July 31st, 2014

Safe Haven, Sandra Taylor, The Graphic Page -- Etching of me overcoming my cognitive dissonance about  Bush regime and false flag terrorism and 9/11


Sandra Taylor, The Graphic Page

Etching of me overcoming my cognitive dissonance with regard to Bush regime and false flag terrorism and 9/11


Dreams of 9/11 and other political events wake us to reality and response.

DREAM VERITAS! From Tragedy to Transformation, a multimedia presentation, profiles powerful women activists and artists with little known stories of evoking dreams to guide, reveal, and heal personal trauma and create social change:

This army of women dreamers shows us the profound power of remembering, understanding, and listening to our dreams. They include abolitionist Harriet Tubman, German student resistance fighter Sophie Scholl, 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani, graphic designer Sandra Taylor, 9/11 justice advocate Lynn Pentz, anti-war painter and poet Claudia Chapline, peace activist Cindy Sheehan, Iraqi American artist Vian Sora, and landscape and collage artist Marsha Connell. Other dreamers reveal political truths, upending government and corporate controlled media propaganda.

The stories show once inner wisdom is tapped denial is impossible and directed action manifests.


Like surrealism, the political-art movement spawned to oppose totalitarian in the aftermath of the horrors of World War 1, DREAM VERITAS! relies on the power of dreaming. Moving beyond the confines of dreams in religious doctrines, psychotherapy, or New Age paradigms, DREAM VERITAS revives sacred dreaming, the studded amulet of ancient cultures, making it fashionable once again. Dreams, the voice of the Inner Self, are natural and necessary instruments on our healing journey. Dreaming holds the possibility of world-wide transformation.

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Be a Trim-Tabber
for Peace, Truth, and Justice

September 9th, 2014

Are you stuck in your political activism? Are you looking for new ways to inform, rally, and remedy about the true story of 9/11? How can there be accountability for the crimes of 9/11? Can a shift in consciousness bring a shift in your effectiveness?

Journalist Joyce Lynn speaks to political activists, journalists, politicians, and other concerned citizens about how to find or create your path to transform democracy and bring justice and peace to our troubled world.

Joyce shares her experience and the stories of others who have called on the wisdom within to enhance efficacy as a trim-tabber for positive social change.

Dreams guided Joyce’s pioneering reporting on the role of oil in 9/11 and revealed other truths unavailable in the mainstream media. She has profiled women whose dreams have guided their activism including Ellen Mariani and Cindy Sheehan.

Read her posts under Political Diary in Plum Dreams Diary and watch the Plum Dreams Media video Dream Veritas! From Tragedy to Transformation.

Contact info@PlumDreams.com to book a lecture or speaking engagement.

Now is the time for you to be the bearer of  fact-based information, creative action, and transformational policy.

“A journalist must travel through a story by examining all the connections and interconnections between events and characters in order to arrive at ‘Truth.’ Joyce Lynn, well aware of journalism’s traditions and heritage, takes this approach one level deeper. She states that for a journalist, a writer, or indeed, any individual to know truth, one must examine all the events and characters in the ‘seen’ world against the backdrop of one’s ‘unseen,’ i.e. dream world. And, only when all these connections are made can one realize ‘Truth.’ – Carol S., Journalist, Northern California

Taming the NSA*

January 20th, 2014

* National Security {Spy} Agency

The U.S. has used 9/11 as the raison d’être to instigate endless war and sweeping police powers. Twelve years after the pivotal event, the death toll from wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and military actions in dozens of other countries is in the hundreds of thousands, the financial cost in the trillions of dollars.

Because of the revelations of Edward Snowden, Mark Klein, and other whistleblowers, we know the pervasive depth and breadth of the U.S. government’s surveillance of its citizens and elected officials and the citizens and officials of other countries.

The U.S. government has vacuumed up phone calls, emails, snail mail, internet searches– all forms of communication, often in collaboration with U.S. corporations. Now we learn this potentially lethal force is literally invading our homes, attaching spyware to our personal computers.

Remember, the firebombing of the Reichstag, the German parlaiment, on February 27, 1933, blamed on a communist, led to totalitarianism in Germany. It is time to confront the questions we ask about the German people during the Third Reich: How did the citizenry let this happen? What can we do to deter it? What will we do to stop it?

This Action Agenda on surveillance (and its ugly twin, wars of aggression) is intended to jumpstart your ideas and activism toward stemming the rising tide of fascism in the U.S.

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