- published: 03 Feb 2016
- views: 632
The Mie solution to Maxwell's equations (also known as the Lorenz–Mie solution, the Lorenz–Mie–Debye solution or Mie scattering) describes the scattering of an electromagnetic plane wave by a homogeneous sphere. The solution takes the form of an infinite series of spherical multipole partial waves. It is named after Gustav Mie.
The term "Mie solution" is also used for solutions of Maxwell's equations for scattering by stratified spheres or by infinite cylinders, or other geometries where one can write separate equations for the radial and angular dependence of solutions. The term Mie theory is sometimes used for this collection of solutions and methods; it does not refer to an independent physical theory or law. More broadly, "Mie scattering" suggests situations where the size of the scattering particles is comparable to the wavelength of the light, rather than much smaller or much larger.
A modern formulation of the Mie solution to the scattering problem on a sphere can be found in many books, e.g., in J. A. Stratton's Electromagnetic Theory. In this formulation, the incident plane wave as well as the scattering field is expanded into radiating spherical vector wave functions. The internal field is expanded into regular spherical vector wave functions. By enforcing the boundary condition on the spherical surface, the expansion coefficients of the scattered field can be computed.
Mie theory (BME51 Lecture 5)
Particle Physics (29 of 41) What is a Photon? 13. Mie Scattering
Particle Physics (30 of 41) What is a Photon? 14. Mie Scattering (Continued 2)
Particle Physics (31 of 41) What is a Photon? 15. Mie Scattering - Radar Cross Section
Particle Physics (32 of 41) What is a Photon? 16. Mie Scattering - Radio Waves Quantized as Photons?
Lesson28: More Scattering Theory (improved)
Mie Theory - Eskimo's Elbow
Resonant Mie Scattering correction algorithm (RMieS-EMSC) tutorial for MATLAB by Paul Bassan
The Mie Theory Basics and Applications Springer Series in Optical Sciences
Mie Scattering from a Gold Nano-Sphere E-plane
Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain Mie scattering of photons scattering off large particles. Next video in the Particle Physics series can be seen at: http://youtu.be/4Lyf2zBSlCo
Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will compare Rayleigh's, Mie, and optical scattering. Next video in the Particle Physics series can be seen at: http://youtu.be/ds_JYBjv2g8
Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain the graph of the principle of Mie scattering of particles the size of 1/10 of a wavelength to 1 wavelength. Next video in the Particle Physics series can be seen at: http://youtu.be/mvFp20BpzWs
Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain whether radio waves can be quantized as photons. Next video in the Particle Physics series can be seen at: http://youtu.be/IXDIO8z7k78
More scattering theory, including plane wave decomposition and partial scattering amplitudes. Improved demo showing plane wave decomposition. Preclass slides by Steve Spicklemire. (Note... the next two lessons are review and exam.. so no new slides) See you again at lesson 31!
This video is a short tutorial showing how to install and use the resonant Mie scattering correction algorithm (RMieS-EMSC) in the MATLAB environment. Presented by Paul Bassan, Gardner Lab, University of Manchester www.gardner-lab.com/paul-bassan.php
The video shows the electric field distribution of the Mie scattering problem for a gold nano-sphere modelled by Drude-Lorentz formula, in a cut-plane on which the electric field polarization resides, computed with the HADES3D full-wave parallel electromagnetic solver. The method used for the above analysis is a specific class of Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain (DGTD) Algorithms named as Element-Level Time Domain (ELTD) method. For more description about the method have a look at the following publications: Fallahi, Arya, Benedikt Oswald, and Patrick Leidenberger. "The element level time domain (ELTD) method for the analysis of nano-optical systems: I. Nondispersive media." Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 10.2 (2012): 207-222. Fallahi, Arya, and Benedikt Osw...
Analytik's CPS Disc Centrifuge Product Specialist Hiran Vegad is talking about using monochromatic light source to utilise mie light scattering theory to apply to the intensity data to calculate particle concentration. Please read more here: http://www.analytik.co.uk/nanoparticle-size-analysis.htm?utm_source=cpstheoryyt
Particle Characterization by Dr. R. Nagarajan, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras.For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Course: Electromagnetic Theory II - PHYS506 Lecture Subjects: Scattering by dipoles, Scattering by a small dielectric sphere, Scattering by a small perfectly conducting sphere. Instructor: Prof.Dr. Altan BAYKAL For Lecture Notes: http://ocw.metu.edu.tr/course/view.php?id=226 Middle East Technical University OpenCourseWare: [ http://ocw.metu.edu.tr ] Youtube Channel: [ http://www.youtube.com/METUOpenCourseWare ]
In this tutorial is evaluated the scattering cross section of a Silicon sphere with 230nm of radius. It is reproduced the fig. 3 of the paper: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-19-6-4815
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Lecture 24 defines the extinction coefficient, scattering coefficient and albedo, derives the differential equation for radiance transport in a participating medium, shows how to create a photon map for a participating medium and how to integrate its inscattering along a viewing ray. (At 12 minutes "d omega" should be "d omega' ". The end of the bidirectional path tracing discussion should have included a factor of the transparency along the dotted line.)
Maxwell’s Equations - light scattering – Rayleigh scattering – light scattering by regular solid spheres - Mie theory
Ecco il video con tutte le risposte alle domande che ho ricevuto nel precedente video, ringrazio tutte le persone che hanno partecipato! Buona visione a tutti! =D =D Ecco le domande che ho ricevuto: LUCA: - come vivi il fatto di avere tanti libri da leggere ancora sul comodino? -parteciperesti mai a una readathon o challange letterarie? -quali sono i libri nella tua libreria che vorresti leggere o rileggere in questo momento oltre Harry Potter? -Qual é il tuo classico preferito? -Quale classico ti manca e vorresti leggere? - Quale libro consiglieresti/regaleresti a un non-lettore per fargli capire il piacere delle lettura? SARAH Io desidero solo sapere qual è il tuo cibo preferito. PIZZA CHIARA Qual è il tuo secondo libro preferito? Attualmente quanti libri hai? GIULIA -C...
Maxwell’s Equations - light scattering – Rayleigh scattering – light scattering by regular solid spheres - Mie theory
Entering the atmosphere darkness into light
Destination planet earth chariots in flight
Who they are what they are nobody knows
Beings from another world speculation grows
UFO condition red, UFO is this the end?
UFO condition red, UFO is this the end?
Fire raging everywhere no help in sight
Praying to the lord our God won't help tonight
People screaming as another attack unfolds
Countries crashing to the ground prophets foretold
UFO condition red, UFO is this the end?
UFO condition red, UFO is this the end?
Beacons blazing sirens raging into the night
No one has a hope in hell a chance to fight
No emotion, love, devotion do they behold
Now the world we've left's deserted, freezing and cold
UFO condition red, UFO is this the end?