- published: 03 Jul 2015
- views: 89
Existence is commonly held to be that which objectively persists independent of one's presence.
Ontology is the philosophical study of the nature of being, existence or reality in general, as well as of the basic categories of being and their relations. Traditionally listed as a part of the major branch of philosophy known as metaphysics, ontology deals with questions concerning what entities exist or can be said to exist, (for instance: "Does the stellar structure UDFj-39546284 exist?"), and how such entities can be grouped, related within a hierarchy, and subdivided according to similarities and differences. A lively debate continues about the existence of God.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge; it is also referred to as "theory of knowledge". Usually, it is limited to the study of the classical components of justified true belief. Epistemology also investigates how knowledge can be taught or acquired, and the conditions and extent to which any given subject or entity can be known.
Monochrome describes paintings, drawings, design, or photographs in one color or values of one color. A monochromatic object or image reflects colors in shades of limited colors or hues. Images using only shades of grey (with or without black and/or white) are called grayscale or black-and-white. However, scientifically speaking, monochromatic light refers to visible light of a narrow band of wavelengths (see spectral color).
For an image, the term monochrome is usually taken to mean the same as black and white or, more likely, grayscale, but may also be used to refer to other combinations containing only tones of a single color, such as green-and-white or green-and-black. It may also refer to sepia displaying tones from light tan to dark brown or cyanotype (“blueprint”) images, and early photographic methods such as daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, and tintypes, each of which may be used to produce a monochromatic image.
In computing, monochrome has two meanings:
Data (/ˈdeɪtə/ DAY-tə, /ˈdætə/ DA-tə, or /ˈdɑːtə/ DAH-tə) is a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables; restated, pieces of data are individual pieces of information. Data is measured, collected and reported, and analyzed, whereupon it can be visualized using graphs or images. Data as a general concept refers to the fact that some existing information or knowledge is represented or coded in some form suitable for better usage or processing.
Raw data, i.e. unprocessed data, is a collection of numbers, characters; data processing commonly occurs by stages, and the "processed data" from one stage may be considered the "raw data" of the next. Field data is raw data that is collected in an uncontrolled in situ environment. Experimental data is data that is generated within the context of a scientific investigation by observation and recording.
The Latin word "data" is the plural of "datum", and still may be used as a plural noun in this sense. Nowadays, though, "data" is most commonly used in the singular, as a mass noun (like "information", "sand" or "rain").
Tetsu Inoue (井上徹, (Inōe Tetsu)) is a producer of electronic music. His style could be described as ambient with a heavy minimalist influence. He has lived in Japan, San Francisco, and New York, and has collaborated with musicians such as Pete Namlook, Bill Laswell, Andrew Deutsch, Jonah Sharp, Taylor Deupree, and Uwe Schmidt.
His debut solo album, Ambiant Otaku, is regarded by some as a classic of minimalist ambient techno. The album was initially released in a limited edition of 1,000 copies on Pete Namlook's Fax label.
Bill Laswell (born February 12, 1955, Salem, Illinois, and raised in Albion, Michigan) is an American bassist, producer and record label owner.
Laswell has been involved in hundreds of recordings with many collaborators from all over the world. Laswell's music draws upon many different genres, most notably funk, various world music, jazz, dub and ambient styles. He has also played or produced music from the noisier, more aggressive end of the rock spectrum, such as hardcore punk and metal.
According to music critic Chris Brazier, "Laswell's pet concept is 'collision music' which involves bringing together musicians from wildly divergent but complementary spheres and seeing what comes out." The credo of one record label run by Laswell, and which typifies much of his work, is "Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted." Though projects arranged by Laswell may be credited under the same name and often feature the same roster of musicians, the styles and themes explored on different albums can vary dramatically: Material began as a noisy dance music project, but subsequent releases have been centered on hip hop, jazz, or backing spoken word readings by beat generation icon William S. Burroughs. Similarly, most versions of Praxis have featured guitarist Buckethead, but have explored different permutations with each new album.
Bill Laswell and Tetsu Inoue - Monochrome Existence Part1
Why Elon Musk says we're living in a simulation
Could we create dark matter? - Rolf Landua
10 Lies You Still Believe About Space
atom heart & tetsu inoue - data haiku
Authors@Google Presents Jon Koomey: The Computing Trend That Will Change Everything
Bill Laswell & Tetsu Inoue - Káshí [aur extended loop]
LUCEMON BEGINS IT'S EXISTENCE | Digimon World Data Squad - Ep 20
Cathode Ray Tube
【BOFU2015】 DataErr0r / Lunatic Sounds 【FRENZ2015】
RGB208 :: Getting the Best Picture from your Game Boy / GBC / GBA Games - MY LIFE IN GAMING
Atom Heart & Tetsu Inoue - Meditation Bank
Chill In Chill Out - Tetsu Inoue (HQ)
Yellow Dots of Mystery: Is Your Printer Spying on You?
Mindscape 1.1 - Hello?
[MMD] Time of my Life
【BOFU2015】Forgotten Story[SP INSANE]
GET LAMP: The Text Adventure Documentary
Amiga: The Quantum Leap - Part 1.4 - Releasing the Amiga
Traced By Enemies - Truth is...
"Regis @ As You Like It, Public Works San Francisco (26.07.2013)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoanpTYaf4c ((Some Magic Tools)) https://bit.ly/Magic-Tube https://bit.ly/best-bluehost https://bit.ly/tube-scene -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- .DEEP AMBIENT TREASSURES FOUND COMPILATION ... ...by PLEASURABLE PAIN....outer spacer.... ...Dark Atmospheres....deeping into the mind ..AMBIENT TREASURES SONGS..... http://www.discogs.com/Adham-Shaikh-Journey-To-The-Sun/master/49436 - ###((( 73CHN0 c4n 54v3 7h3 W0rlD )))### ---- if you are the owner and you don't want this, here. Send me a private message and it will be erased immediately ------------- ###((( Pleasurable Pain Channel )))### --------------- o)))))) Bill Laswell and Tetsu Inoue - Monochrome Existence Part More Techno In The Facebook Site - ...
You may like playing The Sims, but Elon Musk says you are the Sim. Check out the full cartoon by Alvin Chang: http://www.vox.com/technology/2016/6/23/12007694/elon-musk-simulation-cartoon Elon Musk thinks we are living in a simulated reality. Nick Bostrom think those chances are more around 20 percent. The chances of human kind participating in a simulated reality is broken down into three options: 1) humans go extinct before we are able to run a simulation of this size. 2) Humans are uninterested in running ancestor simulations. 3) We are currently participating in the simulation. Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out http://www.vox.com t...
Check out our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/teded View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/could-we-create-dark-matter-rolf-landua Eighty-five percent of the matter in our universe is dark matter. We don’t know what dark matter is made of, and we’ve yet to directly observe it, but scientists theorize that we may actually be able to create it in the Large Hadron Collider, the most powerful particle collider in the world. So how would that work? CERN scientist Rolf Landua explains how to discover a new particle. Lesson by Rolf Landua, animation by Lazy Chief.
Space. It's the final frontier and one of the great unknowns for mankind. But you probably don't even know what you don't know about it. So sit back and find out why your 4th grade science teacher was probably completely off. Click to Subscribe.. http://bit.ly/WTVC4x FAQ's: What editing software do we use?: http://amzn.to/2p8Y4G2 What mic do we use for our voice overs?: http://amzn.to/2pbWBzr What camera do we use to film?: http://amzn.to/2pbMv1A What computer do we edit on?: http://amzn.to/2p951qu Check out the best of Alltime10s - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLec1lxRhYOzt2qqqnFBIpUm63wr5yhLF6 Where else to find All Time 10s... Facebook: http://ow.ly/3FNFR Twitter: http://ow.ly/3FNMk
Jon Koomey addresses trends in the energy efficiency of computing which promise an explosion in data collected from mobile sensors and controls, with profound implications for our ability to understand and respond to the world around us. Dr. Koomey is one of the leading experts on the economics of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the effects of information technology on resource use. He has been a Consulting Professor at Stanford University, worked at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and has been a visiting professor at Yale University and UC Berkeley. His latest solo book is "Cold Cash, Cool Climate: Science-Based Advice for Ecological Entrepreneurs".
aur loops: neverending soundscapes for soothing your mind, healing, meditation and just pure listening pleasure. from our heart to yours. enjoy!
Our big bad has appeared and it's just as scary as we thought. It's a halfie.
This is the official Video of Cathode Ray Tube by sir JJ Thomson.. A Cathode ray tube is the forerunner of the television tube. It is a glass tube from which most of the air has been evacuated. When the two metal plates are connected to a high-voltage source, the negatively charged plate, called the cathode, emits an invisible ray. The cathode ray is drawn to the positively charged plate, called the anode, where it passes through a hole and continues traveling to the other end of the tube. When the ray strikes the specially coated surface, the cathode ray produces a strong fluorescence, or bright light. When an electric field is applied across the cathode ray tube, the cathode ray is attracted by the plate bearing positive charges. Therefore, a cathode ray must consist of negatively charg...
Mylist on Niconico: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27208859 Like on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/140017666 Name: DataErr0r Artist / Composer: Lunatic Sounds (https://soundcloud.com/lunaticsounds) Genre: Artcore Movie: Photonskyto (http://fastdestination.net/) BMS Event: 大血戦 -THE BMS OF FIGHTERS ULTIMATE- / BOFU2015 (http://bmsoffighters.net/bofu_daikessen/) Team: Melodic Frontier (http://manbow.nothing.sh/event/page/bofu2015/teamlist15/kprof.cgi?idx=20) BMS DL: http://manbow.nothing.sh/event/event.cgi?action=More_def#=39&event;=104 Also part of FRENZ2015 (http://frenz.jp/). This video is a repost to view on YouTube. I will take it down by the request of the original musician or creator of the movie.
In this episode, we examine and compare every piece of official hardware that can play games for Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance - the handheld options, as well as the Super Game Boy, Super Game Boy 2, Wide-Boy 64, and Game Boy Player. We also look at Swiss and the Game Boy Interface for the GameCube, the most popular mods, hardware alternatives, and emulation options. ----- * If you'd like to help support us, we receive a small kickback from sales made after clicking the following links * ► Games Featured in this Episode :: http://kit.com/MyLifeInGaming/ ► If you'd like to purchase a XRGB-Mini Framemeister from Solaris Japan :: http://solarisjapan.com/collections/micomsoft?aff=65 ► Console Mod: RetroFixes :: http://store.retrofixes.co...
Imagine that every time you print a document, it automatically includes a secret code that could be used to identify the printer -- and, potentially, the person who used it. Sounds like something from a spy movie, right? Unfortunately, the scenario isn't fictional. Most color laser printers and color copiers are designed to print invisible tracking codes across every single printed page of their output. These codes reveal which machine produced a document and, in some cases, when the document was printed or copied. For a tutorial on viewing your printer's secret dots, visit http://www.instructables.com/id/Yellow_Dots_of_Mystery_Is_Your_Printer_Spying_on_/ We are grateful for the support of the California Consumer Protection Foundation. Special thanks to Dan Oberbauer for sound ...
Enfin fini, Je devais le faire pour pouvoir me consacrer entièrement à "Reality" Je ne suis pas satisfaite, pas du tout et comme ce que j'avais fait à la base ne me plaisait pas j'ai pas eu envie de pousser plus la post-prod.. Music by AuraQualic Model by Tda
Google Tech Talk (more below) March 7, 2011 Presented by Jason Scott. ABSTRACT Jason Scott will talk about making the documentary and we'll be screening some portion of the film. http://www.getlamp.com/ In the early years of the microcomputer, a special kind of game was being played. With limited sound, simple graphics, and tiny amounts of computing power, the first games on home computers would hardly raise an eyebrow in the modern era of photorealism and surround sound. In a world of Quake, Half-Life and Halo, it is expected that a successful game must be loud, fast, and full of blazing life-like action. But in the early 1980s, an entire industry rose over the telling of tales, the solving of intricate puzzles and the art of writing. Like living books, these games described fanta...
We have reached the final part of the spiral arms of the modern home computing industry, with the launch of the modern Apple, IBM, Atari ST and lastly the Amiga! Notes: As usual, I'm writing this late at night, so I'll make this brief. Despite a few bugs here and there, this was one of the easiest of the 4 films to edit. The narrations goes quiet a bit in places, but picks up again shortly after, so I hope this is not so bad to have to turn the volume up. I left my computer running all yesterday and all last night finishing and rendering this, ready for demoing online today. The file finished uploading and processing at 10pm, and then Youtube refused to release the video to the rest of the world (outside of the UK), due to a copyright dispute claim. I filed a dispute but they refused...
HeartBridge _________________________________________ Provenance: Viersen, Germany Band: Traced by Enemies Song: Truth is... Álbum: Unity in Diversity Genre: Melodic-Hardcore || Metalcore Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TracedbyEnemies Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracedbyenemies/ Bandcamp: https://tracedbyenemies.bandcamp.com/album/unity-in-diversity Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6O0H7oFF1SVW6KYgkrky84 iTunes: https://itun.es/de/Jk-ngb ___________________________________ Visit Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeartbridgeMXHC Store: http://shop.weareheartbridge.com/ Bandcamp: https://heartbridge.bandcamp.com/ I DON'T CLAIM TO OWN THIS SONG ! ALL RIGHTS GO TO THE BAND !
Jon Koomey addresses trends in the energy efficiency of computing which promise an explosion in data collected from mobile sensors and controls, with profound implications for our ability to understand and respond to the world around us. Dr. Koomey is one of the leading experts on the economics of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the effects of information technology on resource use. He has been a Consulting Professor at Stanford University, worked at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and has been a visiting professor at Yale University and UC Berkeley. His latest solo book is "Cold Cash, Cool Climate: Science-Based Advice for Ecological Entrepreneurs".
In this episode, we examine and compare every piece of official hardware that can play games for Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance - the handheld options, as well as the Super Game Boy, Super Game Boy 2, Wide-Boy 64, and Game Boy Player. We also look at Swiss and the Game Boy Interface for the GameCube, the most popular mods, hardware alternatives, and emulation options. ----- * If you'd like to help support us, we receive a small kickback from sales made after clicking the following links * ► Games Featured in this Episode :: http://kit.com/MyLifeInGaming/ ► If you'd like to purchase a XRGB-Mini Framemeister from Solaris Japan :: http://solarisjapan.com/collections/micomsoft?aff=65 ► Console Mod: RetroFixes :: http://store.retrofixes.co...
aur loops: neverending soundscapes for soothing your mind, healing, meditation and just pure listening pleasure. from our heart to yours. enjoy!
We have reached the final part of the spiral arms of the modern home computing industry, with the launch of the modern Apple, IBM, Atari ST and lastly the Amiga! Notes: As usual, I'm writing this late at night, so I'll make this brief. Despite a few bugs here and there, this was one of the easiest of the 4 films to edit. The narrations goes quiet a bit in places, but picks up again shortly after, so I hope this is not so bad to have to turn the volume up. I left my computer running all yesterday and all last night finishing and rendering this, ready for demoing online today. The file finished uploading and processing at 10pm, and then Youtube refused to release the video to the rest of the world (outside of the UK), due to a copyright dispute claim. I filed a dispute but they refused...
Google Tech Talk (more below) March 7, 2011 Presented by Jason Scott. ABSTRACT Jason Scott will talk about making the documentary and we'll be screening some portion of the film. http://www.getlamp.com/ In the early years of the microcomputer, a special kind of game was being played. With limited sound, simple graphics, and tiny amounts of computing power, the first games on home computers would hardly raise an eyebrow in the modern era of photorealism and surround sound. In a world of Quake, Half-Life and Halo, it is expected that a successful game must be loud, fast, and full of blazing life-like action. But in the early 1980s, an entire industry rose over the telling of tales, the solving of intricate puzzles and the art of writing. Like living books, these games described fanta...
Dominic Powlesland, director of the Landscape Research Centre in Yorkshire, visited Google's office in Cambridge, MA to discuss the LRC's work. Over the last 26 years, the LRC has earned an international reputation for research into the application of computing in field archaeology, large scale excavation and recording methodologies, and for the development of new approaches to data recording, integration and publication. They now maintain the most comprehensive digital archaeological landscape archive in the world, available over the web. Powlesland discusses the evolution of archaeological computing for research and publication: was it worth it? has it changed the past? could it have been done without the silicon chip?
Original Upload Date: 10/13/2014 Why would anyone make a movie that's just a single color? There's a better reason than you might think. Art credits: Ven Gethenian http://vengethenian.deviantart.com/ Nastja Stark http://nastjastark.deviantart.com/ Robin F http://sketchrobin.tumblr.com/ Rusty Arm http://rustyarm.deviantart.com/ Simply Psycho http://simply-psycho.deviantart.com/ Soomin0525 sashanico.tumblr.com All third party clips are used under Fair Use. Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/KyleKallgren Tumblr: http://actuallykylekallgren.tumblr.com/ Or see my archive on Chez Apocalypse: http://chezapocalypse.com/series/brows-held-high/ You can support the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/KKallgren
The Doctor Who missing episodes are the instalments of the long-running British science-fiction television programme Doctor Who with no known film or videotape copies. They were destroyed by the BBC during the 1960s and 1970s for economic and space-saving reasons. There are 26 incomplete Doctor Who serials, with 97 of 253 episodes from the first six years of the programme missing. Many more were thought to be lost until copies were recovered from various sources, mostly overseas broadcasters. Doctor Who is not unique in this respect, as thousands of hours of programming of all genres were destroyed by the BBC until 1978, when the corporation's archiving policies were changed. Other high-profile series affected included Dad's Army, Z-Cars, The Wednesday Play, Steptoe and Son, and Not Only.....
An astronomical clock is a clock with special mechanisms and dials to display astronomical information, such as the relative positions of the sun, moon, zodiacal constellations, and sometimes major planets. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
http://www.thisweekinphoto.com - High-end and renown camera manufacturer Leica is at it again. Heading down the “less is more” path with regard to features, or lack there-of in its newest camera introduction Leica M-D. Where companies like Sony, Panasonic, Olympus etc are moving to refine and increase the capabilities of their systems. For some camera makers, removing features has become their leading strategy. Leica began this trend with the introduction of their “it only shoots in monochrome” M series. And Nikon joined the fray with their retro styled DF body with a “thrilling blend of classic and modern Nikon” features. These cameras eschew modern “luxuries” like video, touch-screens and built-in wifi transfer. Yet, offer an increased price point for the privilege of not enjoying thes...
NTSC, named after the National Television System Committee, is the analog television system that was used in most of the Americas (except Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and French Guiana); Myanmar; South Korea; Taiwan; Japan; the Philippines; and some Pacific island nations and territories (see map). Most countries using the NTSC standard, as well as those using other analog television standards, have switched to newer digital television standards, there being at least four different standards in use around the world. North America, parts of Central America, and South Korea are adopting the ATSC standards, while other countries are adopting or have adopted other standards. This standard is slowly being replaced by HDTV. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article t...
The Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer is a line of home computers based on the Motorola 6809 processor. The Color Computer was launched in 1980, and lasted through three generations of hardware until being discontinued in 1991. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
Hayao Miyazaki (宮崎 駿, Miyazaki Hayao, born January 5, 1941) is a Japanese film director, animator, manga artist, illustrator, producer, and screenwriter. Through a career that has spanned six decades, Miyazaki has attained international acclaim as a masterful storyteller and as a maker of anime feature films and, along with Isao Takahata, co-founded Studio Ghibli, a film and animation studio. The success of Miyazaki's films has invited comparisons with American animator Walt Disney, British animator Nick Park, and American director Steven Spielberg. He is considered one of the most popular and influential animators in cinema. Born in Bunkyō, Tokyo, Miyazaki began his animation career in 1963, when he joined Toei Animation. From there, Miyazaki worked as an in-between artist for Gulliver's ...
The Macintosh (/ˈmækɨntɒʃ/ MAK-in-tosh), or Mac, is a line of personal computers (PCs) designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. It was initially targeted mainly at the home, education, and creative professional markets. Since the introduction of the Macintosh, the computer has seen significant evolution, now making it one of the most powerful general purpose computers on the market. It now targets the business, science, and law markets as well. Steve Jobs introduced the original Macintosh computer on January 24, 1984. This was the first mass-market personal computer featuring an integral graphical user interface and mouse. This first model was later renamed to "Macintosh 128k" for uniqueness amongst a populous family of subsequently updated models which are also based on Apple's sam...
Experimental Stress Analysis by Prof.K.Ramesh,Department of Applied Mechanics,IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Tektronix, Inc. is an American company best known for manufacturing test and measurement devices such as oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, and video and mobile test protocol equipment. In November 2007, Danaher Corporation acquired Tektronix as a subsidiary. The company received a 2007 Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards for compliance standards monitoring systems for Advanced Television Systems Committee standard and Digital Video Broadcasting transport streams. Several charities are or were associated with Tektronix, including the Tektronix Foundation and the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust in Vancouver, Washington. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
The 12 major current digital photographic print processes are discussed, including UV-curable printing and a new inkjet sublimation thermal dye transfer process for printing on large, specially coated aluminum panels. For transcript and more information, visit http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=7224
Public lecture with Adam E. Cohen, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and of Physics, Departments of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University Dimitar Sasselov, Phillips Professor of Astronomy, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Director, Origins of Life Initiative, Harvard University The human eye is an amazing organ, but it only enables us to see a small fraction of the physical world. With the aid of light and special instruments, however, it is possible to see and study a world that would otherwise be invisible, from the minute molecules that make us who we are to distant galaxies across the expanding universe. Adam Cohen and Dimitar Sasselov will discuss the role of light in expanding our ability to “see” and they will describe new advances in light-based...
By Sam Livingston-Gray Experienced developers tend to build up a library of creative problem-solving tools: rubber ducks, code smells, anthropomorphizing code, &c.; These tools map abstract problems into forms our brains are good at solving. But our brains are also good at lying to us. We'll talk about some of these tools, when to use them (or not), and how their biases can lead us astray. "A change in perspective is worth 80 IQ points." -Alan Kay New developers very welcome: we don't teach this in school! A developer from sunny* Portland, Oregon, Sam's been working in code since 1998, in Ruby since 2006, and at LivingSocial since 2012. He likes TDD/BDD/TATFT, pair programming, and refactoring—but finds that long walks on the beach tend to result in sandy keyboards. YMMV Help us...
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Rotten minds of nuclear hate
Lust for the suffocated state
Iron fist all cries ignore
The prize of power they adore
Dominion through streaming blood
Death's aristocracy
Now nothing can hold back the flood
Just swallow this decree
Pushing on through fields afire
Corpses crushed beneath the mire
Impaled is the dissenter´s head
Lined up and machine-gunned dead
Into the void of ages
Masses break under the strain
Not living, just surviving
Waiting for the nuclear rain
Drink deep the martyr's blood
His sacrifice fuels the war
The word is law
Eradicate what was before
Undying screams of mankind
Crippled and masticated
All perish under ashen skies
Industrialized lifeless
Corroded evolution
Acid saviour arise
Emerging from the rubble
Craving death denying life
Bring on the mental murder
The end of reason soon engaged
Idiots hail regression
Celebrate this new dark age
Monochrome existence
Decaying generations
Rolling into their graves
The mighty sword of Leviathan
Hovering above your head
And tyranny shall prevail
Mind control enslaves
Entities in trepidation
Execution awaits
Lifeblood coagulates
Total annihilation
Dispersed and feeble unbelievers
The chaos engine consumes
Face the slaughtering machinery
Its gears tear at your flesh
And tyranny shall prevail
Mind control enslaves
Entities in trepidation
Execution awaits
Lifeblood coagulates
Total annihilation
Into the void of ages
Masses break under the strain
Not living just surviving
Waiting for the nuclear rain
Bring on the mental murder
The end of reason soon engaged
Idiots hail regression
Celebrate this new dark age