Senator Jeff Merkley, one of the lead sponsors of the Equality Act, via Wikimedia Commons

Equality Act introduced with 195 Democratic and 0 Republican co-sponsors

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Even the most moderate Republicans want to protect the right to discriminate.
Rainbow flag, via Wikimedia Commons

Democrats to push sweeping LGBT rights bill this week

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The Equality Act would grant anti-discrimination protections to the LGBT community across seven categories.
Jobs via Shutterstock

Workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation already illegal, per EEOC ruling

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The ruling currently only applies to federal workers, but that could soon change.
ENDA protest, via Matt Baume / Flickr

We won on marriage. Hiring and housing discrimination are next.

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The arguments against employment and housing discrimination are essentially the same.
ENDA, via HRC.

Obama to sign orders protecting gay, trans workers this coming Monday

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And there will be no newer, stricter religious exemption than already exists in previous executive orders.
God hates windbags.

Catholic Charities, Rick Warren, ask Obama for right to use fed funds to discriminate against gays

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Catholic Charities and Warren are demanding that an ENDA executive order let them discriminate against gays.
Gay couple via Shutterstock.

Obama to sign executive order protecting gay, trans staff of federal contractors

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White House staff say the President has that an ENDA executive order be drafted.
ENDA, via HRC.

ENDA, we hardly knew ya

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Why the pro-gay Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and executive order, appear dead in the water — again.
Fox News Anchor Shepard Smith, via his official bio on

Gawker: Fox News demoted Shep Smith because he’s gay

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Fox News allegedly removed Smith from the prime-time line-up over fears he would come out as gay last year.
Latta. South Carolina mayor Earl Bullard.

SC mayor fires lesbian police chief, says rather have drunks than gays protecting children

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“I would much rather have somebody who drank than somebody whose lifestyle is questionable around children.”
Unidentified participants taking part to the second gay pride march through the city of Thessaloniki on June 15, 2013 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Portokalis /

Boehner says no to ENDA, so where’s the executive order Mr. President?

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Now that Obama will do an executive order on minimum wage, there’s no excuse not to do one on gay civil rights.
ENDA, via HRC.

Obama to mandate minimum wage increase for govt contractors, but not ENDA?

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Gays have been pressing Obama to mandate that federal contractors provide job protections for gay/trans workers.

Colbert on ENDA: “Make[s] it illegal to discriminate against lesbians, gays, batman and tartar sauce”

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Humorist Stephen Colbert weighs in on the US Senate’s recent passage of a major gay rights employment bill.
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