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[Screenshot from video below.]

Israeli Settlements Explained

In this three-minute episode, which originally aired on AJ+ Labs, host Dena Takruri explains what Israeli settlements are, the violence they cause to Palestinians, and their critical role in fueling conflict.      

[In this 30 May 2012 photo, a fifteen-year-old Syrian refugee boy rides a motorbike with his sister and his brother, who fled their home from the Syrian town of Tal-Kalakh. The photo was taken outside a school where they stay with their family and relatives temporarily, in Shadra village at the northern Lebanese-Syrian border town of Wadi Khalid, in Akkar, north Lebanon. Image by Hussein Malla via Associated Press.]

Everyday Experience of Humanitarianism in Akkar

It is very common nowadays to come across reports discussing the negative impact of the Syrian humanitarian crisis on the Lebanese economy as a whole. On the one hand, there have been several attempts to focus on the victims and their plight, rather than looking at the complex ...

[In this 30 May 2012 photo, a fifteen-year-old Syrian refugee boy rides a motorbike with his sister and his brother, who fled their home from the Syrian town of Tal-Kalakh. The photo was taken outside a school where they stay with their family and relatives temporarily, in Shadra village at the northern Lebanese-Syrian border town of Wadi Khalid, in Akkar, north Lebanon. Image by Hussein Malla via Associated Press.]

Asfari Institute First Annual Conference: Exploring an Agenda for Active Citizenship (Beirut, 20-22 February 2015)

The American University of Beirut’s Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship In collaboration with the Arab Studies Institute and George Mason University First Annual Conference:  Exploring an Agenda for Active Citizenship 20-22 February 2015 Beirut, ...

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Announcing the 2016 Political Economy Book Prize Competition (Political Economy Project)

[EXTENSION OF DEADLINE. THIS BOOK PRIZE ANNOUNCEMENT WAS FIRST PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 2015] The Political Economy Project (PEP) is pleased to invite nominations for our 2016 Middle East Political Economy Book Prize. PEP aims to recognize and disseminate exceptional critical work on the political economy of ...  Read More »

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Call for Submissions: BBC Arabic Film and Documentary Festival 2017

March 30, 2016 // BBC Arabic invites film and documentary-makers to submit works to the 3rd BBC Arabic Festival. The work must have been made after January 1, 2015, and reflect on current situations in the Arab world. Now in its 3rd year, the BBC Arabic Festival has successfully brought live audiences ...  Read More »

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Beirut Event -- Manoug's Magic Lantern: Views onto Lebanon

Manoug's Magic Lantern: Views onto Lebanon  AUB, West Hall, Malhas Common Room Exhibit: Monday April 4 - Wednesday April 6, 9am-8pm Openning Event: Monday April 4, 2016 at 6 p.m. (please refer to think link for event details) In this exhibit we showcase 90 photos from our recently acquired collection of the ...  Read More »

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Open Letter by Members of Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) Opposing Jerusalem as Conference Location

[The following opnel letter was published by members of the Society for Psychotherapy Reseach (SPR) on 2 March 2016 in The Independent expressing opposition to the organization's plans to hold its next annual conference in Jerusalem.] We, psychotherapists, researchers and other mental health professionals, write to ...  Read More »

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Cities Media Roundup (March 2016)

[This is a monthly roundup of news articles, and other materials related to urban issues in the region, and beyond. It does not reflect the views of the Cities Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send recommendations for inclusion in the Cities Media Roundup to, mentioning "Roundup" in ...  Read More »

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Urgent Call for Solidarity with Academics in Turkey (Letter to the US Department of State)

[This letter was written by a group of US-based scholars and educators and was released on 22 March 2016.] Tom Malinowski, Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights US Department of State Email: Dear Mr. Malinowski: We are a group of US-based scholars and educators who have grown deeply ...  Read More »

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CFP: Unfolding Middle Eastern Landscapes (Beirut, 31 May-2 June)

Unfolding Middle Eastern Landscapes Changing Forms, Evolving Tools, Transforming Meanings Beirut, 31 May-2 June 2016 This conference aims to bring together landscape academics and professionals to reflect on the discourse of landscape in the Middle East. The organizers hope that speakers, contributors and ...  Read More »

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الفيلم الوثائقي تعز بين المطرقة والسندان

يوثق هذا الفليم الاستثنائي لصفاء الاحمد، والذي عرض على بي بي سي العربية بتاريخ ٢٢ شباط/ فبراير ٢٠١٦ رحلتها الشجاعة إلى مدينة تعز في اليمن. وتعيش هذه المدينة تحت الحصار منذ نيسان/ابريل ٢٠١٥، فرضته الميليشيا الحوثية، مما أدى الى نقص حاد في وصول الاغذية، المساعدات الطبية، والوقود، وزاد الأزمة الانسانية ...  Read More »

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Open Letters from CUNY Faculty and Students to President Chase Robinson Regarding the Replacement of Dr. Anny Bakalian, Associate Director of the Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center (MEMEAC)

[The following letters have been sent by faculty, PhD students, MA students, and alumni affiliated with the Middle Eastern Studies Program and the Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center at The Graduate Center of The City University of New York, to Chase Robinson, President of the Graduate Center. The letters ...  Read More »

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Announcing the New Issue of Middle East Report (Winter 2015): Iran's Many Deals

Middle East Report  No. 277 (Winter 2015) IRAN’S MANY DEALS In the wake of the historic bargain over Iran’s nuclear research program, coverage of the Islamic Republic has focused on geopolitics—chiefly, its relation to other regional conflicts. But the stakes of the agreement in Iranian domestic ...  Read More »

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الآثار الشعرية الكاملة للشاعر الإيطالي: دينو كامبانا في اللغة العربية

صدرت حديثاً عن دار التَّكوين في دمشق، وبترجمة وتقديم الشَّاعر السُّوري أمارجي، الآثار الشِّعريَّة الكاملة للشَّاعر الإيطالي دينو كامبانا الذي ينتمي إلى الجيل الحداثي الأوَّل في إيطاليا، وذلك في كتابٍ واحدٍ من القطع المتوسِّط، جاء في 295 صفحة، وتضمَّن مجموعتين: "أناشيد أورفيَّة"، وهي الدِّيوان اليتيم الذي ...  Read More »

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Press Release: Multinational Security Firm G4S Announces Plans to Exit Israeli Market

[The following press release was issued on 10 March 2016 by the BDS National Committee] For immediate release on March 10, 2016 Contact: Michael Deas +447500877276 / Mahmoud Nawajaa +972595150070 BDS: security company G4S announces plans to exit Israeli market G4S has lost ...  Read More »

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Call for Papers: Conflict and Living Heritage in the Middle East: Researching the Politics of Cultural Heritage and Identities in Times of War and Displacement

Call for Papers for the Conference Conflict and living heritage in the Middle East: Researching the Politics of Cultural Heritage and Identities in Times of War and Displacement 10-11 May 2016, Sulaimani, Kurdistan, Iraq Summary Cultural heritage and identities, on the one hand, and armed conflicts and forced ...  Read More »

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دفاعا عن صحيفة العالم الجديد العراقية

  نص البيان الذي تلته اليوم المنظمات والنقابات المدافعة عن حرية الصحافة، اثر تهديدات هيئة الاعلام والاتصالات بحق صحيفة ”العالم الجديد“ الالكترونية. مايلي: التاريخ : 29/02/2016 تعرب المؤسسات الحقوقية والصحفية الموقعة أدناه عن إدانتها للتهديدات بالحجب والملاحقة التي تعرضت لها صحيفة "العالم الجديد" ...  Read More »

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Sevan Nisanyan icin izan talep ediyoruz! / The Sevan Nisanyan Question

Sevan Nişanyan için izan talep ediyoruz! / The Sevan Nişanyan Question [This petition was first published on 28 February 2016. For more information, or to sign the petition, click here. More information about Sevan Nişanyan’s court case can also be found here. The English text has been lightly edited for stylistic ...  Read More »

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Symposium--Beyond the Margins: Researching and Teaching the Middle East in Ohio (Dayton, 9 April 2016)

Beyond the Margins: Researching and Teaching the Middle East in Ohio An Ohio Symposium on Middle East Studies (9 April 2016) University of Dayton Over the past several years, numerous universities, colleges, and community colleges across the state of Ohio have hired new faculty whose research focuses on the ...  Read More »

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Shame on Those Who Try to Justify Giulio Regeni’s Assassination: A Letter by Gilbert Achcar

[This letter by Gilbert Achcar, Professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, was originally published in Italian in Il Sole 24 Ore, as a response to public discussions regarding the case of the late Giulio Regeni. The English version appeared in Open Democracy.] Several articles ...  Read More »

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New York Event--The Fall of the Turkish Model: How the Arab Uprisings Brought Down Islamic Liberalism (March 1 @ 12.30pm)

The Fall of the Turkish Model: How the Arab Uprisings Brought Down Islamic Liberalism New Book by Cihan Tuğal (Verso, 2016) Date and Time: Tuesday, March 1, 12:30 pm - 1:30pm Location: The Hagop Kevorkian Center, 255 Sullivan Street, New York University Tuğal's masterful explication of the demise of Islamic ...  Read More »

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Call for Papers: The Global Middle East in the Age of Speed

Call for Papers: The Global Middle East in the Age of Speed Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Birmingham (UK) 2-3 June 2016 Keynote Speaker: Nile Green (UCLA) Over the past century, motorised vehicles and the new kinds of mobility they enabled gave birth to a radically new social, cultural and ...  Read More »

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Doctors without Borders Report on War-Wounded and War-Dead in Syria during 2015

[The following announcement was shared with Jadaliyya by Doctors without Borders.] Doctors without Borders (MSF) recently held a press conference in Geneva to speak on the bombing of a hospital in Idlib earlier this week. To coincide with this, MSF is also releasing a report in regards to the war-wounded and war-dead ...  Read More »

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Statement by Faculty and Affiliates from AUB in Support of Students and Faculty at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)

[The following statement was issued on 23 February 2016 by faculty and affiliates from the American University of Beirut (AUB) in Support of Students and Faculty at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)] Statement in Support of Students and Faculty at Jawaharlal Nehru University, India from Faculty and Affiliated of the ...  Read More »

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Concerned Faculty on the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Crisis

[The following statement was issued by a group of femal scholars who have been working on Kashmir for some time, and are seeking to reframe the recent discussions of Indian democracy around the question of self-determination in Kashmir.]   Concerned Faculty on the JNU Crisis In the wake of events around the ...  Read More »

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Conference: AUB City Debates 2016: March 2-4

The yearly City Debates conference is organized by the graduate programs in Urban Planning, Policy and Design (MUPP-MUD) at the American University of Beirut. This year's City Debates stems from a relational and multi-scalar understanding of urban policy as an assemblage of ideas and tools that circulate and ...  Read More »

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Letter to Turkish PM Davutoglu Expressing Serious Concern Over Investigation and Prosecution of Scholars Who Are Signatories of the Peace Petition

[The following letter was issued by the Committee on Academic Freedom of the Middle East Studies Association on 22 February 2016 in response to the disciplinary and criminal investigations of scholars in Turkey who are signatories of the "Peace Petition." For the Appendix accompanying this letter which lists ...  Read More »

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Champions for Justice: Bahrain’s Pro-Democracy Movement

[The following article, first published on February 9 2016, on Bahrain Center for Human Rights, traces the evolution of Bahrain's February 14 pro-democracy movement since 2011.]  Five years ago this week, hundreds of thousands of people rose up in support of democracy and human rights in Bahrain. After enduring ...  Read More »

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Failure to Reform: Five Years of Dissent in Bahrain

[The following is a summary of an event held on 11 February 2016, in the UK House of Commons, organized by the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) in cooperation with Reprieve, Index on Censorship, and the LSE Middle East Society, to discuss the UK Foreign Office’s technical assistance to ...  Read More »

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Resisting Amnesia: Twenty Five Years After the Al Amiriyah Attack

On 13 February 1991, the United States Air Force deliberately targeted the Al Amiriyah bomb shelter in Baghdad, killing 408 civilians, mostly women and children. It was a brazen act of terror that has left permanent scars on Iraqi society. The Iraqi Transnational Collective issued a statement commemorating the ...  Read More »

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What is Political Economy?: The Inaugural Political Economy Project Workshop (Part 2) - from Status/الوضع Panels

Held in April 2015 at George Mason University, this inaugural workshop of the Political Economy Project (PEP) features presentations from numerous researchers and scholars of political economy from the Middle East and beyond. PEP is an evolving focus of the Arab Studies Institute, with research, pedagogic, and ...  Read More »

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What is Political Economy?: The Inaugural Political Economy Project Workshop (Part 1) - from Status/الوضع Panels

Held in April 2015 at George Mason University, this inaugural workshop of the Political Economy Project (PEP) features presentations from numerous researchers and scholars of political economy from the Middle East and beyond. PEP is an evolving focus of the Arab Studies Institute, with research, pedagogic, and ...  Read More »

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Report: The Welfare of Syrian Refugees: Evidence from Jordan and Lebanon

The World Bank and the UNHCR released a new report entitled The Welfare of Syrian Refugees Evidence from Jordan and Lebanon, co-authored by Paolo Verme, Chiara Gigliarano, Christina Wieser, Kerren Hedlund, Marc Petzoldt, and Marco Santacroce, available for download through the Open Knowledge ...  Read More »

About Reports Page

Jadaliyya’s Reports Page is a forum for disseminating statements, images, and videos produced by people on the ground in the region, as well as highlighting events and publications from/about the region. As such, the Reports Page features a broad range of content, including eye witness accounts of events (in textual, photgraphic, or video format), statements and press releases of interest, calls for participation in events and publications, report-backs from various events, and reports published by different local, regional and international organizations. Inclusion on the Reports Page does constitute endorsement of the analysis, but rather a means of highlighting items of interest produced through other organizations and publications. If you have questions or comments, or would like us to consider featuring something on the Reports Page, please email us at

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