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Mutulu Is Welcome Here graphic

Stiff resistance is a human right! Malcolm X Grassroots Movement statement on Dr. Mutulu Shakur

On April 7, 2016, the U.S. Federal Parole Board continued its blatant violation of the human rights of Dr. Mutulu Shakur by refusing to release him from federal captivity after 30 years of time served, even though he is up for “mandatory parole release” based on the guidelines under which he was sentenced. We must stand and defend our political prisoners and POWs and declare them to the world without submitting to the state’s intimidation!

Behind Enemy Lines

Tipping point in Texas prison strikes? The history of slavery is at stake

Apr 16, 2016
“Texas” – Art: Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, 1859887, Clements Unit, 9601 Spur 591, Amarillo TX 79107

Since April 4, prisoners in at least four Texas prisons have been on strike for better conditions and an end to slavery and human rights abuses. This strike is but the latest in a nationwide mass movement inside prisons for dignity and freedom. “Go outside the nearest prison and make enough noise that those inside know the free world is with them. The history of slavery in the United States is at stake,” says Brianna Peril of IWOC.

Urgent: Call to support tortured hunger-striking prisoners in Louisiana

Apr 15, 2016
Full restraints, handcuffed hands, waist chain, chain to shackled feet

At David Wade Correctional Center in Homer, Louisiana, at David Wade Correctional Center, several prisoners began a hunger strike on April 9. They are in full restraints, shackles and handcuffs attached to a waist chain, for days at a time, dressed only in a paper gown. Just now, they sprayed a prisoner while he was on his knees and struck him several times. They also sprayed and beat another prisoner who is mentally ill and has been on strip cell for over a year. He has also been on food loaf for a long time. Please call – just a phone call will spook them.

Abolish ALL prisons, private and public

Apr 11, 2016
'Abolish all prisons, Rikers, Attica, Marion, Pelican Bay, Guantanamo' graphic

As momentum continues to grow against the colossal U.S. imprisonment system, the need for strategic targets is crucial, yet we are seeing an overbearing focus on private prisons. We are in a moment when reforms that appear to be “progressive” can actually entrench the violence of policing, imprisonment and surveillance even further.

Prisoners in multiple states call for strikes to protest forced labor

Apr 8, 2016
Prisoners are “driven” to the fields by a guard on horseback in a scene reminiscent of plantation slavery on a Texas plantation-turned-prison known as the Ellis Unit, the photo taken in 1978. – Photo courtesy of the Marshall Project

Prison inmates around the country have called for a series of strikes against forced labor, demanding reforms of parole systems and prison policies, as well as more humane living conditions, a reduced use of solitary confinement and better health care. The strike’s organizers remain anonymous but have circulated fliers listing a series of grievances and demands and a letter articulating the reasons for the strike.

Mondo mourned

Apr 4, 2016
Wopashitwe Mondo Eyen we Langa – Photo: Michael Richardson

He was born David Rice and, in his youth, he joined an offshoot of the Black Panther Party, a decision that would change his life’s trajectory. For, when he and another young man, Edward Poindexter, joined the National Committee to Combat Fascism (NCCF), they walked into the crosshairs of the state. Political prisoner Wopashitwe Mondo Eyen we Langa died March 11 at the maximum-security Nebraska State Penitentiary.

Our hero has not been forgotten
Gov. Brown’s parole initiative could free 30-40,000
The movement inside Texas prisons will not be complete until the sisters join
NALC Rally Call
Petition on abuse in Virginia prisons
I shed a tear
Pride of consciousness
Young prisoner speaks on Yogi’s assassination and bridging the generation gap
Pennsylvania’s torture chamber for juveniles
Prisoners file federal lawsuit to end prison slavery in Texas
Survivors of solitary join menticide survivor ‘grandsons’ with one love, one struggle, one aim
Jabari Scott: Eye-opening reality back on the mainline
Blacks who tried to save Hugo Pinell still being punished for ‘playing God,’ as DA refuses to prosecute Pinell’s killers
Critical Resistance and IWW support prisoner resistance at Holman, call for action
Mumia is incredibly sick

News & Views

Seriously? Evicting a 99-year-old? Rally at Tuesday hearing

Apr 16, 2016
Iris Canada, 99, consults with her niece, Iris Merriouns, at the press conference on April 12. – Photo: 48 Hills

This is how bad things are getting: Iris Canada could lose her home of more than 60 years, despite a lifetime lease. CALL TO ACTION: Rally for Iris Canada, a 99-year-old African American woman in the Fillmore threatened with eviction. At a hearing Tuesday, April 19, 8:30 a.m., in the Courthouse, 400 McAllister, San Francisco, her lawyers will argue to make her temporary stay permanent. Join the two-to-three-hour rally outside.

San Francisco continues destroying its Black community

Apr 15, 2016
Fred Jordan, SFAACC, cropped

Why is it necessary in America’s richest major City, one that is booming with development and tourism, to grab the last Black-owned cultural development in San Francisco? Gentrification, the denial of jobs and contracting opportunities, and just plain benign neglect contribute to the out-migration and destruction of San Francisco’s once proud and thriving African American community – including Harlem of the West, then a major destination for tourists from around the world.

Sanders at the Vatican: What did Bernie tell the Pontifical Academy?

Apr 15, 2016
Directly following his Thursday evening debate with Hillary Clinton, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders traveled from New York City to Rome on an overnight flight to attend a Vatican-hosted conference on the urgency of building a “moral economy.” The Vermont senator was joined by all four of his children and four grandchildren, as well as his wife Jane. – Photo: Mary Altaffer, AP

Over a century ago, Pope Leo XIII highlighted economic issues and challenges in Rerum Novarum that continue to haunt us today, such as what he called “the enormous wealth of a few as opposed to the poverty of the many.” That situation is worse today. In the year 2016, the top 1 percent of the people on this planet own more wealth than the bottom 99 percent, while the wealthiest 60 people – 60 people – own more than the bottom half – 3 1/2 billion people.

Honduran movements in mobilization one month after brutal assassination of Berta Caceres

Apr 13, 2016
The mobilizations from March continue. This week, the Women’s Council of COPINH has taken over the Public Ministry in Tegucigalpa. – Photo: Jeanette Charles

In Honduras, one month since the assassination of Berta Caceres on the 3rd of March, tens of thousands of African and Indigenous Hondurans and those in solidarity have taken to the streets throughout the country with deep sadness and in resistance to the neo-colonial forces at fault for her murder. Impunity is rampant since the 2009 coup d’état, supported by then U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Displacement on BlackArthur, East Oakland, one business, one family, one elder at a time

Apr 12, 2016

“I am worried about our drum teacher at Deecolonize Academy, Uncle Val, who, like Master Frohm and so many more, should not have been forced to leave our neighborhood,” said Tiburcio Garcia and Kimo Umu from Deecolonize Academy, who spoke at a recent Oakland City Council meeting which dealt with a proclamation for the powerful Love Life movement and an eviction moratorium.

From Oak Flat to Oakland, the fight to save all of our mountains on Turtle Island
Rwanda, Burundi and the assassination of three Hutu presidents
Michelle Alexander: Bill Clinton’s rant was a tutorial on all that’s wrong with the ‘New Democrats’
2nd SFPD texting scandal: Officers’ racist text messages condemned by public defender, supervisors and mayor
No lawyers? No jail. Judge demands Constitution be respected in Louisiana public defender catastrophe
Bill Clinton yells at Black Lives Matter protesters, defends violent crime bill
Shooting of homeless man shows need for sincere change in SFPD
NorCal People’s Housing Union – fighting gentrification in Oakland – meets Saturday
Tenants and homeowners of Mission, Fillmore and Bayview protest banks that fund displacement
California Apartment Association is stalking the tenants’ movement
Nixon aide reportedly admitted drug war was meant to target Black people
Breathing new life into Dr. Coleman’s dream and the Arthur Coleman Medical Center
Prison abolition is overdue
Dr. Raymond Tompkins: How and why does pollution poison Bayview Hunters Point?
10 easy steps to understanding the protests in Brazil from the bottom up

Culture Currents

Upcoming Events

 » Full event list and descriptions
April 19, 2016
Rally for Iris Canada, 99-year-old Black woman, threatened with eviction in SF 8:30 am Courthouse, 400 McAllister, San Francisco Tuesday April 19, 8:30 AM, Courthouse, 400 McAllister, SF

Rally for Iris Canada, ... more>>
April 19, 2016
Important SF Gray Panthers meeting to determine our future 12:30 pm Unitarian Center Fireside Room, 1187 Franklin at Geary, San Francisco What’s the future for the Gray Panthers? What’s ... more>>
April 19, 2016
Community Tuesdays at Radio Africa & Kitchen -- dinner for $10 5:00 pm Radio Africa & Kitchen, 4800 Third St., San Francisco You’re invited to “break bread” with us in the ... more>>

‘A Muslim Trapped in Donald Trump’s America’: an interview with author Professor A.L.I.

Apr 14, 2016
Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000026_00006]

Longtime MC and current author Professor A.L.I. has created a book of essays that describes the politics and feelings of a Sri Lankan Muslim convert in the U.S. who has to cope with the Islamaphobia that is created by the international corporate media and the government sponsoring Islamic extremist groups to covertly carry out foreign policy objectives worldwide. His newest album “Tamilmatic” was released today, April 14, to honor Tamil New Year.

Tambay Obenson announces plea to filmmakers to save Shadow and Act

Apr 10, 2016
Filmmaker and critic Tambay Obenson was a panelist on the Tribeca Talks Industry Panel, “Look Who’s Talking,” during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival, on April 19, 2013 in New York City. – Photo: Slaven Vlasic

Tambay Obenson, founder of Shadow and Act, a collective of writers, filmmakers, film critics and film enthusiasts, all interested in discussing primarily film and filmmakers of the African Diaspora, recently announced a plea to save his online film collective, which will be discontinued at the end of the month if it is not saved by other filmmakers and supporters.

Bay Area muralist honored in ‘A New Color: The Art of Being Edythe Boone’ at Oakland International Film Festival

Apr 4, 2016
Edythe Boone

“My dream was to develop a new color that no one had ever seen in life. It hasn’t come true yet, but that was a dream of mine when I was a little girl,” says Bay Area muralist Edyth Boone in the documentary about her life, called “A New Color: The Art of Being Edythe Boone.” It screens on April 6, 5:15 p.m. at Holy Names University, 3500 Mountain Blvd., Oakland, as a part of the Oakland International Film Festival.

Wanda’s Picks for April 2016

Apr 3, 2016
About the name of the play, director Bill English says: “In the last 10-15 years, ‘Jerusalem,’ the song based on a poem by William Blake, has become the unofficial national anthem of England. Sung at every rugby match, it has become the ‘people’s’ anthem. Originally, Blake was lamenting the destruction of British rural life by the industrial revolution, but today the English have adopted his battle cry to the sanctity of common man against incursion of corporate and government control.”

“Dr. Mutulu Is Welcome Here” is the title of the campaign and the program Malcolm X Grassroots Movement hosted Easter Sunday, Resurrection Day, in Oakland. As we walked into Sole Space, a venue that also sells shoes and art and is a part of the corner building that houses Oakstop, we were invited to pose with a photo of Dr. Shakur. Mama Ayanna, seated at the door, welcomes and greets comrades and friends of friends as other members of MXGM host the program.

Black Friday: What legacy will you leave?

Apr 3, 2016
Dr. Umar Johnson and many more popular, knowledgeable experts are in the “Black Friday” cast.

Uppity Edutainment presents “Black Friday: What Legacy Will You Leave” on April 21, 2016. Ric Mathis, executive producer of Mathis Multimedia Group, will explore in this documentary why African Americans have consistently remained in the lowest percentile of America’s wealth gap, while also presenting insight on how to restore the circulation of wealth in Black communities.

‘Miles Ahead’
My take on ‘The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution’
Ward’s Oracle: The return and the triumph
Women do the choosing: Why do they give up their power to boys masquerading as men?
Oakland’s Oprah: Chamia LaRae, host of The Just Chamia Show, speaks
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