- published: 10 Dec 2009
- views: 32739
Aonori (青海苔 or アオノリ, lit. "blue seaweed" or "green seaweed"), also known as green laver, is a type of edible green seaweed, including species from the genera Monostroma and Enteromorpha. It is commercially cultivated in some bay areas in Japan and Taiwan, such as Ise Bay. It is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, lithium, vitamins, and amino acids such as methionine.
It is used in its dried form for Japanese soups, tempura, and material for manufacturing dried nori and tsukudani and rice. It is also used in a powdered form, often blended with Ulva species of Ulvaceae as its production is limited.
It is used commonly for flavouring of some Japanese foods, usually by sprinkling the powder on the hot food, for its aroma:
It is also used in Welsh cuisine, where it is used to make Laverbread
ブリーフ&トランクス「青のり」です。 英語字幕。 Turn subtitles on from the lower right corner.
Aonori , also known as green laver, is a type of edible green seaweed, including species from the genera Monostroma and Enteromorpha. It is commercially cultivated in some bay areas in Japan and Taiwan, such as Ise Bay. It is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, lithium, vitamins, and amino acids such as methionine. More on : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2D0n-tbwm-XmUVfJnY4j3w http://moversandmoves.blogspot.com/
Aonori Aonori (青海苔 or アオノリ?, lit."blue seaweed" or "green seaweed"), also known as green laver, is a type of edible green seaweed, including species from the genera Monostroma and Enteromorpha. =======Image-Copyright-Info======== License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA-3.0) LicenseLink: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Author-Info: DryPot Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Japanese_Raw_Aonori.JPG =======Image-Copyright-Info======== -Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j_2Y_WJxoY
Takoyaki is a popular street food from Osaka with bits of octopus and dough inside a slightly crispy shell, garnished with takoyaki sauce, mayo, and Aonori. For the complete recipe with step-by-step pictures :: http://justonecookbook.com/blog/recipes/takoyaki-recipe/ Ingredients: 3.5 - 5 oz (100 - 145g) octopus (cooked) 1/4 cup (4g) katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) and more for garnish 1 cup (5.3 oz/150g) all-purpose flour 2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. konbucha (or 1/2 tsp. salt) 2 large eggs 1 tsp. soy sauce 1 2/3 cup dashi stock 1/2 cup finely chopped green onion 1/3 cup Tenkasu (tempura scraps) Topping Dried green seaweed (Aonori) for garnish Pickled red ginger (Beni Shoga) for garnish Takoyaki Sauce or Tonkatsu sauce Japanese mayonnaise Music Courtesy of YouTube -----------------...
三ツ星レストランの天才女性シェフで天海さん演じる星野光子(ほしの・みつこ)が、学校給食づくりに奮闘する木曜ドラマ『Chef~三ツ星の給食~』。食品構成上豆料理を給食に組み込まなくてはならないものの、豆をつかった料理は残食率が高いという問題が… そんな課題を解決するために、光子は材料も栄養もそのままに「五目豆とジャガイモの煮込み」を「青のりポテトビーンズ」にアレンジ。匂いが強烈な食欲を刺激します。子どもたちの反応は?…体…詳しくはドラマ本編をチェックしてね! 材料 ・ ジャガイモ:2個 ・ 大豆の水煮:120g ・ 薄力粉:45g ・ 揚げ油:適量 ・ 青のり:小さじ1 ・ 食塩:小さじ1 ・ コンソメパウダー:小さじ1/2 作り方 1. ジャガイモの皮をむき、さいの目に切って水にさらしておく。 2. 1と大豆の水気をよくとり、薄力粉をまぶす。 3. フライパンか鍋に油を入れ、180℃の油で揚げる。 4. ボウルに食塩、青のり、コンソメを入れ、よく混ぜ合わせる。 5. 3の油をしっかりと切ってから、4と合わせて完成。 ▼『Chef~三ツ星の給食~』 www.fujitv.co.jp/Chef 天海祐希さんが初のシェフ役に! フジテレビ連ドラ4年ぶり出演! 毎週木曜夜22時- 『Chef~三つ星の給食~』は、世界中から注目される三ツ星レストランの天才女性シェフで天海さん演じる星野光子(ほしの・みつこ)が主人公。厳しい修業時代を強靱(きょうじん)な体力とタフなメンタルで乗り切り、パリの名だたるフレンチレストランで修行を積み、腕を磨きました。帰国後は、銀座の有名フレンチレストラン「La Cuisine de La reine(ラ・キュイジーヌ・ドゥ・ラ・レーヌ)」の総料理長を務め、三ツ星を獲得。しかし、ひょんなことから学校給食づくりに奮闘することに!どんな状況でも...
Aonori Ohagi 青のりおはぎ japanische süßigkeiten. Japanese sweets Wagashi. حلويات يابانية
Funwari-chan - Aonori Flash from album 《Laboratory》(ふんわり研究所) Follow Funwari-chan ふんわりちゃん: Website: http://fnwr.net Twitter: https://twitter.com/funwari_chan Bandcamp:https://funwari-chan.bandcamp.com/ Soundcloud:https://soundcloud.com/funwari-chan ***Funwari-chan台北演出: 6/21(日) 活動頁面:https://www.facebook.com/events/1576671945920201/ 購票:http://www.accupass.com/go/forest2 -Sadd sound- 音樂廠牌/頻道 music label/channel ﹏終極歌單分享 facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saddsoundmusic youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/saddsound 8tracks: http://8tracks.com/cottondisco blog: http://www.superaddddddd.com/sadd-sound * this video is for promotion only. -uploaded in HD at http://www.TunesToTube.com
毎年年末から春にかけて、球磨川河口の 海と交わる汽水域では、盛んに青海苔漁が行われ、 八代市の冬の風物となっています。 その上流には日本一の清流 ~川辺川~の水が注ぎ、 30cmを越える鮎が育つ、 類まれな川~球磨川~、 日本初のダム撤去により(荒瀬ダム) 川と海の環境は一時的に改善しました。 橋本さんは、残り一つの瀬戸石ダムも 撤去されれば収量の安定しない 青海苔漁も安定化へ向かうはずだ、 子供の頃泳ぎ親しんだあの川の姿を見たい、 球磨川と八代海漁業の復活と喜びを 仲間と共に分かち合いたいと笑顔で語られます。
編集の練習もかねて作ってみました! I tried to make also serves as practice of editing (google translation) Thank you for watching! League of Legends Twitter:https://twitter.com/norinorizou25 twitch :https://www.twitch.tv/aonori1 music:: Steerner & Martell - Sun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7LorUicpIo JJD & Alex Skrindo - Aurora | AirwaveMusic Release https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viHZ3tR0jE8
Bring me the head of John the Baptist
show it round and shine
his cloudy, marble, crossed and final eyes
once more into mine.
Give me a leg up high enough
to see beyond this wall,
to be the first to see the victors take the gate
or to be the last one so fall.
I said, “I meant a world of good”
and she said, “I wouldn't doubt it”
standing where she was,
she kissed the back of my head;
I said, “we could make the woods”
but she said, “how ‘bout it —
let's sleep and let them
find us here instead.”
Every time I catch a good sang
wouldn't you know — the station starts to fade,
but every step I've ever taken
has brought me in time just to hear it slip away.
Bring me the head of John the Baptist
show it round and shine
his cloudy, marble, crossed and final eyes