John Aravosis
Follow me on Twitter: @aravosis | @americablog | @americabloggay | Facebook | Instagram | Google+ | LinkedIn. John Aravosis is the Executive Editor of AMERICAblog, which he founded in 2004. He has a joint law degree (JD) and masters in Foreign Service from Georgetown (1989); and worked in the US Senate, World Bank, Children's Defense Fund, the United Nations Development Programme, and as a stringer for the Economist. Frequent TV pundit: O'Reilly Factor, Hardball, World News Tonight, Nightline & Reliable Sources. Bio, .

Actress and singer Rosario Dawson grows testy with the WSJ's Jason Bellini.

Sanders rep Dawson calls Hillary a racist sexist

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Actress Rosario Dawson, speaking on behalf of Sanders, has also attacked Obama and activist legend Dolores Huerta.
a katz /

Who exactly does Bernie Sanders consider a “Democratic whore”?

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Sanders rally: “We need to kick out the ‘corporate Democratic whores’ and replace them with ‘Bernie-crats.'”
Ted Cruz, via DonkeyHotey / Flickr

Ted Cruz just attacked Hillary Clinton. It backfired, big time.

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Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are both far less popular than Hillary Clinton.
Crush Rush /

Team Sanders now demanding Hillary win 59% of pledged delegates

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Sanders will contest Democratic nomination at the convention even if Hillary wins before that date.
justice antonin scalia

Antonin Scalia School of Law (ASSOL) renamed due to unfortunate acronym

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Critics of the conservative Supreme Court justice found the name apt.

Bernie Sanders simply isn’t ready to be president

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Bernie Sanders had a disastrous meeting with the New York Daily News editorial board yesterday.

Sanders supporter publishes “hit list” of superdelegates, includes woman’s home address

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The superdelegate information went public after Sanders created a portal on his official campaign Web site.

Sanders refuses again to release taxes, blames wife

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Hillary Clinton has released the last 8 years of her tax returns.
Trevor Collens / and pinocchio.

Factchecker: 3 Pinocchios for Sanders over Clinton oil & gas donations

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“The Sanders campaign is exaggerating the contributions that Clinton has received from the oil and gas industry.”

Video shows white San Fran student accosted because dreadlocks “appropriate” Egyptian culture

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“Sorry, we don’t want people with your hair here.”

Lead Sanders supporter might vote for Trump to bring “Leninist” revolution

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Top Sanders supporter, actress Susan Sarandon, says if Sanders doesn’t get nomination she might vote for Trump.
doctor health care obamacare

How much will Sanders raise your taxes? A lot.

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Sanders say you’ll actually save by not having to pay for health insurance. I ran the math, and it depends.

Trump tweets criticism of Cruz’s wife’s looks

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In a tweet tonight, Donald Trump suggested that his wife was prettier than Cruz’s, but it was really far worse.
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