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There Is Only One Way Bernie Sanders Can Win New York Tomorrow

Clinton has the party machine locked up. So Sanders's supporters will need to overwhelm the establishment and swamp the polls.

D.D. Guttenplan

Publishing Industry

Want to Diversify Publishing? Unionize.

Pie charts and hashtags can temporarily embarrass publishers, but the solution may require bringing worker power to bear.

J.C. Pan
Election 2016

Hillary Was Nowhere to Be Seen in the Fight for 15—I Should Know

Hillary’s “support” is welcome, and a sign that our movement has come far, but let’s be clear: She hasn’t always supported a $15 minimum wage. 

Kshama Sawant
Election 2016

Surprise: New York Democrats Like the Democratic Party!

And the Sanders campaign is making enemies with its attacks.

Joan Walsh
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From the Magazine

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Election 2016

This Article Is Not About Donald Trump

And if you believe that, you’ll believe anything.

Tom Engelhardt

A Voter’s Guide to Hillary Clinton’s Policies in Latin America

Support for coup regimes, militarization and privatization, trade deals that wreak economic havoc—they reveal the failure of Clintonism.

Greg Grandin

Bernie Sanders Went to Rome to Discuss the Immorality of Unfettered Capitalism

Here’s the full text of the speech he delivered at the Vatican.

John Nichols

Watch and Listen

Listen: There Goes the Neighborhood, Episode 6: Trickery, Fraud, and Deception in Brooklyn

In the wild world of Brooklyn real estate, developers looking to cash in don’t always play by the rules.

April 13, 2016

Listen: Start Making Sense: What Kind of President Would Donald Trump Be?

Sasha Abramsky on Trump, Andrew Cockburn on the Election-Industrial Complex, Erin Aubrey Kaplan on Obama, and Noam Chomsky on baseball.

March 31, 2016
March 18, 2016
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Voting Rights

A Black Man Brought 3 Forms of ID to the Polls in Wisconsin. He Still Couldn’t Vote.

Now Eddie Lee Holloway is suing—and a federal court just agreed with him.

Ari Berman

We Need to Build a Voting-Rights Movement

The time has come to translate widespread outrage about voter suppression into momentum for an actionable voting-rights agenda.

Rep. John Conyers and Barbara Arnwine

Clinton and Sanders Sue Arizona Over 5-Hour Lines in the March Primary

Arizona’s election problems showed the disastrous consequences of gutting the Voting Rights Act.

Ari Berman

Books & the Arts

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Demand That President Obama End Fracking on Public Lands

A continuation of the practice could have a disastrous effect on our climate.

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