19 Apr 2016

Turning this on and then off again

Currently setting up an Etsy selling page for my new wares.

Instagram is the new fangled way of sharing things, don't tell the other platforms.... My new account over there is and below are a few images that I have shared over there so far. Sooooooo many #hashtags to figure out and so little time, but they seem to work over in that particular playground, much more than anywhere else. 

This is a departure from my usual doodle style, but soon there will be a marriage of the two styles. Which will be either beautiful or terrible or beautifully terrible. 

Yet again I have promised myself that I will blog and blog often. I've noticed that as I am writing this, there is a presumption that someone other myself and the odd Google bot will read this. Who knows? The past year has been awful and there is epic blog post trapped in my brain, that wants to escape into the  world and maybe it will.