- published: 13 Sep 2014
- views: 4483
Lazy may refer to:
Title: 雪月桜花の国 Artist: ZUN Album: 東方三月精 ~ Strange and Bright Nature Deity 1 This song is lovely, it's a shame I have to cut it before the trumpets kick in! Really this should be enjoyed as its short version. ________________________________________________________ Artist: 仲谷鳰 (tag: nakatani) http://rireba.net/img/diary/affect_d.jpg
Procrastinating is a bad thing! I was supposed to do this one last week before Autumn-Break but due to many school projects, this little personal project was put in the back of the priority list and I was too lazy to go to school during the break. But there it is anyway. The seventh opus of relaxing soundtracks in tandem with some slow touhou piano midis. This time, we have a free travel in Rin's wheelbarrow through the former hell where some others spirits have come with the last tune they have heard. The background soundtrack for this medley is thanks to RaineKittyFul who suggested it on a earlier melee! Woo! I really have no Idea what I'm writting over here but it'll be funny to look back in the future. But for now, Let's enjoy the music and relax our spirits with it. Edit: First...
No idea who the arranger is. (HiZuMi?) It was hard enough for me to guess this was Loose Rain. Thank god I had my Fairy Wars dose some time ago. No good pics of Cirno with rainy background so have some snow instead. It's late here and I'm lazy owo "Endless rain" Original:ルーズレイン (Loose Rain) 「妖精大戦争 ~ Fairy Wars, Extra stage theme」 Vocals:senya Lyrics:かませ虎 Arrangement:HiZuMi ??? Circle:幽閉サテライト | http://www.yuuhei-satellite.jp/ Album:東方PARTYBOX2 | C90 Illustration:Shouin | http://www.zerochan.net/full/1607657 I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing!
今まで37本動画を作ってきてるわけですが...いまだに自分が納得いく動画が作れないんですよね...(苦笑 誤字は「気にするな」です 今回はずつうさん主催の赤ちゃん祭です ...遅れてホントスイマセンでした;(ほかにもフレ戦溜め撮りがあるのは内緒 縛り:全員ベビーカー(2週目のは気にしないでください ずつうさんチャンネル>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIptQy59IP6o7W3sHeoHWXw Twitter>https://twitter.com/Noriheadache ぼくのTwiter>https://twitter.com/wagarashi7000 再生リスト>https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoc2eeD9h9tCiUDwllSPSmYOPZbLxZdXB 参加した企画など>https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoc2eeD9h9tBauVNBp4ra2hPR9MonM_o7
Yay, first "Meet Touhou" video on this account. 8D The lazy shinigami, Komachi Onozuka! I OWN NOTHING! audio- Conker's Bad Fur Day Touhou belongs to ZUN made in Walfas
おひさっ!!← とゆわけで今回はあんにんさん主催の【春色実況祭】に参加させていただきました♪ 実はあんにんさんっていっちばん最初にコメしてくれた方なんですよねw いまでも覚えてます♪(*゚▽゚)ノ あんにんさんチャンネル>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsjbQQ0o-CvzDxOyjYC5gQQ Twitter>https://twitter.com/annin7089 んでとりまWi-Fi終わったので少しずつですが投稿ペースをあげれるように努力しますね...ヾ(・ω・`;)ノ _____________________________________________________ そいやまだ投票結果発表した覚えないんでここに載せときますねw 投票数:400強←...っ!? 1位:わがらし(p主)286 2位:まりさ 149 3位:るみーあ 122 4位:おくう 112 5位:ようむ 105 6位:もみじ 98 7位:フラン 83 とまぁこんな感じです ネタで自分入れたんですけど...ヾ(・ω・`;)ノ まさかこんな結果になるとわ( *`ω´) たくさんの投票ありがとうございましたっ!!!