Putting something by the door is my SECRET WEAPON. Actually still doesn’t always work

Posted by Lizzie on 03/02/13



preh-pih-DAY-shus, adj.1.

Overreadiness in the face of anxiety. “The night before the marathon, Leonard’s prepidatious state led him to set three alarms and put his sneakers by the door.” See also: Survile (checks repeatedly that a task has been completed); chorder (follows a completed checklist).

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Oh, so temporary!

Posted by Lizzie on 02/21/13


(FRANG-kwull-eh-tee), adj.

1. Calm after the air is cleared. ‘‘Edmund’s brief franquility was shattered when, once he’d confessed to loving Edna, Trish told him she’d spent his bonus on an end table.’’ See also: Frankle (to annoy by telling the truth); wrankles (lines from grudges).

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Posted by Lizzie on 02/11/13

(BURR-thee), adj. 1. A fierce proponent of natural pregnancies. “Dr. Chin was happy to knock her patients out, or use doulas and whirlpools for the bearthier patients.” See also: Pregmatic (makes use of modern technology); pregulate (judge another woman’s choices).

(BURR-thee), adj.
1. A fierce proponent of natural pregnancies. “Dr. Chin was happy to knock her patients out, or use doulas and whirlpools for the bearthier patients.” See also: Pregmatic (makes use of modern technology); pregulate (judge another woman’s choices).

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Posted by Lizzie on 02/03/13

(LAW-STEN-TAY-SHUSS), adj. 1. Overly proud of your downfall. “Irma’s lostentatious husband made a point of triple-dipping tea bags in restaurants years after he got a new job.” Losterity (compulsory downsizing); elostic (adjusting quickly to a downturn).

1. Overly proud of your downfall. “Irma’s lostentatious husband made a point of triple-dipping tea bags in restaurants years after he got a new job.” Losterity (compulsory downsizing); elostic (adjusting quickly to a downturn).

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Posted by Lizzie on 01/27/13

(PA-SHUN-AL-I-TEE), n. 1. Love of a foreign country. “Despite her roommate’s cornflake crunching, Paula expressed her passionality with a scone and BBC Newshour.” See also: Fitizen (tries to seem like a local).

1. Love of a foreign country. “Despite her roommate’s cornflake crunching, Paula expressed her passionality with a scone and BBC Newshour.” See also: Fitizen (tries to seem like a local).

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Posted by Lizzie on 01/20/13

(BOH-HO-MEE-ENN), n., adj. 1. Unconventional or creative living quarters. “Sal was bohemian enough to covet a composting toilet, but he knew filtrated rainwater was as far as Elaine would go.” See also: Homadic (to move frequently).

(BOH-HO-MEE-ENN), n., adj.
1. Unconventional or creative living quarters. “Sal was bohemian enough to covet a composting toilet, but he knew filtrated rainwater was as far as Elaine would go.” See also: Homadic (to move frequently).

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Posted by Lizzie on 01/13/13

(FLAB-SO-LOO-TION), n. 1. The forgiveness for a weight gain. “Helpless before the tin of toffee crunch sitting on her assistant’s desk since Thanksgiving, Claire granted her herself flabsolution.” See also: Thinsufferable (to be able to eat anything).

1. The forgiveness for a weight gain. “Helpless before the tin of toffee crunch sitting on her assistant’s desk since Thanksgiving, Claire granted her herself flabsolution.” See also: Thinsufferable (to be able to eat anything).

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Posted by Lizzie on 01/06/13

(FIJ-IH-TULL), adj. 1. Excessively checking one’s devices. “Victoria grew tired of watching her fidgital fiancé glance at his iPhone every five seconds.” See also: Supdate (food-related status); keybard (a skilled texter).

(FIJ-IH-TULL), adj.
1. Excessively checking one’s devices. “Victoria grew tired of watching her fidgital fiancé glance at his iPhone every five seconds.” See also: Supdate (food-related status); keybard (a skilled texter).

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Posted by Lizzie on 12/23/12

(SPENN-TREE), N. 1. A class that lives beyond its means. “A member of the suburban spentry, Thomas fiddled with his iPad as he worried about the mortgage.” See also: Feenial (to ignore finance charges).

1. A class that lives beyond its means. “A member of the suburban spentry, Thomas fiddled with his iPad as he worried about the mortgage.”
See also: Feenial (to ignore finance charges).

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Posted by Lizzie on 12/16/12

(HISS-STORE-EE-A), ADJ., N. 1. To obsessively document your life. “Clicking photos of her daughters at the Grand Canyon, Jane let her hystoria override her acrophobia.” See also: Sharanoia (fear of overupdating).

1. To obsessively document your life. “Clicking photos of her daughters at the Grand Canyon, Jane let her hystoria override her acrophobia.” See also: Sharanoia (fear of overupdating).

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Posted by Lizzie on 12/09/12

(MELL-ann-hah-lee) 1. Holiday-season blues. “Remembering her mother trimming the tree, Anita was struck with an ineffable melanholly.” See also: Bawliday (tearful moment); Trawliday (seek party invites).

1. Holiday-season blues. “Remembering her mother trimming the tree, Anita was struck with an ineffable melanholly.” See also: Bawliday (tearful moment); Trawliday (seek party invites).

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I was too stardy to make the farmers market today, SIGH

Posted by Lizzie on 12/01/12

Always setting off late. “To show up on time, Gene began telling his stardy wife, Blanche, that parties started an hour earlier than they did.” See also: Chronstant (always on time); reliabail (always cancels).

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Have cut these down to 4 months, TOPS, SOMETIMES

Posted by Lizzie on 11/23/12

FLAG-UH-KNEE, n.1. Guilt over an unanswered e-mail. “Consumed with flagony, Jin stared again at her college roommate’s lengthy update.” See also: sendriloquist (avid forwarder); e-mass (store e-mails in in-box).

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A Very Patriotic That Should Be A Word

Posted by Lizzie on 11/17/12


1. Power gained by coming together. “The northeast faced Hurricane Sandy with wesilience, neighbors helping each other before the storm even hit.” See also: Gleelectricity (joy at your power returning); exuberinse (joy at hot water).

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“Pard” was “Pardner.” My father said this was “Hard.”

Posted by Lizzie on 11/11/12

(SHLEH-purd), n., v.

1. Person burdened with transport. “Until her classmates passed driver’s ed, Portia was the designated shlepard.” See also: Shlepicenter (commuter’s destination).

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Special Election Edition

Posted by Lizzie on 11/04/12


(skam-PAIN), n., v.

1. A deceitful path to election. “The candidate’s speech kept fact-checkers up all night tweeting objections to her scampaign.” See also: Conswervative (tacks left when convenient); fauxialist (liberal in name only).

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I now have power to provide you with an old-school links roundup for #sandy!

Posted by Lizzie on 11/02/12

Yes. I was driven to the blog! A list of the (I hope) helpful, informative, and enraging/funny, depending on your mood.





Mitt Romney and crowd share a nice laugh at rising oceans.
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Dickhead II

Romney remains silent and smiling while confronted by climate change protester. Crowd chants “USA!” Problem solved.

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Linking doesn’t indicate agreement, but I’m interested in this has largely made scientists begin to debate HOW to present climate change, not how to prevent it.


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This Is Not About You. Probably

Posted by Lizzie on 10/28/12

1. To stay married out of a sense of duty. “Four kids and constant bickering had turned Jeanine and Henrique’s romance into mutual martyrmony.” See also: Boudwar dispute originating in bedroom.

At The New York Times Mag!

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I am this sometimes

Posted by Lizzie on 10/13/12

(PUR-suh-NA-ler-GEE), n.

1. An individual who derives their sense of self from a health condition. “Tanya, a flagrant personallergy, repeatedly steered the first-date conversation back to her gluten intolerance.” See also: Hipochondriac (always suspects they have a trendy disease).
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I think there are probably 9,000 good words for this, but I have been reading a lot of historical romance

Posted by Lizzie on 10/06/12

CLAW-stirred, adj.1. The state of being lost after having been put in a safe place. “It took Louise three years to discover her clostered diamond earrings in a paper bag under the sink.” See also: Dumfind (to locate the object).

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