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Wie soll es nach dem neusten Krieg in Gaza weitergehen? Eine wichtige Rolle wird Pierre Krähenbühl spielen, Generalkommissar der UN-Agentur für Palästinaflüchtlinge und damit höchster Schweizer bei der UNO. Barbara Bleisch spricht mit ihm über Lösungsansätze und die Rolle der Schweiz als Vermittlerin. Homepage der Sendung Sternstunde Philosophie: Mehr Kultur:
Nach dem Gaza-Krieg trifft sich jetzt die Geber-Konferenz. Bis zu sieben Milliarden Dollar sind für den Wiederaufbau nötig, sagt Pierre Krähenbühl von der UNRWA. (Palästinensische Hilfsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen)
In the early morning of 30 July, a UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) school in Jabalia, in the northern Gaza Strip, which sheltered about 3300 people, was ...
Snippet of the original.
The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs held a one-day symposium entitled: Israel's War on Gaza: Political, Moral, and Legal Accountability Session 1: UNRWA Between Humanitarianism and Politics: A Discussion with Commissioner-General Pierre Krahenbuhl Chair/Discussant: Jalal Al Husseiny, Associate Research Fellow, French Institute for the Near East, Amman Jordan Pierre Krahenbuhl, Commissioner-General, UNRWA
Federica Mogherini with Pierre KRÄHENBÜHL, Commissioner General for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
El ex director de Actividades Operacionales del CICR, Pierre Krähenbühl, se refiere aquí al diálogo que tuvo lugar tras el 9-11 entre el CICR y varios Gobiernos, incluido el de Estados Unidos, acerca de la pertinencia de los Convenios de Ginebra y de cómo los Gobiernos podrían conciliar sus preocupaciones en materia de seguridad con sus obligaciones jurídicas. Además, explica los retos que afronta el CICR a la hora de entablar un diálogo constructivo con las diferentes partes en conflictos a fin de cambiar su comportamiento y de lograr una mayor observancia del derecho.
Selon Pierre Krähenbühl, commissaire-général de l'UNRWA, l'argent pour l'aide de la reconstruction de Gaza "tarde à venir". L'invité de la rédaction dans le journal du matin sur la 1ère, une émission de la Radio Télévision Suisse, mardi 03 février 2015. Le site de l'émission: La 1ère: Retrouvez la Radio Télévision Suisse sur : Site: Youtube: Portail vidéo: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Google+:
Part 1 | Part 2 In this thought-provoking talk, Pierre Krähenbühl, Director of Operations of the International Committee of the Red Cross (the ICRC...
Part 1 | Part 2 In this thought-provoking talk, Pierre Krähenbühl, Director of Operations of the International Committee of the Red Cross (the ICRC...
Interview du directeur des opérations du CICR sur les priorités en 2009. Tour d'horizon des conflits armés, Gaza, Somalie, Irak, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, RDC,...
EN - Gaza Strip - Federica MOGHERINI, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the EC, visits the Palestinian Territories, meets with Pierre KRAHENBUHL, UNRWA Commissioner General & displaced people, and with Palestinian families - 08.11.2014 - Gaza Strip. © Frédérick Moulin 2014 - EU2014 - All rights reserved.
The ICRC has committed itself to reinforcing its response to sexual violence in armed conflicts. The ICRC's director of operations Pierre Krahenbuhl talks ab...
Thursday, September 11, 2014 - UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum received today the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Commissioner-General Pierre Krahenbuhl. الخميس 11 سبتمبر 2014 - استقبل صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي "رعاه الله"، في دبي مساء اليوم، بحضور سمو الشيخ مكتوم بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، نائب حاكم دبي، وفداً من هيئة الأمم المتحدة ضم كلا من أنطونيو غوتيريس، المفوض السامي للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين وبيير كرينبول، المفوض العام لوكالة الأمم المتحدة لغوث وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين (الأونروا).
El comisionado general de las Naciones Unidas para los refugiados, Pierre Krähenbühl, condenó la agresión que infligió Israel a la escuela-albergue de Yabalia, sita en el norte de la franja de Gaza y donada a la nación palestina por la organización internacional. Testigos aseguran que tres tanques dispararon directamente contra la escuela "Al Hussein", que en ese momento acogía a tres mil 300 personas que habían sido forzadas por el propio Ejército israelí a evacuar sus hogares. teleSUR!es/video/verguenza-universal-el-ataque-israeli-a-escuela-albergue-krahenbuhl
In a 3 day visit to Syria, UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl expressed his solidarity with Palestine refugees and UNRWA staff, who have endured extreme suffering during four years of conflict, and advocated for the expansion of humanitarian access. In meetings with Syrian Government officials, Krähenbühl acknowledged the facilitation of the Syria authorities in enabling UNRWA to provide humanitarian assistance to crisis-affected Palestine refugees across Syria and sought increased and sustained support for UNRWA's work. Noting that more should be done, the Commissioner-General stressed in particular that in the besieged Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp, safe, uninterrupted, and substantial humanitarian distributions must become the norm. He emphasized that the continuation of regular UNRWA services, such as health and education services, and humanitarian assistance, adapted to the current conflict situation, is vital to protect the resilience of Palestine refugees in Syria. During a visit to the besieged Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, the Commissioner-General welcomed the resumption since 4 March of UNRWA humanitarian assistance to trapped civilians, through a new distribution point established with the facilitation of the Syrian authorities. This followed a prolonged period of interruption in the distribution of humanitarian aid, lasting for over three months from early December2014 to early March 2015, with reports of widespread deprivation and malnutrition among Yarmouk residents. The Commissioner-General called upon the Government of Syria to maintain and build on this window to support the civilian population of Yarmouk. He requested that no limits be imposed on the number of days for distributions or on the number of families who may receive assistance. The Commissioner-General, after speaking with refugees inside Yarmouk camp, said that "the first message to Palestine refugees everywhere, including Syria, is my deep awareness of how long they have been waiting for a just and lasting solution to the injustice that was done to them historically." He added "when I see the situation here in Yarmouk and if I think of others in [inaudible], and I think in Dera'a, in Ein-el-Tal, and others, that we have a deep understanding for how isolated, for how the feeling is of desperation for them. But they must remember that we have the deepest respect for the courage and strength that they show on a daily basis. And from their courage and strength, we draw the determination to continue to assist them, to make a difference to their lives on a daily basis through distributions and assistance, but also to pass a message to the world that the injustice and the suffering that they go through cannot be forgotten. It is a luxury that the world cannot allow itself." He said "we saw the suffering in Gaza. We know the suffering throughout the whole region and we know of the suffering here in Syria and UNRWA will work very, very hard to continue the assistance, but also to bring the message of their suffering to the world so that they not be forgotten."
A temporary ceasefire in Gaza allowed civilians to visit some of the hardest hit areas. Tens of thousands found only rubble where their homes had stood. UNRW...
Vielleicht ist es sein Mut, vielleicht sein ruhiges Naturell, vielleicht einfach nur 25 Jahre Erfahrung mit Krieg und Zerstörung. Pierre Krähenbühl gewinnt rasch das Vertrauen seiner Mitmenschen. Und das muss er auch: Der Schweizer will nichts Geringeres als den Gazastreifen wieder aufbauen.
In a three-day visit to Syria, UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl expressed his solidarity with Palestine refugees and UNRWA staff, who have endured extreme suffering during four years of conflict, and advocated for the expansion of humanitarian access.
Video ID: 20140916-003 M/S Children arriving at UNRWA Abu Tue'ma Prep Co-ed School M/S UN school sign: UNRWA Abu Tue'ma Prep Co-ed School M/S Children shaking hands with Pierre Krahenbuhl, UNRWA's Commissioner-General SOT, Nahida Al-Faqawi, Head mistress of UNRWA Abu Tue'ma Prep Co-ed School (Arabic): "There was a lot of damage to this school. But within a short period we were able to bring the students back to their desks. As you can see, with the cooperation of everybody, the school was repaired." M/S School children at the opening ceremony M/S Pierre Krahenbuhl, UNRWA's Commissioner-General, giving speech M/S Children clap during speech M/S Children run up stairwell inside school C/U Girl clapping SOT. Raeda, third-grader (Arabic): "In the tent we live in I sit on the mattress and do my homework. I take along my sister. I study with her. My mother reviews the work with her. I do the same with my little brother." W/S Right side of the facade of UNRWA Prep Co-Ed School in Juhar el-Dik with grenade holes more visible C/U Grenade hole in the facade of UNRWA Prep Co-Ed School in Juhar el-Dik M/S Pan to left, damaged classroom W/S Play-leaders with children in school yard M/S Children playing in schoolyard SCRIPT Around 240,000 children went back to 252 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) schools at the start of the school year in Gaza Sunday. During the latest Gaza violence, 90 UNRWA school buildings were used as shelters for displaced persons in Gaza. Currently, the UNRWA has hired over 200 counselors to assist children in dealing with the trauma of violence as they return to school. Facebook: Twitter: LiveLeak: Google Plus: Instagram: YouTube: DailyMotion: Video on Demand:
Commissioner General of The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Pierre Krähenbühl, made his first official visit to the Ga...
Em meio a um intenso bombardeio contra Gaza, o comissário-geral da Agência das Nações Unidas de Assistência aos Refugiados da Palestina (UNRWA), Pierre Krähe...
Commissioner General of UNWRA Pierre Krahenbuhl delivers his report to the UN Security Council about the latest situation in Gaza. Subscribe to BBC News HERE...
Former ICRC director of operations Pierre Krähenbühl talks about the discussions that took place following 9/11 between the ICRC and various governments, including that of the USA, on the relevance of the Geneva Conventions and on how governments could reconcile their security concerns with their legal obligations. He also explains the challenges the ICRC faces in setting up a constructive dialogue with parties to a conflict in order to change their behaviour and ensure better compliance with the law. "In conversation with" is a video series featuring diverse views on how to meet the humanitarian challenges of the 21st century. The views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the ICRC. 150 years of humanitarian action.
The Good Friday peace process has brought huge benefits to the people of Northern Ireland. But residual violence and the after-effects of the conflict contin...
UN Relief and Works spokesman Chris Gunness broke down during an interview with Al Jazeera Arabic A United Nations official has broken down live on air as he...
Darius Rochebin reçoit Jacques Attali. L'écrivain et économiste évoque la situation de l'euro et du franc et l'état de l'économie européenne. Il revient aussi sur son succès de librairie, "Devenir soi" et sur son parcours personnel. Pardonnez-moi, une émission de la Radio Télévision Suisse, dimanche 1 février 2015. Retrouvez toutes les vidéos de Pardonnez-moi sur : Retrouvez la Radio Télévision Suisse sur : Site: Portail vidéo: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Google+:
0:58 Ebola outbreak in Africa with 1st US case 14:06 Gaza crisis with Israel and Palestinians 31:27 Senate report on CIA Torture and CIA spying on US Senate 55:38 Immigration with refugee children at border 1:21:10 Republican Lawsuit against Pres Obama 1:24:57 Ralph Nader on differences/similarities of Republicans, Democrats 1:29:14 Chris Hardwick on social media depersonalizing 08/03/14 clips by guest/show: Ralph Nader, Chris Hardwick, Bill Maher on Real Time with Bill Maher; Rep Joaquin Castro, Dr. Tom Frieden, Dan Pfeiffer, Jim Avila, George Stephanopoulos on This Week with George Stephanopoulos; Sen Marco Rubio, Rep Hakeem Jeffries, Rep Steve King, Jonathan Serrie, Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday; Sen Saxby Chambliss, Dr Tom Frieden, Pierre Krahenbuhl, Clarissa Ward, Nora O'Donnell on Face The Nation; Gov Rick Perry, Rep Mike Rogers, Sen Angus King, John Vause, Candy Crowley on State of the Union; Amb Riyad Mansuori, Amb Ron Dermer, Dr. Tom Frieden, Dr. Nancy Snyder, David Gregory on Meet The Press; CIA Director John Brennan with Andrea Mitchell last March at Council on Foreign Relations CIA Director John Brennan last March at Council on Foreign Relations at 10 videos I've made about torture at More info on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher at Full ABC This Week with George Stephanopoulos at Full NBC Meet The Press at Full CBS Face The Nation at Full Fox News Sunday at More CNN State of the Union video at
On Gaza, ICP Asks Israel PR of Blockade, and Charts of Hamas Rockets & UNRWA School By Matthew Russell Lee UNITED NATIONS, July 31 -- Outside the UN Security...
PIERRE KRÄHENBÜHL, Director of Operations, International Committee of the Red Cross 司会 会田弘継(日本記者クラブ企画委員 共同通信) 赤十字国際委員会のホームページ 日本記者...
Foundation La Gianadda, Scultpure Garden Martigny, Switzerland Temporary Installation Windchime Sculpture Au Fil du Son VII Etienne Krahenbuhl.
Senior United Nations officials have strongly denounced Israel for a deadly attack on a UN-run school housing thousands of refugees in the northern part of t...
Infrarouge, la version courte du débat : L'horreur se poursuit en Syrie et pourtant rien n'est fait pour y mettre fin. Depuis le début du soulèvement contre ...
Ramona Koval and Phillip Adams, two of Australia's leading broadcasters, have met and talked with some of literature's most fascinating minds thro...
Pierre Chiffelle, avocat de la Fondation Helvetia Nostra: "Nous avons joué le jeu". L'invité de la rédaction dans le journal du matin sur la 1ère. Une émission de la Radio Télévision Suisse. Le site de l’émission : Retrouvez la Radio Télévision Suisse sur : Site: Portail vidéo: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Google+:
Sri Lanka War against Separatist Terrorism Not Justified by Civil Societies Sri Lanka is combating the most ruthless terrorist group in the world. LTTE kills...
While planning to build a house for renting on a plot of land he owned, Léonard Gianadda, an engineer, discovered in the spring of 1976 the remains of an anc...
La fondation Pierre Gianadda est partenaire des magasins PAM et PROXI, à découvrir sur les sites suivants:
Notre marque... Le décor prestigieux de Paris, témoin de la grande Histoire, est le coeur de notre création. Cest une part de la magie de Paris que nous vous...
A featured interview with humanitarian logistics leaders from non-governmental organizations, academia, industry, foundations, and military to discuss their ...
After years of being besieged, the camp has deteriorated even more now that ISIL has moved in. Presenter: Kamahl Santamaria Guests: Pierre Krahenbuhl - Commissioner General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees Salim Salamah - the head of the Palestinian League for Human Rights in Syria, and someone who was born in Yarmouk Benjamin Decker - senior intelligence analyst for the Levantine Group, which conducts risk analysis - Roma - EVENTO - La crisi a Gaza e in Siria: l'impatto umano In occasione della visita in Italia di Pierre Krahenbuhl, Commissario generale dell’Agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per l’assistenza ai rifugiati palestinesi (Unrwa), la Camera dei deputati ha promosso un incontro sulle crisi umanitarie in atto nella regione mediorientale, in particolare nella Striscia di Gaza e in Siria. L’iniziativa, dal titolo “Le crisi a Gaza e in Siria: l’impatto umano – La prospettiva dell’Unrwa e degli operatori dell’informazione”, si è svolta a partire dalle ore 10,30 presso la Sala della Regina di Palazzo Montecitorio ed è stata aperta da un intervento introduttivo della Presidente della Camera, Laura Boldrini. Successivamente sono intervenuti Pierre Krahenbuhl, Lucia Goracci, giornalista di Rainews24, Alberto Negri, giornalista de Il Sole 24 Ore. Conclusioni di Lapo Pistelli, Viceministro degli Esteri. Modera Paola Caridi, giornalista e storica. (09.10.14)
UNRWA Facing Daunting Task With Diminishing Resources UNRWA Chief Statement by Pierre Krähenbühl Commissioner-General of UNRWA to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (Special Political and Decolonization Committee)
Part 1 | Part 2 The Lowy Institute launches its 2011 Distinguished Speaker Series with a presentation by leading economist, analyst and writer Richard Koo. D...
ICRC president Peter Maurer will present the ICRC Annual Report 2013 at a press conference in Geneva on Wednesday 14 May at 2 pm. Follow the press conference live.
Mehr zum Thema: Die Gretchenfrage hat Konjunktur - u...
In the first of the Wednesday Lectures, hosted by Raimond Gaita at the Melbourne Law School, Guy Rundle speaks about the global impact of WikiLeaks. Two deca...
Am 6.4.2014 ist die Podiums Diskussion zum Thema : DEMENZ - eine Familienkrankheit auf der Fachtagung Demenz im Badehaus - Kurpark / bad Soden am Taunus aufg...
“In this gripping drama, UNRWA Spokesperson “becomes” the UNRWA warehouse that was burnt down along with millions of dollars of aid, following a white phosphorous attack by the Israeli army in January 2009. Relive with Gunness the dying moments of the doomed warehouse.”
A number of countries are exploring new approaches to securing areas affected by chronic insecurity and organized violence. While global attention has focuse...
Für den Politikwissenschaftler Hamed Abdel-Samad trägt der Islam faschistische Züge. Der Islamwissenschaftler Mouhanad Khorchide bestreitet dies vehement. Ein Streitgespräch, moderiert von Norbert Bischofberger. Link zur Sendungswebsite: Mehr Kultur:
Yaya Kane, Directeur des opérations de la CENI:"Date du 30 juin, où en est la CENI ? "Me parece importante subrayar y poner en primer plano que lo más grave del conflicto colombiano es que se está da...
At this Wednesday Lowy Lunch presentation, Mark Thirlwell, Director of the Institute's International Economy program, discusses the entanglement of int...
Lecturer: Prof. Eyal Benvenisti "Challenges of Warfare in Densely Populated Areas", An event that was held at the INSS, 6.12.11.
Pierre Krähenbühl, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), spoke to New Europe's Alexandros Koronakis about the 560,000 refugees that were in Syria before the crisis broke out. "Today, there are over 80,000 Palestine refugees that have fled to neighbouring countries. 60% of the 560,000 refugees are displaced inside the country. There has now been another generation of Palestinians who have lost homes, livelihoods, but also relatives and friends. The shock waves this sends through the Palestinian refugee communities in the region are very significant." Krähenbühl reiterated the shocking UN studies that at birth today the life expectancy of Syrians has gone from 75 years to 55 years. With fears that children affected by this crisis will have to suffer long-term, Krähenbühl confirmed that the UNRWA is making major efforts to prevent the loss of education for an entire generation.
Durante il suo viaggio in Siria, Pierre Krähenbühl è entrato nel campo di Yarmouk il 10 aprile testimoniando in prima persona la situazione. La visita è avvenuta a 5 giorni dalla ripresa delle distribuzioni per la prima volta in tre mesi, con un buco temporale dal 6 dicembre al 4 marzo. Le condizioni di malnutrizione e deprivazione hanno fatto il giro del mondo. Durante gli incontri governativi, il Commissario Generale ha reiterato l’importanza dell’impegno delle autorità siriane per le 18.000 persone intrappolate nel campo, richiedendo concretamente l’abbattimento del limite di giorni per le distribuzioni e di famiglie raggiunte. Al quinto giorno di fila di distribuzioni, grazie anche allo sforzo delle autorità siriane, si può affermare che i progressi siano incoraggianti.
Alyn Smith MEP, member of the EP's Foreign Affairs Committee spoke during the exchange of views with Pierre Krähenbühl, Commissioner General for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees Commissioner General ( UNRWA ) on situation in Gaza.
Quando, approfittando del cessate il fuoco, la popolazione palestinese della Striscia di Gaza, sfollata a causa del conflitto, è potuta tornare nei quartieri di appartenenza ha trovato solo macerie dove prima c'erano case, negozi e scuole. Il Commissario Generale dell'UNRWA, Pierre Krähenbühl, ha visitato le struttura dell'Agenzia nella Striscia e ha potuto verificare un livello di distruzione senza precedenti: "E' necessario ripensare al paradigma di Gaza, che ha visto migliaia di civili uccisi e interi quartieri rasi al suolo in uno schema di violenza che si ripropone in maniera ciclica ogni due o tre anni."
The chief of the UN relief agency for Palestinian refugees is calling for regular deliveries of construction materials to the Gaza Strip to speed up reconstruction. Pierre Krahenbuhl, the commissioner-general of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees, spoke to NHK in Tokyo on Wednesday. He discussed the devastation of Gaza neighborhoods from the recent Israel-Hamas war. He said it was like an earthquake had hit. He noted that if all building materials can be regularly brought to Gaza, it will take 3 to 5 years to rebuild. But he added that if construction materials are not allowed in, it could take 12 to 18 years, which would be unacceptable for the people of Gaza. The UNRWA chief also stressed the need to lift the Israeli economic blockade on Gaza to facilitate reconstruction efforts. He suggested that Japan and other countries should press Israel to do so. 2,100 people died and many houses were destroyed during the 50-day war between Israel and Hamas. The United Nations says about 100,000 people have lost homes.
Giovedì 9 ottobre 2014 l'agenzia Onu per i rifugiati palestinesi (Unrwa) ha organizzato a Roma un incontro alla Camera dei Deputati per raccontare l'emergenza umanitaria di Gaza in vista della conferenza dei donatori del Cairo. Nena News ha parlato con ill nuovo commissario generale Unrwa, Pierre Krahenbuhl.
Pierre Krähenbühl, Chef des UN-Hilfswerks für Palästinensische Flüchtlinge: Nach dem Ende des Gaza-Kriegs Ende August sind noch hundert- bis hundertzwanzig tausend Menschen im Gazastreifen obdachlos. Die größte Herausforderung ist die Frage des Wiederaufbaus. Mehr Information:
Israel and Palestinian factions agreed to a new cease-fire in Gaza. Meanwhile, United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) head Pierre Krahenbuhl said that if a lasting cease-fire is not achieved, Gaza's development could be pushed back 15 years. teleSur!en/video/new-gaza-cease-fire-declared-on-monday
El Comisario General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), Pierre Krähenbühl, aseguró que el organismo seguirá con sus investigaciones sobre los ataques del ejército israelí en los edificios resguardados por la ONU en donde se refugian miles de gazatíes. En ese contexto más de dos mil partidarios de Hamas se manifestaron en la Franja de Gaza porque aún no se llega a un acuerdo de paz en la región. teleSUR!es/video/onu-investigamos-ataques-israelies-a-centros-de-refugiados-gazaties
Pierre Krähenbühl, chef de l'agence de l'ONU pour l'aide aux réfugiés palestiniens (UNRWA) a assisté ce dimanche à une distribution de nourriture dans la vil...
United Nations official Pierre Krahenbuhl discusses the air strike on a U.N. school in the Gaza Strip -- the latest in a series of such incidents.
We will continue to work together with UNRWA Commissioner General Pierre Krähenbühl, and all other ...
noodls 2015-04-13Pierre Krähenbühl, Commissioner-General for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine ...
United Nations 2015-04-11Pierre Krähenbühl, Commissioner-General for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine ...
noodls 2015-04-11Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl will assess the humanitarian situation in the camp and speak ...
CNN 2015-04-11UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl is undertaking an urgent mission to Syria today, 11 ...
noodls 2015-04-11We will continue to work together with UNRWA Commissioner General Pierre Krähenbühl, and all other ...
noodls 2015-04-10We will continue to work together with UNRWA Commissioner General Pierre Krähenbühl, and all other ...
noodls 2015-04-10We will continue to work together with UNRWA Commissioner General Pierre Krähenbühl, and all other ...
noodls 2015-04-10As for Yarmouk, the largely Palestinian refugee camp on the outskirts of Syria’s capital, where over ...
United Nations 2015-04-09As for Yarmouk, the largely Palestinian refugee camp on the outskirts of Syria's capital, where over ...
noodls 2015-04-09As for Yarmouk, the largely Palestinian refugee camp on the outskirts of Syria's capital, where over ...
noodls 2015-04-09UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl (on screen), briefs Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, via ...
noodls 2015-04-07Pierre Krähenbühl, commissioner general of the UN Relief and Works Agency (Unrwa) , which ...
The Irish Times 2015-04-07Pierre Krähenbühl has been the Director of Operations of the International Committee of the Red Cross since 1 July 2002 and personal adviser to President Jakob Kellenberger since 2000. Born in 1966, he received a B.A. in political science and international relations. He joined the ICRC in 1991 and worked in El Salvador, Peru, Afghanistan, and Bosnia-Herzegovina.