   Around the world politicians are raising issues of fairness, equality and social values – so why have Australians gone quiet?

Marriage debate is not about equality

Marriage traditionalists see the connection between heterosexual intercourse and pregnancy as more than just a brute ...

Jeremy Bell   If governments make laws about marriage, they must define what marriage is.

Shorten's royal commission call a poll stunt

Peter Reith dinkus

Peter Reith   If Bill Shorten was seriously wanting a royal commission into the banks, he could have voted for it last year when the Greens put up the idea.

Comments 29

Beauty of science lies in unexpected moment

The discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA was the result of the pursuit in pure science.

Surendra Verma   The CSIRO's pursuit of science will be hampered by the naked hunt for cash.

Better teachers? Better at what, exactly?

Teachers try to give students one-on-one instruction but the size of classes makes this impossible.

Ned Manning   We all know it is bureaucratic procedures, lack of funding and poor pay rates that hold back educational standards, not bad teachers.

Bill Shorten a dud no more


Tim Dick   Abbott, Abetz, and Andrews are the triple-A batteries of Australian politics: each started full of power, but not as much as they thought.

Gonski opposition doesn’t add up

Jane Caro dinkus

Jane Caro   The voters love Gonski. Astonishingly, every educational sector – public, Catholic and Independent – are also in favour.

Comments 32

Why our new subs should be built at home

Amanda Vanstone.

Amanda Vanstone   On this project, we should be wary of the Japanese.

Turnbull snookered by populist bank probe

Malcolm Turnbull faces a divided crossbench over the ABCC bill.

Mark Kenny   Tell me it isn't so: the more furiously the banks resist public scrutiny of their ultra-profitable dealings, the more their long-suffering customers feel such a probe is justified.

Robb pushes aside pessimism, backs China

Peter Hartcher dinkus

Peter Hartcher   On the eve of Australia's largest ever trade mission to China, the nation's 'best trade minister' Andrew Robb still has unfinished business.

Special features

Labor could shape new senate crossbench

Labor party preferences could decide which micro-party and independent candidates are elected to the new upper house, according to Senator David Leyonhjelm.

Super backlash might not stem savings

Any Coalition move to slash superannuation tax breaks for high income earners risks alienating a key supporter base.

Turnbull's wishy-washy declaration of July 2 poll

Malcolm Turnbull's unpreparedness for the fight of his life showed in the way he confirmed he would be visiting the Governor-General after the budget to request the July 2 double dissolution.

Politics Live: The day from federal Parliament

Only 74 days to go people. We are in the warm up campaign following the Senate's rejection of the government's building watchdog legislation which handed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull a trigger for a double dissolution election.

Turnbull is making the same mistake as Gillard

Mark Kenny When the July 2 election date was put to Julie Bishop on Tuesday morning during a Sky News interview, the Deputy Liberal leader did her best to dial down the certainty factor, even implying that later election dates remained in play as live options.

An unfinished opera for the ages

Tony Wright Bronwyn Bishop, a small but perfectly formed seethe of indignation after being cast adrift, has things that must be set to rights, you might be sure.

Once irresistible, PM will fight poll as just another politician

Peter Hartcher Malcolm Turnbull will now get the election he wanted, but without the sort of advantage he'd hoped for.

Nick Xenophon's pivotal power

Nick Xenophon's preferences could help sway the election outcome and his team may win the balance of power in the Senate.

Double dissolution trigger is live, so what happens now?

Malcolm Turnbull has a constitutional deadline of May 11 to advise the Governor-General to dissolve both houses.

Tumbleweeds roll across the chamber as DD looms

It was almost as if bringing Parliament back was a stunt.

Unions or banks? Battlelines drawn for drawn out contest

If the election is reduced to a tale of two grievances, Bill Shorten will win it.

Voter disappointment drives Coalition down

Michael Gordon The Turnbull government's strong lead has evaporated to nothing as increasingly nervous Coalition MPs gather in Canberra.

Malcolm Turnbull a cautious PM, and voters are punishing him for it

Peter Hartcher Bill Shorten is taking a riskier line, announcing controversial policies, and it's working for him.

No integrity in disguised tax hikes

With just over a fortnight to go, the Turnbull government's first budget is looking a bit green, writes Jessica Irvine.

The highs and lows of Bronwyn Bishop's long political career

In 1955 a 13-year-old schoolgirl named Bronwyn Setright told her friends she was going to be the first female prime minister of Australia.

185th anniversary: view from the newsroom

How has the Herald changed in 185 years? How should I know – I've been working for it for less than a quarter of that time.

Political dinosaur's days are numbered

Chris Johnson Looking back, Clive Palmer's spectacular fall from grace was inevitable from the outset.

Malcolm Turnbull in China

Malcolm Turnbull visits China for the first time as Australian Prime Minister and Andrew Meares is on hand to capture the historic trip.

Australia, why do you hate big ideas?

It is a much-honoured national pastime to shoot down ideas and resist even the slightest hint of change. 

Turnbull sets fire to footy, all the way from China

Tony Wright The Prime Minister has entered the eternal debate on which football code is the best, and his verdict has ruffled feathers around the nation.

Barnaby is running the country! What a time to be alive!

Tony Wright When Malcolm Turnbull steps on a plane for China on Wednesday night, he leaves Barnaby Joyce in charge.