If you want to become a lawyer you have to read this article to see are you prepared to assume the financial burden of law school

This factors you need to consider in the case you want to become a lawyer. Especially if you want to be a good one. • You need to be prepared to dedicate three or four years to...

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Law and order in the funny way

When you first think about law and what it means, first thing that comes to mind are probably rules that people must obey and that is right. Law is the thing that makes people...

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Anglo-Saxon law

Different authors, of course, have a different approach, that leads us to conclusion not so determinate and usable that under the sources of sources of law understands the...

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Compensation Tips for Car Accident Victims

Posted by on Mar 24, 2016 in Personal Injury

Personal injury law is a tricky subject and it is hard to predict the direction that a personal injury compensation claim could take once brought up in court. However, by following the tips below, you can significantly increase the chances of having the lawsuit ruled in your favor:
  • Get professional medical attention – after involvement in a car accident, the first thing you need to do is to contact emergency personnel and get immediate medical attention. By doing so, not only will you be able to arrest any threatening medical complications from the injury before they get too serious but you will also have evidence- in the form of the medical reports- that can later be used to support your case when you sue for compensation in court.
  • Never accept liability – even if the accident appears to have been your direct fault, it is important that you do not accept any liability outright before you get qualified legal advice. Accepting liability on the spot could compromise your case even if it is later determined that you were not liable for causing the accident. In addition, the provisions for comparative liability mean that you are still entitled to some compensation in the end even if a share of the liability is found to be yours provided that another party holds more liability for causing the accident. personal injury
  • Talk to the police – unless the accident is a very minor infraction, you should never leave the scene of a car accident before the police arrive and take your statement. The police report from the accident will be a key piece of evidence in the determination of your compensation claim and you therefore want it to be as accurate as possible.
  • Contact a car accident attorney – your chances of getting any reasonable compensation following a car accident are very slim without the help of an experienced and capable car accident attorney. Get in touch with a car accident lawyer Houston firm at the earliest convenience and get them started on preparing your lawsuit.
  • Do not settle directly – there is a high likelihood that the people responsible for causing the accident, or their insurers will try to reach out to you directly and negotiate a settlement outside the courtroom. While this is obviously a very expedient solution, still you should not enter into any agreements with them in the absence of a car accident attorney if you are keen on getting the full compensation that you deserve.
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3 Top Things to Know About Estate Planning Lawyers

Posted by on Feb 15, 2016 in Estate Planning

3 Top Things to Know About Estate Planning Lawyers

Although probably not as common as divorce or criminal lawyers, estate planning lawyers serve an equally important role when it comes to helping clients secure their properties and future. Most people generally associate estate planning attorneys in Chaffee County with the creation of wills and trust funds only and perhaps this is why not too many people who would benefit from their services ever take the time to seek them out. There is really a lot of misconception regarding their exact job description and, to clear up the murky issues, below are three things that you should know about them.

1. The first thing you need to know about estate planning attorneys is that their work does not just revolve around the writing of wills and setting up trust funds. Yes, that work is done by will and trust attorneys and while all will and trust attorneys can be categorized as estate planning lawyers, not all estate planning lawyers can be categorized as will and trust attorneys. The point here is that will and trust is just a single branch of an otherwise extensive field which includes asset protection lawyers too among others.

estate planning22. The work done by estate planning lawyers does not stop with the death of the clients. Actually, and in most cases, the work of these attorneys is actually supposed to carry on beyond the demise of the individual who hired them. For instance, when you procure the services of a will and trust attorney to help you write your will or set up a trust fund for your children, it is the same attorneys who will oversee the implementation of the said will after you are dead and gone.

3. They can be hired both for one-time problems or retained on long term basis. Unlike what most people believe, estate planning attorneys do not always have to be paid a retainer to be hired and, sometimes, you can go to them with a single task in mind and they will do exactly that for you.

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If you want to become a lawyer you have to read this article to see are you prepared to assume the financial burden of law school

Posted by on Jan 22, 2016 in LAW, Lawyer

If you want to become a lawyer you have to read this article to see are you prepared to assume the financial burden of law school

This factors you need to consider in the case you want to become a lawyer. Especially if you want to be a good one.

• You need to be prepared to dedicate three or four years to continuing education. Law school lasts three years, four years or more if you attend part time. You must have time to dedicate learning, it is difficult to have full time job and go to law school at the same time, it’s almost impossible.

• You have to perform well on tests in high pressure environments. In addition to the LSAT and the bar examination students of law have a lot of other tests. In many courses there is only one test and you only have one opportunity to determine your knowledge at the end of the school year.

• To be a successful lawyer you must be cozy with public speaking, you must to present information in front of groups of people, including clients, prospective clients, judges jurors and arbitrators, opposing counsel, witnesses, colleagues and boards.

• To be a successful lawyer you must have communication skills and a large vocabulary of words. Lawyers must be excellent communicators, they must be proficient in oral discussions and negotiations and be skilled at drafting transactional documents such as agreements, indentures, resolutions and other legal instruments.

• Lawyers must have an analytical mind, logical reasoning and critical thinking. It is very important that you go to practice, and in order to increase these capabilities, we suggest the practice in mineola dui lawyer.

• You must be available for your clients anytime they need you. Maybe your shift is over but that doesn’t mean that you finished your work for today. You have to stay connected 24/7 in case that your client needs you.

• Many successful lawyers often work long hours, involving weekends and nights.So if you like relaxing and free weekends, career of law is not right for you.

• You must be prepared to wear formal clothes. Casual clothes is not for lawyers. On work you have to wear business dress or suit, because formal attire helps lawyers to command respect, inspire trust and convey a polished image.

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