'Henry Dunant' is featured as a movie character in the following productions:
Henry Dunant: Du rouge sur la croix (2006)
Thomas Jouannet (actor),
Andreas Kispert (miscellaneous crew),
Fritz von Friedl (actor),
Erwin Leder (actor),
Vania Vilers (actor),
Perrine Fontaine (miscellaneous crew),
Tom Novembre (actor),
Jean-Pierre Gos (actor),
Samuel Labarthe (actor),
Fritz Karl (actor),
Jean-François Balmer (actor),
Michel Galabru (actor),
Henri Garcin (actor),
Antoine Basler (actor),
Ulrike Fessler (costume designer),
Plot: Henry Dunant, son of a Geneva francophone upper class bourgeoisie family, works for a Swiss exploitation company in French Algeria; when the colonists are thirsty, he returns determined to convince the firm and emperor Napoleon III to build a dam for them. After his Uncle, Dr. Hubert Dunant, diagnoses him not with Algerian typhus, just malaria, also his first meeting -dropping drawers in hospital for a shot- with nurse Cécile Thuillier, and meeting his careerist brother Daniel's fiancée, Léonie Bourg-Thibourg, daughter of the firm's boss, the board approves his plan. On his way to the emperor, who didn't even concede to receive him, Henry gets stuck in Castiglione, part of the Austrian province Lombardy which French troops came to 'liberate'; his Geneva friend Dr. Louis Appia saves his life by presenting him to suspicious Austrian troops as his medical assistant, and he soon gets passionate about senseless cruelties of war while helping out with what he learned from grandpa. Cécile, part of a godsend shipment of Swis staff and supplies, becomes his right hand and true love. After French troops take the village and reinstate senseless abuses, his letters home, published in Geneva by family friend journalist Samuel Lowenthal, whose newspaper gets attacked too, the unprecedented shocking first-hand truth about war cruelty, start enough public commotion to make his plans eventual turn true in the form of the now worldwide indispensable, strictly neutral humanitarian last resort for all in need, the International Red Cross, named after the symbol Dunant devised by painting in blood the Christian symbol French and Austrians had in common as Catholic nations to safely evacuate from Castiglione.
Keywords: bare-butt, character-name-in-title, colony, field-hospital, injection, male-nudity, pow, spanking, undressing, wound
The Flag of Humanity (1940)
Natalie Kalmus (miscellaneous crew),
John Arledge (actor),
Scotty Beckett (actor),
Robert Strange (actor),
Nana Bryant (actress),
Fay Helm (actress),
Gordon Hollingshead (producer),
Jean Negulesco (writer),
Charles L. Tedford (writer),
Jean Negulesco (director),
Sol Gorss (actor),
Jesse Graves (actor),
John Hamilton (actor),
William Hopper (actor),
Joe King (actor),
Plot: This 'Special' entry from the Warners/Vitaphone shorts department is less the story of Clara Barton, and more the story of how Clara Barton helped further the cause of the Red Cross in the United States and the birth of the American Red Cross. Barton went through many trials and setbacks before she succeeded. This short, as was all Warners' shorts, was made for the express purpose of theatrical release and not as something made with the school market in mind. Many of their 'Historic America' shorts were later made available for school showings.
Keywords: airplane, american-red-cross, assassination, cannon, civil-war, death, determination, doctor, earthquake, famine
1848. Henry Dunant, yang lahir dari keluarga baik-to-do Geneva, dikirim ke Aljazair pada pekerjaan pertamanya sebagai manajer investasi bagi perusahaan Bapak Bourg-Thibourg. Sesuai dengan semangat berpikiran terbuka toleransi ia pertama kali memeluk sebagai remaja, Henry ingin membantu meningkatkan kondisi kehidup
Story of an Idea - the film
This film, combining colourful animation with recent images, brings to life the history of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement from Henry Dunant and the Batt...
Henry Dunant und das Rote Kreuz
Ein Animationsfilm über Henri Dunant und zur Gründung des Roten Kreuz. Wir danken dem Schweizer Roten Kreuz, dass wir eine deutsche Version des Filmes herstellen durften!
Auf den Seiten des DRK-Landesverband Hessen finden Sie zum Thema 150 Jahre Genfer Konvention ein kostenfreies Medienpaket!
1859. Henry Dunant y la Cruz Roja
En Italia, en 1859 Francisco José I de Austria, y Napoleón III de Francia aliado a Victor Manuel II rey del Pimonte mandaron a sus hombres a morir por los in...
L'histoire d'une idée
En associant des images d'animation et des images d'archives récentes, ce film retrace l'histoire de la Croix-Rouge, depuis Henry Dunant et la bataille de So...
Tutti Fratelli. L'Utopia di Henry Dunant (1999) - Alberto Cima Film Maker
A lucid and shared exploration of the existential itinerary of Henry Dunant the founder of the Red Cross. The filming done in Switzerland, Tunisia, France an...
Helveticus: Henry Dunant und das Rote Kreuz
Verwundete Soldaten und niemand, der sie verarztet: Es sind unschöne Szenen, die der Schweizer Geschäftsmann Henry Dunant 1862 auf einer Geschäftsreise nahe ...
National Law School Bangalore Wins 15th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Competition3
The National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore bagged the winning trophy at the 15th edition of the Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in partnership with Indian Society of International Law (ISIL).
The competition, held over 17-20 September in New Delhi, saw an unprecedented level of participation – with l
Henry Dunant : La croix d'un homme
Il y a 100 ans, quasi jour pour jour disparaissait Henry Dunant, à 82 ans. A cette occasion, Corinne Chaponnière, journaliste et écrivain suisse, publie "son...
Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis schip Henry Dunant
Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis schip Henry Dunant
Helveticus: Henry Dunant et la Croix-Rouge
www.redcross.ch/fr Des soldats blessés et personne pour les soigner: c'est la scène d'horreur à laquelle l'homme d'affaires Henry Dunant assiste en 1862, lor...
Historia de una idea Henry Dunant (El Creador de la Cruz Roja)
Quieres saber como comenzó la historia de la cruz roja? aquí esta la respuesta, lo que empezó con una idea de ayuda, se volvió una forma de vida en todo el m...
Sejarah Palang Merah Bahasa Indonesia - Henry Dunant
Palang Merah adalah lembaga kemanusiaan yang berperan penting dalam menolong korban-korban perang dan bencana alam. Sejarah Palang Merah bermula ketika seorang pemuda bernama Henry Dunant mengadakan perjalanan dari Swiss menuju Prancis pada bulan Juli 1859.
Ketika itu tengah berkecamuk perang antara Italia dan Prancis melawan Austria. Ketika sampai di kota Solferino (Italia), Dunant menyaksikan p
~~Henry Dunant Parte 1 6~~ YouTube
Vida del fundador del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y Media Luna Roja
Henri Dunant e la Croce Rossa
Nadasdy Film e SSR-SRG.
Inspiring Stories Everyday - Henry Dunant
ஒரு தேதி... ஒரு சேதி! இன்று - ஹென்றி டியூனாண்ட்.
Henry Dunant - The Red Cross_3min
Henry Dunant - Red on the Cross, directed by Dominique Othenin-Girard. Thomas Jouanet, Emilie Dequenne, Jean-Francois Balmer, Tom Novembre, Noemie Kocher... ...
Eerste tocht nieuwe Rode Kruisschip "Henry Dunant"
Stockshot's TimeMachine presenteert... "Nederland is bijna klaar" Fauna Film, Stock Shot en TVGreen werken samen in het project "Nederland is bijna klaar", e...
Henry Dunant Regional Moot Court Competition
Final argument on fictitious war crime case.
Henry Dunant
Ziua Mondială a Crucii Roșii și Semilunii Roșii, care se marchează pe 8 mai, este ziua de naștere a fondatorului Crucii Roșii, Henry Dunant și este o aniversare anuală a Mișcarii Internationale Crucea Rosie și Semilună Roșie.
Henry Dunant
Fotos Grupo Scout Henry dunant
Henry Dunant - Eine Erinnerung an Solferino
Da man wohl verzichten muß auf die Wünsche und Hoffnungen der Mitglieder der Gesellschaft der Friedensfreunde oder auf die Traumgebilde des Abbe von Saint Pi...
Nobel Peace Prize - Henry Dunant (Noursat)
Henry Dunant: Biography: Jean Henri Dunant was born in May 8, 1828 in Geneva (Switzerland). He was a Swiss businessman and social activist. He founded the so...
1848. Henry Dunant, yang lahir dari keluarga baik-to-do Geneva, dikirim ke ...
1848. Henry Dunant, yang lahir dari keluarga baik-to-do Geneva, dikirim ke Aljazair pada pekerjaan pertamanya sebagai manajer investasi bagi perusahaan Bapak Bourg-Thibourg. Sesuai dengan semangat berpikiran terbuka toleransi ia pertama kali memeluk sebagai remaja, Henry ingin membantu meningkatkan kondisi kehidupan penduduk asli '.
Sebuah bendungan harus dibangun untuk menangani masalah kekeringan. Setelah gagal untuk mendapatkan otorisasi yang diperlukan dari pemerintahan kolonial, Henry memutuskan untuk mencari yang Emperorin orang. Napoleon III berperang melawan Austria - sudahlah! Henry akan pergi kepadanya, ke medan perang. Hidupnya berubah selamanya saat ia mencapai Solferino. Dia ngeri setelah menemukan kekejaman tak tertahankan perang dan ribuan terluka ditinggalkan oleh pasukan. Dia gulungan lengan baju dan mencoba untuk mengatur beberapa bantuan, dan bahkan membujuk tentara untuk membiarkan dokter dan ahli bedah tahanan mengobati yang terluka, apakah Austria atau Perancis.
Ini mengilhami ide bagus nya, tujuan dia tidak akan pernah berhenti berjuang untuk - sendirian melawan dunia, terlepas dari semua ancaman - pengakuan netralitas staf terluka dan medis sama. Sementara melintasi garis musuh dalam upaya berani untuk membawa kembali terluka, ia menciptakan simbol yang sekarang diakui di seluruh dunia: bendera putih dengan salib merah ditelusuri dalam darah yang terluka. Ini adalah kemauan, keberanian dan keyakinan orang ini yang melahirkan Palang Merah Internasional Convention. Dalam perjuangannya, Henry akan sering berhadapan dengan kekecewaan dan pengkhianatan. Tapi dia juga akan membangkitkan gairah masyarakat. Dua wanita akan menemani dia dalam laga ini: Cécile, seorang perawat muda yang disengaja, namun rendah hati, dan Leonie, seorang wanita borjuis bangga yang akan menarik pada koneksi politiknya untuk membantunya. Mereka berdua tahu lebih baik daripada untuk meminta imbalan apa pun dari orang ini yang menghargai kebebasan di atas segalanya dan yang bersedia untuk mencurahkan seluruh energinya untuk mempromosikan ide-idenya.
Temannya Samuel bergabung perjuangan serta dengan menawarkan dia korannya Le Journal de Genève sebagai forum untuk berbicara tentang kekejaman perang. Samuel juga akan menerbitkan buku Dunant, Sebuah memori, yang memiliki efek bom dan membantu dia akhirnya bertemu Napoleon III, yang dukungannya akan mempengaruhi penguasa lainnya. Namun, terbungkus dalam kepeduliannya terhadap perang yang terluka, Dunant mengabaikan tugas manajemen keuangan di Aljazair dan buta terhadap perangkap yang diletakkan oleh orang-orang yang akan mengklaim ide-idenya. Dituduh penggelapan, ia dikucilkan dari masyarakat dan akan tetap berada di utang sampai akhir hari-harinya. Ini adalah tiga puluh tahun sebelum perbuatannya akhirnya diakui. Mereka mendapatkan dia pertama Hadiah Nobel Perdamaian.
Yang benar disesuaikan seorang pria yang luar biasa
"Kami ingin menggambarkan Henry Dunant sebagai pahlawan yang perjuangan, komitmen dan keyakinan bisa berbicara kepada kita dan aduk kita dalam kehidupan modern kita ... Untuk melakukannya, kami harus menekuk fakta sejarah dengan memilih highlights simbolik hidupnya, dengan kondensasi tindakannya dalam waktu (dasar Palang Merah sebenarnya proses yang panjang dan membosankan yang mengambil sepuluh tahun), dan dengan mengurangi jumlah karakter yang terlibat untuk orang-orang yang terbaik menyatakan konflik dan rintangan, lawan-lawannya dan pendukungnya .. Apa memukul kita kebanyakan dalam karakter Dunant adalah sikap garis kerasnya, keyakinannya menjadi pembawa misi yang ia bersedia mengorbankan kebahagiaan sendiri Dunant adalah tokoh ganda, di situlah letak kekayaan karakternya: dia sensitif, sangat manusiawi, di pinggiran masyarakat, pembawa kesadaran sosial tertentu dan ideal, tapi dia juga seorang pemimpin, keras kepala, otoriter, sombong, seseorang yang tahu bagaimana menggunakan hubungan dan menggalang para pemimpin politik untuk mencapai nya gol. Kedua wanita di sisi tubuhnya juga melambangkan banyak sisi-Nya: Leonie mewujudkan borjuis Geneva konvensional Dunant dibesarkan di, sementara Cécile merupakan wanita modern, siap mengorbankan posisinya dalam masyarakat untuk nilai sentimental dan moral yang dia percaya Kontras yang sama. ada antara Daniel, saudara Dunant, seorang konservatif yang ketat berkaitan dengan penampilan, dan Hubert, kakek humanis. Atau antara Moynier, pengacara salon, dan Appia, ahli bedah setia ... Dunant disangkal tetap karakter langka, yang mengambil semua lebih penting saat ini pada saat aksi kemanusiaan yang begitu sering diperlukan untuk mengkompensasi kelemahan nasional pemerintah. "
wn.com/Henry Dunant Red On The Cross Movie
1848. Henry Dunant, yang lahir dari keluarga baik-to-do Geneva, dikirim ke Aljazair pada pekerjaan pertamanya sebagai manajer investasi bagi perusahaan Bapak Bourg-Thibourg. Sesuai dengan semangat berpikiran terbuka toleransi ia pertama kali memeluk sebagai remaja, Henry ingin membantu meningkatkan kondisi kehidupan penduduk asli '.
Sebuah bendungan harus dibangun untuk menangani masalah kekeringan. Setelah gagal untuk mendapatkan otorisasi yang diperlukan dari pemerintahan kolonial, Henry memutuskan untuk mencari yang Emperorin orang. Napoleon III berperang melawan Austria - sudahlah! Henry akan pergi kepadanya, ke medan perang. Hidupnya berubah selamanya saat ia mencapai Solferino. Dia ngeri setelah menemukan kekejaman tak tertahankan perang dan ribuan terluka ditinggalkan oleh pasukan. Dia gulungan lengan baju dan mencoba untuk mengatur beberapa bantuan, dan bahkan membujuk tentara untuk membiarkan dokter dan ahli bedah tahanan mengobati yang terluka, apakah Austria atau Perancis.
Ini mengilhami ide bagus nya, tujuan dia tidak akan pernah berhenti berjuang untuk - sendirian melawan dunia, terlepas dari semua ancaman - pengakuan netralitas staf terluka dan medis sama. Sementara melintasi garis musuh dalam upaya berani untuk membawa kembali terluka, ia menciptakan simbol yang sekarang diakui di seluruh dunia: bendera putih dengan salib merah ditelusuri dalam darah yang terluka. Ini adalah kemauan, keberanian dan keyakinan orang ini yang melahirkan Palang Merah Internasional Convention. Dalam perjuangannya, Henry akan sering berhadapan dengan kekecewaan dan pengkhianatan. Tapi dia juga akan membangkitkan gairah masyarakat. Dua wanita akan menemani dia dalam laga ini: Cécile, seorang perawat muda yang disengaja, namun rendah hati, dan Leonie, seorang wanita borjuis bangga yang akan menarik pada koneksi politiknya untuk membantunya. Mereka berdua tahu lebih baik daripada untuk meminta imbalan apa pun dari orang ini yang menghargai kebebasan di atas segalanya dan yang bersedia untuk mencurahkan seluruh energinya untuk mempromosikan ide-idenya.
Temannya Samuel bergabung perjuangan serta dengan menawarkan dia korannya Le Journal de Genève sebagai forum untuk berbicara tentang kekejaman perang. Samuel juga akan menerbitkan buku Dunant, Sebuah memori, yang memiliki efek bom dan membantu dia akhirnya bertemu Napoleon III, yang dukungannya akan mempengaruhi penguasa lainnya. Namun, terbungkus dalam kepeduliannya terhadap perang yang terluka, Dunant mengabaikan tugas manajemen keuangan di Aljazair dan buta terhadap perangkap yang diletakkan oleh orang-orang yang akan mengklaim ide-idenya. Dituduh penggelapan, ia dikucilkan dari masyarakat dan akan tetap berada di utang sampai akhir hari-harinya. Ini adalah tiga puluh tahun sebelum perbuatannya akhirnya diakui. Mereka mendapatkan dia pertama Hadiah Nobel Perdamaian.
Yang benar disesuaikan seorang pria yang luar biasa
"Kami ingin menggambarkan Henry Dunant sebagai pahlawan yang perjuangan, komitmen dan keyakinan bisa berbicara kepada kita dan aduk kita dalam kehidupan modern kita ... Untuk melakukannya, kami harus menekuk fakta sejarah dengan memilih highlights simbolik hidupnya, dengan kondensasi tindakannya dalam waktu (dasar Palang Merah sebenarnya proses yang panjang dan membosankan yang mengambil sepuluh tahun), dan dengan mengurangi jumlah karakter yang terlibat untuk orang-orang yang terbaik menyatakan konflik dan rintangan, lawan-lawannya dan pendukungnya .. Apa memukul kita kebanyakan dalam karakter Dunant adalah sikap garis kerasnya, keyakinannya menjadi pembawa misi yang ia bersedia mengorbankan kebahagiaan sendiri Dunant adalah tokoh ganda, di situlah letak kekayaan karakternya: dia sensitif, sangat manusiawi, di pinggiran masyarakat, pembawa kesadaran sosial tertentu dan ideal, tapi dia juga seorang pemimpin, keras kepala, otoriter, sombong, seseorang yang tahu bagaimana menggunakan hubungan dan menggalang para pemimpin politik untuk mencapai nya gol. Kedua wanita di sisi tubuhnya juga melambangkan banyak sisi-Nya: Leonie mewujudkan borjuis Geneva konvensional Dunant dibesarkan di, sementara Cécile merupakan wanita modern, siap mengorbankan posisinya dalam masyarakat untuk nilai sentimental dan moral yang dia percaya Kontras yang sama. ada antara Daniel, saudara Dunant, seorang konservatif yang ketat berkaitan dengan penampilan, dan Hubert, kakek humanis. Atau antara Moynier, pengacara salon, dan Appia, ahli bedah setia ... Dunant disangkal tetap karakter langka, yang mengambil semua lebih penting saat ini pada saat aksi kemanusiaan yang begitu sering diperlukan untuk mengkompensasi kelemahan nasional pemerintah. "
- published: 11 Feb 2015
- views: 1
Story of an Idea - the film
This film, combining colourful animation with recent images, brings to life the history of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement from Henry Dunant and the Batt......
This film, combining colourful animation with recent images, brings to life the history of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement from Henry Dunant and the Batt...
wn.com/Story Of An Idea The Film
This film, combining colourful animation with recent images, brings to life the history of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement from Henry Dunant and the Batt...
Henry Dunant und das Rote Kreuz
Ein Animationsfilm über Henri Dunant und zur Gründung des Roten Kreuz. Wir danken dem Schweizer Roten Kreuz, dass wir eine deutsche Version des Filmes herstelle...
Ein Animationsfilm über Henri Dunant und zur Gründung des Roten Kreuz. Wir danken dem Schweizer Roten Kreuz, dass wir eine deutsche Version des Filmes herstellen durften!
Auf den Seiten des DRK-Landesverband Hessen finden Sie zum Thema 150 Jahre Genfer Konvention ein kostenfreies Medienpaket!
wn.com/Henry Dunant Und Das Rote Kreuz
Ein Animationsfilm über Henri Dunant und zur Gründung des Roten Kreuz. Wir danken dem Schweizer Roten Kreuz, dass wir eine deutsche Version des Filmes herstellen durften!
Auf den Seiten des DRK-Landesverband Hessen finden Sie zum Thema 150 Jahre Genfer Konvention ein kostenfreies Medienpaket!
- published: 22 Jun 2014
- views: 314
1859. Henry Dunant y la Cruz Roja
En Italia, en 1859 Francisco José I de Austria, y Napoleón III de Francia aliado a Victor Manuel II rey del Pimonte mandaron a sus hombres a morir por los in......
En Italia, en 1859 Francisco José I de Austria, y Napoleón III de Francia aliado a Victor Manuel II rey del Pimonte mandaron a sus hombres a morir por los in...
wn.com/1859. Henry Dunant Y La Cruz Roja
En Italia, en 1859 Francisco José I de Austria, y Napoleón III de Francia aliado a Victor Manuel II rey del Pimonte mandaron a sus hombres a morir por los in...
L'histoire d'une idée
En associant des images d'animation et des images d'archives récentes, ce film retrace l'histoire de la Croix-Rouge, depuis Henry Dunant et la bataille de So......
En associant des images d'animation et des images d'archives récentes, ce film retrace l'histoire de la Croix-Rouge, depuis Henry Dunant et la bataille de So...
wn.com/L'Histoire D'Une Idée
En associant des images d'animation et des images d'archives récentes, ce film retrace l'histoire de la Croix-Rouge, depuis Henry Dunant et la bataille de So...
Tutti Fratelli. L'Utopia di Henry Dunant (1999) - Alberto Cima Film Maker
A lucid and shared exploration of the existential itinerary of Henry Dunant the founder of the Red Cross. The filming done in Switzerland, Tunisia, France an......
A lucid and shared exploration of the existential itinerary of Henry Dunant the founder of the Red Cross. The filming done in Switzerland, Tunisia, France an...
wn.com/Tutti Fratelli. L'Utopia Di Henry Dunant (1999) Alberto Cima Film Maker
A lucid and shared exploration of the existential itinerary of Henry Dunant the founder of the Red Cross. The filming done in Switzerland, Tunisia, France an...
Helveticus: Henry Dunant und das Rote Kreuz
Verwundete Soldaten und niemand, der sie verarztet: Es sind unschöne Szenen, die der Schweizer Geschäftsmann Henry Dunant 1862 auf einer Geschäftsreise nahe ......
Verwundete Soldaten und niemand, der sie verarztet: Es sind unschöne Szenen, die der Schweizer Geschäftsmann Henry Dunant 1862 auf einer Geschäftsreise nahe ...
wn.com/Helveticus Henry Dunant Und Das Rote Kreuz
Verwundete Soldaten und niemand, der sie verarztet: Es sind unschöne Szenen, die der Schweizer Geschäftsmann Henry Dunant 1862 auf einer Geschäftsreise nahe ...
National Law School Bangalore Wins 15th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Competition3
The National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore bagged the winning trophy at the 15th edition of the Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition...
The National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore bagged the winning trophy at the 15th edition of the Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in partnership with Indian Society of International Law (ISIL).
The competition, held over 17-20 September in New Delhi, saw an unprecedented level of participation – with law students coming from 59 universities across the country. The high quality of the contest was attested to by Honourable Justice Madan B Lokur when, during the inaugural session, he affirmed that “…the Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Competition is the largest moot competition in the country as well as the biggest in the domain of international law.”
The 15th edition of the competition featured over 180 students from as far as Jammu and Kashmir, Meghalaya and Madurai, alongside 40 judges and 20 volunteers.
The judges were invited from a wide pool of experts made up of practitioners, academics, representatives of the armed forces, and government departments.
The team from National Law University Dwarka was runners-up after putting up a tough fight against NLSIU. Both the teams would proceed to the Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Competition Regional Rounds scheduled to take place in December later this year in Lahore.
Prizes were also awarded for best memorial, best speaker, and best researcher.
Law students and scholars interested in sending short write-ups on IHL and related themes can contact
wn.com/National Law School Bangalore Wins 15Th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Competition3
The National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore bagged the winning trophy at the 15th edition of the Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in partnership with Indian Society of International Law (ISIL).
The competition, held over 17-20 September in New Delhi, saw an unprecedented level of participation – with law students coming from 59 universities across the country. The high quality of the contest was attested to by Honourable Justice Madan B Lokur when, during the inaugural session, he affirmed that “…the Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Competition is the largest moot competition in the country as well as the biggest in the domain of international law.”
The 15th edition of the competition featured over 180 students from as far as Jammu and Kashmir, Meghalaya and Madurai, alongside 40 judges and 20 volunteers.
The judges were invited from a wide pool of experts made up of practitioners, academics, representatives of the armed forces, and government departments.
The team from National Law University Dwarka was runners-up after putting up a tough fight against NLSIU. Both the teams would proceed to the Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Competition Regional Rounds scheduled to take place in December later this year in Lahore.
Prizes were also awarded for best memorial, best speaker, and best researcher.
Law students and scholars interested in sending short write-ups on IHL and related themes can contact
- published: 24 Sep 2015
- views: 86
Henry Dunant : La croix d'un homme
Il y a 100 ans, quasi jour pour jour disparaissait Henry Dunant, à 82 ans. A cette occasion, Corinne Chaponnière, journaliste et écrivain suisse, publie "son......
Il y a 100 ans, quasi jour pour jour disparaissait Henry Dunant, à 82 ans. A cette occasion, Corinne Chaponnière, journaliste et écrivain suisse, publie "son...
wn.com/Henry Dunant La Croix D'un Homme
Il y a 100 ans, quasi jour pour jour disparaissait Henry Dunant, à 82 ans. A cette occasion, Corinne Chaponnière, journaliste et écrivain suisse, publie "son...
Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis schip Henry Dunant
Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis schip Henry Dunant...
Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis schip Henry Dunant
wn.com/Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis Schip Henry Dunant
Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis schip Henry Dunant
- published: 08 Dec 2014
- views: 189
Helveticus: Henry Dunant et la Croix-Rouge
www.redcross.ch/fr Des soldats blessés et personne pour les soigner: c'est la scène d'horreur à laquelle l'homme d'affaires Henry Dunant assiste en 1862, lor......
www.redcross.ch/fr Des soldats blessés et personne pour les soigner: c'est la scène d'horreur à laquelle l'homme d'affaires Henry Dunant assiste en 1862, lor...
wn.com/Helveticus Henry Dunant Et La Croix Rouge
www.redcross.ch/fr Des soldats blessés et personne pour les soigner: c'est la scène d'horreur à laquelle l'homme d'affaires Henry Dunant assiste en 1862, lor...
Historia de una idea Henry Dunant (El Creador de la Cruz Roja)
Quieres saber como comenzó la historia de la cruz roja? aquí esta la respuesta, lo que empezó con una idea de ayuda, se volvió una forma de vida en todo el m......
Quieres saber como comenzó la historia de la cruz roja? aquí esta la respuesta, lo que empezó con una idea de ayuda, se volvió una forma de vida en todo el m...
wn.com/Historia De Una Idea Henry Dunant (El Creador De La Cruz Roja)
Quieres saber como comenzó la historia de la cruz roja? aquí esta la respuesta, lo que empezó con una idea de ayuda, se volvió una forma de vida en todo el m...
- published: 02 Sep 2013
- views: 441
author: Ruyzer
Sejarah Palang Merah Bahasa Indonesia - Henry Dunant
Palang Merah adalah lembaga kemanusiaan yang berperan penting dalam menolong korban-korban perang dan bencana alam. Sejarah Palang Merah bermula ketika seorang ...
Palang Merah adalah lembaga kemanusiaan yang berperan penting dalam menolong korban-korban perang dan bencana alam. Sejarah Palang Merah bermula ketika seorang pemuda bernama Henry Dunant mengadakan perjalanan dari Swiss menuju Prancis pada bulan Juli 1859.
Ketika itu tengah berkecamuk perang antara Italia dan Prancis melawan Austria. Ketika sampai di kota Solferino (Italia), Dunant menyaksikan pemandangan yang mengerikan. Puluhan ribu tentara yang terluka dan yang telah mati bergelimpangan di jalan, nurani Dunant tersentuh. Bersama penduduk setempat, Dunant memberikan pertolongan kepada tentara yang terluka.
Peristiwa Solferino itu menghantui Dunant sehingga ia pun menuliskannya dalam sebuah buku yang berjudul A Memory of Solferino. Buku itu dicetak di Jenewa pada Oktober 1862. Dalam bukunya itu, Dunant mengemukakan pemikirannya akan perlunya sebuah perkumpulan yang mengemban misi menolong para korban perang tanpa memandang ras dan kebangsaan. Akhirnya bersama beberapa rekannya, Dunant mendirikan Palang Merah Internasional. Slogannya yang sangat terkenal adalah "Tutti Fratelli" yang artinya "Kita Semua Bersaudara".
Seusai Perang Dunia II yang menelan banyak korban, dunia memandang perlu menyempurnakan aturan perang. Pada bulan Agustus 1949, dunia menyepakati Konvensi Jenewa, sebuah aturan tentang perang yang wajib dipatuhi di negara manapun. Isi konvensi itu antara lain, larangan menyerang rakyat sipil, jalur komunikasi, atau tempat ibadah. Konvensi juga memberikan hak istimewa bagi Palang Merah untuk menolong korban dari pihak manapun.
Kini Palang Merah menyebar di berbagai negara termasuk di Indonesia dengan nama Palang Merah Indonesia atau sering disingkat PMI. Atas jasanya mendirikan Palang Merah Internasional, pada tahun 1901 Henry Dunant memperoleh Penghargaan Nobel Perdamaian. Sembilan tahun kemudian, Dunant meninggal dunia pada tanggal 30 Oktober 1910. Untuk mengenang jasa Dunant, hari kelahirannya diperingati sebagai Hari Palang Merah Dunia. Henry Dunant lahir di Jenewa (Swiss) tanggal 8 Mei 1828.
wn.com/Sejarah Palang Merah Bahasa Indonesia Henry Dunant
Palang Merah adalah lembaga kemanusiaan yang berperan penting dalam menolong korban-korban perang dan bencana alam. Sejarah Palang Merah bermula ketika seorang pemuda bernama Henry Dunant mengadakan perjalanan dari Swiss menuju Prancis pada bulan Juli 1859.
Ketika itu tengah berkecamuk perang antara Italia dan Prancis melawan Austria. Ketika sampai di kota Solferino (Italia), Dunant menyaksikan pemandangan yang mengerikan. Puluhan ribu tentara yang terluka dan yang telah mati bergelimpangan di jalan, nurani Dunant tersentuh. Bersama penduduk setempat, Dunant memberikan pertolongan kepada tentara yang terluka.
Peristiwa Solferino itu menghantui Dunant sehingga ia pun menuliskannya dalam sebuah buku yang berjudul A Memory of Solferino. Buku itu dicetak di Jenewa pada Oktober 1862. Dalam bukunya itu, Dunant mengemukakan pemikirannya akan perlunya sebuah perkumpulan yang mengemban misi menolong para korban perang tanpa memandang ras dan kebangsaan. Akhirnya bersama beberapa rekannya, Dunant mendirikan Palang Merah Internasional. Slogannya yang sangat terkenal adalah "Tutti Fratelli" yang artinya "Kita Semua Bersaudara".
Seusai Perang Dunia II yang menelan banyak korban, dunia memandang perlu menyempurnakan aturan perang. Pada bulan Agustus 1949, dunia menyepakati Konvensi Jenewa, sebuah aturan tentang perang yang wajib dipatuhi di negara manapun. Isi konvensi itu antara lain, larangan menyerang rakyat sipil, jalur komunikasi, atau tempat ibadah. Konvensi juga memberikan hak istimewa bagi Palang Merah untuk menolong korban dari pihak manapun.
Kini Palang Merah menyebar di berbagai negara termasuk di Indonesia dengan nama Palang Merah Indonesia atau sering disingkat PMI. Atas jasanya mendirikan Palang Merah Internasional, pada tahun 1901 Henry Dunant memperoleh Penghargaan Nobel Perdamaian. Sembilan tahun kemudian, Dunant meninggal dunia pada tanggal 30 Oktober 1910. Untuk mengenang jasa Dunant, hari kelahirannya diperingati sebagai Hari Palang Merah Dunia. Henry Dunant lahir di Jenewa (Swiss) tanggal 8 Mei 1828.
- published: 04 May 2015
- views: 5
~~Henry Dunant Parte 1 6~~ YouTube
Vida del fundador del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y Media Luna Roja...
Vida del fundador del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y Media Luna Roja
wn.com/~~Henry Dunant Parte 1 6~~ Youtube
Vida del fundador del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y Media Luna Roja
- published: 20 Jan 2015
- views: 2
Inspiring Stories Everyday - Henry Dunant
ஒரு தேதி... ஒரு சேதி! இன்று - ஹென்றி டியூனாண்ட்....
ஒரு தேதி... ஒரு சேதி! இன்று - ஹென்றி டியூனாண்ட்.
wn.com/Inspiring Stories Everyday Henry Dunant
ஒரு தேதி... ஒரு சேதி! இன்று - ஹென்றி டியூனாண்ட்.
- published: 08 May 2014
- views: 2311
author: vikatan Tv
Henry Dunant - The Red Cross_3min
Henry Dunant - Red on the Cross, directed by Dominique Othenin-Girard. Thomas Jouanet, Emilie Dequenne, Jean-Francois Balmer, Tom Novembre, Noemie Kocher... ......
Henry Dunant - Red on the Cross, directed by Dominique Othenin-Girard. Thomas Jouanet, Emilie Dequenne, Jean-Francois Balmer, Tom Novembre, Noemie Kocher... ...
wn.com/Henry Dunant The Red Cross 3Min
Henry Dunant - Red on the Cross, directed by Dominique Othenin-Girard. Thomas Jouanet, Emilie Dequenne, Jean-Francois Balmer, Tom Novembre, Noemie Kocher... ...
Eerste tocht nieuwe Rode Kruisschip "Henry Dunant"
Stockshot's TimeMachine presenteert... "Nederland is bijna klaar" Fauna Film, Stock Shot en TVGreen werken samen in het project "Nederland is bijna klaar", e......
Stockshot's TimeMachine presenteert... "Nederland is bijna klaar" Fauna Film, Stock Shot en TVGreen werken samen in het project "Nederland is bijna klaar", e...
wn.com/Eerste Tocht Nieuwe Rode Kruisschip Henry Dunant
Stockshot's TimeMachine presenteert... "Nederland is bijna klaar" Fauna Film, Stock Shot en TVGreen werken samen in het project "Nederland is bijna klaar", e...
- published: 19 Aug 2011
- views: 1132
author: stockshot
Henry Dunant
Ziua Mondială a Crucii Roșii și Semilunii Roșii, care se marchează pe 8 mai, este ziua de naștere a fondatorului Crucii Roșii, Henry Dunant și este o aniversare...
Ziua Mondială a Crucii Roșii și Semilunii Roșii, care se marchează pe 8 mai, este ziua de naștere a fondatorului Crucii Roșii, Henry Dunant și este o aniversare anuală a Mișcarii Internationale Crucea Rosie și Semilună Roșie.
wn.com/Henry Dunant
Ziua Mondială a Crucii Roșii și Semilunii Roșii, care se marchează pe 8 mai, este ziua de naștere a fondatorului Crucii Roșii, Henry Dunant și este o aniversare anuală a Mișcarii Internationale Crucea Rosie și Semilună Roșie.
- published: 08 May 2015
- views: 61
Henry Dunant
Fotos Grupo Scout Henry dunant...
Fotos Grupo Scout Henry dunant
wn.com/Henry Dunant
Fotos Grupo Scout Henry dunant
- published: 02 Dec 2010
- views: 154
Henry Dunant - Eine Erinnerung an Solferino
Da man wohl verzichten muß auf die Wünsche und Hoffnungen der Mitglieder der Gesellschaft der Friedensfreunde oder auf die Traumgebilde des Abbe von Saint Pi......
Da man wohl verzichten muß auf die Wünsche und Hoffnungen der Mitglieder der Gesellschaft der Friedensfreunde oder auf die Traumgebilde des Abbe von Saint Pi...
wn.com/Henry Dunant Eine Erinnerung An Solferino
Da man wohl verzichten muß auf die Wünsche und Hoffnungen der Mitglieder der Gesellschaft der Friedensfreunde oder auf die Traumgebilde des Abbe von Saint Pi...
Nobel Peace Prize - Henry Dunant (Noursat)
Henry Dunant: Biography: Jean Henri Dunant was born in May 8, 1828 in Geneva (Switzerland). He was a Swiss businessman and social activist. He founded the so......
Henry Dunant: Biography: Jean Henri Dunant was born in May 8, 1828 in Geneva (Switzerland). He was a Swiss businessman and social activist. He founded the so...
wn.com/Nobel Peace Prize Henry Dunant (Noursat)
Henry Dunant: Biography: Jean Henri Dunant was born in May 8, 1828 in Geneva (Switzerland). He was a Swiss businessman and social activist. He founded the so...
India and the United Nations | Dayananda Saraswati | Henry Dunant | Time Capsule
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Henri Dunant
Une interview avec Henri Dunant par Anna et Alex.
Interview Jean-François Copé - Prix Prévention Délinquance 2009
Interview de M.Jean-François Copé, Député-Maire de Meaux, Président du groupe UMP à l'assemblée Nationale, lors de la cérémonie de remise du Prix Prévention ...
Brick Trick: Henry Dunant
Die Gründung des Roten Kreuzes auf Steinchen Art.
Booktopia presents: Blood and Beauty by Sarah Dunant (Interview with Caroline Baum)
Acclaimed novelist of the Italian Renaissance Sarah Dunant now takes on the era's most infamous family: the Borgias. By the end of the fifteenth century, the...
Let´s Read: Henry Dunant (erschienen 1960) [Szene 6: Ein Schriftführer]
Ich werde hier das Werk "Henry Dunant" vorlesen, welches 1960 vom Deutschen Roten Kreuz als Theaterstück erschienen ist, vorlesen.
Also freut euch auf Part 6 dieses Retro-Stückes!
ICC Trial Competition 2014 - English version - PART 1
ICC Trial Competition 2014 -- English version - PART 1 Final round, held on 23 May 2014, in Courtroom I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hagu...
Philippines Peace Agreement - Henri Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
Short video describing the role of the Geneva-based Henri Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue in the recent peace agreement signed in the Philippines. Na...
Henry Dunant 2010.mpg
Dit keer niet op de HD, maar in huis de Kooijer in Rekken.
Jean Henry Dunant
Regards - Interview avec Me. Jean Henry Ceant
Jean Henry Ceant, candidat a la presidence sous la banniere du parti Renmen Ayiti .
Tai Chi Henri Dunant park Eindhoven
Tai chi, Elke zondag ochtend Vanaf 9.30 uur Henri Dunant park Eindhoven. Iedereen mag mee doen.
Sarah Dunant | The Doors of History
Les gens du college henri dunant
Das Land der tausend Klänge - Nürnberger Symphoniker
Das Land der tausend Klänge", Musiktheaterprojekt der Nürnberger Symphoniker mit der Henry-Dunant-Schule, Juli 2013.
Army chief inspects soldiers, comments on rebels
1. Indonesian Army chief General Ryamizard Ryacudu inspecting Indonesian troops in Aceh
2. Various of military parade of Indonesian troops
3. General Ryamizard Ryacudu talking to soldiers
4. SOUNDBITE: (Indonesian) General Ryamizard Ryacudu, Indonesian Army chief:
"That's none of my business (the reported peace talks agreement). Up to now there have been no peace talks. But if you ask me whet
collège henri dunant
c'est une mini vidéo qui montre la police quui rentre dans un collège pour arrêter des jeunes qui ont jeté sur une prof des citouilles ... finalement les pol...
Islamischer Religionsunterricht
Die Erstklässler der Henri-Dunant-Schule in Frankfurt-Sossenheim sind ganz schön pfiffig: Mohammed? Mekka? Koran? -für sie sind das längst keine Fremdworte m...
Les 4eme du college henri dunant
Le cross du 5 octobre 2010.
Peace talks between Indonesian govt and Aceh rebels continue
1. Malik Mahmud descends stairs
2. Cutaway journalist
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Malik Mahmud, Aceh rebel leader:
"Well as you know it is the Indonesians wish to make war on the Acehnese, as they have already made statements announced many times over these few months, so this is in fact a well-planned move by the Indonesians to resume war in Aceh. And that is how they wish to settle the
Heiden (810 m ü. M.) ist ein sehenswertes Biedermeierdorf im Appenzellerland (Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden). Es liegt zwischen Kaien, Bischofsberg und Freudenberg. Nach einem Grossbrand im Jahr 1838 wurde es nach strengen Vorschriften wieder aufgebaut. Der Grundriss des Dorfes ist rechtwinklig und im klassizistischen Stil gehalten. Dank seiner Lage wurde es schon früh als Luft- und Molkenkurort b
KidsX 2010 in Heiden
Ein Lauf mitten durchs Ratszimmer des Gemeindepräsidenten, durchs Altersheim, das Schwimmbad, quer durchs Dorf und mitten hinein in die Bevölkerung. Dies all...
India and the United Nations | Dayananda Saraswati | Henry Dunant | Time Capsule
For more latest hot and happening news subscribe @ https://www.youtube.com/user/ABNtelugutv?sub_confirmation=1
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For more latest hot and happening news subscribe @ https://www.youtube.com/user/ABNtelugutv?sub_confirmation=1
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Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, entertainment, business updates and current affairs.
wn.com/India And The United Nations | Dayananda Saraswati | Henry Dunant | Time Capsule
For more latest hot and happening news subscribe @ https://www.youtube.com/user/ABNtelugutv?sub_confirmation=1
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Watch ABN Andhrajyothy, the no 1 Telugu news channel, a 24/7 LIVE news channel dedicated to live reports, exclusive interviews, breaking news, sports, weather, entertainment, business updates and current affairs.
- published: 30 Oct 2015
- views: 79
Henri Dunant
Une interview avec Henri Dunant par Anna et Alex....
Une interview avec Henri Dunant par Anna et Alex.
wn.com/Henri Dunant
Une interview avec Henri Dunant par Anna et Alex.
- published: 06 May 2010
- views: 112
author: MlleAnnaa
Interview Jean-François Copé - Prix Prévention Délinquance 2009
Interview de M.Jean-François Copé, Député-Maire de Meaux, Président du groupe UMP à l'assemblée Nationale, lors de la cérémonie de remise du Prix Prévention ......
Interview de M.Jean-François Copé, Député-Maire de Meaux, Président du groupe UMP à l'assemblée Nationale, lors de la cérémonie de remise du Prix Prévention ...
wn.com/Interview Jean François Copé Prix Prévention Délinquance 2009
Interview de M.Jean-François Copé, Député-Maire de Meaux, Président du groupe UMP à l'assemblée Nationale, lors de la cérémonie de remise du Prix Prévention ...
- published: 19 Apr 2010
- views: 263
author: FESUFFSU
Brick Trick: Henry Dunant
Die Gründung des Roten Kreuzes auf Steinchen Art....
Die Gründung des Roten Kreuzes auf Steinchen Art.
wn.com/Brick Trick Henry Dunant
Die Gründung des Roten Kreuzes auf Steinchen Art.
Booktopia presents: Blood and Beauty by Sarah Dunant (Interview with Caroline Baum)
Acclaimed novelist of the Italian Renaissance Sarah Dunant now takes on the era's most infamous family: the Borgias. By the end of the fifteenth century, the......
Acclaimed novelist of the Italian Renaissance Sarah Dunant now takes on the era's most infamous family: the Borgias. By the end of the fifteenth century, the...
wn.com/Booktopia Presents Blood And Beauty By Sarah Dunant (Interview With Caroline Baum)
Acclaimed novelist of the Italian Renaissance Sarah Dunant now takes on the era's most infamous family: the Borgias. By the end of the fifteenth century, the...
Let´s Read: Henry Dunant (erschienen 1960) [Szene 6: Ein Schriftführer]
Ich werde hier das Werk "Henry Dunant" vorlesen, welches 1960 vom Deutschen Roten Kreuz als Theaterstück erschienen ist, vorlesen.
Also freut euch auf Part 6...
Ich werde hier das Werk "Henry Dunant" vorlesen, welches 1960 vom Deutschen Roten Kreuz als Theaterstück erschienen ist, vorlesen.
Also freut euch auf Part 6 dieses Retro-Stückes!
wn.com/Let´S Read Henry Dunant (Erschienen 1960) Szene 6 Ein Schriftführer
Ich werde hier das Werk "Henry Dunant" vorlesen, welches 1960 vom Deutschen Roten Kreuz als Theaterstück erschienen ist, vorlesen.
Also freut euch auf Part 6 dieses Retro-Stückes!
- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 14
ICC Trial Competition 2014 - English version - PART 1
ICC Trial Competition 2014 -- English version - PART 1 Final round, held on 23 May 2014, in Courtroom I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hagu......
ICC Trial Competition 2014 -- English version - PART 1 Final round, held on 23 May 2014, in Courtroom I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hagu...
wn.com/Icc Trial Competition 2014 English Version Part 1
ICC Trial Competition 2014 -- English version - PART 1 Final round, held on 23 May 2014, in Courtroom I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hagu...
Philippines Peace Agreement - Henri Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
Short video describing the role of the Geneva-based Henri Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue in the recent peace agreement signed in the Philippines. Na......
Short video describing the role of the Geneva-based Henri Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue in the recent peace agreement signed in the Philippines. Na...
wn.com/Philippines Peace Agreement Henri Dunant Centre For Humanitarian Dialogue
Short video describing the role of the Geneva-based Henri Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue in the recent peace agreement signed in the Philippines. Na...
Henry Dunant 2010.mpg
Dit keer niet op de HD, maar in huis de Kooijer in Rekken....
Dit keer niet op de HD, maar in huis de Kooijer in Rekken.
wn.com/Henry Dunant 2010.Mpg
Dit keer niet op de HD, maar in huis de Kooijer in Rekken.
Regards - Interview avec Me. Jean Henry Ceant
Jean Henry Ceant, candidat a la presidence sous la banniere du parti Renmen Ayiti ....
Jean Henry Ceant, candidat a la presidence sous la banniere du parti Renmen Ayiti .
wn.com/Regards Interview Avec Me. Jean Henry Ceant
Jean Henry Ceant, candidat a la presidence sous la banniere du parti Renmen Ayiti .
- published: 28 Aug 2015
- views: 35
Tai Chi Henri Dunant park Eindhoven
Tai chi, Elke zondag ochtend Vanaf 9.30 uur Henri Dunant park Eindhoven. Iedereen mag mee doen....
Tai chi, Elke zondag ochtend Vanaf 9.30 uur Henri Dunant park Eindhoven. Iedereen mag mee doen.
wn.com/Tai Chi Henri Dunant Park Eindhoven
Tai chi, Elke zondag ochtend Vanaf 9.30 uur Henri Dunant park Eindhoven. Iedereen mag mee doen.
Das Land der tausend Klänge - Nürnberger Symphoniker
Das Land der tausend Klänge", Musiktheaterprojekt der Nürnberger Symphoniker mit der Henry-Dunant-Schule, Juli 2013....
Das Land der tausend Klänge", Musiktheaterprojekt der Nürnberger Symphoniker mit der Henry-Dunant-Schule, Juli 2013.
wn.com/Das Land Der Tausend KläNge Nürnberger Symphoniker
Das Land der tausend Klänge", Musiktheaterprojekt der Nürnberger Symphoniker mit der Henry-Dunant-Schule, Juli 2013.
Army chief inspects soldiers, comments on rebels
1. Indonesian Army chief General Ryamizard Ryacudu inspecting Indonesian troops in Aceh
2. Various of military parade of Indonesian troops
3. General Ryamizar...
1. Indonesian Army chief General Ryamizard Ryacudu inspecting Indonesian troops in Aceh
2. Various of military parade of Indonesian troops
3. General Ryamizard Ryacudu talking to soldiers
4. SOUNDBITE: (Indonesian) General Ryamizard Ryacudu, Indonesian Army chief:
"That's none of my business (the reported peace talks agreement). Up to now there have been no peace talks. But if you ask me whether there have been clashes between them (the rebels in Banda Aceh) and the army, yes there have been. If the rebels shoot at us, we have to shoot back at them - that's the problem."
5. Indonesian soldiers
6. SOUNDBITE: (Indonesian) General Ryamizard Ryacudu, Indonesian Army chief:
"If they (the rebels) want to talk about peace they have to come down from the mountains. Once they start doing that it will be over. If they come down and lay down their arms, we will give them homes and it will all be over."
7. Cutaway of soldiers
8. SOUNDBITE: (Achenese) Voxpop, Achenese refugee:
This (the news of peace talks) is very good for us. This is what we expected. It's what we need now."
9. Indonesian troops
Indonesia's army chief of staff on Monday said that if the rebels in Aceh province wanted peace, they would have to come down from the mountains and lay down their weapons.
Ryamizard Ryacudu - a hardline nationalist general known to be opposed to any peace moves with the rebels - was speaking at a parade of about two-thousand Indonesian soldiers in Banda Aceh.
The Indonesian government and separatist rebels are reportedly planning to meet in Finland this week to discuss a formal ceasefire in tsunami-ravaged Aceh province and possibly lay a framework for restarting the peace process that foundered 20 months ago.
Former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari's office said the two sides were planning to hold talks in Helsinki.
An official long involved in bringing the two sides together said in a telephone interview that the talks would probably start on Thursday.
In December 2002, the two sides signed a truce that lasted until the following May, when the Indonesian military expelled foreign monitors and resumed combat operations against the rebels.
That truce was part of a peace process brokered by the Geneva-based Henry Dunant Centre.
In the aftermath of the December 26 tsunami, both sides pledged to stop fighting.
But the informal truce appears to have been ignored by the military, which announced on Sunday that it had killed more than 200 alleged rebels in the last four weeks - raising concerns about the security of the relief operations in Aceh.
The tsunami forced the military to allow thousands of relief workers and journalists into Aceh, which had previously been closed off to foreigners.
The influx for the first time placed the spotlight of international attention on the conflict previously known as "Indonesia's forgotten war".
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/2d924f58aa06f50ededb2bbf0c54e825
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Army Chief Inspects Soldiers, Comments On Rebels
1. Indonesian Army chief General Ryamizard Ryacudu inspecting Indonesian troops in Aceh
2. Various of military parade of Indonesian troops
3. General Ryamizard Ryacudu talking to soldiers
4. SOUNDBITE: (Indonesian) General Ryamizard Ryacudu, Indonesian Army chief:
"That's none of my business (the reported peace talks agreement). Up to now there have been no peace talks. But if you ask me whether there have been clashes between them (the rebels in Banda Aceh) and the army, yes there have been. If the rebels shoot at us, we have to shoot back at them - that's the problem."
5. Indonesian soldiers
6. SOUNDBITE: (Indonesian) General Ryamizard Ryacudu, Indonesian Army chief:
"If they (the rebels) want to talk about peace they have to come down from the mountains. Once they start doing that it will be over. If they come down and lay down their arms, we will give them homes and it will all be over."
7. Cutaway of soldiers
8. SOUNDBITE: (Achenese) Voxpop, Achenese refugee:
This (the news of peace talks) is very good for us. This is what we expected. It's what we need now."
9. Indonesian troops
Indonesia's army chief of staff on Monday said that if the rebels in Aceh province wanted peace, they would have to come down from the mountains and lay down their weapons.
Ryamizard Ryacudu - a hardline nationalist general known to be opposed to any peace moves with the rebels - was speaking at a parade of about two-thousand Indonesian soldiers in Banda Aceh.
The Indonesian government and separatist rebels are reportedly planning to meet in Finland this week to discuss a formal ceasefire in tsunami-ravaged Aceh province and possibly lay a framework for restarting the peace process that foundered 20 months ago.
Former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari's office said the two sides were planning to hold talks in Helsinki.
An official long involved in bringing the two sides together said in a telephone interview that the talks would probably start on Thursday.
In December 2002, the two sides signed a truce that lasted until the following May, when the Indonesian military expelled foreign monitors and resumed combat operations against the rebels.
That truce was part of a peace process brokered by the Geneva-based Henry Dunant Centre.
In the aftermath of the December 26 tsunami, both sides pledged to stop fighting.
But the informal truce appears to have been ignored by the military, which announced on Sunday that it had killed more than 200 alleged rebels in the last four weeks - raising concerns about the security of the relief operations in Aceh.
The tsunami forced the military to allow thousands of relief workers and journalists into Aceh, which had previously been closed off to foreigners.
The influx for the first time placed the spotlight of international attention on the conflict previously known as "Indonesia's forgotten war".
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/2d924f58aa06f50ededb2bbf0c54e825
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 0
collège henri dunant
c'est une mini vidéo qui montre la police quui rentre dans un collège pour arrêter des jeunes qui ont jeté sur une prof des citouilles ... finalement les pol......
c'est une mini vidéo qui montre la police quui rentre dans un collège pour arrêter des jeunes qui ont jeté sur une prof des citouilles ... finalement les pol...
wn.com/Collège Henri Dunant
c'est une mini vidéo qui montre la police quui rentre dans un collège pour arrêter des jeunes qui ont jeté sur une prof des citouilles ... finalement les pol...
Islamischer Religionsunterricht
Die Erstklässler der Henri-Dunant-Schule in Frankfurt-Sossenheim sind ganz schön pfiffig: Mohammed? Mekka? Koran? -für sie sind das längst keine Fremdworte m......
Die Erstklässler der Henri-Dunant-Schule in Frankfurt-Sossenheim sind ganz schön pfiffig: Mohammed? Mekka? Koran? -für sie sind das längst keine Fremdworte m...
wn.com/Islamischer Religionsunterricht
Die Erstklässler der Henri-Dunant-Schule in Frankfurt-Sossenheim sind ganz schön pfiffig: Mohammed? Mekka? Koran? -für sie sind das längst keine Fremdworte m...
Peace talks between Indonesian govt and Aceh rebels continue
1. Malik Mahmud descends stairs
2. Cutaway journalist
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Malik Mahmud, Aceh rebel leader:
"Well as you know it is the Indones...
1. Malik Mahmud descends stairs
2. Cutaway journalist
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Malik Mahmud, Aceh rebel leader:
"Well as you know it is the Indonesians wish to make war on the Acehnese, as they have already made statements announced many times over these few months, so this is in fact a well-planned move by the Indonesians to resume war in Aceh. And that is how they wish to settle the problem, by violence."
4. Wiryono descends stairs
5. Cutaway journalist
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Sastro Handoyo Wiryono, lead Indonesian government negotiator:
"And I think we almost got an agreement but there is one thing that for the government is not negotiable which is is the integrity and sovereignty of the country"
7. Wide of Wiryono being interviewed
8. Wide of press interviewing delegates
9. SOUNDBITE (Bahasa Indonesia) Malik Mahmud, Aceh rebel leader:
"We reject the Indonesian governments request which is for autonomy for Aceh and for the disbandment of GAM (Free Aceh Movement)."
10. Wide of press interviewing Wiryono
11. SOUNDBITE (Bahasa Indonesia) Sastro Handoyo Wiryono, lead Indonesian government negotiator:
"Today our discussions to bring peace to Aceh have failed, but everyone in the world still wishes for peace. We will have to think how to bring peace to Aceh by another means."
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Steven Daly, Steve Daly, Henri Dunant Centre:
"The Henri Dunant centre for Humanitarian Dialogue has been engaged in last-minute efforts to bring the government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement together in an attempt to resolve their immediate differences, and avert a resumption of conflict. Those efforts have unfortunately been unsuccessful."
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Malik Mahmud, Aceh rebel leader:
"Yes, in war there is always a chance."
14. Indonesian government delegates leave by car
Two days of talks between separatist rebels and Indonesian officials ended in failure Sunday, with no agreement on how to salvage a faltering peace pact and avert the almost certain outbreak of war in the Indonesian province of Aceh.
As the two sides sat down for the second day of negotiations in Tokyo, thousands of Indonesian troops massed in the war-torn, resource-rich province on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra.
But despite the threat of war, the rebels refused to comply with Indonesia's demand they disarm and accept special autonomy, not independence.
The chief rebel negotiator said he believed the Indonesian government had no intention of compromising from the start of the talks and accused Jakarta of seeking a pretext for war.
Indonesia's chief government negotiator said the two sides nearly reached an agreement during the roughly 13 hours of talks Sunday. But he said the issue of independence for the region was not on the table.
"One thing that is not negotiable is the integrity and sovereignty of the country," said Indonesian chief negotiator Sastrohandoyo Wiryono. He said he had come on a "mission of peace."
The two-day peace talks were arranged under pressure from international donors alarmed by the prospect of a return to hostilities in Aceh, where more than 12-thousand people have been killed in fighting since 1976.
An agreement signed in Geneva on 9 December halted a 26-year insurgency in the oil- and gas-rich province, 1770 kilometers (1200 miles) northwest of Jakarta. But it has unraveled in recent months following violence by both sides and mutual recriminations.
Even as the talks progressed, Indonesian government troops were preparing for war. Armored vehicles rumbled through the provincial capital, Banda Aceh, while soldiers took up positions at key locations in the city.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/d4f3eca42f33ee21ea22ca7c7d4ee0f3
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Peace Talks Between Indonesian Govt And Aceh Rebels Continue
1. Malik Mahmud descends stairs
2. Cutaway journalist
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Malik Mahmud, Aceh rebel leader:
"Well as you know it is the Indonesians wish to make war on the Acehnese, as they have already made statements announced many times over these few months, so this is in fact a well-planned move by the Indonesians to resume war in Aceh. And that is how they wish to settle the problem, by violence."
4. Wiryono descends stairs
5. Cutaway journalist
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Sastro Handoyo Wiryono, lead Indonesian government negotiator:
"And I think we almost got an agreement but there is one thing that for the government is not negotiable which is is the integrity and sovereignty of the country"
7. Wide of Wiryono being interviewed
8. Wide of press interviewing delegates
9. SOUNDBITE (Bahasa Indonesia) Malik Mahmud, Aceh rebel leader:
"We reject the Indonesian governments request which is for autonomy for Aceh and for the disbandment of GAM (Free Aceh Movement)."
10. Wide of press interviewing Wiryono
11. SOUNDBITE (Bahasa Indonesia) Sastro Handoyo Wiryono, lead Indonesian government negotiator:
"Today our discussions to bring peace to Aceh have failed, but everyone in the world still wishes for peace. We will have to think how to bring peace to Aceh by another means."
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Steven Daly, Steve Daly, Henri Dunant Centre:
"The Henri Dunant centre for Humanitarian Dialogue has been engaged in last-minute efforts to bring the government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement together in an attempt to resolve their immediate differences, and avert a resumption of conflict. Those efforts have unfortunately been unsuccessful."
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Malik Mahmud, Aceh rebel leader:
"Yes, in war there is always a chance."
14. Indonesian government delegates leave by car
Two days of talks between separatist rebels and Indonesian officials ended in failure Sunday, with no agreement on how to salvage a faltering peace pact and avert the almost certain outbreak of war in the Indonesian province of Aceh.
As the two sides sat down for the second day of negotiations in Tokyo, thousands of Indonesian troops massed in the war-torn, resource-rich province on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra.
But despite the threat of war, the rebels refused to comply with Indonesia's demand they disarm and accept special autonomy, not independence.
The chief rebel negotiator said he believed the Indonesian government had no intention of compromising from the start of the talks and accused Jakarta of seeking a pretext for war.
Indonesia's chief government negotiator said the two sides nearly reached an agreement during the roughly 13 hours of talks Sunday. But he said the issue of independence for the region was not on the table.
"One thing that is not negotiable is the integrity and sovereignty of the country," said Indonesian chief negotiator Sastrohandoyo Wiryono. He said he had come on a "mission of peace."
The two-day peace talks were arranged under pressure from international donors alarmed by the prospect of a return to hostilities in Aceh, where more than 12-thousand people have been killed in fighting since 1976.
An agreement signed in Geneva on 9 December halted a 26-year insurgency in the oil- and gas-rich province, 1770 kilometers (1200 miles) northwest of Jakarta. But it has unraveled in recent months following violence by both sides and mutual recriminations.
Even as the talks progressed, Indonesian government troops were preparing for war. Armored vehicles rumbled through the provincial capital, Banda Aceh, while soldiers took up positions at key locations in the city.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/d4f3eca42f33ee21ea22ca7c7d4ee0f3
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Heiden (810 m ü. M.) ist ein sehenswertes Biedermeierdorf im Appenzellerland (Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden). Es liegt zwischen Kaien, Bischofsberg und Freudenb...
Heiden (810 m ü. M.) ist ein sehenswertes Biedermeierdorf im Appenzellerland (Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden). Es liegt zwischen Kaien, Bischofsberg und Freudenberg. Nach einem Grossbrand im Jahr 1838 wurde es nach strengen Vorschriften wieder aufgebaut. Der Grundriss des Dorfes ist rechtwinklig und im klassizistischen Stil gehalten. Dank seiner Lage wurde es schon früh als Luft- und Molkenkurort bekannt. Heidens berühmtester Gast war der Gründer des Roten Kreuzes und der Träger des ersten Nobelpreises: Henry Dunant. Ihm und seinem Leben ist das Henry-Dunant-Museum gewidmet.
wn.com/Swissview, Heiden
Heiden (810 m ü. M.) ist ein sehenswertes Biedermeierdorf im Appenzellerland (Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden). Es liegt zwischen Kaien, Bischofsberg und Freudenberg. Nach einem Grossbrand im Jahr 1838 wurde es nach strengen Vorschriften wieder aufgebaut. Der Grundriss des Dorfes ist rechtwinklig und im klassizistischen Stil gehalten. Dank seiner Lage wurde es schon früh als Luft- und Molkenkurort bekannt. Heidens berühmtester Gast war der Gründer des Roten Kreuzes und der Träger des ersten Nobelpreises: Henry Dunant. Ihm und seinem Leben ist das Henry-Dunant-Museum gewidmet.
- published: 24 Jul 2014
- views: 31
KidsX 2010 in Heiden
Ein Lauf mitten durchs Ratszimmer des Gemeindepräsidenten, durchs Altersheim, das Schwimmbad, quer durchs Dorf und mitten hinein in die Bevölkerung. Dies all......
Ein Lauf mitten durchs Ratszimmer des Gemeindepräsidenten, durchs Altersheim, das Schwimmbad, quer durchs Dorf und mitten hinein in die Bevölkerung. Dies all...
wn.com/Kidsx 2010 In Heiden
Ein Lauf mitten durchs Ratszimmer des Gemeindepräsidenten, durchs Altersheim, das Schwimmbad, quer durchs Dorf und mitten hinein in die Bevölkerung. Dies all...
- published: 14 Sep 2010
- views: 770
author: jamschweiz