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Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World: An Insider's View

Michael Springmann, coming to D.C. on Thursday, April 7th
Busboys and Poets, 5th and K St., 6 PM to 8 PM

Thank you for attending! Video embedded here:

Mike Springmann, former head of the US visa section in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, from 1987-1989. In Visas for al-Qaeda: CIA Handouts that Rocked the World, Springmann details how, "during the 1980s, the CIA recruited and trained Muslim operatives to fight the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Later, the CIA would move those operatives from Afghanistan to the Balkans, and then to Iraq, Libya, and Syria, traveling on illegal US visas. These US-backed and trained fighters would morph into an organization that is synonymous with jihadist terrorism: al-Qaeda."

"I Know. I Was There. I Issued The Visas"

Springmann will share his first-hand experience of issuing US visas to would-be terrorists, a flagrant violation of US law.

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Help distribute flyers for this event (PDF)

2016 Summit on Saudi Arabia

Dates: March 5- 6, 2016

Location: The UDC David A. Clarke School of Law
(4340 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008)


Sunday, March 6, 10:00am-11am
  • Outlining and brainstorming campaigns (with open mic)

    Sunday, March 6, 11am-12noon Breakout sessions:
  • supporting political prisoners
  • stopping weapons sales
  • getting 28 pages released
  • creating an international coalition
  • tracking/countering the Saudi lobby

    The plan is to distribute this handout to all the participants in the conference together with a lapel sticker that reads "Declassify the 28 Redacted Pages."

    Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World

    Three events: January 26, 27, 28, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

    Join author Christopher Bollyn as he discusses and signs his book Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World.

    January 26 7-9 p.m.
    Frederick, Maryland
    Thurmont Sportsmans Club
    11617 Hunt Club Road
    Thurmont, MD
    January 27 6:30-8 pm
    5th & K | Cullen Room
    Busboys and Poets

    1025 5th St NW
    Washington, DC 20001
    January 28 7-9 p.m.
    Hagerstown, Maryland
    Western Enterprise Fire Hall (Engine 4)
    526 Washington Ave.
    Hagerstown, MD

    An independent analysis of the events of September 11, 2001, that includes historical and geo-political background and examines the motivation of the people who played key roles in the destruction of the evidence and the obstruction of justice for the families of the victims.

    Recognizing the deception behind 9-11 and the "War on Terror" is the only way to free ourselves from fear and to extricate our deceived nation from the false logic of war that has been imposed upon us. Understanding who is behind the 9-11 deception is essential to grasping who is behind the fraudulent "War on Terror."

    Free open to all!

    Please help publicize the Bus Boys event with flyers (PDF).

    Click here for EventBrite invitation/RSVP for Bus Boys and Poets

    Books will be for sale in the Cullen Room on the day of the event.

    Happy Holidays!

    Discuss 9/11 with your friends and family during the Holidays

    Please see Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to help talk to others about 9/11. (PDF)

    This can be a handout to help drive discussion, or a guide for yourself to help at dinner discussions.

    Do you believe, or do you question?

    An Introduction to deficiencies of the 9/11 report

    Free Short Film & Discussion
    Come for snacks and politics!
    Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 6:30 PM

    Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center
    4805 Edgemoor Ln, Bethesda, MD 20814
    Room A, on the 2nd floor

    Here is a copy of the handout that was distributed at the event to help guide the discussion. (PDF)

    The evening will begin with some out-takes from family-man-turned-filmaker, David Hooper's film, "Anatomy of a Great Deception". The film explains how after almost 10 years after 9/11, he begins his own 9/11 investigation by asking one innocent question and how within months, his belief system is in shambles and he's been tuned-out by those closest to him, including his wife, mom and sister. The film is his effort to make those closest to him understand the 9/11 deception.

    Questioning the official story of the September 2001 attacks and the true nature of the War on Terror is still relevant for the world today. Policy change begins with the grassroots exchange of ideas, and connecting to people in your community.

    Please join other concerned citizens to learn about the use of 9/11 propaganda and staged events to manage public opinion.

    As you walk from the Bethesda Metro bus bay area it will be on the left hand of the street. Walk in the door and turn to your left and take the elevator to the 2nd floor. Exit on the 2nd floor and turn right and Room A will be straight ahead on the left.




    WHEN: Wednesday, October 7, 2015
    Come at 6:00 PM for dinner with the speaker or at 7:00 for the beginning of the presentation.
    WHERE: National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, 13th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20045
    WHO: Barry Kissin, Attorney and Journalist based in Frederick, MD, home of Fort Detrick, the supposed source of the anthrax attacks of Sept./Oct. 2001.

    WHAT: Ultimately, the U.S. Government had to acknowledge that the mailing of the anthrax letters in Sept. and Oct. of 2001 was an inside job, thus also conceding that these were false-flag attacks. The evidence is clear that the source of the attacks from within the American "bio-defense" program could not have been the lone nut (Bruce Ivins, scientist at Fort Detrick) designated by the DOJ/ FBI. The source must have been anthrax weaponization projects then being conducted by the DOD, the CIA and the DIA. The evidence is also clear that the original plan that fell apart was to make it appear that the 9-11 attacks and the anthrax attacks were a one-two punch orchestrated by the same Muslim "terrorists" (with help from Iraq). Indeed the 9-11 attacks and the anthrax attacks were a one-two punch -- orchestrated by the same powerful insiders.


    Recent Developments

    In Dec., 2014, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued its overdue report that further debunked the FBI’s version of the anthrax attacks, but completely avoided the critical evidence of how the attack anthrax was processed/ weaponized.

    In April, 2015, Richard Lambert, director of the FBI’s anthrax investigation from 2002 to 2006, filed suit against the FBI in which he stated that the FBI concealed a "wealth" of evidence contrary to its version of the attacks.

    In May, 2015, Newsweek published an article about Matt DeHart, now in a Federal prison in connection with discovering official documents said to "show that the FBI looked into whether the CIA tried to frame jihadis for the anthrax attacks and that the White House quashed that part of the investigation."

    John Edward Hurley, Chairman

    You can register for this event here.

    Campaign to Declassify the "28 pages"

    Wednesday, September 9, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM (EDT)

    National Press Club, 529 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20045
    McClendon Room

    WHO: Barry Kissin, Attorney and Journalist based in Frederick, MD, home of Fort Detrick, the supposed source of the anthrax attacks of Sept./Oct. 2001.

    WHAT: Bi-partisan members of Congress are telling us that the suppressed "28 pages" from the 2003 report on the Congressional investigation of the 9/11 attacks reveal that the alleged 19 hijackers did not act alone, and that the necessary "support network" underlying 9/11 included the government of Saudi Arabia that continues to support anti-American "terrorism" with impunity.

    The constant, never-ending, doom-defying Global War on Terror (GWOT) as well as relentless attacks upon civil liberties in the U.S. spring from lies about the attacks of 9/11. The 28 pages open the door to the truth about 9/11 and the truth about the GWOT.

    Saudi Arabia acts as a proxy for the American neocons, at times appearing to fight the "terrorists," but in other ways keeping the GWOT alive by supporting the "terrorists." Accordingly, it is now clear that within the past few years, both the CIA and the Saudis have supported the emergence and viability of the terrorist organization du jour, namely ISIS.

    In spearheading the campaign for declassification, former Senator Bob Graham (D-Fl.) has made it clear that much of the Saudi money that helped finance 9/11 was funneled through the Embassy of Saudi Arabia. The Ambassador from Saudi Arabia at the time was Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the individual George W. Bush nicknamed "Bandar Bush," due to his very longstanding and close affiliation with the Bush family. During the scandalous Iran-Contra dealings largely managed by then V.P. George H.W. Bush, Bandar by his own admission played the role of both moving money to the Contras and arms to the Iranians. In Dec., 2013, the N.Y. Post published "Inside the Saudi 9/11 Cover-up," that reports Bandar met with President Bush two days after 9/11: "The two old family friends shared cigars on the Truman Balcony [of the White House] while discussing the attacks." Michael Moore focused on the Bandar-Bush connection in his film Fahrenheit 911.

    On June 2, 2015, one of the sponsors of pending legislation to declassify the 28 pages, namely Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), stated that these pages contained our "best intelligence" for preventing another 9-11. Massie has also stated that "I had to stop every couple of pages and … try to rearrange my understanding of history … It challenges you to rethink everything."

    Bob Graham refers to the suppression of the 28 pages as a "cover-up." Why would the Bush administration followed by the Obama administration want to "cover up" what Tom Massie calls our "best intelligence" for preventing another 9/11?

    Declassify the Truth-2015 Symposium

    New York City: We are at a unique and critical juncture at the 14th year after the events of 9/11. Several developments are providing great potential for spreading wider awareness of the alternative research on 9/11. New opportunities have emerged providing a platform for activists to work to achieve accountability, justice, and comprehensive human progress by taking action to the next level – the political arena.

    Thank you to all who participated in the 2015 July 4th Parade !

    DC 9/11 Truth endorses March 2015 anti-war protests in DC!

    March 21, 2015 at the White House

    Coming January 7, 2015: Press Conference on Resolution to Declassify the 28 Pages

    Demonstrating that the declassification of a 28-page finding on foreign government aid to the 9/11 hijackers remains one of their highest priorities as the new Congress convenes, Congressmen Walter Jones and Stephen Lynch and former Senator Bob Graham will host a press conference in Washington on Wednesday, January 7 at 9:30 am.

    The event will serve to draw attention to House Resolution 428, which, if passed, would urge the president to declassify the 28 pages. Jones, Lynch and Congressman Thomas Massie will introduce HRes 428 into the 114th Congress. Originally introduced in December, 2013, the resolution garnered a highly bipartisan mix of 21 cosponsors in its first year. In a sign of the resolution’s momentum, more than half of those cosponsors signed on in just the last four months of 2014.

    Graham served as a co-chair of the joint Congressional inquiry that produced the report that contains the 28 pages and has been an ardent advocate of their release. He has also helped efforts by to learn more about what the FBI knew about terror cells in Sarasota and elsewhere. Graham has said that George W. Bush’s classification of the 28 pages—and the continuation of that secrecy by the Obama administration—helped enable the rise of ISIS.

    Graham’s thoughts on the issue may hold extra sway with one particular incoming freshman member of Congress: his daughter, Gwen Graham, will be sworn in on Tuesday.

    September 11 family members will be in attendance, including representatives from 9/11 Families United for Justice Against Terrorism. The press conference will be held in Room 121 of the Cannon House Office Building.

    JFK Vigil: Peaceably Assemble in Petition for Immediate Release of Assassination Records

    Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 12:00 PM (EST)
    - to -
    Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 11:30 PM (EST)

    The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
    2700 F St NW Washington, DC 20566
    Public Terrace (facing Watergate)

    You may register for this event through by clicking here.

    Since November 22, 2013, a precedent has been established - and even well received - that the public terraces of The Kennedy Center, Washington, D.C. are a most appropriate place for gathering in memory of John F. Kennedy every November 22nd (and May 29th, JFK's birthday), peaceably assembling and petitioning merely by one's presence for: 1) Immediate, un-redacted release of all still withheld assassination-related records; 2) Reining in the CIA to its original, intelligence-only mandate; 3) Ending the intimidation of official secrecy and the violence it perpetuates, necessary to achieve real transparency in governments worldwide.

    As anticipation builds towards 2017 as the year in which all the assassination records shall (in theory - by law) be released, assembling in increasing numbers during the interim, every 11/22 and 5/29, will help encourage timely - perhaps even immediate - and complete records release.

    12/31/17 is thus tentatively listed as the "end date" for this activity and its corresponding Facebook Event:

    Link to an article and related video(s) by clicking: Thank you!

    H.R. 428 Could Send 9/11 Truth Mainstream

    New York City on Saturday, November 22, 2014
    Join Ray McGovern, Ramsey Clark, and 9/11 family member Terry Strada, in their call to: End America's Blindness . . . Restore Its Vision . . . Open the 28 Pages

    FOIA Request Made for 28 Redacted Pages

    The reference to 28 pages relates to congressional bill H.R. 428, sponsored by U.S. Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC). It calls for the release of 28 pages that were redacted (actually, excised) from the Joint Congressional Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 2001. The Joint Inquiry report dates back to 2002. Shortly after Rep. Jones' bill was introduced last December, a group of 46 U.S. senators wrote to President Bush requesting that the 28 pages be declassified and made public. Ever since, former U.S. Sen. Robert Graham (D-FL), who chaired the Joint Inquiry committee, has continued to demand the release of these pages and even made a FOIA request to the Obama administration.

    September 11, 2014

    See Past Events


    Sat., April 30 at 6:00 pm potluck

    Battery Park Community House ( map)
    7908 Glenbrook Road, Bethesda, MD 20814
    Its half a mile from Bethesda Metro
    Bethesda Circulator from from Metro every 10 minutes

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    DC 9/11 Truth releases latest brochure

    View/Print brochure PDF (2 pages)

    Quality prints available from DC 9/11 Truth in bulk. Order a batch of 200 professionally printed brochures for $15 (7.5 cents each, at cost), plus shipping.
