- published: 07 Oct 2016
- views: 91977
The right of return is a principle which is drawn from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, intended to enable people to return to, and re-enter, their country of origin.
The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (read together with its 1967 Protocol) does not give refugees a right to return, but rather prohibits return (refoulment) to a country where he or she faces serious threats to his or her life or freedom. The Convention binds the many countries which have ratified it.
By contrast the right of return has not passed into customary international law, although it remains an important aspirational human right. Instead, international law gives each country the right to decide for itself to whom it will give citizenship.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) article 13 states that "[e]veryone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country." (emphasis added). There is disagreement as to what this actually means in practice as well as whether country refers to a state or a specific area of land. In addition, the change from State to country from the first sentence to the second clouds the issue.
The term "Palestine refugees" originally referred to both Arabs and Jews whose normal place of residence had been in Mandatory Palestine but were displaced and lost their livelihoods as a result of the 1948 Palestine war. The UNRWA definition of the term includes the patrilineal descendants of the original "Palestine refugees". In 2012, there were an estimated 4,950,000 registered patrilineal descendants of the original "Palestine refugees", based on the UNRWA registration requirements, of which an estimated 1.5 million lived in UNRWA camps. The number of original refugees "who meet UNRWA’s Palestine Refugee criteria" was 711,000 in 1950 of which approximately 30,-50,000 were still alive in 2012.
During the 1948 Palestine War, around 85% (720,000 people) of the Palestinian Arab population of what became Israel fled or were expelled from their homes, to the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and to the countries of Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. They, and their descendants, who are also entitled to registration, are assisted by UNWRA in 59 registered camps, 10 of which were established in the aftermath of the Six-Day War in 1967 to cope with new Palestinian refugees. Being the only refugees in the world to be mainly inherited, including unregistered, displaced persons and refugee descendants, the Palestinian Arab refugee and displaced population has grown the largest in the world. They are also the world's oldest unsettled refugee population, having been under the ongoing governance of Arab states following the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, and the refugee populations of Gaza and the West Bank under Israeli governance since the Six Day War. Citizenship or legal residency in host countries is denied in Lebanon where the absorption of Palestinians would upset a delicate confessional balance, but available in Jordan where approximately 40% of UNWRA-registered Palestinian refugees have acquired full citizenship rights.
The Doha Debates are a forum for free speech in Qatar and tackle the region's most controversial and topical issues. They are sponsored by Qatar Foundation and their broadcasting rights are sold to BBC World News where they are aired monthly, eight times a year. The debates entered into their eighth series in October 2011.
In addition to BBC World News the Doha Debates are broadcast on MHz Networks and Thirteen (television station) in the USA, GEO TV in Pakistan, TV BiH in Bosnia and Hertzegovina and the Real News Network in Canada and the USA. The total potential global audience for the Debates is over 350 million.
The Doha Debates are hosted and funded by the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development - a private, chartered, non-profit organization, founded in 1995 and chaired by Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned. The Doha Debates supported the creation of QatarDebate, an independent student debating organization for Qatar, in 2007.
Israeli Jews (Hebrew: יהודים ישראלים, Yehudim Yisraelim), also known as Jewish Israelis, refers to Israeli citizens or residents who are Jews, and also the descendants of Israeli-Jewish emigrants outside of Israel.
Israeli Jews are found mostly in Israel and the Western world, as well as other countries worldwide, not necessarily only in Jewish communities. Israeli Jews mostly speak Hebrew and most follow at least some religious Jewish practices. Israel, the Jewish state, currently has almost half the world's Jews.
The Jewish community in Israel is composed from all Jewish ethnic divisions, including Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardi Jews, Mizrahi Jews, Beta Israel, Bene Israel, Karaite Jews, and many other groups. The Israeli Jewish community manifests a wide range of Jewish cultural traditions, as well as encompassing the full spectrum of religious observance, from the haredi communities to the hilonim Jewish communities who live a secular lifestyle. Among the Jewish population, hundreds of thousands of Israeli-born Jews are of mixed ancestry of both Ashkenazi and Mizrahi descent. Over 50% of the Jewish population is of at least a partial Mizrahi descent.
New Original Song! - Jack Thammarat - "Right of Return" (VDO Playthrough)
Do Palestinians Have A Right To Return?
Israeli Jews: What do you think about the Palestinian right of return?
The Doha Debates on the Right of Return for Palestinians
Al-Awda- The Right to Return
PNC asks UN to give Palestinian refugees right to return
The Palestine Papers: Refugees' right of return on bargaining table
Riz Khan - Palestinian 'Right to Return' - 13 May 08 - Part2
Miko Peled - On the "right to return"
New Original Song - Jack Thammarat - "Right of Return" (VDO Playthrough) Available now at JamTrackCentral.com Download Link: https://jamtrackcentral.com/store/jamtracks/right-of-return iTunes https://itun.es/th/AnrZfb Downloading this release will provide you with the full playthrough of the track in both video and audio format, as well as the official transcriptions in TAB and Notation and the official backing track. If you are a premium member then just hit that +MyTracks button to instantly get streaming access to it all. This song I got an inspiration from my Kontakt sample library - "George Duke Soul Treasures" piano loop recorded by George Duke himself. Maybe it is more Fusion than my usual style but I hope you like it! Thank you very much for sharing! Credits : Piano Loop - Nat...
The right of return is one of the biggest sticking points in the Palestinian–Israeli conflict. In 1948, the founding of Israel lead to the expulsion and dispossession of what is now the world's biggest refugee population. Should they be allowed to return? Subscribe for more videos: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3Nm3T-XAgVhKH9jT0ViRg?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ajplusenglish Download the AJ+ app at http://www.ajplus.net/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ajplus
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA66B966BE0047599 http://www.wix.com/coreygilshuster/understandconflict Want to know what Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East really think about the conflict? Ask a question and I will get answers. People ask Israeli Jews questions. I go out and ask random people to answer. Denice from the USA asks "What do Israeli Jews think about the Palestinian right of return?"
This conference intended to provide information on the legal dimensions of the RIGHT OF RETURN --in both Palestinian law and International Law. Progress for peace depend on resolving this primary issue. But while Zionist Government of Israel denies this right to indigenous Palestinians it falsely applies it to Jews who never lived in Palestine. After WW I the Western powers began the end of colonialism but in 1947 the UN decision to divide Palestine was used an an occasion to renew the practice. The UN in Res 194 attempted to end this unintended consequence but was disabled by various powerful interests. The non Jews left in Palestine are being forced out by land confiscation, home demolition, racist Laws, loss of employment, settler violence, administrative detention, Military Law a...
"This House believes the Palestinians should give up their full right of return" Vote Result: The motion was rejected Speaker Biographies http://www.thedohadebates.com/output/Page97.asp This Debate was broadcast on BBC World on April 14th and 15th, 2007 The Doha Debates are a public forum for dialogue and freedom of speech in Qatar. Each month, invited speakers debate the burning issues of the Arab and Islamic world in front of an audience who are encouraged to participate by asking questions. The Debates are chaired by the internationally renowned broadcaster Tim Sebastian, formerly of the BBC's HARDTalk programme. The Doha Debates are hosted and funded by the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development which is headed by Her Highness, Sheikha Moza...
For the commemoration of the Palestinian refugees and their right to return to their homeland, join us for the 10th annual international Al-Awda convention in San Diego, CA. Special guest: Marcel Khalife
The Palestinian National Council has asked the United Nations to implement a resolution to give Palestinian refugees the right to return. In a statement, the PNC stressed that all refugees have the right to come back to their homes and it is a non-negotiable right that can never be given up. It also condemned Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians and referred to extra-judicial killings and torture of prisoners as few of many crimes routinely committed by Tel Aviv. The P-N-C released the statement in commemoration of the 68th anniversary of Nakba Day, which is on May 15. Every year, Palestinians mark Nakba, or catastrophe, the day Israel was created in 1948. That’s when more than 760-thousand Palestinians fled or were expelled from their homes by Israel. Over five-million Palestinians ...
Since 1948, millions of Palestinian refugees have held out the hope of returning to their own state one day. But the Palestine Papers reveal that their leaders were willing to make major concessions on the issue of the Palestinians' right of return. Al Jazeera's Barnaby Phillips reports from Shatila Refugee Camp in Lebanon.
Half of the Palestine's Arab population fled or were forced to leave their homes upon Israel's creation in 1948. At the time there were about 800,000 refugees. Now their descendants number close to five million people, many of whom still live in camps scattered in the countries around Israel. What is their fate? On Tuesday Riz hosts a debate between Dr. Arnon Soffer, an Israeli geostrategist, and Dr. Johnny Mansour, a Palestinian-Israeli historian.
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Srinivas (Ravi Teja) is very popular in his village as Dubai Seenu. He has dreams of going to Dubai to earn lots of money. However, Seenu and his friends reach Mumbai get cheated by a fraudster (Venu Madhav). After realising that they were cheated, they start a Pav Bhaji centre with the help of Patnaik (Krishna Bhagawan). He is also a fraudster. Madhumati (Nayantara), who was working as a Radio Jockey goes to Mumbai in search of her brother. Seenu meets Madhu in a local train and loses his heart. Luckily she surfaces right before his Pav Bhaji centre. Seenu dares to propose his love, but Madhu does not reply and disappears. While Seenu was in search of Madhu, he meets Chakri (J. D. Chakravarthy). In fact, Seenu helps Chakri who loved Puja (Neha Bamb) and got them married. Chakri and Puja...
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You are like the olive tree
Just like you were meant to be
Though your roots dig deep into the land
They were uprooted by a savage hand
But the ties were forged through centuries
A bond so strong and fixed in history
You are the land and the land is you
A solid unity they never can undo
Cherish your leaves, let your branches bear your fruits
All you need to do is protect and feed your roots
The old will die, but the young will learn
The road is long and it will twist and turn
But when you know your destiny
You know where you need to be
And we always will believe
It's our Right to Return
Black on white they wrote that vow
But to act on it was not allowed
Empty words like a carrot on a stick
Ink is fading as the clock goes on to tick
Dispossession and racial oppression
Every psycho form of Zionist aggression
Was condoned by that very same force
Though they say our rights are still endorsed
We don't need your words, they're just empty talk
Why don't you just keep on talking while we walk the walk
The old have died, but the young are strong
We know who we are and where we belong
With the key in our hand
We'll come home to our land
We know we will always stand
For our Right of Return