Speech 4- James Bonsack, invented cigarette rolling machine
Say NO to the Bonsack Cell Tower!
Say NO to the Bonsack Cell Tower!
Say NO to the Bonsack Cell Tower!
Bonsack Road is approximately one mile long beginning and ending on Route 460 which also goes by the name of Challenger Avenue. The historical town of Bonsack took it's name from James Albert Bonsack (1859 - 1924) who was famous for his invention of the first cigarette rolling machine which he patented and won a $75,000 prize for his invention. It increased the production of rolled cigarettes from 6 per minute to 200 per minute. Bonsack was a student at Roanoke College when he learned of the contest. The first machine he put together was stored in a barn in Lynchburg and was destroyed by fire. His second machine was a success and in 1
The Cigarette machine: the invention with the greatest economic impact?
The Cigarette machine: the invention with the greatest economic impact?
The Cigarette machine: the invention with the greatest economic impact?
Bill nominates, perhaps only provocatively, James Bosnack's cigarette machine as the invention with the greatest economic impact on the 20th century. Cigaret...
The Bonsack Machine at The Empress Hotel
The Bonsack Machine at The Empress Hotel
The Bonsack Machine at The Empress Hotel
The Bonsack Machine at The Empress Hotel, Melbourne, 20th October 2013.
Songs - Yuri & The Long Dance
Projection images by Fritz Lang
Bonsack Clips
Bonsack Clips
Bonsack Clips
just some clips i put together
"15" - Pre Production: Props!
"15" - Pre Production: Props!
"15" - Pre Production: Props!
In the not too distant future, a dystopian society controls its citizens by implanting a chip into the frontal lobe of their brain. When two un-chipped orphaned twins receive a letter from their thought-to-be dead father, they must uncover the truth about the country on their quest to save him and the nation.
*Kennedy Hermansen - IMDb Page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4530107/
Director: Jake Mercier
Writer: Jake Mercier
Producer: Keith Duncan, Martha Duncan, David Mercier, Kennedy Hermansen
DP: Nic James
Editor: Jake Mercier, Bradford Bonsack
Assistant Director: Shayan Pashaei, Sarah K
Guilherme Jabur faz um pequeno teatro com a peça MONOLOGO DO CIGARRO(alerta ao fumante)
Guilherme Jabur faz um pequeno teatro com a peça MONOLOGO DO CIGARRO(alerta ao fumante)
Guilherme Jabur faz um pequeno teatro com a peça MONOLOGO DO CIGARRO(alerta ao fumante)
é uma adaptação minha sobre uma piada contada na tv pelo jornalista carlos viana. aí adaptei em uma peça com monologo como se fosse em um teatro. em primeiro...
Im bored... so I think i'll upload this
Im bored... so I think i'll upload this
Im bored... so I think i'll upload this
Tobacco smoking is a practice which has changed little since American natives first stuffed the tobacco they cultivated in the hills of what is today modern ...
2009May QandUWedding
2009May QandUWedding
2009May QandUWedding
Bonsack Elementary (Roanoke VA) Preview of the Q & U Wedding presented by the Kindergarten Class Delaneys teacher Mrs Wickstrom Here is a preview of Delaney ...
BACCALAUREATE with BEN and ELAINA singing "By Your Side"
BACCALAUREATE with BEN and ELAINA singing "By Your Side"
BACCALAUREATE with BEN and ELAINA singing "By Your Side"
Lord Botetourt High School Baccalaureate Service at Bonsack Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA, Sunday, June 9, 2013 with Ben Quirin & Elaina Prillaman singing Tent...
BACCALAUREATE with KATRINA and MEGAN singing "Pie Jeus" by Weber
BACCALAUREATE with KATRINA and MEGAN singing "Pie Jeus" by Weber
BACCALAUREATE with KATRINA and MEGAN singing "Pie Jeus" by Weber
Lord Botetourt High School Baccalaureate Service at Bonsack Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA, Sunday, June 9, 2013 with Katrina Weirup and Megan Kingery singing Weber's "Pie Jeus".
Immersed in concert @ Bonsack Baptist Church in Roanoke Va, singing I Will Not Be Moved by Natalie Grant. November 6, 2011.
LCC Airbands 2011: Prom
LCC Airbands 2011: Prom
LCC Airbands 2011: Prom
Airbands 2011 Choreographed by Jenna Maffucci Dancers: Jenna Maffucci Martha Grimes Maddy Finnerty Ali Madurowicz Dana Bonsack Jessie Thorell Samie Gilford G...
"See That Star!" by Victor Johnson - BUMC Christmas Cantata 2013
"See That Star!" by Victor Johnson - BUMC Christmas Cantata 2013
"See That Star!" by Victor Johnson - BUMC Christmas Cantata 2013
"See That Star!"
Words and Music by Victor Johnson
Bonsack United Methodist Church
Christmas Cantata 2013
Speech 4- James Bonsack, invented cigarette rolling machine
Say NO to the Bonsack Cell Tower!
Say NO to the Bonsack Cell Tower!
Say NO to the Bonsack Cell Tower!
Bonsack Road is approximately one mile long beginning and ending on Route 460 which also goes by the name of Challenger Avenue. The historical town of Bonsack took it's name from James Albert Bonsack (1859 - 1924) who was famous for his invention of the first cigarette rolling machine which he patented and won a $75,000 prize for his invention. It increased the production of rolled cigarettes from 6 per minute to 200 per minute. Bonsack was a student at Roanoke College when he learned of the contest. The first machine he put together was stored in a barn in Lynchburg and was destroyed by fire. His second machine was a success and in 1
The Cigarette machine: the invention with the greatest economic impact?
The Cigarette machine: the invention with the greatest economic impact?
The Cigarette machine: the invention with the greatest economic impact?
Bill nominates, perhaps only provocatively, James Bosnack's cigarette machine as the invention with the greatest economic impact on the 20th century. Cigaret...
The Bonsack Machine at The Empress Hotel
The Bonsack Machine at The Empress Hotel
The Bonsack Machine at The Empress Hotel
The Bonsack Machine at The Empress Hotel, Melbourne, 20th October 2013.
Songs - Yuri & The Long Dance
Projection images by Fritz Lang
Bonsack Clips
Bonsack Clips
Bonsack Clips
just some clips i put together
"15" - Pre Production: Props!
"15" - Pre Production: Props!
"15" - Pre Production: Props!
In the not too distant future, a dystopian society controls its citizens by implanting a chip into the frontal lobe of their brain. When two un-chipped orphaned twins receive a letter from their thought-to-be dead father, they must uncover the truth about the country on their quest to save him and the nation.
*Kennedy Hermansen - IMDb Page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4530107/
Director: Jake Mercier
Writer: Jake Mercier
Producer: Keith Duncan, Martha Duncan, David Mercier, Kennedy Hermansen
DP: Nic James
Editor: Jake Mercier, Bradford Bonsack
Assistant Director: Shayan Pashaei, Sarah K
Guilherme Jabur faz um pequeno teatro com a peça MONOLOGO DO CIGARRO(alerta ao fumante)
Guilherme Jabur faz um pequeno teatro com a peça MONOLOGO DO CIGARRO(alerta ao fumante)
Guilherme Jabur faz um pequeno teatro com a peça MONOLOGO DO CIGARRO(alerta ao fumante)
é uma adaptação minha sobre uma piada contada na tv pelo jornalista carlos viana. aí adaptei em uma peça com monologo como se fosse em um teatro. em primeiro...
Im bored... so I think i'll upload this
Im bored... so I think i'll upload this
Im bored... so I think i'll upload this
Tobacco smoking is a practice which has changed little since American natives first stuffed the tobacco they cultivated in the hills of what is today modern ...
2009May QandUWedding
2009May QandUWedding
2009May QandUWedding
Bonsack Elementary (Roanoke VA) Preview of the Q & U Wedding presented by the Kindergarten Class Delaneys teacher Mrs Wickstrom Here is a preview of Delaney ...
BACCALAUREATE with BEN and ELAINA singing "By Your Side"
BACCALAUREATE with BEN and ELAINA singing "By Your Side"
BACCALAUREATE with BEN and ELAINA singing "By Your Side"
Lord Botetourt High School Baccalaureate Service at Bonsack Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA, Sunday, June 9, 2013 with Ben Quirin & Elaina Prillaman singing Tent...
BACCALAUREATE with KATRINA and MEGAN singing "Pie Jeus" by Weber
BACCALAUREATE with KATRINA and MEGAN singing "Pie Jeus" by Weber
BACCALAUREATE with KATRINA and MEGAN singing "Pie Jeus" by Weber
Lord Botetourt High School Baccalaureate Service at Bonsack Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA, Sunday, June 9, 2013 with Katrina Weirup and Megan Kingery singing Weber's "Pie Jeus".
Immersed in concert @ Bonsack Baptist Church in Roanoke Va, singing I Will Not Be Moved by Natalie Grant. November 6, 2011.
LCC Airbands 2011: Prom
LCC Airbands 2011: Prom
LCC Airbands 2011: Prom
Airbands 2011 Choreographed by Jenna Maffucci Dancers: Jenna Maffucci Martha Grimes Maddy Finnerty Ali Madurowicz Dana Bonsack Jessie Thorell Samie Gilford G...
"See That Star!" by Victor Johnson - BUMC Christmas Cantata 2013
"See That Star!" by Victor Johnson - BUMC Christmas Cantata 2013
"See That Star!" by Victor Johnson - BUMC Christmas Cantata 2013
"See That Star!"
Words and Music by Victor Johnson
Bonsack United Methodist Church
Christmas Cantata 2013
The Summit Church Lip Sync Battle: James vs Bryce
The Summit Church Lip Sync Battle: James vs Bryce
The Summit Church Lip Sync Battle: James vs Bryce
Our Lip Sync Battle from Week 1 of the "Sync" Series
James: "Just A Girl" - No Doubt
Bryce: "Single Ladies" - Beyonce
Collingswood versus Bordentown 152lbs 12-31-09
Collingswood versus Bordentown 152lbs 12-31-09
Collingswood versus Bordentown 152lbs 12-31-09
James Plianthos (Collingswood, blue singlet) wins against Evan Gibson (Bordentown, yellow singlet) at 152 lbs with a score or 3-2.
Welcome to Twin River Outfitters!
Welcome to Twin River Outfitters!
Welcome to Twin River Outfitters!
Visit www.canoevirginia.net for all your James River canoeing, kayaking, tubing and fishing needs! Filmed entirely using DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ 1080P 30FPS. C...
Bethlehem Baptist Church - Rev. Daniel Grey
Bethlehem Baptist Church - Rev. Daniel Grey
Bethlehem Baptist Church - Rev. Daniel Grey
Bethlehem Baptist Church, 3017 Ivyland Drive, Roanoke, VA 24014. Rev. James R. Calloway, Pastor
Dink's Song (trad. ukelele cover)
Dink's Song (trad. ukelele cover)
Dink's Song (trad. ukelele cover)
Somehow I managed to make a video of even poorer quality than the last. After running through the song a few times I kind of forgot I needed to be in camera, which resulted in the best take being poorly lit and stupidly positioned. Oh well.
Dink's Song is a traditional song first collected by Alan Lomax, and best known from interpretations by Dave Van Ronk and its recent appearance in the Inside Lleweyn Davis film soundtrack. My interpretation is based most closely on a version by Bob Dylan.
In true folk tradition, I've rewritten the lyrics slightly, as the original is sung from the point of view of the woman. Changing to the male's point
Introducing Cigarettes
Introducing Cigarettes
Introducing Cigarettes
This video is my first speech for my online Blinn Speech class. It officially starts at 00:30 and ends at 08:00. I did go over the limited time by a 01:30. So for grading purposes the speech technically ends at 06:30.
12/13/2013 7:30pm, "Our King Has Come"
12/13/2013 7:30pm, "Our King Has Come"
12/13/2013 7:30pm, "Our King Has Come"
Valley Word Church Choral Ensemble
Valley Word Church Choral Ensemble
Valley Word Church Choral Ensemble
We were blessed to participate in a multi-faith Praise and Worship service hosted by Pilgrim Baptist Church in Roanoke, VA. This was the first outside perfor...
US Army - why we fight
US Army - why we fight
US Army - why we fight
He may have been the ultimate icon of 1950s conformity and postwar complacency, but Dwight D. Eisenhower was an iconoclast, visionary, and the Cassandra of t...
Bonsack Road is approximately one mile long beginning and ending on Route 460 which also goes by the name of Challenger Avenue. The historical town of Bonsack took it's name from James Albert Bonsack (1859 - 1924) who was famous for his invention of the first cigarette rolling machine which he patented and won a $75,000 prize for his invention. It increased the production of rolled cigarettes from 6 per minute to 200 per minute. Bonsack was a student at Roanoke College when he learned of the contest. The first machine he put together was stored in a barn in Lynchburg and was destroyed by fire. His second machine was a success and in 1880 at the age of 21 he became a successful young man. Needless to say, he never went back to college.
I have recently learned of the proposed cell tower at Bonsack Road. I understand that this is a commercially zoned property and therefore it is within legally zoning laws that a tower be built. However this location is nestled between residential properties on all sides. Both left and right are homes behind this property more homes and a neighborhood. In fact there are no other commercial businesses on this road. The erection of this cell tower will pose many threats to these residential properties. There is a strong possibility that our property values will most likely decline up to 20% from the moment this is built. I'm also concerned about the view shed being disturbed as the tower would be visible from all of my neighbors rooms and especially from the homes of those on the Western side of 460.
There is significant data on the stability of cell towers. 195 feet of steel erected in a cell tower has before and certainly could in the future be subject to high windstorms or simple failure of stability and fall to the ground in whole or pieces. Several summers ago our community suffered through a Derecho which most certainly would have compromised this structures integrity. This has the ability to affect at least four homes and families in our community based on its very close proximity to other houses. This cell tower is being erected on only 1 acre of land with a 70 x 70 ft base. This is literally yards from neighboring property.
In driving around this community and in the one mile range of 460 I am able to locate at least four plausible alternative sites for this cell tower. All of these sites are zoned commercial and none are in as close proximity of houses and residential communities as is this proposed site. I feel there are many better options this company has yet to explore which would be less likely to negatively affect the members of this community. While talking with my neighbors, and through a poll on Facebook, I find no one who is losing their cell phone service. I can not understand why additional cell service is needed here. If the reason for the cell tower is just to increase the broadband signal at our expense, I do not understand it. I do understand Magnotti's monetary gain of $1,300 per month from AT&T; with other potential cell phone companies hooking on with additional rent potential, It should not be at the expense of the Bonsack community.
A cell tower at the Bonsack Road Magnotti's location is a poor location for such a structure and the permit should therefore be denied. I feel the reasons above substantiate this in addition to other reasons not mentioned above such as potential health concerns and aesthetics of the structure. Please take this in consideration and choose to deny this permit.
I am attaching photographs of what our view shed looks like from the 195 ft. Height as well as what what it might look like if the tower were on that spot of land. Thank you for your consideration. We are a proud little historical community (circa 1801) and we were Bonsack, VA before Big Lick became the city of Roanoke.
Bonsack Road is approximately one mile long beginning and ending on Route 460 which also goes by the name of Challenger Avenue. The historical town of Bonsack took it's name from James Albert Bonsack (1859 - 1924) who was famous for his invention of the first cigarette rolling machine which he patented and won a $75,000 prize for his invention. It increased the production of rolled cigarettes from 6 per minute to 200 per minute. Bonsack was a student at Roanoke College when he learned of the contest. The first machine he put together was stored in a barn in Lynchburg and was destroyed by fire. His second machine was a success and in 1880 at the age of 21 he became a successful young man. Needless to say, he never went back to college.
I have recently learned of the proposed cell tower at Bonsack Road. I understand that this is a commercially zoned property and therefore it is within legally zoning laws that a tower be built. However this location is nestled between residential properties on all sides. Both left and right are homes behind this property more homes and a neighborhood. In fact there are no other commercial businesses on this road. The erection of this cell tower will pose many threats to these residential properties. There is a strong possibility that our property values will most likely decline up to 20% from the moment this is built. I'm also concerned about the view shed being disturbed as the tower would be visible from all of my neighbors rooms and especially from the homes of those on the Western side of 460.
There is significant data on the stability of cell towers. 195 feet of steel erected in a cell tower has before and certainly could in the future be subject to high windstorms or simple failure of stability and fall to the ground in whole or pieces. Several summers ago our community suffered through a Derecho which most certainly would have compromised this structures integrity. This has the ability to affect at least four homes and families in our community based on its very close proximity to other houses. This cell tower is being erected on only 1 acre of land with a 70 x 70 ft base. This is literally yards from neighboring property.
In driving around this community and in the one mile range of 460 I am able to locate at least four plausible alternative sites for this cell tower. All of these sites are zoned commercial and none are in as close proximity of houses and residential communities as is this proposed site. I feel there are many better options this company has yet to explore which would be less likely to negatively affect the members of this community. While talking with my neighbors, and through a poll on Facebook, I find no one who is losing their cell phone service. I can not understand why additional cell service is needed here. If the reason for the cell tower is just to increase the broadband signal at our expense, I do not understand it. I do understand Magnotti's monetary gain of $1,300 per month from AT&T; with other potential cell phone companies hooking on with additional rent potential, It should not be at the expense of the Bonsack community.
A cell tower at the Bonsack Road Magnotti's location is a poor location for such a structure and the permit should therefore be denied. I feel the reasons above substantiate this in addition to other reasons not mentioned above such as potential health concerns and aesthetics of the structure. Please take this in consideration and choose to deny this permit.
I am attaching photographs of what our view shed looks like from the 195 ft. Height as well as what what it might look like if the tower were on that spot of land. Thank you for your consideration. We are a proud little historical community (circa 1801) and we were Bonsack, VA before Big Lick became the city of Roanoke.
published:23 Dec 2014
The Cigarette machine: the invention with the greatest economic impact?
Bill nominates, perhaps only provocatively, James Bosnack's cigarette machine as the invention with the greatest economic impact on the 20th century. Cigaret...
Bill nominates, perhaps only provocatively, James Bosnack's cigarette machine as the invention with the greatest economic impact on the 20th century. Cigaret...
In the not too distant future, a dystopian society controls its citizens by implanting a chip into the frontal lobe of their brain. When two un-chipped orphaned twins receive a letter from their thought-to-be dead father, they must uncover the truth about the country on their quest to save him and the nation.
*Kennedy Hermansen - IMDb Page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4530107/
Director: Jake Mercier
Writer: Jake Mercier
Producer: Keith Duncan, Martha Duncan, David Mercier, Kennedy Hermansen
DP: Nic James
Editor: Jake Mercier, Bradford Bonsack
Assistant Director: Shayan Pashaei, Sarah Kushner, Bradford Bonsack
Casting Director: Dee Ann Vernon, Kennedy Hermansen
On set photographer: Danielle Ellis
Camera operator: Aaron Cappotelli, Adam Johnson, Rhodes Miller
Gaffer: Bradford Bonsack, Rhodes Miller
Audio: Bradford Bonsack, Rhodes Miller
Props: Rhodes Miller, Alex Kroeker
Costumes and Makeup: Monica Hermansen, Angie James
In the not too distant future, a dystopian society controls its citizens by implanting a chip into the frontal lobe of their brain. When two un-chipped orphaned twins receive a letter from their thought-to-be dead father, they must uncover the truth about the country on their quest to save him and the nation.
*Kennedy Hermansen - IMDb Page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4530107/
Director: Jake Mercier
Writer: Jake Mercier
Producer: Keith Duncan, Martha Duncan, David Mercier, Kennedy Hermansen
DP: Nic James
Editor: Jake Mercier, Bradford Bonsack
Assistant Director: Shayan Pashaei, Sarah Kushner, Bradford Bonsack
Casting Director: Dee Ann Vernon, Kennedy Hermansen
On set photographer: Danielle Ellis
Camera operator: Aaron Cappotelli, Adam Johnson, Rhodes Miller
Gaffer: Bradford Bonsack, Rhodes Miller
Audio: Bradford Bonsack, Rhodes Miller
Props: Rhodes Miller, Alex Kroeker
Costumes and Makeup: Monica Hermansen, Angie James
published:23 May 2014
Guilherme Jabur faz um pequeno teatro com a peça MONOLOGO DO CIGARRO(alerta ao fumante)
é uma adaptação minha sobre uma piada contada na tv pelo jornalista carlos viana. aí adaptei em uma peça com monologo como se fosse em um teatro. em primeiro...
é uma adaptação minha sobre uma piada contada na tv pelo jornalista carlos viana. aí adaptei em uma peça com monologo como se fosse em um teatro. em primeiro...
Tobacco smoking is a practice which has changed little since American natives first stuffed the tobacco they cultivated in the hills of what is today modern ...
Tobacco smoking is a practice which has changed little since American natives first stuffed the tobacco they cultivated in the hills of what is today modern ...
Bonsack Elementary (Roanoke VA) Preview of the Q & U Wedding presented by the Kindergarten Class Delaneys teacher Mrs Wickstrom Here is a preview of Delaney ...
Bonsack Elementary (Roanoke VA) Preview of the Q & U Wedding presented by the Kindergarten Class Delaneys teacher Mrs Wickstrom Here is a preview of Delaney ...
Lord Botetourt High School Baccalaureate Service at Bonsack Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA, Sunday, June 9, 2013 with Ben Quirin & Elaina Prillaman singing Tent...
Lord Botetourt High School Baccalaureate Service at Bonsack Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA, Sunday, June 9, 2013 with Ben Quirin & Elaina Prillaman singing Tent...
Lord Botetourt High School Baccalaureate Service at Bonsack Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA, Sunday, June 9, 2013 with Katrina Weirup and Megan Kingery singing Weber's "Pie Jeus".
Lord Botetourt High School Baccalaureate Service at Bonsack Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA, Sunday, June 9, 2013 with Katrina Weirup and Megan Kingery singing Weber's "Pie Jeus".
Visit www.canoevirginia.net for all your James River canoeing, kayaking, tubing and fishing needs! Filmed entirely using DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ 1080P 30FPS. C...
Visit www.canoevirginia.net for all your James River canoeing, kayaking, tubing and fishing needs! Filmed entirely using DJI Phantom 2 Vision+ 1080P 30FPS. C...
Somehow I managed to make a video of even poorer quality than the last. After running through the song a few times I kind of forgot I needed to be in camera, which resulted in the best take being poorly lit and stupidly positioned. Oh well.
Dink's Song is a traditional song first collected by Alan Lomax, and best known from interpretations by Dave Van Ronk and its recent appearance in the Inside Lleweyn Davis film soundtrack. My interpretation is based most closely on a version by Bob Dylan.
In true folk tradition, I've rewritten the lyrics slightly, as the original is sung from the point of view of the woman. Changing to the male's point of view resulted in an interesting new perspective on the whole song, making it instead a song of lost love but rather of betrayal, lyrics as follows:
Dink's Song
If I had wings, like Noah's dove
I'd fly up the river, to the girl I love
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
But there's a man, and he's long and tall
He's got a body like a cannonball
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
It was one evening, in the cold, black rain
That my heart, turned to a sea of pain
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
A low apron, that night you wore
The night I saw you, in another man's door
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
So you'd better keep your apron high
For if I ever see you passing by
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
The muddy river, runs muddy and high
Deep enough, for the drowned to lie
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
So show me a bird, flying high above
There's no life living, without the one you love
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
Somehow I managed to make a video of even poorer quality than the last. After running through the song a few times I kind of forgot I needed to be in camera, which resulted in the best take being poorly lit and stupidly positioned. Oh well.
Dink's Song is a traditional song first collected by Alan Lomax, and best known from interpretations by Dave Van Ronk and its recent appearance in the Inside Lleweyn Davis film soundtrack. My interpretation is based most closely on a version by Bob Dylan.
In true folk tradition, I've rewritten the lyrics slightly, as the original is sung from the point of view of the woman. Changing to the male's point of view resulted in an interesting new perspective on the whole song, making it instead a song of lost love but rather of betrayal, lyrics as follows:
Dink's Song
If I had wings, like Noah's dove
I'd fly up the river, to the girl I love
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
But there's a man, and he's long and tall
He's got a body like a cannonball
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
It was one evening, in the cold, black rain
That my heart, turned to a sea of pain
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
A low apron, that night you wore
The night I saw you, in another man's door
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
So you'd better keep your apron high
For if I ever see you passing by
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
The muddy river, runs muddy and high
Deep enough, for the drowned to lie
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
So show me a bird, flying high above
There's no life living, without the one you love
Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well
This video is my first speech for my online Blinn Speech class. It officially starts at 00:30 and ends at 08:00. I did go over the limited time by a 01:30. So for grading purposes the speech technically ends at 06:30.
This video is my first speech for my online Blinn Speech class. It officially starts at 00:30 and ends at 08:00. I did go over the limited time by a 01:30. So for grading purposes the speech technically ends at 06:30.
We were blessed to participate in a multi-faith Praise and Worship service hosted by Pilgrim Baptist Church in Roanoke, VA. This was the first outside perfor...
We were blessed to participate in a multi-faith Praise and Worship service hosted by Pilgrim Baptist Church in Roanoke, VA. This was the first outside perfor...
He may have been the ultimate icon of 1950s conformity and postwar complacency, but Dwight D. Eisenhower was an iconoclast, visionary, and the Cassandra of t...
He may have been the ultimate icon of 1950s conformity and postwar complacency, but Dwight D. Eisenhower was an iconoclast, visionary, and the Cassandra of t...
Pastor Santosh Baraily - 2 Feb 2014 - Nepali Church of Roanoke
Pastor Santosh Baraily - 2 Feb 2014 - Nepali Church of Roanoke
Pastor Santosh Baraily - 2 Feb 2014 - Nepali Church of Roanoke
Pastor Santosh Baraily speaking at the Nepali Church of Roanoke, 608 Campbell Ave SW, Roanoke, VA 24016
All About - Cigarette (Extended)
All About - Cigarette (Extended)
All About - Cigarette (Extended)
What is Cigarette?
A documentary report all about Cigarette for the blind and visually impaired or for homework/assignment.
A cigarette is a small cylinder of finely cut tobacco leaves rolled in thin paper for smoking. The cigarette is ignited at one end and allowed to smoulder; its smoke is inhaled from the other end, which is held in or to the mouth; in some cases a cigarette holder may be used as well. Most modern manufactured cigarettes (also called "ready rolls") are filtered and include reconstituted tobacco and other additives.
Intro/Outro music:
Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Pastor Santosh Baraily - 2 Feb 2014 - Nepali Church of Roanoke
What is Cigarette?
A documentary report all about Cigarette for the blind and visually impaired or for homework/assignment.
A cigarette is a small cylinder of finely cut tobacco leaves rolled in thin paper for smoking. The cigarette is ignited at one end and allowed to smoulder; its smoke is inhaled from the other end, which is held in or to the mouth; in some cases a cigarette holder may be used as well. Most modern manufactured cigarettes (also called "ready rolls") are filtered and include reconstituted tobacco and other additives.
Intro/Outro music:
Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under CC-BY-3.0
Text derived from:
Text to Speech powered by tts-api.com
Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0:
Cigarette-s_x.jpeg from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cigarette-s_x.jpeg
Marlboro4wiki2.JPG from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette
220px-Cigarettecounter_pd.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette
Cigarettes_brazil.JPG from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_packaging_warning_messages
Cigarette_smoking.jpg from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cigarette_smoking.jpg
Buttout.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette
Cigarette_holder.png from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette_holder
220px-Zwei_zigaretten.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette
220px-Cigarettefiltar.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette_filter
Newport_cigarettes.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newport_(cigarette)
What is Cigarette?
A documentary report all about Cigarette for the blind and visually impaired or for homework/assignment.
A cigarette is a small cylinder of finely cut tobacco leaves rolled in thin paper for smoking. The cigarette is ignited at one end and allowed to smoulder; its smoke is inhaled from the other end, which is held in or to the mouth; in some cases a cigarette holder may be used as well. Most modern manufactured cigarettes (also called "ready rolls") are filtered and include reconstituted tobacco and other additives.
Intro/Outro music:
Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under CC-BY-3.0
Text derived from:
Text to Speech powered by tts-api.com
Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0:
Cigarette-s_x.jpeg from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cigarette-s_x.jpeg
Marlboro4wiki2.JPG from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette
220px-Cigarettecounter_pd.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette
Cigarettes_brazil.JPG from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_packaging_warning_messages
Cigarette_smoking.jpg from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cigarette_smoking.jpg
Buttout.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette
Cigarette_holder.png from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette_holder
220px-Zwei_zigaretten.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette
220px-Cigarettefiltar.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette_filter
Newport_cigarettes.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newport_(cigarette)
Speech 4- James Bonsack, invented cigarette rolling machine...
published:09 Dec 2013
James Bonsack
James Bonsack
Speech 4- James Bonsack, invented cigarette rolling machine
published:09 Dec 2013
Say NO to the Bonsack Cell Tower!
Bonsack Road is approximately one mile long beginning and ending on Route 460 which also g...
published:23 Dec 2014
Say NO to the Bonsack Cell Tower!
Say NO to the Bonsack Cell Tower!
Bonsack Road is approximately one mile long beginning and ending on Route 460 which also goes by the name of Challenger Avenue. The historical town of Bonsack took it's name from James Albert Bonsack (1859 - 1924) who was famous for his invention of the first cigarette rolling machine which he patented and won a $75,000 prize for his invention. It increased the production of rolled cigarettes from 6 per minute to 200 per minute. Bonsack was a student at Roanoke College when he learned of the contest. The first machine he put together was stored in a barn in Lynchburg and was destroyed by fire. His second machine was a success and in 1880 at the age of 21 he became a successful young man. Needless to say, he never went back to college.
I have recently learned of the proposed cell tower at Bonsack Road. I understand that this is a commercially zoned property and therefore it is within legally zoning laws that a tower be built. However this location is nestled between residential properties on all sides. Both left and right are homes behind this property more homes and a neighborhood. In fact there are no other commercial businesses on this road. The erection of this cell tower will pose many threats to these residential properties. There is a strong possibility that our property values will most likely decline up to 20% from the moment this is built. I'm also concerned about the view shed being disturbed as the tower would be visible from all of my neighbors rooms and especially from the homes of those on the Western side of 460.
There is significant data on the stability of cell towers. 195 feet of steel erected in a cell tower has before and certainly could in the future be subject to high windstorms or simple failure of stability and fall to the ground in whole or pieces. Several summers ago our community suffered through a Derecho which most certainly would have compromised this structures integrity. This has the ability to affect at least four homes and families in our community based on its very close proximity to other houses. This cell tower is being erected on only 1 acre of land with a 70 x 70 ft base. This is literally yards from neighboring property.
In driving around this community and in the one mile range of 460 I am able to locate at least four plausible alternative sites for this cell tower. All of these sites are zoned commercial and none are in as close proximity of houses and residential communities as is this proposed site. I feel there are many better options this company has yet to explore which would be less likely to negatively affect the members of this community. While talking with my neighbors, and through a poll on Facebook, I find no one who is losing their cell phone service. I can not understand why additional cell service is needed here. If the reason for the cell tower is just to increase the broadband signal at our expense, I do not understand it. I do understand Magnotti's monetary gain of $1,300 per month from AT&T; with other potential cell phone companies hooking on with additional rent potential, It should not be at the expense of the Bonsack community.
A cell tower at the Bonsack Road Magnotti's location is a poor location for such a structure and the permit should therefore be denied. I feel the reasons above substantiate this in addition to other reasons not mentioned above such as potential health concerns and aesthetics of the structure. Please take this in consideration and choose to deny this permit.
I am attaching photographs of what our view shed looks like from the 195 ft. Height as well as what what it might look like if the tower were on that spot of land. Thank you for your consideration. We are a proud little historical community (circa 1801) and we were Bonsack, VA before Big Lick became the city of Roanoke.
published:23 Dec 2014
The Cigarette machine: the invention with the greatest economic impact?
Bill nominates, perhaps only provocatively, James Bosnack's cigarette machine as the inven...
The Cigarette machine: the invention with the greatest economic impact?
The Cigarette machine: the invention with the greatest economic impact?
Bill nominates, perhaps only provocatively, James Bosnack's cigarette machine as the invention with the greatest economic impact on the 20th century. Cigaret...
The Bonsack Machine at The Empress Hotel, Melbourne, 20th October 2013.
Songs - Yuri & Th...
published:26 Oct 2013
The Bonsack Machine at The Empress Hotel
The Bonsack Machine at The Empress Hotel
The Bonsack Machine at The Empress Hotel, Melbourne, 20th October 2013.
Songs - Yuri & The Long Dance
Projection images by Fritz Lang
published:26 Oct 2013
Bonsack Clips
just some clips i put together...
published:12 Sep 2010
Bonsack Clips
Bonsack Clips
just some clips i put together
published:12 Sep 2010
"15" - Pre Production: Props!
In the not too distant future, a dystopian society controls its citizens by implanting a c...
published:23 May 2014
"15" - Pre Production: Props!
"15" - Pre Production: Props!
In the not too distant future, a dystopian society controls its citizens by implanting a chip into the frontal lobe of their brain. When two un-chipped orphaned twins receive a letter from their thought-to-be dead father, they must uncover the truth about the country on their quest to save him and the nation.
*Kennedy Hermansen - IMDb Page: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4530107/
Director: Jake Mercier
Writer: Jake Mercier
Producer: Keith Duncan, Martha Duncan, David Mercier, Kennedy Hermansen
DP: Nic James
Editor: Jake Mercier, Bradford Bonsack
Assistant Director: Shayan Pashaei, Sarah Kushner, Bradford Bonsack
Casting Director: Dee Ann Vernon, Kennedy Hermansen
On set photographer: Danielle Ellis
Camera operator: Aaron Cappotelli, Adam Johnson, Rhodes Miller
Gaffer: Bradford Bonsack, Rhodes Miller
Audio: Bradford Bonsack, Rhodes Miller
Props: Rhodes Miller, Alex Kroeker
Costumes and Makeup: Monica Hermansen, Angie James
published:23 May 2014
Guilherme Jabur faz um pequeno teatro com a peça MONOLOGO DO CIGARRO(alerta ao fumante)
é uma adaptação minha sobre uma piada contada na tv pelo jornalista carlos viana. aí adapt...
Guilherme Jabur faz um pequeno teatro com a peça MONOLOGO DO CIGARRO(alerta ao fumante)
Guilherme Jabur faz um pequeno teatro com a peça MONOLOGO DO CIGARRO(alerta ao fumante)
é uma adaptação minha sobre uma piada contada na tv pelo jornalista carlos viana. aí adaptei em uma peça com monologo como se fosse em um teatro. em primeiro...
Tobacco smoking is a practice which has changed little since American natives first stuffed the tobacco they cultivated in the hills of what is today modern ...
Bonsack Elementary (Roanoke VA) Preview of the Q & U Wedding presented by the Kindergarten Class Delaneys teacher Mrs Wickstrom Here is a preview of Delaney ...
BACCALAUREATE with BEN and ELAINA singing "By Your Side"
BACCALAUREATE with BEN and ELAINA singing "By Your Side"
Lord Botetourt High School Baccalaureate Service at Bonsack Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA, Sunday, June 9, 2013 with Ben Quirin & Elaina Prillaman singing Tent...
BACCALAUREATE with KATRINA and MEGAN singing "Pie Jeus" by Weber
Lord Botetourt High School Baccalaureate Service at Bonsack Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA, S...
published:11 Jun 2013
BACCALAUREATE with KATRINA and MEGAN singing "Pie Jeus" by Weber
BACCALAUREATE with KATRINA and MEGAN singing "Pie Jeus" by Weber
Lord Botetourt High School Baccalaureate Service at Bonsack Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA, Sunday, June 9, 2013 with Katrina Weirup and Megan Kingery singing Weber's "Pie Jeus".
published:11 Jun 2013
Immersed in concert @ Bonsack Baptist Church in Roanoke Va, singing I Will Not Be Moved by...
Pastor Santosh Baraily - 2 Feb 2014 - Nepali Church of Roanoke
Pastor Santosh Baraily speaking at the Nepali Church of Roanoke, 608 Campbell Ave SW, Roan...
published:07 Feb 2014
Pastor Santosh Baraily - 2 Feb 2014 - Nepali Church of Roanoke
Pastor Santosh Baraily - 2 Feb 2014 - Nepali Church of Roanoke
Pastor Santosh Baraily speaking at the Nepali Church of Roanoke, 608 Campbell Ave SW, Roanoke, VA 24016
published:07 Feb 2014
All About - Cigarette (Extended)
What is Cigarette?
A documentary report all about Cigarette for the blind and visually im...
published:13 Apr 2015
All About - Cigarette (Extended)
All About - Cigarette (Extended)
What is Cigarette?
A documentary report all about Cigarette for the blind and visually impaired or for homework/assignment.
A cigarette is a small cylinder of finely cut tobacco leaves rolled in thin paper for smoking. The cigarette is ignited at one end and allowed to smoulder; its smoke is inhaled from the other end, which is held in or to the mouth; in some cases a cigarette holder may be used as well. Most modern manufactured cigarettes (also called "ready rolls") are filtered and include reconstituted tobacco and other additives.
Intro/Outro music:
Discovery Hit/Chucky the Construction Worker - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under CC-BY-3.0
Text derived from:
Text to Speech powered by tts-api.com
Images are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0:
Cigarette-s_x.jpeg from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cigarette-s_x.jpeg
Marlboro4wiki2.JPG from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette
220px-Cigarettecounter_pd.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette
Cigarettes_brazil.JPG from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_packaging_warning_messages
Cigarette_smoking.jpg from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cigarette_smoking.jpg
Buttout.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette
Cigarette_holder.png from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette_holder
220px-Zwei_zigaretten.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette
220px-Cigarettefiltar.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette_filter
Newport_cigarettes.jpg from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newport_(cigarette)
A female drug mule was arrested carrying 1.5kg of liquid cocaine in her breast implants as she tried to board a flight from the Colombian capital to Barcelona in Spain... Sabillon was arrested on suspicion of smuggling drugs ... ....
There is utter outrage over the fact that approximately 10,000 dogs will be killed for their meat in China. In Yulin, which is in the providence of Guangxi in China, the two-day Lychee and Dog MeatFestival is being held. The event marks the summer solstice, according to the BBC on Monday. Animal rights activists, near and far, are expressing total objection to the annual dog meat festival in the Southwest portion of China ... ....
A heatwave in Pakistan's largest city Karachi and other districts of southern Sindh province has killed at least 122 people, health officials have said. "Since Saturday 114 people have died in Karachi and eight others (have died) in three districts of Sindh," provincial health secretary Saeed Mangnejo told AFP news agency... "They all died of heat stroke," she said ... Officials said all the deaths had occurred since Saturday evening ... Source....
The nerves mounted as Spieth waited to see if Dustin Johnson, who was one stroke behind, would tie for the lead and the chance to go head to head in a playoff round on Monday. After a heartbreaking three-put by Johnson, Spieth congratulated the win with his family and friends. But where was his adorable girlfriend and childhood sweetheart, Annie Verret? ... Spieth is now the U.S ... The couple have become the darlings of the links ... ....
Two children have reportedly been “crucified” by Isis for not fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. The boys, believed to be under the age of 18, were killed in Syria and their bodies displayed with placards hung around their necks announcing their “crime” ... It is one of several reported executions of young boys at the hands of Isis (Credit. Chris Huby) ... Timeline ... --> ... Oscar-winning Titanic composer James Horner dies in plane crash ... -->....
On Monday, a single-engine aircraft – a S-312 TucanoMK1 two-seated turbo-prop – one of five air-crafts owned by flying enthusiast, James Horner, crashed near Santa Barbara... While James Horner’s lawyer, who has been representing the composer for more than two decades, assumes the deceased pilot was James Horner ... Reliable sources say that the pilot was James Horner....
“Rene and I are deeply saddened by the tragic death of James Horner ...James played an important part in my career ... Celine also posted old pictures of herself and her husband standing alongside James Horner. Celine Dion and husband Rene with James Horner ... According to Jennings, it all started when he visited the home of James Horner ... According to Jennings, he and James worked on the 1991 animated film, An American Tail....
Fans, colleagues and friends have paid tribute to James Horner, who died in a plane crash on Monday (June 22) at the age of 61 ...BrilliantComposerJames Horner, friend & collaborator on 7 movies has tragically died in a plane crash ... My sincere condolences to the family, loved ones and friends of James Horner ... There is nothing that shaped my movie-going experience more than the musical genius of James Horner ... RIPJames Horner....
Tributes from stars, including Russell Crowe and Ron Howard, have been made to the late James Horner ...James Horner, Oscar-winning Titanic composer, dies in plane crash aged 61. The news of Oscar-winning composer James Horner’s death has led to a series of tributes by those who knew his music and those who worked with him ... Celine Dion, who sang James Horner’s Titanic hit My Heart Will Go On, released a statement expressing her grief....
The death of two-time Oscar-winning “Titanic” composer James Horner on Monday prompted heartfelt reactions across Hollywood via social media ... “BrilliantComposerJames Horner, friend & collaborator on 7 movies has tragically died in a plane crash ... James Horner, Oscar-Winning Composer of 'Titanic,' Dead at 61. “There is nothing that shaped my movie-going experience more than the musical genius of James Horner....
John Boyne, author of the bestselling novel The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, has added his tribute to the late composer James Horner, who died earlier today in a plane crash in California... “Sad to hear that James Horner, who composed the beautiful & moving score to THE BOY IN THE STRIPED PYJAMAS, has died ... “My sincere condolences to the family, loved ones and friends of James Horner....
John Boyne, author of the bestselling novel The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, has added his tribute to the late composer James Horner, who died earlier today in a plane crash in California. Sad to hear that James Horner, who composed the beautiful & moving score to THE BOY IN THE STRIPED PYJAMAS, has died ...James played an important part in my career....
23 June 2015Last updated at 11.32 BST. James Horner, the Oscar-winning composer, has died in a plane crash in California...Titanic (James Horner/Sony), Aliens (James Horner/Warner), Braveheart (James Horner/Sony), Avatar (James Horner/Sony) and Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan (James Horner/Paramount). Read more. James Horner ... James Horner's huge back catalogue. James Horner tributes posted on social media ... Related video / audio ... ....
Over four decades, James Horner created some of the most memorable movie music in Hollywood history ...James Horner, Oscar-Winning Composer of 'Titanic,' Dead at 61 ... Just the sound of that tin whistle sparks waves of nostalgia for a generation of moviegoers who made JamesCameron‘s epic romance a cinematic classic ... Hollywood Reacts to Death of 'Titanic' Composer James Horner....
‘Titanic’ Composer — Plane Registered to James Horner Crashes… PilotDeadhttp.//t.co/BQYTeTb9q5 ... According to the Associated Press, James Horner’s attorney Jay Cooper confirmed that the plane was not the only one owned by Titanic composer ... For over three decades, James Horner has pulled the heartstrings of movie fans and critics with his emotionally stirring musical scores....
On Friday, Billboard reported that JamesTaylor would land at No ... It looks like James Taylor will easily outsell the prediction and the 76,000 unit figure that HitsDaily Double is reporting (it will be even more once 100 percent of the reports are in) doesn’t even include album streams. According to Billboard, James Taylor has previously had 11 top 10 albums ... James Taylor isn’t the only one making waves this week....
James Horner, the Oscar-winning composer of Titanic, has died aged 61 in a plane crash in southern California...James Horner ... ‘Face Huggers’ by James Horner ... BrilliantComposerJames Horner, friend & collaborator on 7 movies has tragically died in a plane crash ... My sincere condolences to the family, loved ones and friends of James Horner ... James Horner ... Incredibly saddened to hear about the loss of James Horner....
LOS ANGELES — James Horner, the celebrated composer of several Hollywood smash-hit films including "Titanic" and "Avatar," died on Monday in a plane crash at the age of 61, US media reported ... "BrilliantComposerJames Horner, friend and collaborator on 7 movies has tragically died in a plane crash....