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Ideal NYC

April 19, 2016

If I could design a NYC street (or any city really) to fit my personal preferences, this would be it. It’s from a real photo of Kent and Manhattan Ave in Greenpoint in the 1930’s, housing the kind of places I would want to go.  (see it bigger here) Want me to draw one of these for you, personalized with your ideal shops? For $400, this fake city is yours! Email me at [email protected]

my greenpoint copy

If you missed it last week, I am leaving NYC next month. Help me clear my apartment by buying stuff!

Books, and a bunch of original comics pages and cityscapes available in my website store. All art orders come with a print and a doodled library card

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Prints, mugs, totes and t-shirts are available at TopatoCo.

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Books, photography prints and jewelry (including previously out of stock Peanuts and NYC necklaces) are available on Etsy.

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After 10 years in NYC, I am going home to California. I need to get rid of tons of stuff, including books, art, treasures, bric-a-brac, hand made jewelry, photography prints and more, to help minimize the move and fund this whole fiasco. (While most the proceeds go to helping me out, I will also be donating a small percentage to New York Cares, a charity I did stuff for while living here, but won’t be able to do anymore since I’m leaving. If you live in NYC, I would encourage you to volunteer for one of their many programs. I’m especially fond of the reading and writing programs for kids.) So here are your purchasing options:

Books, and a bunch of original comics pages and cityscapes available in my website store. All art orders come with a print and a doodled library card

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Prints, mugs, totes and t-shirts are available at TopatoCo.

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Books, photography prints and jewelry (including previously out of stock Peanuts and NYC necklaces) are available on Etsy.

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totally unrelated, and more on this later, but my brother and I are now doing a monthly comic for The Believer! It’s a spoof advice column, so go ahead and ask all those nagging questions you have about life!

One more thing! I’m throwing a big goodbye party comedy show before I go, more details and dates TBA, so keep an eye on this site and my social media (instagram is my preferred platform, but I’m on twitter too) for updates.


To support my work, please buy books, photography prints, artwork,  hand made jewelry, and more in my online store, or consider supporting my next autobio book. Prints, t-shirts, etc at TopatoCo.

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some things to do soon

March 21, 2016

Hey Denver- DINK is this weekend, there’s a bunch of great stuff going on there so you should come see it all! The convention is March 25 & 26th (fri & sat) at wherever the hell the website says it is. I’m doing two panels and a workshop- the first panel is friday at 5pm, […]

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CBGB & Astor Place

February 26, 2016

This month’s cityscape segment features for decades of the infamous Bowery club CBGB. To got Harper’s to see the rest!  This month’s history comic is Secrets of the Astor Place Subway Station, read the whole thing on the New Yorker ! To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac, hand made jewelry, and […]

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east village then/now

February 4, 2016

Four little updates: First,  if you ordered anything from me during the week the blizzard hit NYC, I was stuck in Colorado so the orders were sent out a little late, but they are all out and on the way to you! Did you not order something but you want to? go for it! I […]

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sketchy comic- why artists should never complain about their job

February 2, 2016

I mean, it’s fine to complain to other artists, but if you’re talking to someone with a job like this, don’t be a dick. To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac, hand made jewelry, and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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new pieces

December 25, 2015

This month’s history piece: The Hess Spite Triangle, on the New Yorker.  And this month’s cityscape pieces, Greenwich Village, on Harper’s.  To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac, hand made jewelry, and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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new stuff and gift ideas

December 2, 2015

First, two art/comics links: -Before/after cityscapes on Harper’s (this is a new monthly series starting today! Each piece will have three before/after sets and cover various NYC neighborhoods) -Food Carts and Trucks from the 1700’s to present day on the New Yorker Second, if you need last minute gifts, I have a bunch of hot […]

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Drinking at the Movies

November 12, 2015

The new, improved version of Drinking at the Movies is out now and you can get it from me or in stores. More info about what’s new in the book here, and order from either my website store or etsy, all links here. To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac, hand […]

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Events & Greenpoint Theatres of Yore

October 29, 2015

This month’s history comic is about all the vaudeville and movie theatres that used to be in Greenpoint and are no more. See the whole piece at the New Yorker. Don’t forget to come to the release party/comic slide show Tuesday, Nov 3rd at Desert Island at 7pm! It’s for the re-release of the new, […]

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October 14, 2015

next month, November, there will be a release party/comics slideshow for the re-release, improved version of Drinking at the Movies, along with Jane Mai. on the 3rd at 7pm at Desert Island. That’s all. Here’s another Greenpoint drawing of Manhattan Ave and Kent St in the 1920’s. To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography […]

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History of Street Cleaning excerpt

October 6, 2015

I have a new piece up at the New Yorker, about the history of street cleaning in NYC. (and kind of everywhere, for that matter.) Go read the full four page piece here! To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac, hand made jewelry, and more on either my website store or […]

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October 5, 2015

This will be the last thing l say publicly about my piece on sexual harassment that went viral on Tuesday. First, thank you to everyone who was supportive, either by sharing it, commenting on it or emailing me. If I haven’t emailed you back already, I will soon! I just need time to sort everything […]

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Greenpoint then/now.

September 16, 2015

Here’s a page from a big project I’m working on about Greenpoint. This is just a quick layout, the final project has more text/history. I’m just working on images right now. A finished portion of this project will be available this November in a book of comics the New Yorker is putting out, but more […]

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exploring comic excerpt

August 1, 2015

First things first- A comic my brother and I wrote together is in this week’s New Yorker, you can see it here on their twitter feed, or in the August 3rd issue. For those of you helping with Impossible People, just a quick update: I’m 200 pages into it and should finish it by early next […]

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Professional Cartoonist

June 24, 2015

To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac, hand made jewelry, and more on either my website store or Etsy.   

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DIY in process

June 2, 2015

There are a few spots left in my workshop, June 7th, for more info, go here. If you missed it, my comic on the New York World’s Fair and its lampposts is up now at the New Yorker. Here’s a sample page from that DIY mini comic I’ve been slowly working on for forever. I think […]

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World’s Fair comic

May 28, 2015

  This month’s New Yorker comic installment is about the 1964-65 New York World’s Fair and the post-fair life of its lampposts. When you’re done reading it, go to Adventure Bible School for current photos of the fair’s ruins. (PS. There’s a marriage proposal embedded into this comic. He said yes.)   To support my work, go here, or buy […]

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a doodle and other things

May 11, 2015

This Thursday I’ll be reading from the super embarrassing diary I kept when I was 12, at Griff & Joe’s Memorial Day Spectacular, along with other comedians, at QED in Astoria, come on out! 9pm. My workshop on memoir comics is this coming Sunday (May 17th) in Greenpoint and there are still spots open, email me […]

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Bottle Beach, etc.

April 29, 2015

First things first: We changed the format of the workshops I’m teaching in Greenpoint- now there are two “memoir comics” workshops available (the work does not have to be memoir, everything I teach is applicable to fiction as well) May 17th and June 7th. If you contact me first at [email protected] I can give you […]

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Horrors of the NYC Subway

April 7, 2015

This piece was originally done for Time Out New York. oh, and don’t forget to come see me talk to Penelope Bagieu in public at Albertine Books tomorrow night! I also have a new online store with a bunch of new stuff available, as well as the good old books and original art that’s always […]

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A bunch of things

March 30, 2015

A couple of links and upcoming events you might wanna know about: 1) I have 3 page comic up at the New Yorker about when pinball was illegal in New York. 2) I’m finally getting back to the book I started in 2010, please consider helping me out if you can! I also have a new store […]

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Impossible People- fundraising

March 25, 2015

Samples of Impossible People can be seen at The (Fart) Party’s Over  and at the end of this page. Donations go to supporting the work process and so I can continue to post free, new material online. It is not a pre-order for the book, as I’m considering doing a more online style release, but […]

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The Fart Party’s Over

March 23, 2015

Atten: This is a reprint, I made this half essay/ half comic in January of 2014, a year and a half into what would be come an unexpected two year break from making comics. It originally appeared on Narrativly and Slate, but I’m posting it again here, since I am finally working on the book […]

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preview page

March 16, 2015

One of the projects I’m working on right now is illustrating a book by Eden Sher. She created a dictionary of portmanteaus aimed at neurotic, over-analytical, capricious types (so yeah, right up my alley) and it’s my job to turn some of those fictional words into comics. She is the main character, but over the […]

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coffee shop etiquette

February 25, 2015

To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy.     

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100 years ago

February 9, 2015

To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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x-mas comics pt 1

February 2, 2015

This week I’m posting some sketchbook comics from my visit home to California this past December. My apologies if you already saw them elsewhere on social media.   To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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Just a nice day in the city

January 19, 2015

Note: Pizza Island has been over for years, but I’m still so proud of all my ladies and the good work they’re doing. For links, go to our Pizza Island blog. I still think our goodbye post is one of our best collaborations. Clearly, our group twitter has been hijacked, but eh, pick your battles. […]

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cityscape commissions

January 16, 2015

I’m currently accepting commissions for cityscapes, either single page or before/after two pages (see images for details.) I can do most city or town scenes, but with a focus on blocks, buildings or stores. The art is done on roughly 9×12 heavyweight paper (give or take a few depending on the scene, and I leave room for […]

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steps in some direction or whatever

January 5, 2015

I’m back from my annual Christmas visit to California/home, and I have some updates for ya, but let’s get to this comic first. I’m not too proud of this incident, but it did lead to me getting a pretty sweet knife set and cutting board, which, as it turns out, is all that’s needed for […]

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Weird, Horrible & Strange Christmas Gifts of Yore

December 22, 2014

Here’s a comic I did for Cards Against Humanity. I was playing the game with my family last night, and I had to explain “road head” to my ma, and she’s forever upset that we made her read all those cards out loud. To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac […]

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How am I gonna fuck up today?

December 15, 2014

  To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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Where’d it go?

December 8, 2014

Check it out, I forced an editor to condense my 2.5 hour rant at the lovely Meg Lemke into a more tolerable, readable interview, up now at the Paris Review!  To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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Home Haircut

December 1, 2014

To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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The Never-ending Staples Story

November 24, 2014

Yes, I am aware of other printing resources that are much more reliable, affordable and not insane, but I sometimes have to get stuff printed RIGHT NOW and this is my only option for that, so no need to enlighten me about why I shouldn’t be going to Staples. I very much know already, believe […]

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Athens Lunatic Asylum

November 17, 2014

People have been asking me for years if I’m gonna turn my urban exploring adventures into comics, and I always said no. But turns out, if you give me an (unrelated) Super Official Illustration Job and two books to work on, I will totally do what I absolutely do not have time for, and that […]

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Too Little, Too Late

November 11, 2014

To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy.   

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DIY- teen years

November 3, 2014

A preview page of the mini about DIY projects that I started last September. “I’ll finish it eventually,” I said unconvincingly.    To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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Friendly conversation

October 22, 2014

Plug time: Lisa Hanawalt is a current buddy and ex-Pizza Island member (we’re all ex-PI, since the studio ended in 2012) Buy her latest book My Dirty Dumb Eyes and oogle her animated design masterpiece that is BoJack Horseman on Netflix. I don’t need to link that, you can figure it out . To support my work, go […]

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The Life

October 16, 2014

——– Buy books, original art, photography prints, bric-a-brac and more! —

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SD: Day Off

October 1, 2014

I want to briefly address an article in a German magazine that was published last week. I’m not going to link it, I don’t want to draw attention to the specifics, but to sum it up, it was an article not necessarily about me, but about a journalist’s attempts to get me to meet up […]

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Poster & Panel Options

September 8, 2014

If you’re reading this page, you should be coming from this Etsy listing. If not, go check it out! Posters are 17 x 11, either glossy or matte cardstock, your choice. Here are the comics available as posters:       And here are the panels available in the poster/panel bundle:    

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SPX debut & sample page

September 8, 2014

To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy.   

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Preview of new mini

September 2, 2014

  To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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hate-mail bag

May 21, 2014

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted any hate mail, and while working on the Fart Party collection, I re-found a bunch of old ones that are GLORIOUS. A few you’ve seen before, but I’m adding more to the mail section of the book, here are a few samples. BUT FIRST! I am having a huge […]

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sketchy diary comic- no one likes the truth

May 6, 2014

  To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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April 8, 2014

This Sunday, Gabrielle Bell, MK Reed and I will be showing/talking about how we use NYC in our comics at Housing Works Bookstore at 1pm as part ofthe Downtown Literary Festival. I hate dream stories, but here’s a comic about mine on The Nib.   I posted something awhile ago about how I was in need of […]

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sketchy comics- Lil B

March 24, 2014

To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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apartment sketch

March 5, 2014

I had some real work to do, so instead I drew this. I know the scale seems odd, but everything in my apartment is odd. The ceilings are really low, and for some reason, everything in my apartment is miniature, including my cat and myself. Oh, also I live in a museum, basically. To support […]

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February 12, 2014

A sketchy comic from my January sketchbook. I don’t know why I just said “January sketchbook,” because it’s just a notepad that floats around my apartment all year. Also, there’s another post of ‘found objects‘ up at Adventure Bible School.   To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more […]

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How to make a baby shut the f*ck up

February 5, 2014

Someone recently asked if I’d repost this comic from Drinking at the Movies, I assume because their kid is being a brat. After this book was published, I looked over the notes I made about that afternoon (which I’d scrawled on the back of a receipt) and turned out Mark didn’t say, “should I shake […]

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Holiday sketches pt 6

January 30, 2014

Some extra sketchy comics I did while visiting home in California for the holidays: Before you roll your eyes at the space heater thing, just look at it! I mean, really.  There’s a new post about Penn Hills Resort over at Adventure Bible School, in which I mostly complain because fuck that place. Also, last […]

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Holiday sketches pt 5- (bad) memory box

January 14, 2014

Another sketchbook comic from my visit home for the holidays:   To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy.   

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Holiday sketches pt 4- likes/dislikes

January 8, 2014

More holiday sketchy comics, just some stuff my ma said.   PS- I decided not to do a kickstarter but instead I’m gonna run my own pre-sales kickstarter rip-off right here on this site so forget what I said last time. Also there’s a new post up about the Old Calistoga Hospital on Adventure Bible […]

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holiday sketches pt 3- My Lifestyle Is Unacceptable To Everyone But Me

January 6, 2014

More sketchbook comics I made during my trip home to California for Christmas, following pt 1 and pt 2      PS.  I’m going to start a Kickstarter soon for the Fart Party Omnibus. When I googled “tips for launching a kickstater,” some sites suggested informing people about it before you post it, so this […]

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Museum of Mistakes: the Fart Party Collection

January 3, 2014

ABOUT: Museum of Mistakes: The Fart Party Collection is a 400 page omnibus of my early comics, including The Fart Party Vol 1 & 2 as well over 150 pages of previously unpublished material, some of which ostensibly would have been Fart Party Vol 3, had I done a third volume. Some of the “new” materials has appeared online, in […]

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holiday sketches pt 2- The Cookie Situation

January 2, 2014

A few more of the sketchbook comics I made while visiting home for the holidays. I haven’t been home for Christmas in years, so I haven’t pitched a fit about Christmas cookies in awhile. I’m sure my ma missed it.   As soon as she left the house, I ate five cookies. But look at […]

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holiday sketches pt 1- Family Issues

December 26, 2013

These are the first comics I’ve drawn in a year and a half. They’re just quick sketchbook comics about my visit home to California. I’ll be posting them here over the next week or so, but you can read em as I go on instagram. Hope y’all had a good Christmas, I got half a […]

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Holiday print, art and book sale

December 6, 2013

I finally have a bunch of photography prints for sale! And they’re all a few bucks cheaper for the holidays. They’re up in my Etsy store, along with a bunch of original comics pages and other smaller comics pieces, plus the regular books. If you have a specific comic page or even single panel in mind […]

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2011 daily comic

September 9, 2013

First- It’s taking way longer than I anticipated for me to organize the comics originals that I’ll be selling, but if you emailed me, I got the email and should have responded, but if not, I’ll be getting back to you (and everyone) at the end of this month. I’m leaving town for a bit […]

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Public Hair

November 5, 2012

This comic written by me and illustrated by Laura Park. It originally appeared in Papercutter #6 many years ago. To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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the Perils of Autobio Comickery

October 20, 2012

When I made this, but a scant few days ago, I thought it was embarrassing, but then I made a bunch of comics about Tinder that usurp any slight humiliation this benign comic might have caused me for a minute. So we all have that to look forward to in the too near future. To […]

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West Coast Trip

October 12, 2012

My parents’ three mistakes goofin’ around downtown Before I get into this post about my trip, I want to say that if you ordered a book in the last two weeks, thank you! and they are going out tomorrow. If you emailed me about a missing order or a mistake, please be patient as I […]

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The Infinite Wait & Other Stories

September 18, 2012

The Infinite Wait and Other Stories (Koyama Press, 2012)  All of my books are available in stores, from the publisher and on Amazon, but I’d be most appreciative if you bought them directly from me. They come signed/doodled with various choices of extras like prints and hand drawn panels. From me: A collection of three short comic […]

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A Strange and Curious Place

August 1, 2012

This is the shortest of the three stories that make up The Infinite Wait and other stories, published by Koyama Press and available on this site and at Secret Acres. The two main stories are a little over 100 pages each, this one is 17 pages long. To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, […]

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The Day I Killed Jesus

July 24, 2012

  To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy.   

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Joke Day

July 16, 2012

This week I’m going to run an old 7 pager which I might have once posted online a few years ago but I can’t be bothered to remember that kind of stuff and hopefully you don’t remember either and it’s like a new comic for everyone. The End. This story originally appeared in Fart Party Vol 2 which is […]

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lunch with dad

June 25, 2012

To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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job #8

June 12, 2012

To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy.   

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sticks & stones

June 4, 2012

Before you read this comic, please know that I’m only portraying a very small portion of interactions I’ve had with people at conventions. For the most part, I really enjoy meeting my readers and I am very, very appreciative of 95% of them. I would not have a career if it weren’t for you guys. […]

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The Great Pretenders

May 22, 2012

This is an excerpt from a longer, unpublished story called The Great Pretenders. To support my work, go here, or buy books, photography prints, artwork, bric-a-brac and more on either my website store or Etsy. 

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the cookie incident pt 3

May 17, 2012

Part 1 Part 2 FYI- the panel towards the end about being sick all the time is a reference to being diagnosed with systemic lupus in 2003, a few months before this cookie fiasco took place. Also, after the comic, some exciting and thrilling facts about malls! The End! The moral of this incredibly stupid […]

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the cookie incident pt 2

May 16, 2012

read part 1 here nnnnng just thinking about posting the mall pages tomorrow is giving me consumerism PTSD. It’ll be anti-climatic for you readers but I’m already getting jittery hands and a sweaty butthole from the anticipation of reliving those terrible, immeasurable moments. Immeasurable because I dont know if I was lost in  the mall for 10 minutes or […]

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the cookie incident pt 1

May 14, 2012

This ridiculous incident occurred almost 10 years ago in San Francisco when I shared an apartment with two dudes, one I was friends with and one who was just the worst. I’m going to run the whole, goofy story in 3 parts this week. It’s basically a 6 page story explaining why malls freak me […]

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The Infinite Wait page 93

May 10, 2012

Hello Kind Reader. If you are on this webpage, it means you have purchased The Infinite Wait and were instructed to come here to view the missing page. (If you’re here randomly and would like to purchase the book, please visit the store.) The page isn’t terribly important to the story, however it does address how I […]

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A thing I did in high school

May 9, 2012

I remember a lot of people telling me that someday I’d regret not taking the SAT in high school and I’d regret not engaging in school and I’d look back and wish I’d at least attended my college graduation, but you know what? fuck that noise. I’m perfectly, some might even say smugly, satisfied with […]

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travels and parents and such

April 30, 2012

My ma and step-dad have been visiting NYC all week, doing delightful things like trying to hook me up with “Brad the Nashville Dilettante,”  picking up trash from the gutter and offering it to me as a souvenir, screeching every time I step off the curb just a little bit when the light is red […]

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Dear Mom, sorry about me

April 24, 2012

  Reserve your tickets ahead of time if you can. $5. This particular show is pretty special to me since my parents have never seen me do anything on stage and I’m pretty sure they’re waiting for my “cute little career of doodles” to crumble at my feet so I have to go back to […]

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reading during the angsty years

April 17, 2012

this is another part of a longer comic that proceeds this page. Also don’t forget to reserve a ticket to my UCBeast variety show thingy on April 28th. I dont know why I just called it a ‘variety show’ it’s only got two kinds of variety. I just wanted to make it clear that other […]

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desk porn

April 11, 2012

I put up a comic on monday that I then took down because I decided I’ll be posting that story in full starting in June. So, in the meantime for this week, here’s a post about my old desk space at Pizza Island that originally appeared on our now defunct blog. Sorry if this is […]

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accidental murderer

April 9, 2012


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What it’s like

April 8, 2012

Excerpt from The Infinite Wait and Other Stories 

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the Dance Buzzer Game

April 2, 2012

This happened quite frequently back when my brother and I lived in San Francisco around 2003, much to the annoyance of everyone around, ourselves included. Years later this game morphed into public dancing with a Guitar Hero guitar when my brother came to visit me in NYC

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takin’ ill

March 28, 2012

In 2003, while living in San Francisco, I was diagnosed with systemic lupus. It was a bummer. These preview pages depict what happened after I’d gone through a few months of being mysteriously ill (I know, how romantic sounding. In the olden times they probably would have accused me of having hysteria or vapors) before […]

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high school hijinks

March 21, 2012

This weekend I’ll be yammering on a panel with Bill Griffith, R Sikoryak and Charles Brownstein about what it’s like to be a cartoonist in NYC on Saturday, March 24th at Columbia University 3pm-4pm. More info here . The panel is called ‘Alternative New York’ whatever that means. Come see us talk at a fancy […]

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letters from rehab pt 1

March 13, 2012

While going through old work, I found some letters I wrote to friends during my stint in rehab two years ago. That was a time. I’m going to post a few of them this week since they’re not too personal. I was still part of my old studio, Pizza Island, at the time and wrote […]

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parental visit pt2

March 5, 2012

Please don’t email me about using offensive terms in this comic. I’m aware they’re taboo, they are not words I use, but if you have a parent born before 1950, this is just what happens. Also, just a reminder, this happened back when I lived in San Francisco around 2003.

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parental visit pt 1

February 27, 2012

(Disclaimer: this visit happened in 2003 when I was living in a weird, illegal inlaw unit with two roommates in San Francisco. Hey Miles!)    

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even more job comics

February 6, 2012

  I uploaded all the old Fart Party vol 1 samples to tumblr that I’m going to do. I’ll probably upload more old comics later today if you give a turtle’s taint about that kind of stuff.

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more job comics

January 30, 2012

another page from the longer comic about jobs. Working on this story is making me have those awful waiting tables dreams I used to have when I was a waitress where the restaurant is crowded, everyone is mad and the food is taking forfuckingever. It’s kind of a nice respite from the apocalyptic dreams I […]

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job #3

January 25, 2012

Another page from a longer comic about all the jobs I’ve had thus far. We pushed back the release date for this book because I decided to make it all new material of short stories instead of a collection of one pagers. It’ll come out later this year instead of this May, as previously stated. […]

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the disbanding of Pizza Island

January 23, 2012

Man, this post is the worst. Pizza Island, the studio I shared with five other cartoonists, is shutting down at the end of this month. The explanation we’re giving (lease up, rent going up, members leaving the country) is really just an elaborate ruse to cover up the real, more scandalous reason as to why we’re disbanding. The studio […]

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my first job

January 17, 2012

This is the first page from a 50 or so page story about some of the jobs I’ve had from age 4 to now. I got the idea to do this story after I recorded the Paying Dues podcast last year. There is some speculation in my memory about the price of the golf balls, […]

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explaining stuff to my ma

January 10, 2012

To my mom’s credit, this event took place years ago and she has since become fairly technology savvy. She eventually got a computer made after  the 90’s and even has an iphone. I don’t even have an iphone and I do all my comics work on a 7 year old PC. However she still does […]

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faux New Yorker cartoons

January 3, 2012
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Protected: the Castle- redux

December 30, 2011

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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Christmas of yore pt 2

December 22, 2011

hey New York, come to the Crimestoppers Club show next Tuesday to watch some of us do whatever it is we do. Guests are Kate Beaton, Michael Kupperman, Anthony Devito, Mitch Magee, Mark Twain, Julie Klausner and myself. Dec 27th 7pm @Luca Lounge. I think  I’m going to read from the Devil’s Disciples because it cracks my […]

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Christmas of yore pt 1

December 21, 2011

for the next few days I’m going to run some old comic about Christmas that I made many years ago. Some of them appear in Fart Party vol 1 and some of them I just didn’t do anything with. It’s weird for me to look at these old drawings because they’re pretty hilariously bad but […]

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more sketchy france comics

December 1, 2011

  Don’t forget to come to the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival this Saturday! I’ll be selling books and hand drawn panels for a reasonable price and farts in jar for a million dollars.

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