One-way traffic (or uni-directional traffic) is traffic that moves in a single direction. A one-way street is a street either facilitating only one-way traffic, or designed to direct vehicles to move in one direction. One-way streets typically result in higher traffic flow as drivers don't have to deal with oncoming traffic nor turns through oncoming traffic. Residents may dislike one-way streets due to the circuitous route required to get to a specific destination and the potential for higher speeds affecting pedestrian safety. Some studies even challenge the original motivation for one-way streets in that the circuitous routes negate the higher speeds.
Signs are posted showing which direction the vehicles can move in: commonly an upward arrow, or on a T junction where the main road is one-way, an arrow to the left or right. At the end of the street through which vehicles may not enter, a prohibitory traffic sign "Do Not Enter", "Wrong Way", or "No Entry" sign is posted, e.g. with that text, or a round red sign with a white horizontal bar. Sometimes one portion of a street is one-way, another portion two-way. An advantage of one-way streets is that drivers do not have to watch for vehicles coming in the opposite direction on this type of street.
The Shakeless hand, blisters,
cracks and bleeds.
Never old, but twisted and misleading.
How can we share what is gone and lost.
Resurrected, it defeats all purpose.
Thoughtless deeds,
keep us down as we grieve.
Shackled tight to our pride.
Searching blind for the key.
All the while it lies inside.
So i try to define.
Between wrong and right.
But i can't draw the line.
Getting harder to find.
My peace of mind.
And i can't draw the line.
Still i try to make time.
Yet with each try.