- published: 24 Jan 2017
- views: 1367
The Slavic languages (also called Slavonic languages) are the Indo-European languages native to the Slavic peoples, originary from Eastern Europe. They are believed to descend from a proto-language called Proto-Slavic spoken during the Early Middle Ages, which in turn would descend from the earlier Proto-Balto-Slavic language, connecting the Slavic languages to the Baltic languages as the Balto-Slavic group of the Indo-European family.
The Slavic languages are divided intro three subgroups: East, West and South, which together constitute more than twenty languages. Of these, ten have at least one million speakers and official status as the national languages of their countries: Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian (of the East group), Polish, Czech and Slovak (of the West group) and Slovene, Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian and Bulgarian (of the South group).
The current geographic distribution of natively spoken Slavic languages covers Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Eastern parts of Central Europe and all of the territory of Russia, which includes Northern and Central-North Asia. Furthermore, the diasporas of many Slavic peoples stablished isolated minorities of speakers of their languages all around the globe. According to sources, the number of speakers of all Slavic languages together is around 315 million.
Slav, Slavic or Slavonic may refer to:
Proto may refer to:
The accentual system of the Proto-Slavic language is reconstructed as being free (i.e. phonologically unpredictable, meaning that it can occur on any syllable in the word) and mobile (i.e. accent position could change place throughout the inflectional paradigm) pitch accent system.
Proto-Slavic accent is closely related to the accentual system of some Baltic languages (Lithuanian and Latvian) with whom it shares many common innovations that occurred in the Proto-Balto-Slavic period. Deeper, it inherits from the Proto-Indo-European accent, which was also free and mobile, though the latter to a much lesser extent.
In modern languages the prototypical accent is reflected in East Slavic languages (Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian) as stress position, in South Slavic languages as pitch accent (Slovene and Serbo-Croatian) or stress position (Bulgarian), and in West Slavic languages as vowel length.
For Late Proto-Slavic (also known as Common Slavic) the following prosodemes are traditionally reconstructed:
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[The man reading is from SLOVENIA.] This is the oldest preserved text in a Alpine-Pannonian dialect of Old Slavonic (hence some differences between the two texts in the video, the one below being the Macedonian dialect of Old Slavonic, one that Cyril and Methodius used). It is also the oldest text in a Slavic language written with the Roman alphabet. The text is a translation of the Saint Emmeram's prayer, the original being in Old High German. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Emmeram http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freising... http://nl.ijs.si/e-zrc/bs/index-en.html NOTE: There was no such thing as Slovenians back in the 9-10th century. The ancestors of the modern Slovenians were part of the bigger Slavic regional groups that were not very differentiated, and certainly not differentiated ...
The history of Proto-Slavic is the linguistic history of the Proto-Slavic language, the hypothetical ancestor of the modern-day Slavic languages, as it developed from the ancestral Proto-Balto-Slavic language , which is the parent language of the Balto-Slavic languages .The first 2,000 years or so consist of the pre-Slavic era, a long period during which none of the later dialectal differences between Slavic languages had yet happened.The last stage in which the language remained without internal differences that later characterize different Slavic languages can be dated around 500 AD and is sometimes termed Proto-Slavic proper or Early Proto-Slavic.Following this is the Common Slavic period , during which the first dialectal differences appeared but the entire Slavic-speaking area continu...
► Learn a Slavic language with a native speaker today: http://go.italki.com/1Ojye8x (italki voucher) This video is all about the Slavic Language family, one of Europe`s major language families. This was a hard video to make, because I wasn`t very familiar with Slavic languages, and I had a lot of trouble with the production of the video (for various reasons). But hopefully the end result is good! I definitely learned a lot making this video, and gained a deeper interest in Slavic languages and cultures! Support Langfocus on Patreon: http://patreon.com/langfocus http://facebook.com/langfocus http://twitter.com/langfocus http://instagram.com/langfocus http://langfocus.com Drums of the Deep by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons....
http://makedon.eu - The language of the ancient Macedonians & Thracians was an proto-slavic language. You can see it very clearly in comparison with Sanskrit one of the oldest known languages with the modern serbian language which is a modern slavic language.
Visit https://www.LingQ.com My Blog: http://blog.thelinguist.com/ My Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lingosteve My Twitter: https://twitter.com/lingosteve Follow "Steve's Cafe" Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/SteveKaufmann Transcript: Hi there, Steve Kaufmann. I decided to move outside for this video. I can’t see very well here squinting with the sun in my eyes. Hopefully, this works out; I’ll have a look later on. Slavic Languages -- My experience in learning to various degrees of fluency four different Slavic languages. I’m going to talk a little bit longer than my recent three-four minutes videos, so those who aren’t interested or don’t like the longer videos can turn off the video right now. One thing I should say, too, to me these videos are a form of sitting around a cof...
By about 1500 BC, the area of land which now corresponds with southeastern Poland, northeastern Ukraine, southern Belarus, and southwestern Russia became home of the early Slavic tribes, which are commonly known as the Proto-Slavs. Studies and excavations of this area of land, that could be called the 'Slavic Cradle', prove that the present day Slavs are the descendants of these tribes. The Proto-Slavic tribes dwelt in their homeland for many centuries, speaking one common language; which in time would produce the modern Slavic languages of today as well as extinct languages. Taking in all of the history of all the peoples of Europe, I am committed in my belief (and many others are), based on factual historical evidence and observation, that the physical appearance of the Slavs are very...
There will be a subtitle for this video if you want to see Romanized versions of words written in Cyrillic. Just click "CC" and choose English. I just noticed, there is a typo right in the beginning, it should be "Звезда" instead "Зведза" in the Serbian column.
The accentual system of the Proto-Slavic language is reconstructed as being free and mobile pitch accent system.Proto-Slavic accent is closely related to the accentual system of some Baltic languages with whom it shares many common innovations that occurred in the Proto-Balto-Slavic period.Deeper, it inherits from the Proto-Indo-European accent, which was also free and mobile, though the latter to a much lesser extent.In modern languages the prototypical accent is reflected in East Slavic languages as stress position, in South Slavic languages as pitch accent or stress position , and in West Slavic languages as vowel length. This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision. Article available under a C...
Proto-Slavic is the unattested, reconstructed proto-language of all the Slavic languages.It represents Slavic speech approximately from the 5th to 9th centuries AD.As with most other proto-languages, no attested writings have been found; scholars have reconstructed the language by applying the comparative method to all the attested Slavic languages and by taking into account other Indo-European languages.Rapid development of Slavic speech occurred during the Proto-Slavic period, coinciding with the massive expansion of the Slavic-speaking area. This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision. Article available under a Creative Commons license Image source in video
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in ANY of the Slavic languages, the audio tracks were collected randomly from the Internet. Enjoy! Don't look at the description before you try to guess the language! - - - - - 1-Belarusian 00:00 2-Bulgarian 01:00 3-Czech 02:00 4-Polish 03:00 5-Rusin 03:57 6-Russian 04:57 7-Serbian 05:53 8-Slovak 06:53 9-Ukrainian 07:53 10- Slovenian 08:53 11- Macedonian 09:53
Frozen Let It Go Slavic Multi-Language ------------------------------------------------------ 0:15 - Russian 0:37 - Ukrainian 0:51 - Slovak 1:15 - Czech 1:39 - Polish 2:02 - Slovene 2:34 - Serbian 2:55 - Croatian 3:17 - Bulgarian Enjoy! - Copyright by: Disney
Examples of spoken Early Proto-Finnic from the film Unna ja Nuuk (Finland, 2006). Subtitles in EPF, modern Finnish and English. The events take place in the stone age 4000 years ago. I don't have the script of the film, so I had to make educated guesses about the EPF forms at places. Unna ja Nuuk -elokuvassa puhuttua varhaiskantasuomea tekstitettynä varhaiskantasuomeksi, nykysuomeksi ja englanniksi. Tapahtumat sijoittuvat kivikaudelle 4000 vuoden taakse. Minulla ei ole elokuvan käsikirjoitusta, joten jouduin vähän arvailemaan.
Proglas je prvá známa báseň napísaná v spisovnom staroslovenskom jazyku a hlaholikou. Na obrázku je kniha Proglas, ktorá sa zvykne dávať ako dar v slovenskej diplomacii. Dávam to sem, aby ste počuli, ako asi staroslovenčina znela. Báseň napísal svätý Cyril medzi rokmi 863-867 nášho letopočtu niekde na území dnešného Slovenska a Moravy (na vtedajšej Veľkej Morave). Je to predslov k staroslovenskému prekladu Biblie. Výslovnosť niektorých hlások (ě,ь,ъ - ě,',ǎ) nie je istá. Obsahuje 110 veršov. Staroslovenčina má základ v starej slovančine z okolia Solúna, lenže v Proglase je zmiešaná s jazykom domáceho obyvateľstva Veľkej Moravy - s jazykom Slovenov (starých Slovákov). The first poem in literary Old Church Slavic The Proglas is the first known poem written in literary Old Church ...
Proto-indo-european language is a hypotetical ancestor language of all indoeuropean language families and language (anatolian, indo-iranian, hellenic, italic, celtic, germanic, slavic, baltic, tocharian, albanian, thracian, dacian, etc.) Following tale is in a reconstructed proto-indo-european language, which was spoken aproximately in area north of Black Sea all the way to Caspian sea from c. 4500-2500 BC. Following tale was first reconstruced and written by German linguist August Schleicher (1821-1868). Latter comparative linguists continued to perfect the reconstruction. Version in video is following one: Gʷr̥Hḗi h₂óu̯is, kʷési̯o u̯lh₂néh2 ne h₁est, h₁ék̂u̯ons spék̂et, h₁oinom ghe gʷr̥Húm u̯óĝhom u̯éĝhontm̥, h₁oinom-kʷe méĝh2m̥ bhórom, h₁oinom-kʷe ĝhménm̥ Hṓk̂u bhérontm̥. H₂óu̯is ...