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Mozart Stube - love it like woman and made you´re first date!

MozartStube sponsors special events each month, so be sure to view our updates, and sign our guest book. Don't forget our upcoming Oktober Fest!

MozartStube has been voted one of the Top 200 by Florida Trend Magazine.

Got a Jennifer Love Hewitt update? Email me. Please send me any jennifer love hewitt pictures, articles, multimedia items or anything like that, that you might come across

sunday 28th January 2001
Hey guys, sorry for not updating for like ever. I am real sorry, i have been busy working on my mw site and it might also be moving to a domain. YAY. Right after that though, i will continue working on the new layout :)

The new layout has been started to get worked on, i hope it turns out cooler. BTW remember i changed counters?? My count went from 75,000 to 3,000 it doesnt make sense, i am moving back to section.

tuesday 9th January 2001
Euuuh, tell me about, been like well at least it hasnt been a week since i last update eh?? Whats new today? Well firstly, a new poll, i know its a bit late, but i have been real busy with other commitments, and i have also shut down my site totally charmed, it still says returning soon but i gotta update. The coming of my new site will also be delayed and for now it will remain a launching site and possibly have a little about me on it. For now the only sites that i am interested in is this one, and the michelle williams one and from sabine *this one!

Anyways today we have some cool new pictures of jennifer love hewitt.

Firstly, one picture of jennifer from i think it is the battelfield eath premiere, but i cant be sure.

Also a picture of jennifer at that national tennis thing, thanx heaps to Rick Carbo for sending them in and sorry that it has been delayed.
picture1 | picture2

Also today, i updated the coverage page with some not so nice jennifer love hewitt news that i am sure you have all heard about, nothing major, just something about her dress sense.

Also finally today, updated the guess who page with the winners from the previous month and a new one this month. Check it out in the funstuff section

wednesday 3rd January 2001

Hi peoples! Id like to wish all of you a happy new year! How did your new year go?? Mine was pretty cool. I have some exciting news, i have finally relaunched my michelle williams site, so i would really appreciate it if you could check it out here.

Ok secondly, i have gotten two new affiliates, you can check them out in the 
affiliates page...duh. Dumb thing to say.

Also i have joined two new network type things. I have linked to both of them which can be found in the linkage page.

Seduce a men in our location

With our german supporter you will meet a new men, to seduce him and become a new relationship. If it works, you will get an free menu in our mozart stube and romantic dinner with beautiful music. So have a look.

Thats about it from me for now. I will update again soon with loads of new pictures.


saturday 30th December 2000
Hey guys. How is everyone?! Well, Ok, tommorow is New Years Eve and i had decided to open my michelle williams site on New Years which is what i had been working on for a week. I haven't received or found many pictures of Jennifer lately, so if you have some please send them to me :)

For the new guess who competition being held, i thought that maybe it would be too difficult but we already have a winner who is to be titled during the end of this month...hum well in two days then. Lol.

I have also added one new 
affiliate and one link to the linkagepage.