⚘ John Deely's Contributions to Biosemiotics ☀ Donald Favareau, Paul Cobley, and Kalevi Kull
Be amongst the best... and you will be sure to notice that meaning lies in the environment beyond human words.
Homepage: https://www.uc.pt/fluc/uidief/act/io2s
Auditorium: https://www.uc.pt/fluc/uidief/act/io2s/auditorium
This event, commented by Anton Markoš (International Society for Biosemiotic Studies) and chaired by Tim Troutman (Lyceum Institute), is part of the activities of the 2022 International Open Seminar on Semiotics: a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing, cooperatively organized by the Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, the Lyceum Institute, the Deely Project, Saint Vincent College, the Iranian Society for Phenomenology at the Iranian Political Science Association, the Internat...
published: 05 Jul 2022
Thoughts from Kalevi Kull on Biotoopia
Kalevi Kull is an Estonian biologist and semiotician and part of the advisory board for Biotoopia hybrid art & science conference and art programme.
He is a biosemiotics professor in the University of Tartu, and the President of the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies. He has worked as a field biologist and experimental ecologist, studied species co-existence mechanisms in rich communities, researched in theoretical biology, semiotics and history of ideas, and wrote on the topic of ecological principles of living.
More information on Biotoopia.ee
published: 11 Aug 2021
Baer House #3: Kalevi Kull
Semiosalong is the afterhours Tartu semiotic salon, active since 2011.
"On the Biosemiotic Fundamentals of Aesthetics."
The talk was given by professor Kalevi Kull at the one-day Semiosalong event, Funktionskreis and the Biosemiotic Signifieds, held at the Karl Ernst von Baer House in Tartu Estonia on July 13th 2021. The event was intended as a pre-seminar for the Stockholm Gatherings in Biosemiotics. We ask, what is the relevance of biosemiotics for social science and the humanities, in order to strengthen the case for using biosemiotics as the foundation of general semiotics. Here is the event theme description:
The prize of the object of biosemiotic interest, when properly understood, is coveted across disciplines. It promises answers to questions whose relevance goes beyond biology....
published: 19 Nov 2021
UT Graduation Ceremony 2011: speech by Prof Kalevi Kull
University of Tartu Master's Graduation Ceremony 2011, "Humaniora", speech by Professor of Semiotics Kalevi Kull
published: 28 Jun 2011
83. Kalevi Kull ja Toivo Maimets, "Bioloogia armuke"
Selle saate algtõuke sain ma Toivo Maimetsa möödunud talvel Vabas Akadeemias peetud loengust "Preformism ja epigenees" [1]. Sealtsamast pärineb ka saate pealkiri. Nimelt olevat 20. sajandi üks kuulsamaid biolooge J. B. S. Haldane öelnud, et teleoloogia on justkui bioloogia armuke, "ta ei saa ilma selleta elada, aga ta ei taha ka, et neid avalikult koos nähakse."
Käesoleva vestluse lähtekohaks oli aga teleoloogia asemel siiski pigem epigeneetika, s.o mittegeneetilist pärilikkust uuriv bioloogia haru. Veelgi konkreetsemalt tõukus meie jutuajamine 2014. aastal ajakirjas Nature ilmunud artiklist "Does evolutionary theory need a rethink?" [2]. Tegemist on kahest paralleelselt kulgevast alamartiklist koosneva kirjutisega, kus üks tiim väidab "Jah, tingimata" ja teine vastu, et "Ei, kõik on korr...
published: 01 Jul 2020
NASS XII Session 8: Amelia Lewis, Kalevi Küll, Morten Tønnessen
XII conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, "Meaning in Perception and the Senses", 5-7 November 2021, Vilnius University
Session 8: Biosemiotics
Amelia Lewis, "In Search of a Unified Theory of Sensory Perception: Possible Links Between the Vibrational Theory of Oflaction and the Evolution of Language"
Kalevi Küll, "Biologies of Meaning"
Morten Tønnessen, "Neurosemiotics Across Species"
This conference was funded by a grant (No. S-LIP-21-19) from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
published: 18 Dec 2021
2021 Gatherings in Biosemiotics Day 1
These are the videos of the 21st Annual International Gatherings in Biosemiotics conference, held online and in Stockholm, Sweden, from July 26-29, 2021. You can find the Programme for the conference and download the Abstract Book here: https://www.2021biosemioticsgatherings.com/home
and learn more about biosemiotics at https://www.biosemiotics.org/
0:00:00 Introductory Remarks by the Organizers:
0:00:22 Kalevi Kull
0:04:10 Nora Bateson
0:09:46 Donald Favareau
0:13:22 Talks:
0:15:20 Nora Bateson — Abductive process, anticipatory systems, transcontextual mutual learning, and aphanipoiesis
0:50:45 Tyler James Bennett — The quasi-sign doctrine
1:21:00 Donald Favareau — Determinacy and indeterminacy in biosemiotics: The centrality of ‘openness to possibility’ in biology and semiosis
published: 04 Aug 2021
How Does 'Bioloogia armuke' Impact Modern Biology?
Unraveling the Mysteries: The Impact of 'Bioloogia armuke' on Modern Biology • Unraveling the Mysteries • Discover how 'Bioloogia armuke' by Kalevi Kull and Toivo Maimets has revolutionized our understanding of biology and its intricate mechanisms. This captivating work offers valuable insights into complex concepts, making it a must-read for anyone interested in unraveling the mysteries of the natural world.
published: 28 Oct 2023
2021 Gatherings in Biosemiotics Day 4
These are the videos of the 21st Annual International Gatherings in Biosemiotics conference, held online and in Stockholm, Sweden, from July 26-29, 2021. You can find the Programme for the conference and download the Abstract Book here: https://www.2021biosemioticsgatherings.com/home
and learn more about biosemiotics at https://www.biosemiotics.org/
0:00:00 Donald Favareau, Organizer — Welcome to Day Four
0:03:16 Poster Presentation Session
0:33:57 Jaime F. Cárdenas-García —The Phenomenology Of Info- Autopoiesis
1:01:23 Róbert Bohát — Metaphors To Survive By Ii: From Figures Of Perception To Figures Of Speech
1:34:30 BREAK
1:48:34 Andrew Painter — From Incomplete Nature To Incomplete Society: Sense, Absence, And Mass Media Communications
2:18:33 Jacob Smith — Mackenzie Crook’s Biose...
published: 04 Aug 2021
Conference: Evolution ‘On Purpose’: Teleonomy in Living Systems (Part 2)
This conference was held online over June 29 and 29, 2021.
Conference theme: Living systems exhibit an internal teleology, the full implications of which have not been explored. This meeting will address various aspects of this phenomenon, including its scope and meaning, and its many forms and facets.
This is part one, which includes the following talks:
1. Stuart Kauffman and Andrea Roli (ISB, Seattle) | What is Consciousness? Artificial Intelligence, Real Intelligence, Quantum Mind, and Qualia
2. Eugene V. Koonin, Vitaly Vanchurin & Yuri I. Wolf (NCBI, Bethesda) and Mikhail I. Katsnelson (Radbound) | A Theory of Universal Evolution as a Learning Process
3. Kalevi Kull (Tartu) | How do Organisms Choose?
4. Dan McShea and Gunnar Babcock (Duke) | An Externalist Teleology
published: 13 Jul 2021
⚘ John Deely's Contributions to Biosemiotics ☀ Donald Favareau, Paul Cobley, and Kalevi Kull
Be amongst the best... and you will be sure to notice that meaning lies in the environment beyond human words.
Homepage: https://www.uc.pt/fluc/uidief/act/io2s...
Be amongst the best... and you will be sure to notice that meaning lies in the environment beyond human words.
Homepage: https://www.uc.pt/fluc/uidief/act/io2s
Auditorium: https://www.uc.pt/fluc/uidief/act/io2s/auditorium
This event, commented by Anton Markoš (International Society for Biosemiotic Studies) and chaired by Tim Troutman (Lyceum Institute), is part of the activities of the 2022 International Open Seminar on Semiotics: a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing, cooperatively organized by the Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, the Lyceum Institute, the Deely Project, Saint Vincent College, the Iranian Society for Phenomenology at the Iranian Political Science Association, the International Association for Semiotics of Space and Time, the Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Semiotic Society of America, the American Maritain Association, the International Association for Semiotic Studies, the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies, the International Center for Semiotics and Intercultural Dialogue, Moscow State Academic University for the Humanities and the Mansarda Acesa with the support of the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of the Government of Portugal under the UID/FIL/00010/2020 project.
Donald Favareau is an Associate Professor in the University Scholars Programme (USP) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his degrees in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics, with a particular interests in Philosophy of Mind and the Neurobiology of Language, from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).
He became involved with the interdisciplinary research project of Biosemiotics in 2001 and has been an active researcher and organiser of the field ever since. (...) He also has served as Vice-President of the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies since its founding in 2005.
Besides collating and authoring the Essential Readings in Biosemiotics: Anthology and Commentary (2010) and co-editing with Paul Cobley and Kalevi Kull A More Developed Sign: Interpreting the Work of Jesper Hoffmeyer (2012), Favareau has been publishing in leading scholarly journals like SEED, Semiotica, Journal of Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, and Biosemiotics.
Paul Cobley is Professor in Language and Media and Deputy Dean (Research and Knowledge Exchange) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries at Middlesex University. (...) He is co-series editor (with Kalevi Kull) of Semiotics, Communication and Cognition (de Gruyter Mouton), co-editor (with Peter J. Schulz) of the multi-volume Handbooks of Communication Sciences (de Gruyter), co-edits the journal Social Semiotics, and is associate editor of Cybernetics and Human Knowing. Among his edited volumes are The Routledge Companion to Semiotics (2009), Theories and Models of Communication (2013, with Peter Schulz), Semiotics and Its Masters Vol. 1 (2017, with Kristian Bankov), Realism for the 21st Century: A John Deely Reader (2009) and The Communication Theory Reader (1996). He is the 9th Thomas A. Sebeok Fellow of the Semiotic Society of America, President of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (elected in 2014) and is secretary (since 2012) of the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies.
Kalevi Kull is Professor of Biosemiotics in the University of Tartu, Estonia. His research focuses on intersections of biology and semiotics. He studied biology and worked in theoretical biology and field ecology, while in last decades in semiotics. His mission is to foster an ecological culture. His work includes: Jakob von Uexküll: A Paradigm for Biology and Semiotics (2001), Towards a Semiotic Biology: Life is the action of Signs (2011), as well as On Theoretical Biology: Life Science between Mathematics and Semiotics (2019, in Estonian).
Anton Markoš is a theoretical biologist and associate professor at the Department of Philosophy and History of Science of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. In his writings, he focuses on cell and evolutionary biology and biosemiotics from the hermeneutical, historical and philosophical point of view. Among his many scientific and popular books and articles are Epigenetic Processes and the Evolution of Life (w/ Jana Švorcová; CRC Press 2019), Readers of the Book of Life (Oxford University Press 2002), or Life as its own Designer: Darwin´s Origin and Western Thought (w/ Filip Grygar, László Hajnal, Karel Kleisner, Zdenek Kratochvíl, Zdenek Neubauer; Springer 2009).
The cover image for the video was designed by Zahra Soltani. Technical support assured by Robert Junqueira.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6806451
#IO2S #Deely #Semiotics #Philosophy
Be amongst the best... and you will be sure to notice that meaning lies in the environment beyond human words.
Homepage: https://www.uc.pt/fluc/uidief/act/io2s
Auditorium: https://www.uc.pt/fluc/uidief/act/io2s/auditorium
This event, commented by Anton Markoš (International Society for Biosemiotic Studies) and chaired by Tim Troutman (Lyceum Institute), is part of the activities of the 2022 International Open Seminar on Semiotics: a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing, cooperatively organized by the Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, the Lyceum Institute, the Deely Project, Saint Vincent College, the Iranian Society for Phenomenology at the Iranian Political Science Association, the International Association for Semiotics of Space and Time, the Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Semiotic Society of America, the American Maritain Association, the International Association for Semiotic Studies, the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies, the International Center for Semiotics and Intercultural Dialogue, Moscow State Academic University for the Humanities and the Mansarda Acesa with the support of the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of the Government of Portugal under the UID/FIL/00010/2020 project.
Donald Favareau is an Associate Professor in the University Scholars Programme (USP) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his degrees in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics, with a particular interests in Philosophy of Mind and the Neurobiology of Language, from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).
He became involved with the interdisciplinary research project of Biosemiotics in 2001 and has been an active researcher and organiser of the field ever since. (...) He also has served as Vice-President of the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies since its founding in 2005.
Besides collating and authoring the Essential Readings in Biosemiotics: Anthology and Commentary (2010) and co-editing with Paul Cobley and Kalevi Kull A More Developed Sign: Interpreting the Work of Jesper Hoffmeyer (2012), Favareau has been publishing in leading scholarly journals like SEED, Semiotica, Journal of Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, and Biosemiotics.
Paul Cobley is Professor in Language and Media and Deputy Dean (Research and Knowledge Exchange) in the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries at Middlesex University. (...) He is co-series editor (with Kalevi Kull) of Semiotics, Communication and Cognition (de Gruyter Mouton), co-editor (with Peter J. Schulz) of the multi-volume Handbooks of Communication Sciences (de Gruyter), co-edits the journal Social Semiotics, and is associate editor of Cybernetics and Human Knowing. Among his edited volumes are The Routledge Companion to Semiotics (2009), Theories and Models of Communication (2013, with Peter Schulz), Semiotics and Its Masters Vol. 1 (2017, with Kristian Bankov), Realism for the 21st Century: A John Deely Reader (2009) and The Communication Theory Reader (1996). He is the 9th Thomas A. Sebeok Fellow of the Semiotic Society of America, President of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (elected in 2014) and is secretary (since 2012) of the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies.
Kalevi Kull is Professor of Biosemiotics in the University of Tartu, Estonia. His research focuses on intersections of biology and semiotics. He studied biology and worked in theoretical biology and field ecology, while in last decades in semiotics. His mission is to foster an ecological culture. His work includes: Jakob von Uexküll: A Paradigm for Biology and Semiotics (2001), Towards a Semiotic Biology: Life is the action of Signs (2011), as well as On Theoretical Biology: Life Science between Mathematics and Semiotics (2019, in Estonian).
Anton Markoš is a theoretical biologist and associate professor at the Department of Philosophy and History of Science of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. In his writings, he focuses on cell and evolutionary biology and biosemiotics from the hermeneutical, historical and philosophical point of view. Among his many scientific and popular books and articles are Epigenetic Processes and the Evolution of Life (w/ Jana Švorcová; CRC Press 2019), Readers of the Book of Life (Oxford University Press 2002), or Life as its own Designer: Darwin´s Origin and Western Thought (w/ Filip Grygar, László Hajnal, Karel Kleisner, Zdenek Kratochvíl, Zdenek Neubauer; Springer 2009).
The cover image for the video was designed by Zahra Soltani. Technical support assured by Robert Junqueira.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6806451
#IO2S #Deely #Semiotics #Philosophy
- published: 05 Jul 2022
- views: 1428
Thoughts from Kalevi Kull on Biotoopia
Kalevi Kull is an Estonian biologist and semiotician and part of the advisory board for Biotoopia hybrid art & science conference and art programme.
He is a bi...
Kalevi Kull is an Estonian biologist and semiotician and part of the advisory board for Biotoopia hybrid art & science conference and art programme.
He is a biosemiotics professor in the University of Tartu, and the President of the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies. He has worked as a field biologist and experimental ecologist, studied species co-existence mechanisms in rich communities, researched in theoretical biology, semiotics and history of ideas, and wrote on the topic of ecological principles of living.
More information on Biotoopia.ee
Kalevi Kull is an Estonian biologist and semiotician and part of the advisory board for Biotoopia hybrid art & science conference and art programme.
He is a biosemiotics professor in the University of Tartu, and the President of the International Society for Biosemiotic Studies. He has worked as a field biologist and experimental ecologist, studied species co-existence mechanisms in rich communities, researched in theoretical biology, semiotics and history of ideas, and wrote on the topic of ecological principles of living.
More information on Biotoopia.ee
- published: 11 Aug 2021
- views: 392
Baer House #3: Kalevi Kull
Semiosalong is the afterhours Tartu semiotic salon, active since 2011.
"On the Biosemiotic Fundamentals of Aesthetics."
The talk was given by professor Kalevi...
Semiosalong is the afterhours Tartu semiotic salon, active since 2011.
"On the Biosemiotic Fundamentals of Aesthetics."
The talk was given by professor Kalevi Kull at the one-day Semiosalong event, Funktionskreis and the Biosemiotic Signifieds, held at the Karl Ernst von Baer House in Tartu Estonia on July 13th 2021. The event was intended as a pre-seminar for the Stockholm Gatherings in Biosemiotics. We ask, what is the relevance of biosemiotics for social science and the humanities, in order to strengthen the case for using biosemiotics as the foundation of general semiotics. Here is the event theme description:
The prize of the object of biosemiotic interest, when properly understood, is coveted across disciplines. It promises answers to questions whose relevance goes beyond biology. What if biosemiotics could prove the utility of the arts and humanities in the same way as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are proven? The biosemiotic signifieds however are mostly non-formalizable – the method is always changing. Biosemiotic findings can even be brought to bear upon issues today in digital humanities and media ethics, in identity politics and critical theory, and in stylistics and design for example. The only way toward these answers is through the dense knot of theory! The session is a pre-seminar for the upcoming Gatherings in Biosemiotics 2021, focusing on applications of biosemiotics to related fields, and inquiring minds from all backgrounds are encouraged to attend.
Supported by Erasmus+ project Humanities going digital, 2020-1-CZ01-KA226-HE-094363.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Semiosalong is the afterhours Tartu semiotic salon, active since 2011.
"On the Biosemiotic Fundamentals of Aesthetics."
The talk was given by professor Kalevi Kull at the one-day Semiosalong event, Funktionskreis and the Biosemiotic Signifieds, held at the Karl Ernst von Baer House in Tartu Estonia on July 13th 2021. The event was intended as a pre-seminar for the Stockholm Gatherings in Biosemiotics. We ask, what is the relevance of biosemiotics for social science and the humanities, in order to strengthen the case for using biosemiotics as the foundation of general semiotics. Here is the event theme description:
The prize of the object of biosemiotic interest, when properly understood, is coveted across disciplines. It promises answers to questions whose relevance goes beyond biology. What if biosemiotics could prove the utility of the arts and humanities in the same way as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are proven? The biosemiotic signifieds however are mostly non-formalizable – the method is always changing. Biosemiotic findings can even be brought to bear upon issues today in digital humanities and media ethics, in identity politics and critical theory, and in stylistics and design for example. The only way toward these answers is through the dense knot of theory! The session is a pre-seminar for the upcoming Gatherings in Biosemiotics 2021, focusing on applications of biosemiotics to related fields, and inquiring minds from all backgrounds are encouraged to attend.
Supported by Erasmus+ project Humanities going digital, 2020-1-CZ01-KA226-HE-094363.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
- published: 19 Nov 2021
- views: 117
UT Graduation Ceremony 2011: speech by Prof Kalevi Kull
University of Tartu Master's Graduation Ceremony 2011, "Humaniora", speech by Professor of Semiotics Kalevi Kull
University of Tartu Master's Graduation Ceremony 2011, "Humaniora", speech by Professor of Semiotics Kalevi Kull
University of Tartu Master's Graduation Ceremony 2011, "Humaniora", speech by Professor of Semiotics Kalevi Kull
- published: 28 Jun 2011
- views: 608
83. Kalevi Kull ja Toivo Maimets, "Bioloogia armuke"
Selle saate algtõuke sain ma Toivo Maimetsa möödunud talvel Vabas Akadeemias peetud loengust "Preformism ja epigenees" [1]. Sealtsamast pärineb ka saate pealkir...
Selle saate algtõuke sain ma Toivo Maimetsa möödunud talvel Vabas Akadeemias peetud loengust "Preformism ja epigenees" [1]. Sealtsamast pärineb ka saate pealkiri. Nimelt olevat 20. sajandi üks kuulsamaid biolooge J. B. S. Haldane öelnud, et teleoloogia on justkui bioloogia armuke, "ta ei saa ilma selleta elada, aga ta ei taha ka, et neid avalikult koos nähakse."
Käesoleva vestluse lähtekohaks oli aga teleoloogia asemel siiski pigem epigeneetika, s.o mittegeneetilist pärilikkust uuriv bioloogia haru. Veelgi konkreetsemalt tõukus meie jutuajamine 2014. aastal ajakirjas Nature ilmunud artiklist "Does evolutionary theory need a rethink?" [2]. Tegemist on kahest paralleelselt kulgevast alamartiklist koosneva kirjutisega, kus üks tiim väidab "Jah, tingimata" ja teine vastu, et "Ei, kõik on korras".
"Selleks, et probleemist aru saada, läheksin ma tagasi peaaegu 100 aastat," selgitas Toivo (11. minut), "aega, kus darvinismile tuli loodusteaduses ja filosoofias juurde liita juurde vahepeal geneetika vallas tehtud avastused. 20. sajandi alguses olid taasavastatud Mendeli tööd, Thomas Hunt Morgan... pani aluse geneetika uurimisele molekulaarsete meetoditega. 1930-ndatel aastatel tekkis vajadus need kaks asja kokku panna." Niinimetatud neodarvinistliku sünteesi käigus visati kõigepealt Toivo sõnul darvinismist välja omandatud tunnuste pärilikkuse teooria (lamarkism). Teine oluline muutus puudutas looduslikku valikut, "selge oli see, et looduslik valik valib, aga mille vahel tal valida on," jätkas Toivo (14. minut), "kes katab laua?"
Neodarvinism rajaneb Toivo sõnul kolmel postulaadil: 1) laua katavad juhuslikud geenimutatsioonid; 2) geneetiline pärandumisaine on DNA ja ainult DNA; 3) keskkonnaga kohastumise ainuke põhjus on looduslik valik. "Kui mina 1970-ndatel aastatel ülikoolis õppisin, siis oli kõik pagana lihtne – nii oligi... Nüüd on aga aastakümnete jooksul kogunenud palju eksperimentaalandmeid, mis ei mahu enam 80–90 aastat tagasi formuleeritud kontseptsiooni sängi ära." On selgunud, et pärilikkuse kandjaks võivad olla DNA kõrval ka teised ained, mis kujunevad elu jooksul teatud keskkonna mõjude tõttu. "Nii osaleb pärilikkuses kindlasti meie mikrobioom," rääkis Toivo (16. minut), "meil on umbes sama palju baktereid sees kui meie enda rakke... kui laps sünnib, siis saab ta oma emalt sünniteede läbimisel kaasa väga spetsiifilise mikroobide koosluse, mis on talle hädavajalik... ehk siis see seltskond, mis põlvest põlve geneetilist informatsiooni edasi kannab, on palju laiem kui DNA."
"See suur sünteesi periood 1930-ndatel aastatel on tegelikult väga vahva ja huvitav aeg," võttis siinkohal (18. minut) sõnajärje üle Kalevi, "siis pandi kokku sellised bioloogia valdkonnad ja vaateviisid, mida ei suudetud omavahel varem ühendada: geneetika, evolutsiooniõpetus, populatsioonibioloogia. Selle kõrval oli teiseks tähtsaks suundumuseks bioloogia matematiseerumine... 1930-ndatel aastatel valmivad evolutsiooni matemaatilised mudelid. Sellega puhastati bioloogiast välja väga palju uude raamistikku mittesobivat kvalitatiivset materjali... Kuna sellest sünteesist sündinud neodarvinism on teooriana nii täpselt ja hästi sõnastatud, siis on sellega ka loogika pinna parem vaielda."
41. minutil kaldus eelviidatud Nature artikli laiemale kontekstile. "Samal aastal [2014., H. P.] moodustus seltskond, mida nimetatakse "The Third Way of Evolution" [3]," selgitas Kalevi. Kolmas tee viitab siinkohal pikka aega eriti USA-s toimunud ilmavaatelisele debatile neodarvinistide ja kreatsionistide vahel. "Neodarvinism on täiesti elimineerinud igasuguse teleoloogia," jätkas Kalevi (42. minut), "sõna "teleoloogia" on sama hull kui "vitalism" (elujõud), see ei kuulu endast lugupidava bioloogi sõnavarasse." Religiooniringkonnad ei taha samal ajal eesmärgipärasusest kuidagi loobuda. Selles on veendunud ka osad bioloogid, "eesmärgipärasus on aga alati kuidagi seotud intellekti, teadvuse või vaimuga, olgu see siis jumalik või mitte... see neodarvinismi ja kreatsionismi väga polariseeritud ja ideoloogiline vaidlus surus teaduslikus bioloogias maha neodarvinismi kriitika. Kuivõrd tegemist on binaarse vastandusega, siis kehtib põhimõte: kui sa pole neodarvinist, siis oled sa kreatsionist. See kolmas tee ongi nimetatud kolmandaks teeks seetõttu, et see ei taha olla ei neodarvinismi ega kreatsionismi poolt. See ei ole päri neodarvinismiga, küll aga mitmes mõttes Darwiniga ja toob seetõttu sisse epigeneetilisest pärandumisest tulenevad teoreetilised järeldused" (44. minut).
Head kuulamist!
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A5GjCfdzgI&t;=7s
[2] https://www.nature.com/news/does-evolutionary-theory-need-a-rethink-1.16080#:~:text=Hoekstra%20and%20colleagues-,Does%20evolutionary%20theory%20need%20a,Yes%2C%20urgently&text;=Charles%20Darwin%20conceived%20of%20evolution,processes%20that%20change%20gene%20frequencies.
[3] https://www.thethirdwayofevolution.com/
Selle saate algtõuke sain ma Toivo Maimetsa möödunud talvel Vabas Akadeemias peetud loengust "Preformism ja epigenees" [1]. Sealtsamast pärineb ka saate pealkiri. Nimelt olevat 20. sajandi üks kuulsamaid biolooge J. B. S. Haldane öelnud, et teleoloogia on justkui bioloogia armuke, "ta ei saa ilma selleta elada, aga ta ei taha ka, et neid avalikult koos nähakse."
Käesoleva vestluse lähtekohaks oli aga teleoloogia asemel siiski pigem epigeneetika, s.o mittegeneetilist pärilikkust uuriv bioloogia haru. Veelgi konkreetsemalt tõukus meie jutuajamine 2014. aastal ajakirjas Nature ilmunud artiklist "Does evolutionary theory need a rethink?" [2]. Tegemist on kahest paralleelselt kulgevast alamartiklist koosneva kirjutisega, kus üks tiim väidab "Jah, tingimata" ja teine vastu, et "Ei, kõik on korras".
"Selleks, et probleemist aru saada, läheksin ma tagasi peaaegu 100 aastat," selgitas Toivo (11. minut), "aega, kus darvinismile tuli loodusteaduses ja filosoofias juurde liita juurde vahepeal geneetika vallas tehtud avastused. 20. sajandi alguses olid taasavastatud Mendeli tööd, Thomas Hunt Morgan... pani aluse geneetika uurimisele molekulaarsete meetoditega. 1930-ndatel aastatel tekkis vajadus need kaks asja kokku panna." Niinimetatud neodarvinistliku sünteesi käigus visati kõigepealt Toivo sõnul darvinismist välja omandatud tunnuste pärilikkuse teooria (lamarkism). Teine oluline muutus puudutas looduslikku valikut, "selge oli see, et looduslik valik valib, aga mille vahel tal valida on," jätkas Toivo (14. minut), "kes katab laua?"
Neodarvinism rajaneb Toivo sõnul kolmel postulaadil: 1) laua katavad juhuslikud geenimutatsioonid; 2) geneetiline pärandumisaine on DNA ja ainult DNA; 3) keskkonnaga kohastumise ainuke põhjus on looduslik valik. "Kui mina 1970-ndatel aastatel ülikoolis õppisin, siis oli kõik pagana lihtne – nii oligi... Nüüd on aga aastakümnete jooksul kogunenud palju eksperimentaalandmeid, mis ei mahu enam 80–90 aastat tagasi formuleeritud kontseptsiooni sängi ära." On selgunud, et pärilikkuse kandjaks võivad olla DNA kõrval ka teised ained, mis kujunevad elu jooksul teatud keskkonna mõjude tõttu. "Nii osaleb pärilikkuses kindlasti meie mikrobioom," rääkis Toivo (16. minut), "meil on umbes sama palju baktereid sees kui meie enda rakke... kui laps sünnib, siis saab ta oma emalt sünniteede läbimisel kaasa väga spetsiifilise mikroobide koosluse, mis on talle hädavajalik... ehk siis see seltskond, mis põlvest põlve geneetilist informatsiooni edasi kannab, on palju laiem kui DNA."
"See suur sünteesi periood 1930-ndatel aastatel on tegelikult väga vahva ja huvitav aeg," võttis siinkohal (18. minut) sõnajärje üle Kalevi, "siis pandi kokku sellised bioloogia valdkonnad ja vaateviisid, mida ei suudetud omavahel varem ühendada: geneetika, evolutsiooniõpetus, populatsioonibioloogia. Selle kõrval oli teiseks tähtsaks suundumuseks bioloogia matematiseerumine... 1930-ndatel aastatel valmivad evolutsiooni matemaatilised mudelid. Sellega puhastati bioloogiast välja väga palju uude raamistikku mittesobivat kvalitatiivset materjali... Kuna sellest sünteesist sündinud neodarvinism on teooriana nii täpselt ja hästi sõnastatud, siis on sellega ka loogika pinna parem vaielda."
41. minutil kaldus eelviidatud Nature artikli laiemale kontekstile. "Samal aastal [2014., H. P.] moodustus seltskond, mida nimetatakse "The Third Way of Evolution" [3]," selgitas Kalevi. Kolmas tee viitab siinkohal pikka aega eriti USA-s toimunud ilmavaatelisele debatile neodarvinistide ja kreatsionistide vahel. "Neodarvinism on täiesti elimineerinud igasuguse teleoloogia," jätkas Kalevi (42. minut), "sõna "teleoloogia" on sama hull kui "vitalism" (elujõud), see ei kuulu endast lugupidava bioloogi sõnavarasse." Religiooniringkonnad ei taha samal ajal eesmärgipärasusest kuidagi loobuda. Selles on veendunud ka osad bioloogid, "eesmärgipärasus on aga alati kuidagi seotud intellekti, teadvuse või vaimuga, olgu see siis jumalik või mitte... see neodarvinismi ja kreatsionismi väga polariseeritud ja ideoloogiline vaidlus surus teaduslikus bioloogias maha neodarvinismi kriitika. Kuivõrd tegemist on binaarse vastandusega, siis kehtib põhimõte: kui sa pole neodarvinist, siis oled sa kreatsionist. See kolmas tee ongi nimetatud kolmandaks teeks seetõttu, et see ei taha olla ei neodarvinismi ega kreatsionismi poolt. See ei ole päri neodarvinismiga, küll aga mitmes mõttes Darwiniga ja toob seetõttu sisse epigeneetilisest pärandumisest tulenevad teoreetilised järeldused" (44. minut).
Head kuulamist!
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A5GjCfdzgI&t;=7s
[2] https://www.nature.com/news/does-evolutionary-theory-need-a-rethink-1.16080#:~:text=Hoekstra%20and%20colleagues-,Does%20evolutionary%20theory%20need%20a,Yes%2C%20urgently&text;=Charles%20Darwin%20conceived%20of%20evolution,processes%20that%20change%20gene%20frequencies.
[3] https://www.thethirdwayofevolution.com/
- published: 01 Jul 2020
- views: 3021
NASS XII Session 8: Amelia Lewis, Kalevi Küll, Morten Tønnessen
XII conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, "Meaning in Perception and the Senses", 5-7 November 2021, Vilnius University
Session 8: Biosemi...
XII conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, "Meaning in Perception and the Senses", 5-7 November 2021, Vilnius University
Session 8: Biosemiotics
Amelia Lewis, "In Search of a Unified Theory of Sensory Perception: Possible Links Between the Vibrational Theory of Oflaction and the Evolution of Language"
Kalevi Küll, "Biologies of Meaning"
Morten Tønnessen, "Neurosemiotics Across Species"
This conference was funded by a grant (No. S-LIP-21-19) from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
XII conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, "Meaning in Perception and the Senses", 5-7 November 2021, Vilnius University
Session 8: Biosemiotics
Amelia Lewis, "In Search of a Unified Theory of Sensory Perception: Possible Links Between the Vibrational Theory of Oflaction and the Evolution of Language"
Kalevi Küll, "Biologies of Meaning"
Morten Tønnessen, "Neurosemiotics Across Species"
This conference was funded by a grant (No. S-LIP-21-19) from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).
- published: 18 Dec 2021
- views: 62
2021 Gatherings in Biosemiotics Day 1
These are the videos of the 21st Annual International Gatherings in Biosemiotics conference, held online and in Stockholm, Sweden, from July 26-29, 2021. You ca...
These are the videos of the 21st Annual International Gatherings in Biosemiotics conference, held online and in Stockholm, Sweden, from July 26-29, 2021. You can find the Programme for the conference and download the Abstract Book here: https://www.2021biosemioticsgatherings.com/home
and learn more about biosemiotics at https://www.biosemiotics.org/
0:00:00 Introductory Remarks by the Organizers:
0:00:22 Kalevi Kull
0:04:10 Nora Bateson
0:09:46 Donald Favareau
0:13:22 Talks:
0:15:20 Nora Bateson — Abductive process, anticipatory systems, transcontextual mutual learning, and aphanipoiesis
0:50:45 Tyler James Bennett — The quasi-sign doctrine
1:21:00 Donald Favareau — Determinacy and indeterminacy in biosemiotics: The centrality of ‘openness to possibility’ in biology and semiosis
1:51:20 BREAK
2:05:38 Phillip Guddemi — Semiotic scaffolding and the Batesonian paradox of play
2:36:24 Peter Harries-Jones — “In a communicational world there are no objects” Warren McCulloch to Gregory Bateson
3:11:30 Myrdene Andersen — A meeting of minds: Warren McCulloch, Gregory Bateson, Peter Harries-Jones
3:50:00 BREAK
3:57:30 Barbara Pollini and Alberto Angelini — Signs of livingness in design material(itie)s
4:25:15 Camilla Robuschi — The aesthetic dimension as a demonstration of the continuity between nature and culture in human beings
4:54:55 Ekaterina Velmezova — On the biosemiotics of beauty: rereading the prose of science-fiction writer ivan efremov
5:26:20 Kalevi Kull — The biosemiotics of beauty
6:01:21 End of Day Discussion
These are the videos of the 21st Annual International Gatherings in Biosemiotics conference, held online and in Stockholm, Sweden, from July 26-29, 2021. You can find the Programme for the conference and download the Abstract Book here: https://www.2021biosemioticsgatherings.com/home
and learn more about biosemiotics at https://www.biosemiotics.org/
0:00:00 Introductory Remarks by the Organizers:
0:00:22 Kalevi Kull
0:04:10 Nora Bateson
0:09:46 Donald Favareau
0:13:22 Talks:
0:15:20 Nora Bateson — Abductive process, anticipatory systems, transcontextual mutual learning, and aphanipoiesis
0:50:45 Tyler James Bennett — The quasi-sign doctrine
1:21:00 Donald Favareau — Determinacy and indeterminacy in biosemiotics: The centrality of ‘openness to possibility’ in biology and semiosis
1:51:20 BREAK
2:05:38 Phillip Guddemi — Semiotic scaffolding and the Batesonian paradox of play
2:36:24 Peter Harries-Jones — “In a communicational world there are no objects” Warren McCulloch to Gregory Bateson
3:11:30 Myrdene Andersen — A meeting of minds: Warren McCulloch, Gregory Bateson, Peter Harries-Jones
3:50:00 BREAK
3:57:30 Barbara Pollini and Alberto Angelini — Signs of livingness in design material(itie)s
4:25:15 Camilla Robuschi — The aesthetic dimension as a demonstration of the continuity between nature and culture in human beings
4:54:55 Ekaterina Velmezova — On the biosemiotics of beauty: rereading the prose of science-fiction writer ivan efremov
5:26:20 Kalevi Kull — The biosemiotics of beauty
6:01:21 End of Day Discussion
- published: 04 Aug 2021
- views: 1156
How Does 'Bioloogia armuke' Impact Modern Biology?
Unraveling the Mysteries: The Impact of 'Bioloogia armuke' on Modern Biology • Unraveling the Mysteries • Discover how 'Bioloogia armuke' by Kalevi Kull and Toi...
Unraveling the Mysteries: The Impact of 'Bioloogia armuke' on Modern Biology • Unraveling the Mysteries • Discover how 'Bioloogia armuke' by Kalevi Kull and Toivo Maimets has revolutionized our understanding of biology and its intricate mechanisms. This captivating work offers valuable insights into complex concepts, making it a must-read for anyone interested in unraveling the mysteries of the natural world.
Unraveling the Mysteries: The Impact of 'Bioloogia armuke' on Modern Biology • Unraveling the Mysteries • Discover how 'Bioloogia armuke' by Kalevi Kull and Toivo Maimets has revolutionized our understanding of biology and its intricate mechanisms. This captivating work offers valuable insights into complex concepts, making it a must-read for anyone interested in unraveling the mysteries of the natural world.
- published: 28 Oct 2023
- views: 0
2021 Gatherings in Biosemiotics Day 4
These are the videos of the 21st Annual International Gatherings in Biosemiotics conference, held online and in Stockholm, Sweden, from July 26-29, 2021. You ca...
These are the videos of the 21st Annual International Gatherings in Biosemiotics conference, held online and in Stockholm, Sweden, from July 26-29, 2021. You can find the Programme for the conference and download the Abstract Book here: https://www.2021biosemioticsgatherings.com/home
and learn more about biosemiotics at https://www.biosemiotics.org/
0:00:00 Donald Favareau, Organizer — Welcome to Day Four
0:03:16 Poster Presentation Session
0:33:57 Jaime F. Cárdenas-García —The Phenomenology Of Info- Autopoiesis
1:01:23 Róbert Bohát — Metaphors To Survive By Ii: From Figures Of Perception To Figures Of Speech
1:34:30 BREAK
1:48:34 Andrew Painter — From Incomplete Nature To Incomplete Society: Sense, Absence, And Mass Media Communications
2:18:33 Jacob Smith — Mackenzie Crook’s Biosemiotic Television
2:48:51 Sergio Rodríguez Gómez — Jakob Von Uexküll Meets Humberto Maturana And Francisco Varela: A Hypothetic Biosemiotic Exchange
3:19:44 BREAK
3:33:17 Jeffrey W. Bloom — The Dynamics Of Meaning Expression And Communication
4:02:51 Jeremiah Cassar Scalia — Language Emergence And Articulatory Potential In Biosemiotic
4:32:40 Eugenio Israel Chávez Barreto — On Language, Communication And Change
5:03:40 John Schumann — On The Possibility Of Definition
6:02:14 The Organizers: Donald Favareau, Nora Bateson, Kalevi Kull — Closing Remarks
These are the videos of the 21st Annual International Gatherings in Biosemiotics conference, held online and in Stockholm, Sweden, from July 26-29, 2021. You can find the Programme for the conference and download the Abstract Book here: https://www.2021biosemioticsgatherings.com/home
and learn more about biosemiotics at https://www.biosemiotics.org/
0:00:00 Donald Favareau, Organizer — Welcome to Day Four
0:03:16 Poster Presentation Session
0:33:57 Jaime F. Cárdenas-García —The Phenomenology Of Info- Autopoiesis
1:01:23 Róbert Bohát — Metaphors To Survive By Ii: From Figures Of Perception To Figures Of Speech
1:34:30 BREAK
1:48:34 Andrew Painter — From Incomplete Nature To Incomplete Society: Sense, Absence, And Mass Media Communications
2:18:33 Jacob Smith — Mackenzie Crook’s Biosemiotic Television
2:48:51 Sergio Rodríguez Gómez — Jakob Von Uexküll Meets Humberto Maturana And Francisco Varela: A Hypothetic Biosemiotic Exchange
3:19:44 BREAK
3:33:17 Jeffrey W. Bloom — The Dynamics Of Meaning Expression And Communication
4:02:51 Jeremiah Cassar Scalia — Language Emergence And Articulatory Potential In Biosemiotic
4:32:40 Eugenio Israel Chávez Barreto — On Language, Communication And Change
5:03:40 John Schumann — On The Possibility Of Definition
6:02:14 The Organizers: Donald Favareau, Nora Bateson, Kalevi Kull — Closing Remarks
- published: 04 Aug 2021
- views: 356
Conference: Evolution ‘On Purpose’: Teleonomy in Living Systems (Part 2)
This conference was held online over June 29 and 29, 2021.
Conference theme: Living systems exhibit an internal teleology, the full implications of which have ...
This conference was held online over June 29 and 29, 2021.
Conference theme: Living systems exhibit an internal teleology, the full implications of which have not been explored. This meeting will address various aspects of this phenomenon, including its scope and meaning, and its many forms and facets.
This is part one, which includes the following talks:
1. Stuart Kauffman and Andrea Roli (ISB, Seattle) | What is Consciousness? Artificial Intelligence, Real Intelligence, Quantum Mind, and Qualia
2. Eugene V. Koonin, Vitaly Vanchurin & Yuri I. Wolf (NCBI, Bethesda) and Mikhail I. Katsnelson (Radbound) | A Theory of Universal Evolution as a Learning Process
3. Kalevi Kull (Tartu) | How do Organisms Choose?
4. Dan McShea and Gunnar Babcock (Duke) | An Externalist Teleology
The Linnean Society works to inform, involve and inspire people of all ages about nature and its wider interactions through our collections, programmes and publications. Founded in 1788, the Society takes its name from the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778).
Follow us on social media:
This conference was held online over June 29 and 29, 2021.
Conference theme: Living systems exhibit an internal teleology, the full implications of which have not been explored. This meeting will address various aspects of this phenomenon, including its scope and meaning, and its many forms and facets.
This is part one, which includes the following talks:
1. Stuart Kauffman and Andrea Roli (ISB, Seattle) | What is Consciousness? Artificial Intelligence, Real Intelligence, Quantum Mind, and Qualia
2. Eugene V. Koonin, Vitaly Vanchurin & Yuri I. Wolf (NCBI, Bethesda) and Mikhail I. Katsnelson (Radbound) | A Theory of Universal Evolution as a Learning Process
3. Kalevi Kull (Tartu) | How do Organisms Choose?
4. Dan McShea and Gunnar Babcock (Duke) | An Externalist Teleology
The Linnean Society works to inform, involve and inspire people of all ages about nature and its wider interactions through our collections, programmes and publications. Founded in 1788, the Society takes its name from the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778).
Follow us on social media:
- published: 13 Jul 2021
- views: 425