
Many Faiths, One World

Many people live with faith or spirituality of some sort, whether they practice Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Shinto, Taoism, Spiritualism (living a spiritual life without an affiliation to an organized religion or a definitive higher power), or any other faith or spirituality that drives an individual. While many of the specific practices of each of these faiths may differ from one another, while the texts may offer unique fables that adhere to that particular faith, and while the traditions may differ from faith to faith, there is one thing they all have in common: they uphold values to be moral, ethical, empathetic, loving, and giving.

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Multifaith Works was created on the principle that while every faith has something different to offer individuals as far as spirituality goes, the values that each faith upholds can bring people together to do good in this world. So much violence, intolerance, hatred, and isolation has occurred as the result of creating a division between faiths, race, age, or culture. But it doesn’t have to be this way if we realize that we are all human and that we all uphold the same positive values. We need to work together to uphold these positive values and to do something meaningful for our community while celebrating our diversities.

What is Multifaith Works?

Multifaith works is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing emotional support to people living with life-threatening illnesses, creating sustainable friendships for people living in isolation due to illness, and supporting people living with life-threatening illnesses through low-cost housing. The purpose behind Multifaith Works is to combine the faith and values that so many individuals uphold in order to create a collective effort towards the greater good. The efforts of Multifaith Works helps to provide support for people living with:

  • AIDS
  • Those recovering from substance abuse and addiction in the LGBTQ community
  • MS
  • ALS
  • Cancer
  • Other life-threatening illnesses

The mission statement of Multifaith Works is:

Multifaith Works unites communities of compassionate care and inclusive spirituality with people living in isolation and loneliness.  

Many individuals living with a life-threatening illness tend to feel excluded and isolated from society and their community. For particular illnesses, such as addiction and AIDS, there are some negative stereotypes from society such as their illness was caused from sexual activities, drug use, or lack of discipline, causing an individual to feel the need to shut in. No one, no matter what the illness is, should feel the need to isolate themselves from society.  Our team of volunteers in multiple programs provide committed services to help support, uplift, and empower clients in a non-judgmental and comforting manner.

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More can be read about the values and inspiration behind Multifaith Works here.

Our Programs

Multifaith Works offers many great programs that people can volunteer for and that clients can use as a valuable resource. Our volunteers are people who want to come together based on shared values with the purpose of assisting those in need. Additionally, Multifaith Works is connected with other organizations that share the values of helping those with life-threatening illnesses. With a combined effort of the programs offered through Multifaith Works, our volunteers, and other organizations, we aim to create a community that people can thrive in.

The programs supported through Multifaith Works include:

Shanti Program:

Shanti is a Sanskrit word, meaning inner peace through understanding. The Shanti Program offered through Multifaith Works provides emotional support to residents with life-threatening illnesses and their families in hospice or skilled nursing facilities. Support is offered one-on-one and is completely confidential so that clients can feel they can open up safely.

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More can be read about the Shanti Program. If you’re interested in volunteering for the Shanti Program, check out great Volunteer Opportunities and how you can get involved or read about the amazing Experiences of some of our Shanti Program volunteers!

Care Team Program:

We understand that righting through illness can be a lonely and isolated period. Many of those with life-threatening illnesses may isolate themselves because of the debilitating side effects of their illness or out of fear of judgment. Our Care Team Program offers opportunities for our volunteers to strike up sustainable and meaningful friendships for those living in isolation.

Our Care Team volunteers come from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, from university students, to professionals, to people in the health care industry. Their ages range from 16-65. All our volunteers come from a variety of faiths. When working with clients, Care Team volunteers do not preach their faiths or lifestyles, but create meaningful relationships with clients with non-judgmental and compassionate support.

Check out more information on the Care Team Program!

Housing Program:

Multifaith Works has a variety of low-cost independent housing community opportunities for those living with AIDS. By living with others who understand the hardships of living with a life-threatening illness and having compassionate volunteers at the houses, the Housing program aims to offer dignity and a higher quality of life.

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We offer a variety of houses, as well as housing opportunities for Spanish speaking clients. Check out the Housing Program further to learn about each of the houses and how to qualify to move into one of the homes.

SHIFT: Peer Recovery Network

SHIFT provides support and guidance for individuals in the LGBTQ community who are struggling with substance abuse and addiction or who are recovering form addiction. Addiction is a very serious illness and can prove to be life-threatening for many individuals. Addiction is not as readily accepted as an illness in society, providing a challenge for those attempting recovery, which is why SHIFT offers a supportive program to help those on their way to recovery. Volunteers in SHIFT demonstrate excellent leadership skills so that they may create a safe space for those on the journey to recovery, especially for individuals who may feel loneliness, anxiety, fear, or depression.

More can be read about the services offered through SHIFT: Peer Recovery Network!

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Get Involved Today!

Multifaith Works has lots of GREAT volunteer opportunities for those who want to make a difference in their community! Want to know what you can do to get involved? Multifaith Works is always seeking out:

  • Volunteers to participate in the Shanti Program.
  • Volunteers for our AIDS CareTeams.
  • Housing Volunteers.
  • Moving Volunteers to aid with clients moving into the Housing Program.
  • Volunteer Office and Special Events Coordinators.
  • Volunteer Fundraising and Marketing Coordinators.
  • Financial support, unwanted cars, and unwanted houses!

Learn more how you can get Involved in volunteer work, Support our mission, or Contact one of our board members today!! Can’t commit to regular volunteer work? That’s okay, check out our Upcoming Events and get involved any time you can!

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