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Norman Finkelstein: On Sanders, the first intifada, BDS, and ten years of unemployment

Bernie’s campaign took the Occupy movement, which was localized, and he elevated it to the national level. I don’t know what will come next. I doubt anyone knows. But it’s exhilarating to be part of it.

Rosa Luxemburg: What Are the Origins of May Day?

Rosa Luxemburg on the roots of May Day

Karen Dolan: It’s Time to Get Cops Out of Schools

There’s only one way to make sure no more young girls are body-slammed by uniformed officers

David Swanson: A Pro- and Anti-War Dialogue

When you go back 75 years to find a justification for the institution of war, the biggest public project of the United States for each of the past 75 years, you’re going back to a different world

Rev. John Dear: The Life and Death of Daniel Berrigan

Thank you, Dan. May we all take heart from your astonishing peacemaking life, and carry on the work to abolish war, poverty and nuclear weapons.

Ralph Nader: The Long-Distance Rebound of Bernie Sanders

Before the spotlight moves on, he needs to use the enthusiastic political capital he and his colleagues have amassed to lay the foundation for fundamental progressive change rooted within the local communities of America

Peter Linebaugh: The incomplete, true, and wonderful history of May Day

The real meaning of May Day has been obscured by the designing propaganda of the American and Soviet governments. The truth is totally different

Michael Yates: Let’s Get Serious About Inequality and Socialism

The word “socialism” no longer has a deeply negative connotation

Juan Cole: Al-Qaeda Everywhere: US support for Oppressive Gov’t’s made Bin Laden’s Killing Moot

Washington shouldn’t fool itself that “taking X out” is an equally good option, or that targeted assassinations will do more than call forth more resistance to an unbearable and unjust status quo

Tamara Kneese: Portland Fast Food Workers Don’t Just Want a Raise—They Want a Union Too

Employees at Burgerville offer an alternative model for organizing low-wage workers

Jack Rasmus: Is the US Economy Heading for Recession?

The United States is experiencing its fifth relapse in five years

Dave Lindorff: Bernie Sanders’ Real ‘Political Revolution’ Could Happen This Fall

If Bernie Sanders is reluctant to make the jump to running as a Green, he needs to be pushed by his supporters

Serge Halimi: Why firefighters are against free trade

The French demonstrators in the Nuit Debout movement (Up All Night) hope that a convergence of struggles will enable them to extend their appeal beyond the young and university-educated, and become part of an international dynamic. One of their campaign issues — the rejection of free trade treaties (1) — may help those objectives. The intricacies Read more…

David Swanson: What Is a Global Citizen, and Can it Save Us?

If people would stop speaking in the first person about the crimes of their country’s military, and start identifying with all of humanity, we might achieve peace

Tony Romano: “We all have a right to the city and must fight to win it!”

We must evolve our model to be more flexible to allow people anywhere to organize

Matt Taibbi: Wall Street and Race

Clinton left a rhetorical door open for Sanders to connect Wall Street and race, but he didn’t do it

Juan Cole: The End of American Iraq: Poor Shiites invade Parliament over corrupt Spoils System

The Bush administration presided over the installation of an Iraqi spoils system more rowdy and rapacious than anything Andrew Jackson ever imagined

Jim Pope: The Big News in the Union Rift Over the Working Families Party

If anybody can provide the organizational infrastructure and political expertise to reap long-term gain out of the Sanders campaign, it is the WFP

Jim Hightower: Why Bernie Sanders Will, Should and Must Refuse To Drop Out Against Hillary Clinton

The keepers of the Established Order fear a grassroots uprising by no-name “outsiders”

Glenn Greenwald: To See the Real Story in Brazil, Look at Who Is Being Installed as President — and Finance Chiefs

This fraud being perpetrated here is as blatant as it is devastating

Cathy Breen: Stories by the Fire

The families behind curtains like these, in camps, or in repurposed or unfinished buildings, have for the time a desperately welcomed measure of security

James Anderson: The Evolution of Union Co-ops and the Historical Development of Workplace Democracy

The challenges unionized co-ops historically faced, however, continue to affect the evolution of real-life alternatives to traditional capitalist business

Joao Pedro Stedile: “Dilma’s mistake was to promote class conciliation”

It’s time to put more energy into bringing awareness and organizing people, because in the coming years we’ll see a new rise in mass movements in our continent

Robert Fisk: Saudi efforts to ‘modernise’ its economy away from oil are just PR tactics

For years, oil analysts have suggested that Saudi reserves are nothing like the kingdom claims them to be

Charles Glass: Andrew Bacevich and America’s Long Misguided War to Control the Greater Middle East

There is a loyal cadre of intellectuals and pundits favoring war after war, laying the moral ground for invasions and excusing them when they go wrong

Bernie Sanders: Bernie Sanders Rally in Oregon

Bernie Sanders Rally ‘A Future to Believe In’ in Springfield, OR, April 28

Yanis Varoufakis: Massive IMF Bailouts are “Ponzi Austerity” Scheme

Negotiations between Greece and international creditors hit an impasse over the bankers’ demands for extra austerity measures

Noelle Solange Didierjean: The Race to the Bottom

Bike couriers risk life and limb for unpredictable pay, little job security, and almost no workplace protection

Dave Zirin: Meet Two Women Tackling Misogyny in Sports Journalism

Women don’t want white knights to ride and and defend us. We just want a voice to defend ourselves

Robert Borosage: Clinton’s Defense of Big Money Won’t Cut It

Hillary Clinton’s heated defense of the money she has raised from Wall Street and other interests won’t cut it. Her protests contradict the basic case that virtually all Democrats and reformers have made for getting big money out of politics. It is vital that voters not be misled by them. Normally, liberal politicians defend setting Read more…

Claire Bernish: Trump and Hillary Refuse to Explain Why They Both Share the Same Address in Delaware

Reportedly dozens of Fortune 500 companies — Coca-Cola, Walmart, American Airlines, and Apple, to name a few — use Delaware’s strict corporate secrecy laws and legal tax loopholes

Compiled by Joel Chaffee: Free Listings

Events and other items of note for progressives

Patrick T. Reardon: The South Side

Moore tells the history of how racial segregation came about here and considers a variety of ways through which it might be reversed

Noam Chomsky: All Decent Things

the Left is the movement that is in favor of all decent things—freedom, justice, peace. Of course we have to define it for ourselves, but traditionally it’s the movement that’s been in favor of more freedom, more justice, more equality, more participation, more control over our own lives—all decent things. That’s the Left.

Sam Cossar-Gilbert: #NuitDebout

Over the last months France has been rocked by mass protests, occupations, and strikes

Edward S. Herman: News Fit to Print But Not Printed, Part Two

In Part 1, I began with a case where the New York Times belatedly acknowledged that it had failed to print news fit to print, news which, not coincidentally, contradicted a party-line theme the editors had enthusiastically and uncritically supported five years earlier

Esther Kersley: Drones, Drugs, & Death

The war on terror’s methods of mass surveillance and remote warfare are not unique. The U.S. is also addicted to covert tools in its “war on drugs,” with disastrous consequences. In April 2015, USA Today broke a story with the headline: “U.S. secretly tracked billions of calls for decades.” At first glance, it appeared to Read more…

Paul Street: Obama in Cuba

It’s not very often that you hear or see a salaried corporate media operative defend Fidel Castro and Che Guevara’s Cuban Revolution and its accomplishments. That’s why I did a double take when I read an opinion piece titled “Cuba’s Success Lost in Media Frenzy”

Jack Rasmus: Neoliberal Economists v. Bernie Sanders

The irony of the Krugman/Gang of Four attack is that Sanders’s proposals represent what were once Democratic party positions and programs—positions that have been abandoned by the party and its mouthpiece economists since the 1980s as it morphed into a wing of the neoliberal agenda.

Juan Cole: With Us Or Against Us?

Thirteen years after the illegal U.S. invasion of Iraq, it is worth considering its full impact on this country and on the region. Bush-Cheneyism had a number of key pillars

Steve Early: The Last Hurrah in Richmond?

Even Bernie Sanders, now the nation’s foremost critic of big money in politics, seems taken aback by the scale of Chevron spending on Bates’s behalf.

Mark Engler: Claiming Our Victories

Ever so often we see an explosion of protest that propels an urgent issue to the fore of public debate

Pete Dolack: No Planet for Optimism

When it comes to global warming, what else don’t we know? What science does know, and what it can infer from studying archeological records, already makes anybody who thinks the long-term habitability of Earth is more important than short-term profits very worried.

Edward Morris: Why Bernie’s Right About Glass-Steagall

Most observers think Sanders is on a quixotic quest and, with Wall Street’s political power, the chances of any revival of Glass-Steagall are, like his election to the presidency, slim. Yet Sanders has a strong argument, one that can be effectively made using Citigroup

John Pilger: A World War Has Begun

Few seem aware that the bikini swimsuit was named to celebrate the nuclear explosions that destroyed the Bikini island.

Michael Lesher: Blindness of Privilege

Because the recent shootings at the Peachtree Mall in Columbus, Georgia haven’t been blamed on Muslims, they’ve never been described in the press as acts of “terror,”  in fact, they haven’t received much national attention at all. But they have stimulated a good deal of frightened commentary in the affected region, much of it depressingly Read more…

David Swanson: Israeli Lies Fall As Corporate Media Falls

The new film narrated by Roger Waters, The Occupation of the American Mind, traces the rise of Israeli war propaganda in the United States. This propaganda, which has skillfully swayed U.S. public opinion in support of Israeli wars and occupations, has in fact been not so much a matter of skill as a matter of Read more…

Bill Berkowitz: Native Americans : America’s Invisible People

On a cold winter’s night in December 2014, the police officer who maintain that Allen Locke lunged at him with a knife, killed Locke inside his house at Lakota Community Homes in Rapid City, North Dakota. No charges were filed against the officer

Alfredo Lopez: Where the Bern is Fizzling

If you’re flying the flag of “different and progressive politics”, you have to organize a campaign that emanates, not from a candidate winning people over, but from people, communities and movements educating the candidate

Michael T. Klare: Debacle at Doha

The Collapse of the Old Oil Order

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