- published: 09 Oct 2013
- views: 42003183
Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos (born December 19, 1967), better known by the stage name Criss Angel, is an American magician and illusionist. Angel began his career in New York City, before moving his base of operations to the Las Vegas Valley. He is known for starring in the television and stage show Criss Angel Mindfreak and his live performance illusion show Criss Angel Believe in collaboration with Cirque du Soleil at the Luxor casino in Las Vegas. The show generated $150 million in tourist revenue to Las Vegas in 2010. He also starred in the television series Believe on Spike TV, the television show Phenomenon, and the 2014 stage show Criss Angel Magicjam.
Angel has been on primetime television for more hours than any other magician in history, between his television series and various specials on cable and network television. He also holds multiple world-records made during his magic performances, and was named Magician of the Decade in 2009 and Magician of the Century in 2010 by the International Magicians Society. In addition to his career as an illusionist, Angel was the lead singer for his eponymous industrial band Angeldust, which released five albums between 1998 and 2003. He also authored the book Mindfreak: Secret Revelations.
It's a lovely day at the park for Criss Angel to demonstrate to some bystanders how fun it is to pull apart a couple by their torsos and switch their bodies up. Tune in to the series premiere of Criss Angel: BeLIEve on October 15 at 10/9c on SPIKE. Subscribe to SPIKE's Channel Here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=spiketv
PLAYER:DAIKI.K Guitar Freaks V8 初収録:Guitar Freaks V3
2013年9月25日リリースLIVE DVD「All I need is Live!」先行トレーラー映像。 N'夙川BOYSオフィシャルサイト http://nshukugawaboys.com/ 2011年から2013年にかけての2年間に実施された3公演のライブ映像が収録されている。今年4月に行われたSHIBUYA-AXでのワンマンライブ、昨年12月のShibuya O-EASTワンマン。そして初公開となる2011年10月下北沢SHELTERでのライブからメンバーセレクトにより厳選収録。「物語はちと?不安定」「プラネットマジック」「24hour」「Freedom」をはじめ人気楽曲多数収録のボリューミーな内容で各会場での奇跡的なパフォーマンスの数々をじっくり堪能できる。 また、本作には各会場ごとに異なる3名の映像ディレクターが監督を務める。SHIBUYA-AX公演は大橋陽氏、Shibuya O-EAST公演はスズキダイシン氏、下北沢SHELTER公演はスミス氏が担当。各ディレクターが笑いあり、涙あり、ハプニング続出!のN'夙川BOYSのぶっ飛んだライブをどのように料理したかも見所である。 他に類を見ないMA.SA.NI!一家に一枚の充実の作品となっている。是非チェックしてほしい。 THANK YOU!!! ■作品詳細 N'夙川BOYS 2013年9月25日リリース LIVE DVD 「All I need is Live!」 VIBL-684 :¥3,900 (TAX IN) *初回生産分のみカラーケース(red)+封入ポスター 【SHIBUYA-AX】 ~流星☆通信~ プラネットマジック Freedom アダムとイブがそっと I'm waiting for the ah~ メロディー ~誕生!!! スーパー夙川BOYS!!!~ 目を閉じておいでよ N'夙川BOY...
どうも皆さんこんにちわぁ アップ予定日を大幅に遅れてしまいました… とりあえず、次回のリクエストアニソンメドレーは10月下旬をよていしています! 今回入れた曲↓ ・ノーゲームノーライフ - [ ] ThisGame ・アルドノア・ゼロ - [ ] heavenly blue ・織田信奈の野望 - [ ] Link ・東京喰種 - [ ] unlevel ・Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] - [ ] brave shine ・ソードアートオンライン - [ ] courage ・タブータトゥー - [ ] Belief ・デートアライブ - [ ] デート・ア・ライブ ・デートアライブ - [ ] Q&A; ・デートアライブ 劇場版 - [ ] goサマーガール ・物語シリーズ - [ ] 白金ディスコ ・偽物語 - [ ] 二言目 ・ご注文はうさぎですか? - [ ] Daydream cafe ・ラブライブ! - [ ] それは僕たちの奇跡 ・メカクシティデイズ - [ ] daze ・C3 -シーキューブ - [ ] Endless Story ・機巧少女は傷つかない - [ ] 回レ!雪月花 ・俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない - [ ] irony ・おそ松さん - [ ] はなまるぴっぴはよい子だけ ・パパの言うことを聞きなさい - [ ] Happy Girl ・らき☆すたop - [ ] もってけセーラー服 ・家庭教師ヒットマンリボーン - [ ] LISTEN TO THE STEREO!! - [ ] Funny Sunny Day ・D.Grayman - [ ] kay 東京喰種√A - [ ] 季節は次々死んでいく ・BLEACH - [ ] ALONES ・乱舞 - [ ] メロディ ・トラン...
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Complete Interview / No Commercials Criss Angel's interview @ Larry King Live
American magician and illusionist, Criss Angel, talks about his new TV special, "Trick'd Up", getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, & much more. Subscribe to People ►► http://po.st/SubscribePeople People NOW brings you daily news updates, interviews and more from the world of celebrities. Join Jeremy Parsons and Andrea Boehlke for an exclusive look at some of the juiciest celebrity gossip, drama, love stories and everything you need to know about today’s who’s who. Stay on top of all the latest celebrity gossip - Scandals, news, rumors and more: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzS8B57pacxyPxBFbzjY5NqiJmUBvHgTE Celebrity love, romance and relationships - Never miss out on who’s dating who, recent break ups and new hook ups: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzS8B57pac...
THUMBS UP to help raise $10,000 for pediatric cancer research and treatment! Magician Criss Angel joins host Tom Bilyeu on Inside Quest to discuss the illusion of overnight success, the business of magic, and preparing for his greatest performance of all—ending pediatric cancer. Find your Passion. Evolve your Mindset. Grow with us. When this video reaches 50,000 THUMBS UP, Tom and the Inside Quest team will donate $10,000 to the Criss Angel Help fundraiser which benefits pediatric cancer research and treatment. Learn More: https://crissangel.com/donations Additionally, one lucky IQ fan will be selected to fly out to Las Vegas and present Criss Angel with the check on behalf of the Inside Quest community - ENTER: https://gleam.io/6OxNu/raise-10k-for-pediatric-cancer-research-treatment...
Paul Salfen interviews legendary magician and illusionist Criss Angel about his new show, Mindfreak Live, which is opening at The Luxor in Las Vegas this month. And enter to win a pair of tickets to the show at www.LetsGoTV.com.
Enjoy an Exlcusive interview with Criss Angel Live from his home in Las Vegas talking about his latest production 'The Supernaturalists' at Foxwoods through July 23rd. Hear 100's of Exclusive interviews with Criss at www.celebrityradio.biz
What was he thinking!
Piers Morgan Criss Angel Interview. Piers Morgan Live. cris angel cnn piers morgan live interview. Piers Morgan Criss Angel Interview. Piers Morgan Live. cris angel cnn piers morgan live interview. Piers Morgan Criss Angel Interview. Piers Morgan Live. cris angel cnn piers morgan live interview. Piers Morgan Criss Angel Interview. Piers Morgan Live. cris angel cnn piers morgan live interview.
Larry sits down with Criss Angel to talk about his career, his childhood and his image Complete Interview / No Commercials Criss Angel's interview @ Larry King Live
man on the bus screaming about presley man on the bus screaming about presley all tied up got a knot in his hands he says 'presley sucked on doggie dicks i'm the king of rock 'n roll if you don't like it you can lump it you gotta get me back to the base you gotta get me back to the base presleys been dead the body means nothing man in the back says presley sucked dicks with a picture of lil stevie over his head i'm in the back with a hole in my throat man on the bus screaming about presley rips a newspaper up in his hands helicopter shoots down a military spot everybody runs from screaming about presley