- published: 20 Dec 2012
- views: 406143
Kuda Lumping (Javanese: Jaran Kepang or Jathilan, Malay: Kuda Kepang, English: Flat Horse) is a traditional Javanese dance depicting a group of horsemen. Dancers "ride" horses made from woven bamboo and decorated with colorful paints and cloth. Generally, the dance portrays troops riding horses, but another type of Kuda Lumping performance also incorporates trances and magic tricks. When the "possessed" dancer is performing the dance in trance conditions, he can display unusual abilities, such as eating glass and resistance to the effects of whipping or hot coals. Although the dance is native to Java, Indonesia, it also performed by Javanese communities in Suriname, Malaysia and Singapore.
The origin of Kuda Lumping is uncertain. Two main hypotheses have been proposed. The first suggests that Kuda Lumping may have arisen out of Diponegoro's war against the Dutch colonial forces, as a ritual reenactment of battles. The second argues that it is based on Mataram-era troops riding against the Dutch.
satu2nya kesurupan ""tanpa timbulan"" PAGUYUBAN SINGO WARAS TEGAL SARI GONDANG kec. cepiring kab. kendal 7jam kesurupan tanpa henti.. SEBELUM DZUHUR SAMPAI HABIS MAGRIB.. waktu sholat juga ikut jama'ah.. untuk video lainnya http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=singo+waras+abdul+ikhsan&oq;=singo+waras+abdul+ikhsan&gs;_l=youtube.12...1202024.1207254.0.1209379. kami membuka pertanyaan untuk informasi dan silsilah singo waras silahkan Singo Waras (Singo Ronggo Sukmo) Gondang Rt.03/05 Kec. Cepiring Kab. Kendal Semarang Jateng Indonesia info Mas Agus 087819077977 085251922228 Mas Inu 081902888644
kuda lumping kalo dah kesurupan ngeriii,,,
video sample.. video asli upload 1 bulan lagi
Kesenian Asli Jawa Timur "Dipo Wijoyo" Music Jaipongan Alamat : Dsun Ngatup Dsa. Kambingan Kec.Pagu-Kediri
Kuda Lumping is a traditional (trance) dance from East Java. The performance is held at Taman Rekreasi Senaputra, in the city of Malang, East of Java. Indonesia./--------/ Kuda Lumping és una dansa tradicional javanesa. Cap el final es pot veure un dels dansaires entrant en trànsit. La gravació va fer-se a la ciutat de Malang, al parc Taman Rekreasi. Java Oriental. Indonèsia
Jathilan (kuda lumping) merupakan salah satu seni budaya bangsa Indonesia yang berasal di Pulau Jawa. Tarian ini bersifat kelompok dan terdiri dari beberapa bagian yaitu penari jathil, penari raksasa, dan pemain gamelan. Dalam perkembangannya seni Jathilan ini mengalami perkembangan pada tari dan musiknya. Dan yang paling menarik dari pertunjukkan Jathilan adalah adegan dimana semua penari mengalami kerasukan roh halus (kesurupan) dan menari mengikuti alunan musik yang dimainkan. Horse dance originally comes from Java Indonesia. This dance contains the horse dancer, the giant dancers, and gamelan musicians. The most interesting of this performance is thal all the dancers will get trance and they will dance following the music. Kudo Anom siluk raya selopamioro Imogiri Bantul. seni, buday...