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April 19, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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An Odd Cloud Rolls Toward Hillary Clinton’s Campaign: The Case of an Arrested Romanian Hacker

New information squeezed out of "Guccifer" by U.S. authorities could reignite the email controversy as the national election nears. Already, his disclosures are plaguing the Democratic front-runner.


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Vote for Truthdig to Win Webby Award for Best Political Blog/Website

It happened again, and we couldn't be more honored: Truthdig has been nominated in the "Political Blog/Websites" category for the 2016 Webby Awards. Vote for us, and help us win a People's Voice Webby.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP

Revolution Is in the Air

The arrests of hundreds—including me—in or near the Capitol have been going on every day for a week. They presage a growing, nationwide uprising against the corporate state.
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A reporter for Vice News, Leopold spent years using the Freedom of Information Act to sue the U.S. government to obtain documents he believes Americans are entitled to know about, leading some in the government to brand him a “FOIA terrorist.”

In a tense debate between Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and liberal activist Torie Osborn, Scheer warned U.S. liberals against whitewashing Hillary Clinton’s record in the interest of getting her nominated during an election season when many voters recognize that the Democratic establishment has sold them out.

Here Are 6 Policies Obama Wants Saudi Arabia to Change (Video)

After his critical comments in an interview in The Atlantic last month, Barack Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia is going to be awkward.

Noam Chomsky Defends WikiLeaks and Declassifying Information (Video)

Noam Chomsky had a complex answer when asked if he sees a difference in the role technology companies play compared to Washington lawmakers in protecting and encouraging privacy.

Samantha Bee on the Absurd Theatrics of Candidates Trying to Win the New York Primary (Video)

As the primary kicks off in the Empire State, the “Full Frontal” host takes a look at presidential candidates’ campaign antics over the past few weeks.

Why Isn’t Everyone In Favor of Taxing Financial Speculation?

Why is there so little discussion about one of Bernie Sanders’s most important proposals – to tax financial speculation?



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Bernie Sanders Can Win Over Conservatives

Led by media fearmongering and unimaginative leadership to believe Americans are helplessly divided, many liberals doubt an honest, respectful and sustained appeal to our shared interests can moderate the passions of our conservative neighbors.

Bernie Sanders’ Camp Complains to DNC Over Hillary Clinton’s Fundraising

The Bernie 2016 campaign believes Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee may have violated campaign fundraising rules and asked DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz to stop the activities.

Why Can’t The Nation and the Left Deal With Election Theft?

There are two things we all need to know about the upcoming 2016 election.

Democracy in Action: Arrests at Capitol Building Protests Top 1,400

Over the past week, Democracy Spring and Democracy Awakening activists lobbied members of Congress for campaign finance and voter-law reforms.

Tyson Gets Its Hand Slapped for Cheating Workers—Again

The Supreme Court handed a victory to slaughterhouse employees seeking to recover overtime wages, but the suit was just one in a string of cases against the food giant with a penchant for flouting fair labor laws.



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Bill Moyers: How Our Stone-Age Brain Gets in the Way of Smart Politics (Audio)

In an audio interview, journalist Bill Moyers sat down with historian Rick Shenkman to talk about the brain of the American voter and what is firing its synapses during this extraordinary primary season.

Hundreds of New Yorkers Allege Election Fraud in Lawsuit

A day before one of the most important primaries of the 2016 presidential race, voters across the state are accusing the Board of Elections of tampering with their registrations.

Bernie Sanders Leads Hillary Clinton in Three National Polls

“Did anyone imagine Bernie Sanders ahead of Hillary Clinton in three major national polls, and almost tied in others, by mid-April of 2016?” asks journalist H.A. Goodman.

New Document Shows the CIA Is Investing in Data-Mining Firms

A report by The Intercept shines a light on social-media mining and surveillance-oriented companies receiving funding from In-Q-Tel, the intelligence agency’s venture capital firm.

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton: The Palestinian Defender vs. the Israel Apologist

Some critics say Sanders’ fervent support of Palestinian rights is naive. But Clinton’s inflexible defense of all things Israel is no path to peace in the historical Holy Land.

Top Seven Reasons Israel Must Give Back the Occupied Golan to Syria (Videos)

The far-right-wing government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pulled the stunt of holding a Cabinet meeting in the Occupied Golan Heights—a first—on Sunday, and Netanyahu engaged in some grandstanding, declaring that his country will never relinquish this patch of Syria.

Frequent Marijuana Use Raises Risk of Psychotic Disorders in Vulnerable People

The potential for marijauana to cause lasting damage to the mental health of some users, especially the young, is serious enough to warrant global public health campaigns, international drug experts say.

Scientists Look to the Soil to Save Earth From Overheating

New research shows that changing farming and soil management practices so that soils store carbon rather than lose it would help avoid dangerous climate change.

Life Expectancy Gap Between Rich and Poor Keeps On Growing

Between 2001 and 2014, the difference in life expectancy between the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans and the poorest 1 percent widened to 14.6 years for men and 10.1 years for women, a study published by the American Medical Association shows.

A Dictionary of Euphemisms for Imperial Decline

Cloaking violent, even murderous actions in anodyne language might help a few doubting functionaries sleep easier at night, but it should make the rest of us profoundly uneasy.

John Oliver and Elmo on the Lead Poisoning That Can Still Happen Anywhere, Not Just in Flint (Video)

Though politicians seem outraged over the recent water crisis in Flint, Mich., they seem unconcerned about the lead still in our walls and pipes.