Netflix has been successfully disrupting the video rental business. The key critical success factors behind their success are: 1) customer convenience, and 2) the low price economics of accessing multiple videos at your finger tip.
How can you apply "Netflix
Model” to today's traditional trade shows and conferences?
Today’s traditional trade shows and conferences are driven by specialty, time, location, and event for short duration period either days or weeks. Every trade show/conference is highly targeted for their target audience. The challenge of today's trade show model is that not everyone can attend all the events because of costs, time, and location.
Similar to the Netflix audience, not everyone can watch all the videos at any given timeframe.
What if you offer a "Netflix" model to your trade show audience so that they can watch the videos virtually anytime anywhere? Not only you can offer on-demand video content; but also, provide ongoing collaboration and engagement opportunities for follow-up.
Every event organizer should consider adopting the "Netflix Model" by building a "Netflix"
Channel for their industry so that they can create a long-term sustainable vertical market ecosystem for constant lead generation and engagement for three key tactical and strategic reasons:
1. Cannibalization is not a Concern – The virtual event component will never replace the face-to-face meeting because people go to physical trade for the live physical experience. The
point is that if participants who cannot go to the physical event for whatever reasons, you can always have a virtual solution to capture their virtual presence. Why leave money on the table?
2. The virtual/hybrid event is the future –
Based on the recent
2015 MPI (Meeting Professionals
International) survey, virtual attendance is expected to grow
3.1 percent in the coming year, compared to
2.4 percent for the live audience. 59 percent and 61 percent of respondents expect to leverage virtual and hybrid options, respectively. As the VR (virtual reality) is becoming a real reality for many vertical industries, every strategic event organizer should position themselves with
Virtual Trade Show component as a stepping stone to the future trend. Also, the virtual option is the perfect solution to capitalize on the global attendees that you have not considered.
Authority Site Leader for
Massive Targeted
Traffic FREE – Whoever can aggregate the traditional trade show/conference content to build out an ongoing high quality and updated content, can dominate their vertical industry as "Authority Leader". With today's rapid changing environment, every customer needs to hear the most insightful tips and stories collectively from every thought leader and customer.
Physical and Virtual Conferences/
Summit is the best collaborative aggregator platform to make that happen. Many live streaming opponents such as (i.e.,
Google Hangout/YouTube,, and (
IBM)) are available to make that happen. Every event organizer should consider monetizing the content.
Just like what Netflix has disrupted the video rental industry for offering convenience and a wide variety of collection to video viewers, trade show organizers can disrupt the trade show industry by creating a “Netflix Channel Model” that leverages Virtual
Expo Network technologies as a content aggregator and collaborator to all stakeholders.
Instead of worrying about potential cannibalization of the virtual component, every event organizer should consider focusing on becoming an authority leader in their market space for massive targeted traffic (FREE).
Here are the three simple steps to create your “Netflix” model for your vertical industry with ongoing collaboration and engagement for daily qualified leads with prospects and partners for a long-term sustainable global prosperity for everyone:
Identify Your
Industry Specialty for Ongoing
Content Program
Create a Virtual Trade Show/
Conference Network
3. Deploy Weekly and Monthly
Collaboration Opportunity
Finally, everyone can benefit from the Virtual Trade Show/Conference Network approach using “Netflix” model for daily qualified lead generation opportunities for a long-term sustainable competitive advantage.
For a FREE consultation on how you can dominate your industry in becoming an Authority Site Leader with your own "Netflix" Channel for your vertical industry, please email us at or
go to or call us at 1-888-718-5333.
- published: 12 Mar 2016
- views: 1