Steph Curry, are you aware of him? He is basically the most incredible basketball player alive and if you are a fan of the Sport Of Hoops, this makes you either love him or...
Wonkette apologizes for any nightmares

Bill O'Reilly continued his sterling record of understanding the complexities of the abortion issue Friday, insisting on The O'Reilly Factor that if potential restrictions on abortion were to include an exception to protect a...
Just listen to those sons of beaches go

A meeting of U.S. Virgin Islands Republicans went a little nutso Saturday, complete with shouting matches, screams for points of order, and at least one delegate getting shoved to the ground, allegedly. While the...

Poor John Kasich, he's really starting to let his freak flag fly. He's still clinging to his delusion of winning a contested convention like it's a gun or a Bible. And he's been trying...

You know there is that thing called "gay Republicans"? Yeah, it's pretty weird to us too. It's like, "Oh you only vote that way because you're white and you have money and your tax...

Wonkette Business

How long has it been since you examined your box? Do you like to examine it in the morning, when the sunlight hits it just right? When you examine your box, tell us, is...
Truck Fump never looked so good

Do you, like all sentient beings on the planet, have a violently strong distaste for presidential candidate Donald J. Trump (nee Drumpf)? Of course you do! Do you, like so very many others, feel the...

Six weeks, 6,000 miles, and one illegal search and seizure later, the Wonkebago has turned back into our Montana driveway, and we're NEVER EVER EVER LEAVING AGAIN, until July. What's that, you want to...

Wonkette Bazaar

That should satisfy everyone

Thank goodness we have Fox & Friends to let us know what our cultural anxieties should be. We already knew that it was very important to fret that those crazy feminists were going...

Your Facebook friends revealed a new conspiracy to steal the United States presidency this weekend: the New York Board of Elections "recently" changed primary voting hours, cutting tomorrow's election to a measly six hours....

Welcome back to Off The Menu, where we bring you the best and strangest food stories from my email inbox. This week, we’ve got more stories of restaurant employees whose crap was just in...
Except this time it is Wonkette being Jesus!

It's time once again for another rousing edition of the Snake Oil Bulletin, though if our most recent coverage is any indication, we may have to rename this column the Munchausen Minutes because of...

When you kick off your professional life with a cool one million dollars from Daddy (which you, laughably, characterized as a "small loan") and you file corporate bankruptcy and screw your creditors every time...

So, have you been dying to know what Tom DeLay has been up to these days? Hey, wait! Get back here. Just pretend you've been thinking about The Hammer aka The Exterminator aka The Indicted then...
Help me, Jon Stewart, you're my only hope!

Say! It has been a while since we checked in with Friends of Wonkette the Bundys, the gun totin’, pocket-constitution-waving, cow-farming poop-trench-fillers. How are they doing in federal custody while awaiting trial for shenanigans...

Welcome back to our newish feature, our weekly countdown of U.S. Senate races, yes, even the ones where there's no real contest. But not this week! Last time, we looked at Maryland's primary...
Thanks, Bern. I'll Snapchat you later

Salon is terrible. We all know that. Besides giving good money to our dear Gary Legum and the funny and smart Simon Maloy, it hasn't contributed to society in a worthwhile way in years....
fahrvergnügin' y'all

Stupid Unions. Why won't they die? Instead Scalia dies and public sector Unions live. Now everybody will be sick with the blue flu and taking bathroom breaks without repercussions. What a world for our...

Isn't it nice when primary candidates can move past their bickering and unite on issues that matter, like the need to improve health care (but not how) or to raise the minimum wage...
Borned stupid.

What up, our Wonkette bros and lady-bros, are you ready to get a Top Ten list crammed at your face? GOOD. We had some weird news this week, about Ted Cruz's Dildo Issues. And...
Now with Kerning!

We have a Special Celebrity Guest Comment of the Week this week, from the very person who we wrote about right here at Yr Wonkette! Thursday, we ran a story about Matthew Keys,...

While you were all eating cornflakes and thinking about hamster porn early this week, Vladimir Putin was being a dick. I know, right, what is up with that? Specifically, Putin was being a dick by...
It's a mystery!

For a guy who likes to think of himself as pretty smart, Bill O'Reilly is pretty easily flummoxed by little things like how the tides work, what socialism is, and what war correspondents do....
Just being a good Christian

It's easy to forget, what with all the breaking news about Ted Cruz's alleged sex scandals and dildo-grabbing, that the man currently running second place for the Republican presidential nomination actually has a...

There are a lot of hard things about being a Mormon. Probably having doors constantly slammed in your face is pretty unpleasant, as is having to go through life without coffee. Also, there appears...

Hello, Wonkers, did you enjoy last night's Brooklyn production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, but more stabby? US TOO! We were going to write a follow-up today about how Bernie really does need...
And that's how America was made!

God got some bad news Thursday. Last week the Almighty was so excited when some of His favorite children in the Tennessee legislature voted to make the Bible the state's official book. Finally, some recognition...

Hey, wouldn't you just love to see Bill Nye debate Sarah Palin on the topic of climate change? He'd completely obliterate her, patiently taking her word salad, reducing it to its constituent molecules,...