- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 14354
Pucón (Mapudungun: "entrance to the cordillera") is a Chilean city and commune administered by the municipality of Pucón. It is located in the Province of Cautín, Araucanía Region, 100 km to the southeast of Temuco and 780 km to the south of Santiago.
Pucón's location by a lake and volcano, along with its relatively stable climate, especially in summer, make it a popular destination for tourists. It offers a variety of sports and adventure/recreational activities for tourists, including water skiing, snow skiing, backpacking, white water rafting and kayaking, horse back riding, natural hot springs, zip line rides, skydiving and guided ascents of Villarrica volcano.
Pucón was established in 1883 as a fort in the aftermath of the Occupation of Araucanía when the Chilean state subdued the native population of Araucanía Region. It was a strategically advantageous spot because of its location at entrance of the Trancura Valley, where the Argentinean army had once pursued a group of Mapuches through Mamuil Malal Pass during the Conquest of the Desert.
DESLOQUE: CHILE - PUCON (Ojos del Caburgua, Playa Negra, Loz Pozones)
Pucon - Sur de Chile
CNN en Viaje: Conoce los atractivos de la ciudad de Pucón
Holiday in Chile: Pucón
Recomiendo Chile Pucón
Diario de viaje - Chile, Pucón (26/09/2012)
Pucon - Verano 2016
Verano 2014: Villarrica y Pucón
Freeride Pucon-introducing new trail.
*English subtitles available / legendas disponíveis em inglês,português e outros idiomas. *For english subtitles or other languages, you must set on settings. Início de viagem. Parada em Santiago para pegar o ônibus com destino a Pucon na Patagônia Chilena. Depois de mais ou menos 10 horas de buso: passeio pelo setor do Rio Carburgua, Ojos del Caburgua, Laguna Azul, Playa Negra e fim do dia nas Termas Loz Pozones Músicas utilizadas pertencem aos seus respectivos autores, sem intenção de infringir leis de direitos autorais. The Songs used (with direct iTunes link) Musics belong to their respective authors, no copyright infringement intended Ride the Felling - Garage Fuzz : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA1OXv5itsQ https://www...
This video is from Pucón and surrounding areas in the south of Chile. It was just before Christmas 2013 and the weather was lovely and hot. There is plenty to see and do so if you're in Chile try and make it at least this far south and visit Chile's Lake District.
En esta emisión, Damián Alcázar visita la ciudad de Pucón, ubicada en la región de la Araucanía, situada al sur de Chile. El primer personaje que nos recibe es Max González, quien nos invita a admirar el paisaje del Lago Villarrica mientras nos habla de la enorme riqueza que tiene esta zona en lo que respecta a flora y fauna. También nos acercaremos al volcán activo Villarrica, uno de los más importantes de Chile. Ahí, Gonzalo Vilches nos recibe para platicar sobre este gigante majestuoso. Más adelante, Damián Alcázar conoce a dos mujeres extraordinarias que se dedican a preservar una de las culturas ancestrales de Chile: la mapuche. Ellas son Ana Epulef, cocinera mapuche, y Sandra Rojo, una reconocida artista que realiza telares con vegetales típicos de la zona precordillera de la Arauca...
Video de Resumen del Verano 2016 en Pucon, tomas de distintos lugares de Pucon. Imagenes: Puconino.cl Musica: Radioactive (Imagine Dragons) Cover por Lindsey Stirling y PTX (https://youtu.be/aE2GCa-_nyU)
http://www.kevinsworldvideotour.com Pucon is one of many people's highlights to the Patagonia region in Chile. This video slideshow presentation introduces everything you need to know about Pucon before you go= from climbing Villarica, to rafting the Rio Trancura, to soaking in hot springs.
En 2016 tomamos un Hero4 GoPro en un viaje a través de Pucón, Ojos de Caburgua y Villarica alrededor de Chile en una increíble aventura de 1 semana . El viaje fue filmado enteramente de la GoPro Hero Silver 4, con un selfie de madera.Editado en Sony Vegas Pro . Si tu no has conseguido todavía una GoPro tu deberias comprar una, son increíbles ... y si tu no has estado en Chile Tienes que ir ! Mi primer intento de filmación / edición. Déjame saber lo que piensas. Gracias In 2016 we took a GoPro HERO4 travelling through Pucon, Ojos Caburgua and Villarica around to Chile on an amazing 1 week adventure. The trip was filmed entirely on the GoPro Hero 4 Silver, with a wood selfie.I Edited the movie on Sony Vegas Pro. If you haven't got a GoPro yet you should buy one, they are amazing... and...
Vue de notre auberge Chili Kiwi sur le bord du lac à Pucón, baignade et kayak sur le lac Villarríca et escapade aux chutes Salto el Claro. Plus de détails sur http://www.eatsleeptravel.ca/destinations/chili/ Musique : J.Viewz - Salty Air Tourné avec : GoPro Hero4 Silver Édité avec : Replay (iOS) Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/maxlavoieee
Ein leckeres Frühstück in Pucon, eine Planänderung und ein Spaziergang durch Santiago de Chile. Wenn du das Video magst würde ich mich über ein Daumen hoch oder ein Abo unglaublich freuen. :D Mercii Das Video davor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgLB4aHM-hU ------------------------- Ihr findet mich auch hier: BLOG - http://dresstheletters.com/ INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/dresstheletters/ FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/dresstheletters -------------------------
This list of top 10 places to visit in Chile shows you the highlights of the country. I have been backpacking in Chile 2 times already where I managed to visit 13 of 15 regions. My complete Guide to Chile: http://www.back-packer.org/chile-travel-guide/ --- my travel equipment --- camera http://www.back-packer.org/gopro_3 insurance http://www.back-packer.org/worldnomads_versicherung packing list http://www.back-packer.org/patagonia-packing-list-trekking/ Online Language Course http://www.back-packer.org/babbel_eng Due to it’s long and narrow shape Chile is one of the most diverse countries on the continent. Therefore Backpacking in Chile is very attractive but also time consuming in matters of covering distances – you should plan your journey well and avoid underestimation of distances! ...
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Pucón Travel video is firmly positioned on the global map as a mecca for adventure sports, its setting on beautiful Lago Villarrica under the smoldering eye of the volcano of the same name sealing its fate as a world-class destination for adrenaline junkies. Once a summer playground for the rich, Pucón is now a year-round adventure machine catering to all incomes, especially in February (a time to avoid, if possible), when it is absolutely overrun. The town receives alternating floods of package Travelists, Santiago holidaymakers, novice Brazilian snowboarders, adventure-seeking backpackers, new age spiritualists and mellowed-out ex-activists turned eco-pioneers. Wonderful Pucon Travel video
"■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】 ■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button) ■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓) ● Subscribe to YOUTUBE - http://goo.gl/thktbU ● Follow me on TWITTER - https://goo.gl/npQdxL ● Like us on FACEBOOK - http://goo.gl/UKHX33 ● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr [한국어 정보] 푸콘 안데스의 대표적 국립공원인 우에르께우에 국립공원에 갔다. 안데스의 산에 들어서면 수 백년 된 고목이 즐비하다. 아마잔이라는 독특한 색상의 나무, 나무속에서 나무가 자라는 진기한 나무도 있다. 우에르께우에서 다양하게 생긴 나무를 관찰하는 재미도 쏠쏠하다. 안데스 중부지역은 대개 9월 20일경이 되면 봄이라고 한다. 하지만 해발 1000미터를 넘어가면 여전히 안데스는 눈 쌓인 겨울의 모습이다. 3시간 오르막길을 걸어 안데스산속에 있는 폭포에 다다랐다. 산중턱에 있는 뜨루폴코 폭포다. 폭포수가 70미터의 절벽을 타고 떨어져 하얀 포말을 ...
Pucón is a Chilean city and commune administered by the municipality of Pucón. It is located in the Province of Cautín, Araucanía Region, 100 km to the southeast of Temuco and 780 km to the south of Santiago.Pucón's location by a lake and volcano, along with its relatively stable climate, especially in summer, make it a popular destination for tourists. It offers a variety of sports and adventure/recreational activities for tourists, including water skiing, snow skiing, backpacking, white water rafting and kayaking, horse back riding, natural hot springs, zip line rides, and guided ascents of Villarrica volcano. According to the 2002 census carried out by the Chilean National Statistics Institute, Pucón spans an area of 1,248.5 km2 (482 sq mi) and has 21,107 inhabitants (10,705 men and 10,...
Itsumo yori sukoshi toomawari shite aruita kaerimichi
Natsukashii fuyu no nioi ni futoashi ga tomaru
Osanai koro kokoro ni ukabe teta yume
Kanaeta kazu dake yubiori kaunto shite mo
Shiroi tame iki...
Kigatsukeba hoshin to jounetsu no hazama
Utsurou kisetsu ni yudaneru hodo
Kasumu ano koro omoiegaita mirai
"Demo, korede ii" tte kokoro ga iu
Miraizu wo nazoru kawari ni
Te ni shita ima wo daite
Susunde de yuku dake I SEE ME
Nakushita mono, tsukanda mono
Kakenuketa hibi wo
Asu e tsumuide yuku
Kono nigami ga watashi no michishirube
Shingou machi de futo omoikaeshita kotoba wa
Watashirashi-sa o mamoru katedatta no ka naa
Kasena no ka naa
Kotae nado imi no nai kotoba asobi
Demo toikakete sagashite ashiato nokosu
Hie kitta te nigirishimete
"Demo, korede ii" tte kokoro ga iu
Miraizu wo nazoru kawari ni
Te ni shita ima wo daite
Susunde de yuku dake I SEE ME
Nakushita mono, tsukanda mono
Kakenuketa hibi wo
Asu e tsumuide yuku
Kono nigami ga watashi no michishirube
Furui yume ni se wo mukete hitomi tojirunara
Watashi, hontou ni kanaetakatta no?
Natsukashii itami ga kono mune no naka de uzuita toshite mo
Obutsukanai hibi no +wake ni wa dekinai
(I will never can let go, let it go, let it go)
Keep on keepin' on I'll keep it on
Tooi fuukei ni
"Demo, korede ii" tte kokoro ga iu
Miraizu wo nazoru kawari ni
Te ni shita ima wo daite
Susunde de yuku dake I SEE ME
Nakushita mono, tsukanda mono
Kakenuketa hibi wo
Asu e tsumuide yuku