The Dissenter

Hillary Clinton attends a campaign rally at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. 4/6/2016. Photo by redcti on Flickr.
14 Apr 2016

Clinton Wrong About Mass Incarceration Being Known Problem For Just A Decade

Clinton’s perception of mass incarceration is either terribly informed or she has concocted her own version of American history to suit her political agenda

Laquan McDonald Black Friday Mag Mile Protest March. Photo by kgnixer on Flickr
13 Apr 2016

Task Force Lambasts Chicago Police Department’s Decades-Long Record Of Systemic Racism

The Chicago Police Accountability Task Force released a report, which shows the deep and systemic problem of racism within the Chicago Police Department.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking with supporters at a campaign rally at Carl Hayden High School in Phoenix, Arizona. Photo by Gage Skidmore on Flickr
12 Apr 2016

Hillary Clinton Says Honduras Coup Not Illegal In Daily News Editorial Board Interview

Hillary Clinton told the Daily News there was a strong case to be made that the Honduran coup was legal.

"Curtis" (1970)
11 Apr 2016

Protest Song of Week: ‘(Don’t Worry) If There’s Hell Below, We’re All Going To Go’

In the late 1960s, black Americans in inner cities rioted and rebelled against poverty and oppression. Black Americans demanded more investment in black communities to alleviate the conditions contributing to widespread despair. There was also a fierce crackdown by authorities on the Black Panthers, which attempted to empower black Americans


The Bullpen

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders debate in Brooklyn, NY. Photo via NumbersMuncher on Twitter
15 Apr 2016

Hillary Clinton Claims Money Has No Influence, Then Calls For Overturning Citizens United

Either money in politics is corrupting and Citizens United needs to be overturned, or a candidate can take all the money they want from special interests.

Protest against the Wall Street bail out: Wall Street, NYC - September 25, 2008. Photo by a. golden, eyewash design
13 Apr 2016

Too Big To Fail Banks Still Failing ‘Living Will’ Tests

Federal regulators have now rejected living wills from JPMorgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Bank of New York Mellon, and State Street.

Information Awareness Office Logo By USGov-Military [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
11 Apr 2016

Report: Pentagon Not Enforcing Revolving Door Corruption Regulations

A recent report reveals the Pentagon is not keeping track of whether former employees are complying with revolving door laws designed to prevent corruption.


Sharp Edges

Mike VanElzakker, a 42 year-old neuroscientist, tells Shadowproof why he will likely vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party Nominee.
14 Apr 2016

Voters Share Perspectives On Rejecting Two-Party System In 2016 Election

Shadowproof interviewed a number of Americans who are refusing to vote for Hillary Clinton, come what may.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, USAID Administrator Raj Shah and Deputy Commander SOUTHCOM General P.K. Keen meet with President Rene Preval in a tent at the Prince-au-Port airport, Haiti, Jan. 16, 2010. Photo by USAID on Flickr.
07 Apr 2016

The Global Consequences Of Hillary Clinton’s Predatory Pragmatism

The “pragmatic” policies advocated by politicians have consequences. There is an aftermath, and in the case of Clinton, it usually is a bloody one.

Hundreds march on media offices in New York to protest the #ChapelHillShooting (Photo by Joe Catron on Flickr)
03 Apr 2016

Leading US Presidential Candidates Normalize Anti-Muslim Sentiment

We’ve witnessed a formulaic normalization of anti-Muslim sentiment expressed by leading political personalities, and candidates running for president.

Program for a International Women’s Day event in San Francisco, 1975, from the RF Kampfer Revolutionary Literature Archive []
31 Mar 2016

Introducing ‘Sharp Edges’—A New Column at Shadowproof

Our new column will introduce readers to stories from the margins of complex and oft-ignored realities being faced by communities that continue to resist


The Next Cold War

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Anastasia Stuart interprets and translates between U.S Air Force Airmen and Ukrainian soldiers. (USAF)
15 Apr 2016

Fighting All Along the Frontlines in Ukraine, New Boss Same As The Old Boss

Next Cold War Roundup 4/15/16 There is fighting all along the frontlines in Donetsk, more use of snipers and drones by Ukraine military and intelligence, and the new prime minister’s government doesn’t look like it will be much different than the last.  Russian fighter jets buzzed the USS Donald Cook

World Trade Center smoking on 9/11. Photo by Michael Foran [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
14 Apr 2016

US Plans To Give More Weapons To Al Qaeda-Linked Rebels In Syria

The CIA has drawn up plans to provide more-powerful weapons to the so-called moderate Syrian rebels if the current truce in Syria collapses.

Free Syrian Army using Chinese FN-6 MANPADS in 2013.
13 Apr 2016

Aleppo Offensive Imminent, CIA Threatens More Lethal Weapons and MANPADS to Syrian Rebels

Next Cold War 4/13/16 Russian and Syrian forces are preparing a major offensive in Aleppo. CIA and the Obama administration, through anonymous sources, threatened to move to “Plan B” if ceasefire fails, including more lethal weapons and MANPADS.  Syrian parliamentary elections were held. Saudi King Salman is currently on a


Prison Protest

Screenshot from the Economic Innovation Group's "DCI Data for the 100 Largest US Cities."
15 Apr 2016

Lawsuits Challenge Fort Wayne’s ‘Law And Order’ Policies Used To Push Out City’s Poor

A series of lawsuits targeting Allen County, Indiana raise serious questions about how the state’s second-largest city, Fort Wayne, treats those in its criminal justice system–particularly those who are black or poor. The allegations come amid an economic revitalization effort in Fort Wayne’s impoverished downtown area, funded by multi-million dollar public-private partnerships with business interests from

Screenshot from Advanced Correctional Healthcare training video, entitled "A Jail Is Not A Health Spa"
21 Mar 2016

Lawsuit: Pregnant Pretrial Detainee Denied Care, Forced To Carry Dead Child For Days

A federal lawsuit claims a pregnant pre-trial inmate was denied basic access to healthcare that could have saved the life of her unborn child.

Signs for a bail bondsmen. (gigaboss on Flickr)
26 Feb 2016

Legislation To End Money Bail Introduced In Congress

Congressman Ted Lieu introduced the No Money Bail Act of 2016, which prohibits the payment of money as a condition of pretrial release.

A detailed aerial view of Rikers Island. (Wikimedia Commons / United States Geological Survey)
26 Feb 2016

Talk Of Jail Construction Creeping Into Debate Over Closing Rikers Island

Will plans to close the notorious Rikers Island jail complex simply lead to the construction of new, smaller jails throughout New York City?


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