Wartorn 1861 --
2010 is a documentary by
HBO about
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. While being an HBO production the documentary is bound to be full of shit, it does in many ways prove what I have been the first to say out loud. What "experts" classify as
PTSD is really conscience catching up with monsters who preyed upon the weak.
It's the remorse reminding the filth who murdered, raped and pillaged the innocents that they may have gotten away with it legally, but there are beyond Earthly powers that saw what they did and will hold them accountable.
I have always been very vocal about how nothing speaks "divine justice" quite as loudly as a
ZOG mercenary committing suicide. I have always cheered when one of the filth eventually went ahead with it and
I've always been clear about knowing the real reason why they did it -- the images of children they had raped, of the elderly they had executed in cold blood while laughing in their faces, of terrified families helplessly at the mercy of the murderers who made it fun and games to kill them in such a way so as to cause maximum suffering -- all these images came back to haunt them.
Judging by whom these "psychologists" treat for PTSD, if the
USA was
Mexico, they would be treating drug cartel sicarios. They would be treating them and making movies about how hard it is for them to get back to society after hard life of torturing random people and cutting their heads off at will. Cause victims don't need a movie. They don't need a fancy label for conditions they'd suffered. Who cares about victims and their lives that were ruined by the assassins when it's the assassins who get all the spotlight and pampering?
Likewise, imagine the theoretical scenario that plane hijackers fly lanes into two skyscrapers, killing 3,
000 people but they themselves parachuted off to safety. If it was up to the psychologists oh so vocal about veterans suffering PTSD, they would never once mention any of the 3,000 victims and would only pamper the poor hijackers for whom the experience of causing a mass massacre must have scarred for life and now they suffer these horrible nightmares and have difficulties finding their place in the society
... I mean! How fucking absurd, yet this is precisely what is happening.
War Criminals
Ultimately, because the documentary only features interviews with ZOG mercenaries, it only offers a glimpse of what it's like for the war criminals to return from spreading suffering, fear and death. The documentary in no way touches the terror their victims who were attacked by these sub human monsters must have experienced. Like I said in the
Guest Post about PTSD -- must be terribly awful for a child rapist and murderer to return home and not be able to freely rape and murder any more children without repercussions. So we all need to give him extra attention and say things like "
Thank you for your service" cause it really must suck to have to quit killing at will just like that and not be able to do it anymore.
General Raymond Odierno, commander of the US terror forces in
Iraq interviewed later in the documentary has got to be one of the biggest sacks of shit I've ever heard speaking. That abominable lowlife spoke of "what they go through in Iraq" -- pardon me you stupid fuck? What YOU go through in Iraq? You are the terror bringers. It's not about what you go through, it's about what the people you terrorize have to go through. They are the victims of your occupation and genocide. You brought it upon them and you keep it upon them. You go through nothing, though you deserve the worst.
Chris Scheuerman Sr., father of a mercenary bragged about how their whole family is a family of soldiers. Like being a family a murderers and terror spreaders is something to brag about or be proud of. He's a perfect example of a parent in denial, a parent who does not care one bit about the lives his son destroyed. All he cares about is his monster son himself. If his son was as selfish, then it's only right that he's fucking dead like he deserves to be. Pathetic piece of shit.
Piece of shit failed woman, mother of
Nathan Damigo is so in denial about her abominable kid, it was puke worthy. She brought up a complete shit worm of a son. I wonder how many children he had raped, cause his eyes tell a story of endless suffering he had caused and pleasure he drew from it. He said:
I've seen humanity at its worst...
If you're able to read between the lines, it should be clear beyond all doubt to you that what he means by "humanity" are really the mercenaries, the terror spreaders, the child rapists, the mass murderers. He was one of them. He's seen the "humanity" at its worst, because he was part of it, part of doing the "worst".
Best Gore.
- published: 02 Aug 2013
- views: 77952