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[A view point of the city Kobanê, in Syrian Kurdistan, during the bombradment of ISIL targets by US-led forces, The photo has been taken from Turkish-Syrian border (Suruç). Photo by M. Akhavan / Persian Dutch Network.]

Three Theses on ISIS: The Universal, the Millenarian, and the Philistine

The ruthless brutality of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS or ISIL) unfolds before our eyes on the screens. As commentators struggle to explain and understand it, it becomes convenient to revive old Orientalist tropes. Beyond the spectacular brutality, the reason that ISIS invites attention (both fascination and fear) is that it seems easy to fit in confrontational narratives of Islam (us v. them, anti-American, etc.). Muslims are clearly angry at something. In his ...

[ملصق الفيلم ]

"Beyond the Frame"، فيلم عن السّوريّ تامر العوام وكلّ من عاش أو لم يعش حربًا

"Beyond the Frame"، فيلم عن السّوريّ تامر العوام وكلّ من عاش أو لم يعش حربًا في العام 2010، التقيا المخرج المسرحيّ التلفزيونيّ السّوريّ تامر العوام والسّينمائيّ الفلسطينيّ عمر شلش في مدينة "هاللي الألمانيّة، لأول مرة وبعد سوء تفاهم سببته  عن غير قصد - زوجة ...

[ملصق الفيلم ]

Bassam Haddad on Syria At Harvard: 'A Stateless Regime or State with Many Regimes?'

On 2 April 2015 at Harvard University's Middle East Institute (MEI), Bassam Haddad presented a lecture in MEI Visiting Scholar Michael C. Hudson's Spring 2015 Study Group "Rethinking the Arab State." In his lecture, Haddad assessed the fluctuating political reality in ...

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Five Years After the Arab Uprisings: An Interview with Asef Bayat

This interview was conducted on the occasion of the publication of the Turkish editions of Asef Bayat’s Making Islam Democratic and Life as Politics (Stanford University Press, 2007 and 2013 respectively), and originally appeared in Cumhuriyet Kitap 1366 (21 April 2016): 14–15. It is a follow-up of our first public ...  Read More »

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Statement by International Committee for the the Red Cross on Indiscriminate Violence in Aleppo

[The following statement was issued by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on 29 April 2016] Syria: ICRC calls on all sides to stop indiscriminate violence in Aleppo Damascus/Geneva - In a further day of devastation in Aleppo, another four medical facilities on both sides of the frontlines have been ...  Read More »

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Doctors Without Borders Update on Airstrike at Al Quds Hospital on Syria

[The following statement was issued by Medicins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders) on 29 April 2016.] Syria: Update on Airstrikes at Al Quds Hospital The situation in Aleppo is critical as airstrikes leave no part of the city untouched. Already today there are reports of another health centre (not ...  Read More »

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الحضارة بين عقل الأفندي والأكاديمي

الكتاب: الليبرالية في القرن العشرين (أحمد أمين وحسين أمين) المؤلف: ماكوتو ميزوتاني المترجم: علا محمد إصلاح الناشر: مجموعة النيل العربية، 2016. يحتوي هذا الكتاب على ثمانية فصول ثمة خلل في ترتيبها فقد توالى منذ بداية الكتاب فهرس الرسوم التوضيحية فتصدير فتمهيد على أن الاثنين متساويان ثم وضع في الفصل الأول مقدمة ...  Read More »

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أفكار سريعة: ماريا فانتابيه حول أكراد سورية

[يلعب أكراد سورية دوراً يزداد بروزاً في الصراع الذي تشهده البلاد؛ وفي السنوات الأخيرة بسطت قوات حزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي PYD سيطرتها الفعلية على معظم الأراضي الواقعة في شمال سورية التي يشكل الأكراد جزءاً كبيراً من سكانها. في آذار/مارس 2016، وبعد فترة قصيرة من استبعاد الحزب الديمقراطي الكردي من المشاركة في المحادثات ...  Read More »

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Syria Media Roundup (April 27)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every ...  Read More »

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Syrian Refugees and the Map of a Dangerous Journey: A STATUS/الوضع Conversation with Alia Malek

In this interview for STATUS/الوضع, host Malihe Razazan speaks with Alia Malek about Malek's article "The Road to Germany $2400" which recently appeared in Foreign Policy.  Alia Malek is a journalist, civil rights lawyer, and author of A Country Called Amreeka: Roots, American ...  Read More »

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Turkey Media Roundup (April 19)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Turkey and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Turkey Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Sunday night of every ...  Read More »

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Exit ISIS, Stage Left: Fighting for Laughs in Mosul and Beyond

The State of Myth has lowered its curtains. The state-sponsored Iraqi television series, which introduced itself to the world with a musical trailer featuring the marriage of the devil to an Israeli bride whose offspring hatched in the form of a miniature Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, took audiences by storm when it launched ...  Read More »

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Quick Thoughts: Maria Fantappie on Syria’s Kurds

[The Syrian Kurds are playing an increasingly prominent role in that country’s conflict, and in recent years Democratic Union Party (PYD) forces have seized effective control of most territories in northern Syria with substantial Kurdish populations. In March 2016, shortly after the PYD was excluded from participation ...  Read More »

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Syria Media Roundup (April 13)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every ...  Read More »

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Turkey Media Roundup (April 5)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Turkey and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Turkey Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Sunday night of every ...  Read More »

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توقيعه على الأشياء كلها في نسختها العربية

صدرت الترجمة العربية لرواية الكاتبة الأميركية إليزابيث جلبرت "توقيعه على الأشياء كلها" في طبعتين عن كلٍّ من "منشورات الجمل" و"دار طوى" للنشر والتوزيع، والرواية تقع في 450 صفحة من القطع المتوسط، وقد ترجمها إلى العربية أسامة إسبر. بدأت إليزابيث جلبرت رحلتها الأدبية بكتابين مشهورين: ...  Read More »

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Syria Media Roundup (April 6)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every ...  Read More »

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التعليم في سوريا وفق منهج الترغيب والترهيب

يدير ديوان التعليم في تنظيم الدولة الإسلامية "داعش" الآن شخص لقبه "ذو القرنين". وذو القرنين هذا مصري من الصعيد يحمل شهادة الدكتوراة في التربية. بداية، كيف تسنى لذي القرنين هذا أن يجمع بين شهادة دكتوراة وفق العلوم الحديثة، التي لم تكن موجودة في زمن "السلف الصالح"، وبين لقبه المرعب الذي لا ...  Read More »

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سوريا خارج الإطار: فنانون معاصرون من سوريا

"سوريا خارج الإطار، فنانون معاصرون من سوريا" (2016) ، عنوان جميل لكتاب مهم صدر مؤخراً في إيطاليا (Imago Mundi, Luciano Benetton Collection). يعكس الكتاب جهداً حقيقياً بذله كل من الباحثة الإيطالية المتخصصة بالدراما والفن السوري دوناتيلا ديلاراتا، ومساعدة التنظيم رولا علي ولوشيانو بينيتون المشرف على ...  Read More »

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Turkey Media Roundup (March 29)

English Violence in Turkey Bosporus 'Bulls' Defy Terrorist Threat Kerim Karakaya reports that investors remain positive about Turkey as an investment prospect, having factored the country’s instability into their calculations over the course of 2015. The Wrong Mindset to Fight Terrorism Yasin Aktay, member of ...  Read More »

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كابوس يوم/كل يوم

كيف عدتُ إلى المدينة؟ كيف دخلت؟ من مطار أم معبر برّي؟ مَن سمح بإدخالي؟ هل حقاً ليس عليّ أي ”منع سفر“ أو ”مذكرة اعتقال“؟ "يا للحظ!ّ". أقف في شارع الثامن من آذار "المجيد". أقف على رأس زلعومه وأنظر حولي. أين أذهب الآن؟ طفل ثلاثيني، صام دهراً و ربح تذكرة عبور إلى عالم الشوكولا. من أين أبدأ؟ من أزور ...  Read More »

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ISIS in the News: Extensive Media Roundup (January-February 2016)

[Editorial Note: This is not a "best of," only a roundup of significant pieces. See here for an introduction to this roundup series]   English Articles How to Defeat ISIS (4 January, 2016) James F. Jeffrey argues that “Once Washington treats “defeating ISIS” and “the aftermath” as two separate, ...  Read More »

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Syria Media Roundup (March 23)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every ...  Read More »

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Turkey Media Roundup (March 22)

English Bombings in Ankara and Istanbul Reporting on March 13 Ankara bombing from Reuters, and The Economist PKK Taking a Page From DAESH’s Playbook The Daily Sabah editorial board accuses the HDP leadership of “radicalizing” Kurdish youth and calls on the intelligence services to take “necessary measures” to ...  Read More »

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Syria Media Roundup (March 16)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every ...  Read More »

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Turkey Media Roundup (March 15)

English Crackdown on Journalism After Seizing Zaman Newspaper, What's Next for Turkey? Mustafa Akyol argues that all of Turkish media, not just a few newspapers like Zaman, is under threat by the current regime in Turkey. Tightening The Grip: Turkey's Media Takeover Al Jazeera’s “The Listening Post” examines the ...  Read More »

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The Origins of Dreams: An Interview with Safwan Dahoul

Safwan Dahoul’s recent paintings indicate several new developments in his ongoing Dream series, the influential body of work that has distinguished his career. Although the psychologically laden paintings are widely exhibited and collected, little is known about the origins of the series other than the fact that it ...  Read More »

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Turkey Media Roundup (March 9)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Turkey and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Turkey Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Sunday night of every ...  Read More »

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Syria Media Roundup (March 9)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every ...  Read More »

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Syria’s Leopard (Part 2)

Maleh's relationship with the Syrian authorities deteriorated after Fragments, which the director sees as the end of an era in his professional life. A pivotal incident occurred on his birthday in September 1981. As the filmmaker drove by the Foreign Ministry, a guard signaled him to pull over and let an official car ...  Read More »

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Syria’s Leopard (Part 1)

Syrian filmmaker Nabil Maleh epitomizes the figure of the artist-activist, the socially committed and politically engaged cultural producer. Over decades of production and across genres, his work has challenged artistic, cultural, and political regimes. Maleh often cites a defining moment of childhood resistance: the ...  Read More »

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إخراج الأرنب من قبعة الساحر الإسلاموي

إخراج الأرنب من قبعة الساحر الإسلاموي: قراءة في كتاب أسئلة الهوية والتسامح وثقافة الحوار في كتاب صدر حديثاً في إطار منشورات مجلة دبي الثقافية، تحت عنوان “أسئلة الهوية والتسامح وثقافة الحوار”، للباحث والدكتور يوسف الحسن، اعتبر الكاتب أن الأزمنة التي كان فيها الحوار "مجرد زينة" ولّتْ، ولا بديل عن الحوار إلا ...  Read More »

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واقع النشر في سوريا في ظل الحرب

ما نحاول القيام به هنا هو محاولة رصد بعض التغيرات التي حدثت على واقع الطباعة والنشر والقراءة في سوريا في ظل ظروف الحرب والدمار الكبير الذي حلَّ بالبلاد من خلال حوارات قصيرة مع عدد من المثقفين والصحفيين وأصحاب دور نشر ومكتبات في بعض المدن السورية الرئيسية، حيث تتركز دور النشر بالدرجة الأولى في العاصمة دمشق تليها حلب ...  Read More »

Syrian Population Regression

Population: ~ 22.5 Million

2011:  5,800+ (killed)

2012:  60,000+ (killed) and 500,000+ (external refugees)

2013:  100,000+ (killed), 2,000,000+ (external refugees), and 8 million+ displaced



Syria Map and Stats

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Population: 22,517,750
GDP: $107.4 billion 
Unemployment: 8.3%; Youth Employment (ages 15-24): 19.1%
Internet Users: 4.469 million 
Exchange Rate: ~ 98.00 Syrian pounds per US dollar
GDP Growth Rate: 3.2% 
Military Expenditures: 5.9% of GDP (World Rank: 10)
Health Expenditures: 2.9% of GDP (World Rank: 180)
Population Growth Rate: 0.913% 
Age Structure: 0-14 years: 35.2%; 15-64 years: 61%; 65 years and over: 3.8%
Literacy: 79.6%
Religious Demographics: Sunni Muslim 74%; other Muslim (includes Alawite, Druze) 16%; Christian (various denominations) 10%
Ethnic Demographics: Arab 90.3%, Kurds, Armenians, and other 9.7%

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