- published: 20 Aug 2012
- views: 985
Liu Huan (born August 26, 1963 in Tianjin, China) is a Chinese singer and songwriter. He is one of China's modern era pioneers in pop music and is considered China's King of Pop. He combines his music career with teaching the history of Western music at the Beijing University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.
On August 26, 1963, Liu Huan was born into a family of teachers in Tianjin. Liu graduated from Yaohua High School in Tianjin in 1981. Four years later, he graduated from the University of International Relations in Beijing, majoring in French literature. During his university days, he participated in a French songwriting competition and won first prize, as well as sponsorship from the French government to go on a tour to Paris. Following that, Liu was sent to the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China for one year to help promote local education by teaching music there, and the time he spent there had an influence on his music.
Liu never received any systematic training in music, but is self-taught. His classmates recall Liu Huan sitting on the stairs of his dorm, playing his guitar and singing songs until midnight. During his time in France, unlike his classmates who spent their time shopping and sightseeing, he went to bars in search of inspiration.
(1) 銀球飛舞花盛開 (2) 友誼花開萬里香 資料來源 http://www.bh2000.net/special/patzak/detail.php?id=1125 http://www.uwants.com/viewthread.php?tid=14401299 《友誼花開萬里香》在當時很是著名, 是紀錄片《萬紫千紅》中的插曲。《萬紫千紅》 紀錄的是北京亞非拉乒乓球友好邀請賽的電影, 很好看。影片放映後,這首歌很快成為大陸外交 活動的主打歌曲,在大城市裡,幾乎沒有一個孩 子不會唱........... 美麗的鮮花在開放,在開放 朋友們啊來自遠方,來自遠方 亞非拉朋友手挽手, 友誼的歌兒高聲唱,高聲唱 火紅的太陽放光芒,放光芒 朋友們啊歡聚一堂,歡聚一堂 小小銀球連四海 友誼的花開萬里香,萬里香 《鮮花獻給亞非拉朋友》 中國唱片 M-2045 (十吋密紋黑膠) (1973年錄音,出版)
Concert for the 1st Beijing International Film Festival,Orchestra Italiana del Cinema feat. Liu Huan, Live Stream at network CCTV (China) - 2011 angelo di veroli drums percussions timpani batteria percussioni yamaha drums
原來家裡的錢不能隨便亂擺!這麼多破財的禁忌,你中了幾項? 漏財風水1: 不撿路邊的碎錢:幾乎所有人都會在路邊、商場等公共場合瞧見過碎錢,票額大撿錢的人多,倘若是一元,你還會「我在馬路邊,撿到一元」嗎? 相信不少人不要說撿了,看都不屑一看,更有甚者,一腳將錢踢開,踢得越遠他越開心。 殊不知,他是將財神踢開了,沒有一個富豪會這樣做,因為他明白裡面的道理。 漏財風水2: 不要找回的零錢:很多人平常不拿一元的錢當回事,經常會在買東西時不要賣家找回的一元;殊不知,你的財運可能在不知不覺中改變了方向。 漏財風水3: 家裡到處都放錢:有些人不知是圖方便還是習慣原因,家中的抽屜、書櫃、桌子、甚至沙發上都有錢,隨意亂放,隨意處置。 呵呵,那麼你的錢財再多也會「散盡」。不好的習慣帶來的只能是窮困不堪、囊中羞澀。 漏財風水4: 洗衣機當點鈔機:過去集體宿舍有公用洗衣機,負責洗衣服的阿姨每月都有進賬,因總有毛頭小夥或大方姑娘沒掏乾淨衣褲裡的錢。 現在還有人常常在自家的洗衣機中發現錢。長此以往,你的財運也被洗的乾乾淨淨啦。 漏財風水5: 小金庫隨處擺設:很多明白人知道上述道理,專門買了保險櫃,以為就萬事大吉,財神永住了。 其實不然,為何?中國易經風水羅大師告訴過大家,屋宅方位是有講究的,如果你把財富放在衰位,而不是財位等其他適合的位置,那麼,你保險櫃錢越多越漏。 漏財風水6: 錢上留大名:不知是為了英名永留還是處於好奇,一些人將自己名字或公司名字寫在錢上。 於是乎,該錢就在祖國大好山河轉來轉去,不過,你的錢也許就這樣慢慢轉出去了,難道不可惜嗎......... YouTube 頻道搜尋 → 心情大補帖 https://goo.gl/Ua9kjy 心情大補帖相關視頻:心靈小品, 感人故事, 勵志小語, 名言佳句, 經典語錄, 情感...
YouTube 頻道搜尋 → 心情大補帖 https://goo.gl/Ua9kjy 心情大補帖相關視頻:心靈小品, 感人故事, 勵志小語, 名言佳句, 經典語錄, 歡迎訂閱, 情感世界, 生活百科, 人生感語, 歡迎訂閱、分享。 雞蛋買回來千萬別直接放冰箱!98%的人都不知道! 雞蛋雖然很普通 但是其營養價值並不低 含有人體所需要的所有必需胺基酸 且還含有對大腦非常有益的卵磷脂 豐富的B族維生素 營養價值如此之高的雞蛋 很多人卻有一些誤解 或者是在煮雞蛋的過程中 無意中做錯一些事 而無意中做的這些事 往往會造成營養素的損失 吃雞蛋的注意事項您了解嗎? 這些誤解一定要知道: 誤解1:沸水煮雞蛋 煮雞蛋的時候 如果是水開後放到鍋裡 雞蛋突然遇到高溫容易破裂 也容易燙傷手指.............. 養生 保健 抗癌 美容 長壽 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE5pZOfaZ0qZR8vBStTMik8xOvPkDh5Aw 情感世界 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE5pZOfaZ0qZFpQStr8BjVdSQlrxYNNHb 生活百科 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE5pZOfaZ0qav_lMkw1PhXHf7f4LjjOVA 人生感語 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE5pZOfaZ0qbYV2rtqNu3BqKc_gat4how 勵志小品 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE5pZOfaZ0qYq7gxY4tytpA3Q8w4XhM7l G+ https://plu...
愛吃橘子的人要注意,現在知道還不晚!【GOOGLE小姐語音】 金秋十月,橘子上市。橘子渾身都是寶,橘皮、橘絡、橘核、橘肉均是「天然藥物」, 一個橘子相當於5味藥。每天吃1個橘子可以使人們避免口腔癌、喉癌和胃癌的侵襲。 橘皮清新口氣 新鮮的橘皮中含有大量的維生素C和香精油,具有理氣化痰、健脾和胃等功能。 將其咀嚼後吐掉殘渣,重複數次,對去除口腔異味比較有效。 橘皮泡茶,味道清香,還能通氣提神。 陳皮有助消化 陳皮是曬乾的橘子皮,且越陳越好。陳皮味辛、苦,性溫,歸脾、胃,功效健脾開胃,主治消化不良。 陳皮可以和大米一起熬粥,或者用來燉湯。 橘絡保護血管 橘子裡白色網狀的絲絡,叫「橘絡」,因為其中含有一種名為「蘆丁」的營養素,所以有苦味。 但這種物質能使人的血管保持正常的彈性和密度,減少血管壁的脆性和滲透性,防止腦溢血的發生。橘絡可以直接吃,也可用來泡水喝。 橘核緩解痛經 橘核有理氣、溫胃、止痛的作用,既能驅寒,又能止痛,因此有助女性緩解痛經。 建議用橘核沏茶,一般用3~5克;如果疼得厲害,可以用到10克。 橘肉生津止渴 橘肉含水量高,能生津止渴。現代研究證明,橘子富含維生素C、胡蘿蔔素、葉酸等營養成分, 並且還含有抗氧化、抗癌、抗過敏成分,能減少冠心病、中風及高血壓的發病率............ YouTube 頻道搜尋 → 心情大補帖 https://goo.gl/Ua9kjy 心情大補帖相關視頻:心靈小品, 感人故事, 勵志小語, 名言佳句, 經典語錄, 情感世界, 生活百科, 人生感語, 歡迎訂閱、分享。 養生 保健 抗癌 美容 長壽 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE5pZOfaZ0qZR8vBStTMik8xOvPkDh5Aw 情感世界 https://www.you...
El 8 de agosto de 2008 Brightman y el cantante chino Liu Huan cantaron conjuntamente "You and Me" en mandarín e inglés en los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín 2008 en la ceremonia de apertura. Alrededor de 4.400 millones de espectadores (dos tercios de la población mundial) siguieron la ceremonia de apertura. En las siguientes 26 horas posteriores a la ceremonia, la canción fue descargada más de 5.7 millones de veces, batiendo todo record de distribución en tan pocas horas.
Title: La Vie En Rose 玫瑰人生 Performed by Sophie Marceau (France) and LIU Huan (苏菲·玛索、刘欢) Video list of CCTV Chinese New Year's Gala 2014: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIuPi8fUgB0b2rIc7LU1FkVefjSqjJ3lP The CCTV New Year's Gala (simplified Chinese: 中国中央电视台春节联欢晚会; traditional Chinese: 中國中央電視台春節聯歡晚會; pinyin: Zhōngguó zhōngyāng diànshìtái chūnjié liánhuān wǎnhuì) is a Chinese New Year special produced by China Central Television. Broadcast on the eve of Chinese New Year on its flagship CCTV-1, satellite channels CCTV-4, CCTV-9, CCTV-E, CCTV-F, and CCTV-HD, the broadcast has a yearly viewership of over 700 million viewers, making it one of the premiere television events of Mainland China. It has the largest audience in the world.[1] The show features various acts, such as drama, dance...
Live performance. Visit ctv186 channel on Youtube or http://www.ctv1-86.com/ for more media.
Beijing Olympics 2008 Opening Ceremony
【订阅CCTV中国中央电视台官方频道】: https://goo.gl/gYT8W8 更新时间:周五 《中国好歌曲》第三季超清全集: https://goo.gl/YQivI0 【本期看点】刘欢亮度落泪,周杰伦师妹颜值担当 【节目简介】 刘欢、羽泉、范晓萱、陶喆坐镇导师席位。首当导师,陶喆主动出击以情动人,范晓萱遭遇现场真情表白;羽凡因伤缺席,海泉放大招视频连线;惊喜学员台上揭秘,引刘欢老师瞪大双眼。三季好歌曲史上最年长学员、最深情学员、最神秘学员轮番登场,导师各展奇招上演抢人大战。敬请关注周五晚CCTV央视YouTube频道播出的《中国好歌曲》。 ■□关注CCTV Facebook 官方账号 Like us on Facebook■□ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cctvcom Twitter: https://twitter.com/cctv Instagram: http://instagram.com/cctvenglish ■□更多精彩官方视频,请关注我们■□ CCTV春晚: http://goo.gl/A9V00o CCTV中文国际: http://goo.gl/HcZaeZ ■□其他CCTV央视精彩节目官方超清■□ 【真人秀】 《中国好歌曲》第一季:https://goo.gl/ByyhZr 《中国好歌曲》第二季:https://goo.gl/BgHUDs 《了不起的挑战》官方版:https://goo.gl/HyD0N5 《叮咯咙咚呛》官方版:https://goo.gl/vOtJcP 《出彩中国人(第二季)》官方版:https://goo.gl/Uu7uwE 《喜乐街(第二季)》官方版:https://goo.gl/kTO07W 【纪录片】 《舌尖上的中国(第二季)》官方版:https://goo.gl...
现支持各大主流电视应用商店下载,更多高清精彩视频,登录http://www.vego.tv 手机用户支持微信直接观看,搜索“Vego TV”公众号或微信打开http://wechat.vego.tv 自08年北京奥运会后便鲜少公开露面的刘欢近日首度做客《超级访问》,对话李静(微博)、戴军分享在美国做"陪读老爸"的悠哉生活。不爱曝光、不爱应酬的刘欢竟是个典型"宅男" !面对外界各种传闻,刘欢在节目中首度澄清。制作热播剧《甄嬛传》原声音乐,刘欢现场爆料诸多幕后故事。更有刘欢首登电视的珍贵视频资料大曝光明星,是观众永远关注的焦点,《超级访问》是一档访问明星以主持人为主的大型电视娱乐脱口秀栏目。本栏目不但有曾担纲多档综艺节目的主持人李静和著名歌手兼主持人戴军共同主持,还有京城一流的制作班底,大规模投入资金倾力制作《超级访问》被业内人士誉为中国最具原创风格的娱乐谈话节目。【文化丝绸之路】Since 08 years after the Beijing Olympic Games will rarely appears in public for the first time Liu Huan recently guest "super visit", Li Jing (micro-blog) dialogue, Dai Jun in the United States do share "accompanying dad" idle life. Facing the outside each kind of rumor, Liu Huan in the program first clarify. Making a hit show "enrollment" soundtrack, Liu Huan broke the story behind the scene of many...
现支持各大主流电视应用商店下载,更多高清精彩视频,登录http://www.vego.tv 手机用户支持微信直接观看,搜索“Vego TV”公众号或微信打开http://wechat.vego.tv 刘欢,20世纪60年代生人,80年代后期入道以来,一直屹立于中国流行乐坛之巅,成为当之无愧的领军人物。更多精彩内容请看:http://www.youtube.com/chaojifangwen 刘欢除了是一位歌者,一位大学老师,他还是中国内地头一批为数不多的能用电脑作曲、编曲和制作的音乐人之一。可谓是中国大陆独一无二的集作词作曲、编曲、制作、演唱和音乐教育于一身的全能音乐人。刘欢除了演唱有大量经典音乐作品,还先后担纲多部电影、电视剧主题曲和剧中插曲及原声配乐的演唱、创作。 以一个歌者形象走进人们视线的刘欢同时具有很强的音乐创作能力,从最早的歌曲《磨刀老头》、《你是一面旗帜》、《丁香雨》到风靡全国的电视剧《北京人在纽约》、《东边日出西边雨》、《胡雪岩》中的原创音乐和歌曲,除了其中的绝大部分演唱,刘欢还包揽了全部的作曲(部分含词)、编曲和制作,刘欢是中国内地头一批为数不多的能用电脑编曲和制作的音乐人之一。时隔16年,刘欢为电视剧《甄嬛传》创作的音乐在2012年再一次带给人们惊喜,受到了圈内外人士的一致认可和普遍好评,主题歌《凤凰于飞》更是广受年轻人青睐。刘欢除了是一位集作词作曲、编曲、制作和演唱于一身的全能音乐人,他还致力于音乐教育二十多年如一日。他先后在自己任职的国际关系学院和对外经贸大学开设《西方音乐史》选修课程,并应邀到北京数所高等院校举办过音乐讲座,为学生普及音乐知识、提高音乐素养耕耘不辍。 2008年8月8日,刘欢登上了演唱生涯的最高峰,与莎拉·布莱曼共同演唱了第29届北京奥运会主题歌《我和你》。 Liu Huan, born in nineteen sixties,...
Sequence of events: 1. Countdown ---- 2:45 An ancient Chinese sundial emits a time flame and lights up 2,008 Fou drums. The countdown begins... (Fou (缶) is an ancient Chinese ceremonial percussion instrument derived from the wine container made of clay or bronze. Its origin dates back to 4,000 years ago.) 2. Welcome Ceremony ----- 7:32 The 2,008 percussionists rhythmically beat the fou and chant with their arms outstretched: “Friends have come from afar, how happy we are!” This famous saying comes from The Analects of Confucius written 2,500 years ago. 3. Footprints of History ----- 11:11 A trail of 29 fireworks, in the shape of footprints, are let off marching along the Beijing's ancient city axis into the Bird’s Nest, each represents one of the 29 Olympiads. 4. Dream Rings ------...
Huan Liu - Develop motion sensing applications with sensors in Android Wear There had been a proliferation of specialized sensors designed for specialized purposes, such as Fitbit, Fuelband, Moov, Altas for fitness, or SwingByte for golf analysis. However, as commodity wearable devices, such as Android Wear watches, become mainstream, there is a paradigm shift to more software based solutions. Instead of using specialized sensors, most applications can leverage the commodity sensors that already exist on the wearable devices. This talk gives an introduction of sensor capabilities of Android Wear devices. Then we show several practical applications that utilize the motion sensors on Android Wear devices. One such application is a fitness application that tracks exercise repetitions automa...
Set in 1920s Shanghai, where broadcast radio became a trend, Qian Tian help in setting up one of the most trending Radio station, however the Hao Ming meeting turn into a misunderstand which prompted Hao Ming to take away her family heirloom earring. Slowly QianTian will win Hao Ming over with her gentleness and kindness.
2016 Macau Open Badminton R16 [01-12-2016] [XD] Wei Chen LIU-CHEN Hsiao Huan vs Alfian Eko PRASETYA-Annisa SAUFIKA 2016 Macau Open Badminton Videos : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe04dFr3TKzsJaOUf5i4oDH1Zr2kBMBxa Match : http://bwf.tournamentsoftware.com/sport/matches.aspx?id=2250AA6D-483B-4CB9-9B7A-AA841518953C&d;=20161201 2016 Macau Open Badminton Dates : 29/11/2016 to 04/12/2016 Category : Grand Prix Gold Venue : Tap Seac Multisport Pavilion, Macau Address : Rua de Ferreira do Amaral, Macau Prize money : $120,000 Organizer Badminton Federation of Macau Centro Desportivo de Vitoria, Estrada de Vitoria,Macau, China Tel : +853-28238035 Fax : +853-28238038 Email : macauabm@gmail.com Website : www.macaubadminton.org.mo Referees: Referee : Julie Carrel (NZL) Email : julie.carr...
- About match: [Round 16] Annisa SAUFIKA/Alfian Eko PRASETYA vs LIU Wei Chen/CHEN Hsiao Huan @ 01/12/2016. (21-11 19-21 21-18) - 2016 Macau Open PLAYLIST:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLropNubS2M6_wHzEuik9CfYOoxSNdRs96 @ Date: 29/11/2016 to 04/12/2016 @ Venue: Tap Seac Multisport Pavilion Macau @ Location: Rua de Ferreira do Amaral,Macau - PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AFTER WATCHING ! @ Don't forget LIKE if you like this video. @ It would be great if you can SHARE this video for other fans of BADMINTON. - Badminton 4U Video : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJmrdo8TMW9mb3HPxYovkmg Badminton Video for Badminton Lover Please be free to give us your comments, suggestions or feedback. - THANK YOU FOR WATCHING !
Shang Chunsong, Mao Yi, Liu Tingting, Wang Yan, Luo Huan
2016 빅터 코리아마스터즈 그랑프리골드 [32강] - 혼합복식: 강지욱, 엄혜원 vs 리우웨이첸, 첸시아오후안 배드민턴대표카페 늘턴 http://cafe.naver.com/nudonadominton http://cafe.daum.net/todqkdthd 라켓은 늘턴마켓 www.sports-market.co.kr
Here are some of our favorite moments from Chinese swimmer and Olympic athlete, 傅园慧. Read all about our crush here: http://bit.ly/2aM68XX Follow us! https://www.facebook.com/ShanghaiExpat https://twitter.com/ShanghaiExpat WeChat ID: ShExpatOfficial
Ok here the song and with pinjin chinese for u to sing along,enjoy! Chen Tian Jia - Ying jie ling yi ge chen xi dai lai quan xin kong qi Liu Huan - Qi xi gai bian qing wei bu bian cha xiang piao man qing yi Na Ying - Wo jia da men chang da kai kai fang huai bao deng ni Stephanie Sun (Singapore) - Yong bao guo jiu you le mo qi ni hui ai shang zhe li Sun Yue - Bu guan yuan jin dou shi ke ren qing bu yong ke qi Wang Lee Hom (Taiwan) - Xiang yue hao le zai yi qi wo men huan ying ni Yangjain Zhoima aka Han hong - Wo jia zhong zhe wan nian qing kai fang mei duan zhuan qi Emil Chow (Taiwan) - Wei zhuan tong de tu rang bo zhong wei ni liu xia hui yi Gigi Leung (Hong Kong) - Mo sheng shou xi dou shi ke ren qing bu yong ju li Yu Quan - Di ji ci lai mei guan xi you tai duo hua ti Jacki...
2001 Herod Atticus Odeon CCTV - Applaud China "*Love is Boundless (Nana Mouskouri) I am standing in front of you Looking at the dimming light Listening to the calling of ancient past and its weathered thousand words (Liu Huan) Coming closer to you For the smiling face of yours Smokes cleared Tears dried Blossoms everywhere (Huang Ying) I want to be with you You are looking forward to my showing up Along with warm feelings of a thousand years Forming sincere wishes (Mario Frangoulis) At the start of love Let us forget everything and spread the sacred fire Let us wholeheartedly rejoice Let us love each other till eternity (All Four Together) Let us remember this very moment Voices choked with passion Heart to heart's exchange Dreams entwined Our different ancestors sharing one common hope" ...
You And Me - Liu Huan & Sarah Brightman (China)
Song: Promise Film: "The sorcerer and the white snake".( Theme song) Singers: Eva Huang and Raymond Lam Video Editing: Oshan Herath Sub-Titles: Oshan Herath
Li Lianxing, Chief Correspondent in China Daily Kenyan Bureau interviewed Rosa Whitaker, the founder of the Whitaker Group at Libreville, Gabon during the New York Forum Africa. Credits: Reporter: Li Lianxing Video: Calvin Zhou Video editor: Huan CAO Supervising Producer: Calvin Zhou, Zhang Yuwei Senior Producer: Larry Lee, Baijia Liu
Zhang Yuwei, China Daily assignment editor Zhang Yuwei interviewed Jean-Louis Ekra, the President of Africa Export-Import Bank at Libreville, Gabon during the New York Forum Africa. Credits: Reporter: Zhang Yuwei Video: Calvin Zhou Video editor: Huan CAO Supervising Producer: Calvin Zhou, Zhang Yuwei Senior Producer: Larry Lee, Baijia Liu
Zhang Yuwei, China Daily assignment editor interviewed Angelle Kwemo, the president of Strategik Group at Libreville, Gabon during the New York Forum Africa. Credits: Reporter: Zhang Yuwei Video: Calvin Zhou Video editor: Huan CAO Supervising Producer: Calvin Zhou, Zhang Yuwei Senior Producer: Larry Lee, Baijia Liu