- published: 11 Apr 2012
- views: 97274
Trelew (Spanish pronunciation: [treˈleu], from Welsh: tre "town" and the name of the founder) is a city in the province of Chubut, in Argentine Patagonia. The city is the largest and most populous in the low valley of the Chubut River, with an estimated 100,000 inhabitants as of 2010. The Trelew municipality is part of the Rawson Department, whose capital, Rawson, is also the provincial capital.
Trelew is an important commercial and industrial centre for the region and is the main hub for wool processing, accounting for 90 percent of activity in Argentina. The produce of this industry is mainly shipped and exported through Puerto Madryn and Puerto Deseado.
Trelew is home to the Museum of Paleontology Egidio Feruglio, showcasing the paleontological heritage of the Patagonic region, and considered one of the most important of its kind in South America and the Astronomic and Planetary Observatory.
The city is served by the Almirante Marcos A. Zar Airport, of both civilian and military use. The airport's runway is shared with the Almirante Zar Naval Base, home of the Lockheed P-3 Orion squadron of the Argentine Naval Aviation.
Trelew-La Fuga Que Fue Masacre DVD DOCUMENTAL COMPLETO Mariana Arruti
Trelew en la Patagonia Argentina
Pelea callejera de trelew Chubut
13 años, la asesinaron en una plaza de Trelew
Trelew Ciudad - Chubut, Patagonia
Junta Youtuber en Trelew || Alan Gonzalez
Accidente aéreo en la base militar de Trelew - 20/09/1989
Violenta pelea en la guardia del Hospital de trelew
"Fantasma" de Trelew - El reportaje
Titanosaurio – Ingreso a Trelew
La historia tiene lugar en 1972, durante el gobierno del general Lanusse, que estaba en la mira terrorista. En esa época de muertes violentas y tensiones cotidianas, un grupo de guerrilleros es detenido y trasladado a aquella cárcel, considerada de máxima seguridad y con casi nulas posibilidades de escape. Sin embargo, varios de aquellos detenidos lograron su propósito de libertad y se refugiaron en Chile, en tanto que diecinueve presos fueron nuevamente arrestados y muertos una semana después en las puertas de sus celdas en una base de la Marina ubicada en Trelew. * * * * * "...UNA OBRA MAESTRA" EXCELENTE Miguel Russo, Revista Veintitrés "Muy buena...transporta como en un túnel del tiempo al momento y al lugar." Jorge Belaunzarán, Revista TXT "...Un excelente film. El cine argentino nu...
Desde Trelew Chubut, Turismo de naturaleza, fauna, cultura, historia y aventura. Una ciudad de servicios y conexiones aéreas.
Una adolescente de 13 años murió baleada en una plaza de Trelew, luego de haber sido convocada a través de redes sociales para pelear en el lugar.
Video promocional sobre atractivos turísticos de la ciudad de Trelew, Chubut, Patagonia. Cliente: Entretur FOTOPLOMER PRODUCCIONES www.fotoplomer.com ESTE MATERIAL SE ENCUENTRA PROTEGIDO POR COPYRIGHT, PROHIBIDA SU REPRODUCCIÓN TOTAL O PARCIAL SIN EL CONSENTIMIENTO DE LA PRODUCTORA FOTOPLOMER. Mail de contacto: lisandro@fotoplomer.com
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ELECTRA L-188E (6-P-101), en la B.A.A.Z. aproximadamente a las 12 : 30 hs con 23 tripulantes a bordo. Pese a la magnitud del accidente no hubo que lamentar víctimas fatales, el tripulante de mayor gravedad fue el COPILOTO: TN PABLO PEREZ MILLAN, Gracias MWAA
Esta es la nota que se me hizo por dicho video. Lamentablamente tuve que hacerlo porque la información se filtró y se vendió al diario local; inventando cualquier historia sólo para obtener ganancias. Repito... Nunca salió de mi decir esto es un fantasma.
Visit Patagonia, Patagonia trip, Patagonia tourism, Patagonia tours, Patagonia trip 2016, Patagonia travel, Patagonia travel guide, Patagonia holidays, Tourist attractions in Patagonia, Patagonia Tour Packages Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Patagonia is a region in the south of Argentina bordered in the north by the Cuyo and Pampas regions, in the east by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the south and west by Chile. See in Patagonia trip ===================== View the Perito Moreno Glacier in Los Glaciares National Park from El Calafate. View the Patagonian Ice Sheet from an airplane or nearby mountain. Visit penguin colonies near Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world. Itineraries Do in Patagonia trip ==============...
Patagonia Tours, Patagonia Vacation, Visit Patagonia, Patagonia Tourism, Patagonia Holidays Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube 10 things to do in Patagonia 1. Whale-watch in Puerto Madryn ============================ Patagonia offers some of the world's best whale-watching and Puerto Madryn is the place to glimpse them. Its warm, more enclosed waters along the Golfo Nuevo, Golfo San José and the coastline near Caleta Valdés are prime breeding zones for southern right whales between June and mid-December. A standard whale-watching trip lasts an hour and a half, but longer excursions are available too. 2. Outdoor adventures in El Chaltén ============================ El Chaltén's surrounding mountains are prime hiking, rock cl...
Best places to visit - Trelew (Argentina) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
The Welsh speaking township of Gaiman in Patagonia, Argentina. Filmed by the team from 'Wish you were here' If you would like to license a clip from this video please e mail: archive@fremantlemedia.com Quote: WYWH Field Tapes 5 and 6 VT:133204
Recorremos el Espacio para la memoria y para la promoción y defensa de los Derechos Humanos de la localidad de Trelew, Provincia de Chubut. A 40 años de la Masacre de Trelew, repasamos la historia de este oscuro episodio que vivió el país durante los años 70, con el testimonio de Encarnación Díaz y conociendo este espacio por dentro con Ricardo Lázaro. http://www.tvpublica.com.ar/vivoenargentina http://www.facebook.com/vivoenargentina http://twitter.com/vivoenarg
Excuse me for a moment
Let me introduce myself
I am love overflowing
And I've come to bring you help
I've been watching you for a while
And your heart is in dismay
My only reason on this earth
Is to bring you a brighter day
I can show you how to make love
If you want me to
I'll keep you satisfied
I'll keep you satisfied
I can show you how to make love
If you want me to come to my room take
Off your clothes and we can start to flow
I'll keep you satisfied, I'll keep you satisfied
Girl I'm so glad that you wanted to stay
Sit back, relax 'cause girl my love's on the way
All the possibilities
Open your mind relax and let your body feel the beat
Are you ready
To relax your mind and let me take you away?
Gee, loving you is fun
Assuming your sensuality means us one on one
I can show you how to make love
If you want me to
I'll keep you satisfied
I'll keep you satisfied
I can show you how to make love
If you want me to
I'll keep you satisfied
I'll keep you satisfied
Let me show you all the love you need
It will be like a fantasy
My baby, baby, baby, baby, baby
Let me do you right all through the night
My baby I'll make you feel alright, oh yeah
I can show you how to make love
If you want me to
I'll keep you satisfied
I'll keep you satisfied
I can show you how to make love
If you want me to
I'll keep you satisfied
I'll keep you satisfied
I can show you how to make love
If you want me to
I'll keep you satisfied
I'll keep you satisfied
I can show you how to make love
If you want me to
I'll keep you satisfied
I'll keep you satisfied
I can show you how to make love
If you want me to
I'll keep you satisfied