- published: 11 Apr 2016
- views: 15740
Åsa Elisabeth Romson (born 22 March 1972) is a Swedish politician who has been Minister for the Environment and ceremonial Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden in the Swedish Government since 2014. She is a member of the Green Party and one of its spokespersons along with Gustav Fridolin since 2011.
She has been a member of the Swedish parliament since the 2010 election.
Between 2002-2010 she was a member of the city council in Stockholm. Since the 2010 election she has been a spokesperson for environmental and climate policy. In the late 1990s, she was a member of the Green Party and the Young Greens of Sweden.
On 29 March 2011, she was proposed as one of the candidates to be the Green Party's new spokesperson, together with Gustav Fridolin. They were elected on 21 May 2011.
In 2012 Romson completed a Ph.D in environmental law at Stockholm University.
Since 2014 she is the Minister for the Environment and Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden in the Löfven Cabinet.
Per Jimmie Åkesson (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈjɪmɪ ˈoːkɛ.ˈsɔn], YIM-ee AW-kə-sən; born 17 May 1979) is a Swedish politician. He is the leader of the Sweden Democrats and a member of the Swedish parliament following the 2010 general election.
Jimmie Åkesson was born in Ivetofta, Sweden, but grew up in Sölvesborg, Blekinge County. He was a member of the Moderate Youth League, the youth wing of the Moderate Party, for a short while before he joined the old Sweden Democratic Youth Association (the youth wing of the Sweden Democrats) in 1995. The same year he also co-founded a local chapter of the Sweden Democratic Youth Association. In 1997 he was elected as a deputy member of the party board. The party's policies that he claims he was most attracted to at first were its view on the European Union, and its policy on immigration.
In 1998, at the age of 19, Åkesson was elected to public office as a councilman in Sölvesborg Municipality. The same year, he also became deputy chairman of the newly established Sweden Democratic Youth (Sverigedemokratisk Ungdom), and later, from 2000 to 2005, was chairman of the organization. In 2005, he defeated party leader Mikael Jansson in a party election to become the party leader of the Sweden Democrats.
Per Gustav Edvard Fridolin (born 10 May 1983) is a Swedish politician and the current Minister of Education, having been appointed in 2014. A journalist, author and teacher by profession, he has been the Green Party's joint spokesperson, together with Åsa Romson, since 2011.
Fridolin is a member of the Swedish parliament since the 2010 election, representing Skåne County North and East. He was also a member of the Swedish parliament from 2002 to 2006.
Fridolin was born in Vittsjö, Hässleholm Municipality, Skåne County, Sweden. He joined the Green Party in 1994 and served as one of two spokespersons of the Young Greens of Sweden between 1999 and 2003.
Fridolin first served as a member of the Swedish parliament between 2002 and 2006, representing the Stockholm Municipality constituency. Aged nineteen at the time, he was the youngest MP in Swedish history until 2010, when Anton Abele, a Moderate, set a new record. During his first term in parliament he served as a member of the Committee on the Constitution. Fridolin also served as a member of the board of the Green Party between 2004 and 2006, and was one of his party's representatives in the negotiations with the Social Democratic government and the Left Party.
Vice Statsminister Åsa Romson visar hur otroligt inkompetent hon är. Klipp från olika situationer bla Jimmie Åkesson, Stefan Löfven, Björn Söder, Annie Lööf, Jan Björklund, Almedagen mm Ramadan Kareem Ramadan Kareem is the name of the glorious month of Ramadan. People sometimes say "Ramadan Kareem" or "Ramadan Mubarak" as a greeting to other muslims during this period. ÄR Åsa Romson muslim? Förhoppningsvis inte felstavat, Tack!
Partiledardebatt i riksdagens kammare januari 2016. Replik av Åsa Romson på Jimmie Åkessons anförande.
I partiledaredebatten, 2012-10-17. Jimmie Åkesson tar replik på Åsa Romson. Hon menar att "alla som åker tunnelbana i Sverige" är svenskar. Jimmie ställer då motfrågan, "Om jag åker tunnelbana i Tokyo, är jag då Japan?". Precis. Svaret blir uppenbart.
I SVT:s ”Gomorron Sverige” kallade Åsa Romson terrordåden i USA för ”11 september-olyckorna”. Från 2016.04.19.
Alice Teodorescu om Romson och Fridolin. Tyck inte synd om... http://www.gp.se/nyheter/ledare/ledarkronika/1.2913309-alice-teodorescu-tyck-inte-synd-om-romson-och-fridolin
2016-04-25 Aktuellt. Gustav Fridolin Miljöpartiet flinar och vrider på sig när Åsa Romson öppnar munnen och babblar goja som vanligt. Hon är Sveriges Vice Statsminister! Det går ju bara inte!
Åsa Romson blir inte nominerad av valberedningen medans Gustav Fridolin blir nominerad och kan bli återvald på fredag den 13e. 2016-05-09
Mats Knutsson Sågar Åsa Romson, Miljöpartiet och statsminister Stefan Löfven i Gomorron Sverige SVT angående Mehmed Kaplan och vattenfall mm
From the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet http://www.aftonbladet.se/
Åsa Romson AVGÅR efterträdare blir språkrör Isabella Lövin. Miljöpartiet
Gunilla Carlsson (M) och Åsa Romson (MP) debatterar biståndet i Gomorron Sverige, sändes i oktober 2011
A very honest personal dating profile.
Åsa Romson started to cry because the goverment and PM said : We need to reduce massimmegration. I can understand that she feels sorry for them but we can't take anymore in. Not to mention the internal conflicts happening here in Sweden.
Plus de 50 personnalités venues du monde entier et mobilisées dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques se sont retrouvées le 5 décembre à la COP21 pour l'Action Day. La Journée de l’Action a été le point d’orgue d’une mobilisation internationale sans précédent des acteurs non-étatiques (entreprises, collectivités locales, organisations internationales, centres de recherche…) depuis plus d’un an. A la suite de la COP20, la France et le Pérou, conjointement avec les Nations unies, ont décidé d’encourager et de soutenir ces initiatives coopératives et engagements d’acteurs individuels (plus de 10 000) en mettant en place le Plan d’Actions Lima-Paris (LPAA). La ministre du Climat et de l’Environnement de Suède Åsa Romson, le ministre de l’Environnement, des Forêts et du Changement cli...
Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd (M) och Åsa Romson (MP) debatterar infrastrukturen i gomorron sverige, sändes i augusti 2011.
Åsa Romson (MP) och Ulf Kristersson (M) debatterar kvinnors ökande sjukfrånvaro i aktuellt den 21 augusti 2013.
Partiledaren Avsnitt 1: Åsa Romson (MP). Del 1 av 8. I kväll intervjuas Miljöpartiets Åsa Romson. Efter en turbulent höst har det politiska landskapet ritats om i grunden och partierna försöker nu utveckla sin roll och politik. Vilka värderingar ligger bakom de politiska besluten och vart vill partierna? Programledare: Camilla Kvartoft.
Riksdagsledamoten Åsa Romson (MP) - ”Osäkrare part att hålla i handen"
Mystery's walking on my head again
In a pattern figure eight
Round a turn cross a path again and again and again
Save communion for the holidays
And keep perception at a safe arms length Does hallelujah wear the same old
face I'm okay yeah okay fine okay
What I really want is
To wrap my arms around Your name
To wrap my arms around Your name
Do all the angels sound the same
To wrap my arms around Your name
To break the cycle cynical
Keeping man inside his head
Wisdom offers up her best advice
And I'll run to her side and ask why and ask why
I'll scrape the bottom 'til I'm good and ready old
And take the cup of kindness while searching for the gold
For the gold for the gold
Tomorrow's filling up like yesterday
Something's constant underneath this place
Shape this prayer to sing with such a grace
For today just today or someday
What I'd really like is
To wrap my arms around Your name
To wrap my arms around Your name
Salvation's forever taking place
To wrap my arms around Your name