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People’s Assembly to Tories: ?Time to go’

“From big Dave to dodgy Dave – it’s time to go,” was our general secretary’s message to the Prime Minister at the end of his speech to tens of thousands of protesters at Saturday’s monster march against austerity. Read More..

The World unites against diabetes

Today is World Health Day – held each year on this date to mark the day in 1948 when the United Nations founded the World Health Organisation (WHO).

CWU wins greater security for Capita redeployees in Glasgow

Capita has committed to finding full time, permanent redeployment opportunities at their Skypark call centre in Glasgow, for all Capita employees on the O2 account wanting to stay on with Capita after their work stream transferred at the end of March. Read more....

Pay rise for Manpower agency workers ?something to celebrate’

CWU members at Manpower are finally to see an increase in their pay after years languishing on low rates unequal to that of many of their fellow BT workers. Read More....

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