- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 664
Koji Kondo (近藤 浩治, Kondō Kōji, born August 13, 1961) is a Japanese video game composer and sound director who has been employed at Nintendo since 1984. He is best known for his involvement in numerous titles in the Mario and The Legend of Zelda series of video games.
Kondo was born in Nagoya, Japan, on August 13, 1961. He began taking lessons in the electronic organ from the age of five. He improved his skills in the instrument in a cover band that played jazz and rock music. Kondo studied at the Art Planning Department of Osaka University of Arts, but was never classically trained or particularly dedicated to music. However, he gained some experience in composing and arranging pieces, using both the piano and a computer to assist him. During his senior year, Nintendo sent a recruitment message to his university stating that they were interested in hiring people dedicated to composition and sound programming. An LCD and arcade gamer, Kondo successfully applied for the job in 1984 without requiring any demo tapes.
The Legend of Zelda (Japanese: ゼルダの伝説, Hepburn: Zeruda no Densetsu) is a high-fantasy action-adventure video game series created by Japanese game designers Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka. It is primarily developed and published by Nintendo, although some portable installments have been outsourced to Capcom, Vanpool, and Grezzo. The series' gameplay incorporates elements of action, adventure, and puzzle-solving games. The Legend of Zelda is one of Nintendo's most prominent franchises.
The series centers on Link, the playable character and chief protagonist. Link is often given the task of rescuing Princess Zelda and the kingdom of Hyrule from Ganon, who is the principal antagonist of the series; however, other settings and antagonists have appeared in several titles. The games' plots commonly involve a relic known as the Triforce, a set of three omnipotent golden triangles. The protagonist in each game is usually not the same incarnation of Link, but a few exceptions exist.
A legend is a historical narrative, a symbolic representation of folk belief.
Legend, Legends, The Legend or The Legends may also refer to:
Julia/植松伸夫【オルゴール】 (スクウェア「ファイナルファンタジーVIII」BGM)
【MAD】ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナメドレー The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time AMV
#002 指づかいの話
ゼルダの伝説「ゼルダの子守唄」(ピアノ) Zelda's Lullaby ( Piano ) 2009
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - Dark Hyrule Castle (MIDI)
【第64回定演】第4部-5 越井琢巳 スーパーマリオ30周年記念メドレー 「JUMPMAN'S HISTORY」
ゼルダの伝説 ~ 神々のトライフォース ~ Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past -
■R3 Music Boxオルゴール全曲集 [Part 1] http://goo.gl/jbgmFM [Part 2] http://goo.gl/HWoDru ■アーティスト・カテゴリ別再生リスト http://goo.gl/657Soj ■R3 Music Boxの動画を検索 (曲名やアーティスト名・タイアップ情報を追加してください) http://goo.gl/CYLKiO ■チャンネル登録はコチラ http://goo.gl/13Vg2n ご視聴ありがとうございます。 R3 Music Boxでは最新のヒット曲や名曲をオルゴールアレンジにしています。 癒されるオルゴールサウンドをお楽しみください。 この他にもアニメソング、ドラマや映画の主題歌、CMソング、ゲーム音楽など様々な曲をアップロードしていますので、ごゆっくりご覧下さい。 毎日午後9時配信予定です。 ぜひチャンネル登録をよろしくお願いします。 =========== 関連ウェブサイト =========== ■R3 Music Box (曲のリクエストもこちらから) http://r3-music-box.com ■R3 Music Boxチャンネル ("支援する"ボタンから寄付もできます) https://www.youtube.com/c/r3musicbox ■ニコニコ動画 http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/28470749/video ■Twitter http://twitter.com/r3_music_box ■Facebook http://www.facebook.com/r3musicbox ==================================== ※曲のリクエストはYouTubeのコメント欄ではなく、R3 Music Bo...
■R3 Music Boxオルゴール全曲集 [Part 1] http://goo.gl/jbgmFM [Part 2] http://goo.gl/HWoDru ■アーティスト・カテゴリ別再生リスト http://goo.gl/657Soj ■R3 Music Boxの動画を検索 http://goo.gl/CYLKiO ■チャンネル登録はコチラ http://goo.gl/13Vg2n ご視聴ありがとうございます。 R3 Music Boxでは最新のヒット曲や名曲をオルゴールアレンジにしています。 癒されるオルゴールサウンドをお楽しみください。 この他にもアニメソング、ドラマや映画の主題歌、CMソング、ゲーム音楽など様々な曲をアップロードしていますので、ごゆっくりご覧下さい。 毎日午後9時に配信予定です。ぜひチャンネル登録をよろしくお願いします。 =========== 関連ウェブサイト =========== ■R3 Music Box http://r3-music-box.com ■ニコニコ動画 http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/28470749/video ■Twitter http://twitter.com/r3_music_box ■Facebook http://www.facebook.com/r3musicbox ■Google+ http://plus.google.com/+R3-music-box ■R3 Music Box (English Version) http://www.youtube.com/c/r3musicboxenglish ==================================== ※リクエスト曲がある場合は、コメント欄に曲名とアーティスト名を記載してください。...
使用楽曲 『時のオカリナメドレー』 作曲 近藤 浩治 編曲 なるけ みちこ
みなさんこんにちは!オカリナ奏者のジャスティンです。 #002 指づかいの話です。 質問や感想などありましたら、どうぞコメント欄までお寄せください。 ↓ ホームページもどうぞご覧ください http://ocarina.cloud-line.com
ゼルダの子守唄 2009年になり弾きなおしてみました。左手のアルペジオにオクターブ跳躍が入る高度なアレンジに挑戦。その分サビのアルペジオが美しくなったと思います。
Another minish cap midi sequenced back in 2004. Original composition by Koji Kondo (近藤浩治) and arrangement by Mitsuhiko Takano (高野充彦) Not as great as LTTP's, but everyone and their wife had sequenced that already. For downloads, visit my site: http://iridescentaudio.co.uk Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/blitzlunar
慶應義塾・桐朋学園ピアノソサィエティー 第64回定期演奏会 越井琢巳 スーパーマリオ30周年記念メドレー 「JUMPMAN'S HISTORY」 慶應義塾大学3年 越井琢巳
The main theme of Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past -. My performance begins with the theme of opening title, and the theme of overworld follows twice. The first lap is like the normal field, and the second one is like after getting the Master Sward! ゼルダの伝説 ~ 神々のトライフォース ~ のメインテーマをピアノで弾きました。 オープニングタイトルから始まり、フィールドの音楽を2週弾きます。1週目は普通な感じ、2週目はアレンジが加わりマスターソードを手に入れた後をイメージしています♪ 作曲:近藤浩治/Composed by Koji Kondo Sheet music is available here. I've combinated 3 sheet musics: 以下3つの楽譜を組み合わせて弾いています。 1. Opening Title: http://www.gamemusicthemes.com 2. Overworld Theme (Arranged by Rachel Bell): http://herbalcell.com 3. Overworld Theme (Arranged by Kyle Landry): http://www.kylelandry.com
ちぇりんば スーパー マリオBGM 近藤浩冶
The Nintendo Music Live! band featuring Koji Kondo on the keyboard.
Koji Kondo playing Mario musics in Video-games live. This video is from Gamesvideos.com
Enter 0913 into the manual and get treated to this musical performance by Koji Kondo himself!
Hey all, we had the amazing privilege of meeting and talking with Mr. Koji Kondo, legendary composer at Nintendo. Mr. Kondo composed some of the most well-known music in video game history including the Super Mario Bros. themes, The Legend of Zelda themes and so much more. He was kind enough to be on the show and talk to us about his work on the upcoming Mario Maker game and his career in general. We feel so lucky to get the chance to meet him, for both of us, this was truly a dream come true. We hope you enjoy the video. -Kit & Krysta Warning: The Super Mario Bros. theme will get stuck in your head for the next week or so. ;)
The Legend of Zelda - Suite Composer: Koji Kondo Performed live by the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra Conductor: Charles Hazlewood Orchestral Arrangement: Nils-Petter Ankarblom SCORE: Orchestral Game Music Produced by Orvar Säfström http://scoreconcert.com/ Songs in the suite (credit to Nanie for posting this in a comment) 0:00 - A link to the past Title theme 0:30 - Zelda's Lullaby 1:26 - Hyrule Field Theme (OOT) 6:39 - Ocarina of Time Title Theme 7:51 - Hyrule Castle Theme 10:54 - Main Theme 11:06 -The Legend of Zelda (NES) Dungeon Theme 14:18 - Main Theme
Interpretado por Eminence Symphony Orchestra
Nintendo composer Koji Kondo plays the Super Mario Bros. theme song on piano at a rehearsal before the Video Games Live concert in San Francisco in March 2007. From Game|Life: blog.wired.com/games
And now... Koji Kondo makes his appearance on a pre-recording and presents a compilation of the songs from the Legend of Zelda! There were many more super awesome compilations like this one throughout the show. They had compilations for Kingdom Hearts, Mario Bros., and even Megaman!!! Rate, comment, subscribe! And stay tuned for some more awesome footage from Video Games Live!!!
from gamevideos
Official soundtrack (Japanese edition) from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ) by Koji Kondo. Offizieller Soundtrack (Japanische Version) aus The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ( ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ) von Koji Kondo. Tracklist: (in progress/in Arbeit...) 01. Title Theme 00:00 02. Enter Ganondorf 01:20 03. Deku Tree 01:35 04. Fairy Flying 02:12 05. House 02:35 06. Kokiri Forest 03:11 07. Open Treasure Box 04:12 08. Item Catch 04:23 09. Small Item Catch 04:29 10. Shop 04:32 11. Battle 05:41 12. Inside the Deku Tree 06:50 13. Boss Battle 08:16 14. Boss Clear 09:37 15. Heart Container Get 09:50 16. Legend of Hyrule 09:54 17. Spritual Stone Get 11:54 18. Fairy Ocarina Get 12:10 19. Hyrule Field Main Theme 12:22 20. Kepora Gebora's Theme 17:08 21. Market 18:08 22. Shooting Gallery ...
► Hier zu meinem Hauptkanal: http://www.youtube.com/user/gutelaunetyp?feature=mhee ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► Besucht mich auf Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Gutelaunetyp ► Skype: gutelaunetyp ► Steam: rivigo ► Wii U: gutelaunetyp ► Psn: gutelaunetim ► 3DS: Leider voll
The Legend of Zelda Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?action_edit=1&list;=PLil5ubW9RRy87bTXbNnUmNqYRHgXlNjbD Game Movies: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLil5ubW9RRy8oemeDojLlGkwfHJvKb-iR Game Soundtracks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLil5ubW9RRy9WoA6564gZw3M1iQFgafmE Shoninya Webseite: http://ShoninyasTube.de Shoninya auf Facebook: http://facebook.com/ShoninyasTube Shoninya auf Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Shoninya Shoninya auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShoninyasTube Songs: 00:00 - Title Demo 02:10 - Opening Demo 04:08 - Cave 05:20 - Majora's Theme 06:50 - Clock Tower 08:29 - Mask House Theme 09:21 - Clock Town - Day 1 10:48 - Fairy's Fountain 11:57 - Mayor's House Council Room 13:31 - Milk Bar 14:55 - Guru-guru's Song 16:10 - Clock Town - Day 2 17:16 - House 18:...
Super Mario 64 music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. Composer(s): Koji Kondo Arranger(s): Koji Kondo Developer(s): Nintendo EAD Publisher(s): Nintendo Purchase, pre-order, and/or download this game here: http://tinyurl.com/1c2 Purchase and/or download the album for this game here: http://tinyurl.com/nb33n5k This video was uploaded from http://www.smashcustommusic.com/2599 This stream was submitted by TheUltimateKoopa. Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6akIKaXBeU0oECS8TP8nU4tGQd66z8OD
To buy this song, go to the 'The Legend of Zelda Classics for Piano' album, which can be purchased alongside my other popular recordings on my artist's pages on Loudr or iTunes or to listen to on Spotify: Loudr: http://www.loudr.fm/artist/daigoro789/YG5fe iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/daigoro789/id853371490 Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/6dOnTTVTbQlFWF6yfD4Vw5 Facebook fan-page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Daigoro789/330163270336943 This is the 'Song of Storms' a.k.a the 'Windmill Hut Theme' from the Legend of Zelda series played on loop for 2 HOURS! Originally composed by Koji Kondo. Isn't this theme just the best! Man, in Ocarina of Time (where this theme first appears) when that Windmill Hut Man goes crazy!!! Such a weird and wonderful sight to behold! And wi...
All songs & times are in the description ! Here you can listen to 7901 awesome seconds of your childhood: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Full OST ( Official Sound Track ) Title Theme 0:00 Deku Tree 2:49 Enter Ganondorf 4:08 Navi the Fairy 4:22 Inside a House 5:07 Open a Treasure Chest 6:18 You Got an Item ! 6:26 You Got a Small Item ! 6:29 Battle 6:33 Shop 8:46 Game Over 10:59 You Got a Heart Container ! 11:07 Boss Clear 11:11 Boss Battle 11:23 Inside the Great Deku Tree 13:55 You Got a Spirtual Stone ! 16:40 Fairy Ocarina 16:54 Sun's Song 17:05 Hyrule Field 17:10 Shooting Gallery 22:25 Kaepora Gaebora 23:40 Castle Town / Market 25:37 Hyrule Castle Courtyard 27:20 Zelda's Lullaby 28:49 Enter Zelda 28:59 Epona's Song 29:04 Princess Zelda 29:11 Lon Lon Ranch 30:53 Mini Game 35:22 S...
Le but de la saison 2 de Let's Plaie va etre de finir tous les jeux que j'ai acheté sans jamais les terminer ( ou meme les commencer ). Voici la liste des jeux : bit.ly/letsplaie Let's plaie est une émission en live réalisé sur ma chaine perso twitch : www.twitch.tv/kenb0gard Mass Effect, choisi par Hapistache 2015 07 16
TrackList: - World Map 1 (00:00) - World Map 2 (02:59) - World Map 3 (05:59) - World Map 4 (08:59) - World Map 5 (11:59) - World Map 6 (14:58) - World Map 7 (17:59) - World Map 8 (20:58) - Overworld 1 (23:58) - Overworld 2 (26:58) - Underwater (29:58) - Underground (32:58) - Warp Zone (35:58) - Star theme (38:58) - Warp Whistle (41:57) - Music Box (44:58) - Toad's House (47:57) - N-Spade (50:58) - Castle Theme (53:58) - Hammer Bros. Battle (56:58) - King (59:58) - Airship (1:02:57) - Koopa Kid Battle (1:05:57) - Victory Fanfare (1:08:58) - Rescued Kings (1:09:01) - Course Clear (1:09:08) - You're Dead (1:09:12) - Game Over (1:09:16) - Bowser Battle (1:09:20) - Ending (1:12:19) . JOIN QUIZGROUP PARTNER PROGRAM: http://join.quizgroup.com/ .
Music from the video game The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina Of Time from 1998, by Nintendo Music by Koji Kondo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique du jeu vidéo The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina Of Time de 1998, par Nintendo Musique de Koji Kondo To find a lot of discount video games : https://www.g2a.com/r/tantris Tracks : 00:00 - Game Title Theme 01:20 - Enter Ganondorf 01:34 - Deku Tree 02:10 - Fairy Flying 02:34 - House 03:10 - Kokiri Forest 04:11 - Open Treasure Box 04:22 - Item Catch 04:27 - Small Item Catch 04:32 - Shop 05:40 - Battle 06:48 - Inside The Deku Tree 08:15 - Boss Battle 09:35 - Boss Clear 09:49 - Heart Container Get 09:54 - Legend Of Hyrule 11:53 - Spiritual Stone Get 12:10 - Fairy Ocarina Get 12:21 - Hyr...
Interview with the father of Nintendo music Koji Kondo!
This week, we look at Koji Kondo, his life, influences, and the music he's made. Like it? Hate it? Have a suggestion for future episodes? Let me know in the comments! Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/major_third Intro music by me. Other music includes: "Super Mario Bros Main Theme (Band Version)" performed by the ever talented Insaneintherain (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MT5pBOKoBs). All others are from their repective games and composed by Koji Kondo "Overworld" from Super Mario Bros "Underworld" from Super Mario Bros "Overworld" from The Legend of Zelda "Intro" from The Legend of Zelda "Goron City" from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Snow Mountain" from Super Mario 64 Time Running Out from Super Mario Bros, Star Power from Super Mario Bros 3 "Deku Tree" from Ocarin...
Interview with Video Game Composer Koji Kondo. More info at http://www.nintendo-online.de.
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AMN's Ray Almeda sits down and chats with musician/ composer for Super Mario Bros. and Zelda - Koji Kondo.
Welcome to a new series of videos where I talk about video game composers. This time, I take a look at the life and career of Nintendo's most notable composer, Koji Kondo; who's made music for Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda series, and Yoshi's Island. I intend to make a new installment once a month so keep an eye out for when that happens. Links to the videos mentioned above ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Grumps Theme Analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE_Zoggkp_c Super Mario Bros. and the Secondary Dominant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CYKEqVJXks&t;=262s ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE = https...
A short animation I did in Maya. Just to clarify, this is not the TP model that's been floating around on the internet. I made this from scratch in Maya. I do plan on animating more interview questions but don't expect them any time soon. DISCLAIMER: Link and the Twilight Princess logo are trademarks of Nintendo all rights reserved. Music is by Koji Kondo borrowed from the "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" soundtrack.